Diasmonia x Spirit!Reader | sleepover?
(Y/n) is a spirit of the enchanted forest, a forest of wonders and beauty.
Also known as a guardian of the forest, (Y/n) is the type of spirit that helps the unfortunate souls that wanders too deep in side the forest.
Although beautiful, the forest is very much deadly to outsiders, only a selected few can enter such as fairy's, fae's, overall any type of mythical creatures, and just any animal.
Today she had wandered out of the forest to see two of her great friends.
Malleaus Draconia and Lilia Vanrouge, she doesn't remember the last time she saw them, but she has missed them.
Even though she sees a lot of fairy's and fae's in the forest she felt oddly lonely without them.
So that's how she got lost in the school that they were attending!
"Sooo, your telling me your a spirit of the enchanted forest, you came here looking fae's and got lost.." Bird mask guy asked.
"Precisely." (Y/n) said, she was never good at directions, but she always knew the way home.
"Okay, are you looking for Lilia Vanrouge and Malleaus Draconia?" Bird mask guy asked.
"Yes, do you have any clue as to where they are?" (Y/n) asked rubbing the nape of her neck nervously.
"Ah, yes, I presume they are in their dorm, i will lead the way for you, please follow me." Bird mask said.
At Diasomnia
"Thank you ummm..." "Ah, I am Dire Crowley." "Thank you Mr. Crowley!" (Y/n) said before running off.
"Wait... I didn't get her name-" Crowley muttered before shrugging it off.
(Y/n) walked into the dorm looking around in wonder, she then began wandering around until.
"YOU THERE! WHO ARE YOU!" A demanding voice called out from behind.
(Y/n) turned around to be met with a man with green hair and green eyes, he had odd attire as well.
"Oh! I am (Y/n) (L/n)! Nice to meet you sir!" (Y/n) smiled, she looked to the male beside the green haired one.
He had blue eyes and silver hair, he looked quite sleepy.
(Y/n)-Chan? Fufufu~ I never knew I'd see you here." A familiar voice said from behind (Y/n).
Her eyes sparkled in excitement, she turned around to see Malleaus and Lilia.
"Mal! Lia!" (Y/n) yelled and ran over to hug them both.
"Oi! Don't hug the young master and Lilia-Sama you human! And what's with those ridiculous names!?" The green haired boy asked.
"Now now Sebek, this is (Y/n), she's a spirit of the enchanted forest, she's one of our good friends isn't that right Malleaus." Lilia said teased.
Malleaus was a bit too fond of (Y/n) since she had big fluffy wings, of course she hid them since she wasn't in the forest now.
"Old man, I never knew you had friends other than Malleaus-Sama." The silver haired one said.
"Fufufu~ You never asked if I did have any other friends." Lilia said.
"Ah, I'm (Y/n) (l/n)! Just as Lilia said, I'm a spirit of the enchanted forest! More like a guardian but I help unfortunate souls that wander too far in the forest!" (Y/n) introduced happily with a big bright grin.
"I am Sebek Zigvolt, I apologize for my actions earlier.." Sebek muttered.
"It's alright!" (Y/n) reassured making Sebek blush at (Y/n)'s pure-ness.
"I a-" "Oh (Y/n)! This is my soooon! His name is Silver isn't he just handsome!" Lilia said running over to Silver with a smirk.
(Y/n) giggled as Silver grew a irk mark on his head as well as a blush.
"I could have introduced myself old man..." Silver said looking alway with a blush.
(Y/n) and Lilia giggled at his adorable-ness, (Y/n) had always been fond of adorable things and Lilia knew it.
"It's nice meeting you two!" (Y/n) said while smiling brightly.
"(N/n)-Chan, why are you here?" Malleaus asked.
"Oh! It was quite boring in the forest so I came to see you two!" (Y/n) said.
"Well why don't you stay for the night, it's quite late out.." Malleaus offered in concern.
" Ah! Well I guess I could stay the night.." (Y/n) said with a grin.
"Ya know, no one here is gonna hurt you if you let your wings out (N/n)-Chan!" Lilia reassured.
"Eeeeh... okay then.." (Y/n) said while nervously rubbing the nape of her neck.
Big (c/o/y/c) sprouted from (Y/n)'s back, her wings gave off a (c/o/y/c) glow.
Everyone looked at her wings In Awe as Lilia hanged of one like a child making (Y/n) giggle.
Malleaus went over to the other wing and started petting it, it was fluffy and soft and gave of warmth.
(Y/n) would always comfort Lilia and Malleaus with her big fluffy wings whenever they felt down or cold.
"Oh your wings are just as amazing the last time I felt and saw them (N/n)-Chan!" Lilia said.
Silver came over to pet the one that Lilia was on as Sebek went to the other one.
"It is quite soft..." Sebek said as he pet it with a small blush.
(Y/n) felt her right wing dip to see Silver laying on it fast asleep making her sweat drop.
Lilia giggled as he grabbed a marker and drew on his face.
That night, only Silver really slept, everyone else just had fun-
Kind of like a sleepover-
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