7Dorms x Demon!OC | Unheard events?
Paaaaaart two is here!-
Warning, there will be cringey art in the following content..
And I have also recognized that this isn't really a xreader one shot so I will changing that to OC, so from now on the parts will be known as 7Dorms x OC
Hope you enjoy-
"This will atleast keep you two out of the rain. Im going back to do some research. In the meantime you two make yourselves at home." Crowley said then left.
"Ya know.... The dust kinda looks like snow..." Yuu said before sighing.
Yuri giggled before going around to inspect the place.
"Yuri, what is this game even about?..." Yuu asked as he began to clean up a bit.
"I can't tell you that!~ buuut! I will tell you that the majority of the characters we meet are based on Disney characters, the strongest ones are usually the main antagonists of the story." Yuri said as she helped him clean up a bit.
"So that re-" "No more questions! I don't want to spoil the story!" Yuri said with a grin.
"Oh... It's started to rain..." Yuu said as he looked out the window.
"Hyiii! It's really coming down!" Grin shouted as he entered the room.
Yuu turned around in shock as Yuri stared at Grim with a grin.
Grim laughed at the way Yuu looked at him.
"You got this stupid expression on your face!" Grim laughed.
"I'll definitely have no trouble sneaking back into the school!" Grim cheered.
'Wait- what happened to him after he fell asleep..' Yuu thought.
"Some students dragged him out, from what I know it was Cater and Trey." Yuri stated.
"Wh- WAIT HOW ARE YOU READING MY MIND!?" Yuu shouted in surprise quickly shutting Grim up when he was talking.
"Hey! Don't interrupt me!" Grim shouted with a frown.
"Maaaaagiiiiiikkkk my dearest friend!" Yuri giggled.
An irk mark appeared on Grims forehead as Yuu and Yuri bickered.
"Then why didn't you get chosen by the dark mirror?" Yuri taunted.
"The dark mirror just doesn't have an eye for this sort of thing!" Grim growled back.
A drop of water had fallen from above and landed on Grim.
"It's so cold!.." Grim shivered, more water drops kept on leaking in from the roof.
"Fgnaaa! My adorable ear fire is gonna go out at this rate!" Grim said as he moved away from the area of the leak in the roof.
"We need so-" "Got them already" Yuri said with a grin as she held some buckets in her hands.
"Why not use magic!- oh... You two can't use magic! That's right!" Grin laughed.
"You two humans are utterly useless!" Grim laughed.
"Oh hush! Atleast help us so your "Precious" ear flame doesn't go out." Yuri mocked.
Grim huffed but did not move at all while Yuri and Yuu hurried to place the buckets down...
"I bet that we are gonna have to clean our own rooms tonight..." Yuri mumbled as she, Yuu and Grim walked in the creaky halls.
Grim jumped when he heard a loud creak.
"Fgnaah! Where did that come from!?" Grim shuddered.
"I don't know... But I didn't sound like it came from us..." Yuu said while eyeing their surrounding area cautiously.
"Probably just your imagination!" Yuri giggled, Yuu and Grim then stared at her with frightened faces.
"Is everything alright?" She tilted her head to the side.
"Gh- G- G- G-" "What?" Yuri huffed while Yuu and Grim pointed above her shoulder.
she slowly turned her head to the side to see a ghostly white face with big eyes and a big wide smile. She shrieked in horror and ran forward towards Grim and Yuu.
The ghost laughed at her while she hid behind Yuu who gulped.
"You've got some nerve thinking you can scare the great Grim with a cheap trick like that!" Grim huffed.
"We haven't had guests in forever!" A ghost laughed.
"I've been itching for some action!" Another ghost spoke.
Grim shot flames at a ghost.
"Agh! It disappeared!" Grim shouted.
"Where's the holy water when you need it!?" Yuri cried.
Grim shot more flames at the ghosts, but he kept on missing. It was as if he wasn't aiming at them at all.
"Wait are you trying to breathe fire with your eyes closed!?" Yuu asked in horror.
"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do!" Grim shouted back.
"We will give you a can of tuna if you win!" Yuri shouted, Grim immediately perked up at that.
"Oh right! Let's do this!" Grim shouted back.
"Theres one on your left!" Yuu shouted, Grim immediately shot fire in the direction as directed and hit the ghost.
"Ah! Hot! Hot!"
"I actually hit it!" Grim grinned.
Yuri looked around and saw a wooden broom stick, which was quite odd but she went over and picked it up.
"Grim! Shoot some fire at your right" Yuri commanded.
Yuu's eyes widened as he quickly looked towards Yuri's direction.
Grim shot fire in Yuri's direction as she had wanted him, she quickly closed her eyes and moved the broom stick in front of herself hoping she wouldn't get burnt in the process of trying to ignite the broom.
She slowly opened her eyes to see the broom stick on fire.
"YOUR ABSOLUTELY CRAZY YA KNOW!" Yuu shouted with his jaw on the floor.
Yuri grinned then looked at the ghosts.
"Be prepared to face the wrath of the (rock) stick!" Yuri said before running towards them with the broom stick.
"Ahhh! This girl is crazy!" A ghost cried as he tried to dodge as much attacks that Yuri sent their way.
"Hot! Hot!" Another one cried as Grim had occupied a different ghost.
"R-Run away!" A ghost shouted before all three of the ghost ran away.
Yuri giggled at the way they ran away.
"Yes! I get that tuna of mine!" Grin cheered.
"We actually scared them away... I mean- anyone would run away from a crazy lady with a stick that's on fire..." Yuu said.
"Oh how you wound me Yuu!" Yuri dramatically cried as she tried to put the fire out.
"We only scared them because we had me! The great Grim!" Grim cheered.
"Evening!" Crowley cheered with a bag.
"Wait! Your the cat that I had the students threw out! How did you get here!?" Crowley said.
"Watch your tone! I exterminated the ghost problem!" Grim grinned.
"Ghost problem?... Tell me more..." Crowley said in a surprised tone.
"So you's all worked together to get rid of the ghost that that resides in the dorm! They were quite the mischievous ones and that's why everyone left years ago! I had forgotten about that..." Crowley mumbled the last part.
"Together? Psshhh! I practically did everything!- I mean the girl helped out... But the guy did nothing but order me around!" Grim frowned.
"I only did this for the tuna can that I haven't gotten yet!" Grim shouted.
"For a human to be able to command a monster!... Id like yous to show me how you'd exterminated the ghosts!" Crowley grinned.
"Fgnaah! No way! They are already gone!" Grim shouted.
"Shhh! This might be a way for us to get into the school!" Yuri grinned.
"...... Fine! But you still have to give me tuna!" Grin said then got ready to fight the headmaster.
The headmaster smiled then drank a potion turning him into a ghostly figure...
"You can actually command a monster! I had my suspicions that you were some sort of a beast tamer!" Crowley said.
"You could let the cat stay with us." Yuh said, Grim perked up at that.
"A monster? Stay here?.... Alright... But I can't let you into the school and be a freeloader... So for the time being you will be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free. Seeing as you have nothing to your name, this is the proposition I have for you." Crowley grinned
"Don't worry, it's probably not too serious." Yuri whispered to Yuu who had gulped in nervousness.
"You two will handle maintenance, you two will known as the handyman and handywomen since you two seem great at cleaning... And you two are permitted to stay on the school grounds and study in the library's for a way to get back to your world for how long you two would like!" Crowley smiled.
Grim mumbled things inaudible to the rest.
"If you are unsatisfied o could always throw you out." Crowley said.
"Fgnaaah!? Okay I'll shut up!" Grim frowned.
"Great! Starting tomorrow, you's will be known as the best handymen and women in Night Raven College! Have a swell night." Crowley then disappeared.
"So we are janitors now..." Yuu sighed.
"Yup, but don't worry. Things will get better in the future!" Yuri grinned down at Yuu.
"Aghhhh! You stupid ghosts!" Grim shouted.
"Shush.." Yuu mumbled.
"Good morning! It is time to get ready!" Crowley said, Yuu got up with a frown.
Yuri walked into the room with a grin.
"Eheheh! Right! It's time to get ready! I already know what we have to do today so don't worry about explaining!" Yuri said.
"Well- then I've come for no reason!?" Crowley sweat dropped, Yuri nodded.
"So yes, you's just have to clean from the Main Street to the library since it's impossible to clean the whole campus without magic." Crowley explained.
Yuri yawned while leaning on Yuu with a unimpressed look.
"You three have my permission to eat at the cafeteria for lunch." Crowley said before leaving..
"WOOOAAAAH! Look at all of these cool statues!" Grin said as he eyed the statues, especially the 'Snobby Granny.'
"Hmmm? You don't know about the Queen of Hearts?" A new voice said.
"Eh? What about it? Is she important?" Grin asked.
"In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze. She was someone who valued the rules above all. She controlled everything from the March of the card soldiers to the color of the rose bushes! Everyone would submit to her rule. Why you ask?" The male paused.
"Because it wouldve been off with your head if you did not live under her rule." Yuri finished while staring at the statues.
"Fgnaaah! Scary!" Grim cried while Yuu just stared at the statue curiously.
"Yeah but a strong leader is better then one who is just nice all them time." The man said.
"I suppo- Whoa! Watch out!" Grim shouted, Yuri quickly looked towards the male to see a stack of books moving.
"Woah!- stop!" The man shouted when he saw the stack of books.
Suddenly a sharp squeak was heard and the stack of books fell down revealing a girl with two different shades of blues for a hair color she also had a dark skin color on the floor.
"Oh you frightened the poor thing!" Yuri frowned.
"Agh! I didn't mean to.." The man said.
"Pardon!" The girl shouted, she stood up and began gathering the books and her hat that had fallen off.
After she finished stacking the books on the ground she turned around and profusely bowed.
"I-I'm terribly sorry!" The girl blushed.
"I didn't see you's..." The girl said while looking everywhere but at them. Her French accent was really interesting to hear.
"I mean... You were carrying those books so I would've imagine you couldn't see..." Yuri giggled.
"O-Oh! Yes... You are correct... I'm Sierra Musique... I'm a first year here at Night Raven College... I'm in the Pomefiore dorm... May I know your names?.." Sierra tilted her head to the side.
"I'm Ace Trapolla, a first year and I'm from Heartslabyul. I'm the person you nearly walked into.." Ace said.
"Ah!- s-sorry!..." Sierra bowed with a blush.
"I'm Yuri Ayame!" Yuri exclaimed with a grin, Sierra smiled back.
"I'm the great Grim! Those two are my henchmen! And hench-women?" Grim questioned while an irk mark appeared on Yuu's head.
"My name is Yuu Enma, and I'm not this weird cats henchmen." Yuu sighed.
"Wait!- when did women begin to attend NRC!?" Grim gasped.
"You haven't heard?" Ace asked with a quirked brow. Grim shook his head frantically.
"Well... Apparently, NRC started accepting female students and teachers into the school. I think it's a nice change since it's always been a all boy school until this year!" Ace smirked.
"So does that mean there is female head dorms as well?" Yuri asked out loud with a dumb founded expression.
"Well, yeah. I think... I'm pretty sure that the Headmaster is still picking out the strongest women in each dorm to be female dorm leader." Ace shrugged.
'Wow, that's new... Well it will at least makes things more exciting for me!" Yuri grinned.
Sierra picked up all the books and huffed, it really looked like she was having trouble carrying them.
Yuri walked over and grabbed half of the stacked books.
"Oh! Thank you!" Sierra blushed while smiling up at Yuri with her eyes closed.
"No problem! Where are you off to?" Yuri asked with a grin.
"Hey! We are supposed to be working!" Yuu shouted as Yuri and Sierra walked off.
"Fgnaah! She left us!" Grim said with his jaw on the floor.
"So you said you were in Pomefiore right?" Yuri asked the shorter girl.
"Yes actually! Everyone in there is very nice! I'm really lucky I didn't end up in a different dorm.." Sierra gulped.
"But isn't your dorm leader a bit over bearing?" Yuri quirked a brow upwards.
"Well- yes... But I'm from a well known family, so I already know how to act and such... I just tend to get shy..." Sierra mumbled.
'Now that she mentioned that, she did seem quite reserved and she walked with in some sort of confidence despite her shyness.' Yuri hummed.
"Do you know anyone outside of your dorm?" Yuri asked.
"Not really... But I'm pretty sure that Kayla had been accepted in to the school, I saw one her most recent posts." Sierra smiled.
"Who's Kayla?" Yuri asked with a dumbfounded expression.
Suddenly, Sierra stopped walking and stared at Yuri with a awestruck expression.
"Did I say something wrong?..." Yuri asked nervously.
"You don't know who Kayla Snow is?" Sierra asked.
"Am I supposed to know who she is?..." Yuri asked.
"Why she's a famous Magicamer! Also well known in Magidance!
(Tik Tok) I'm quite surprised you don't know her!" Sierra said.
"Well- you do notice that I came from somewhere even the Headmaster doesn't know..." Yuri said.
"Oh... I had forgotten that.." Sierra said.
"Well let's get going! Who knows how much time you have left to get these books to where ever!" Yuri grinned, Sierra jumped.
"Oh my! I don't want to be late! Let's go!" Sierra said before speed walking towards her destination.
"So how was skipping out on work for you?" Yuu huffed.
"Great actually! Me and Sierra had a great time." Yuri grinned.
"How was your time with Ace?" She asked while tilting her head to the side.
"That guy was so rude! And now we have to wash a hundred windows because of him!" Grim huffed.
"Thought so." Yuri grinned.
"He's trying to skip out on work." Yuri said as she examined her nails.
"If you knew that then why didn't you tell us! Let's go capture him!" Grin huffed then started running off with Yuu following him.
"Boys..." Yuri huffed while rolling her eyes then began walking towards her next destination.
"To the Hall of Mirror's...."
"Heya Ace! What are ya doing?" Yuri smirked as she stood at the entrance of the Hall of Mirrors.
Ace jumped in shock and turned around quickly.
"Oh it's just you! Thought you were those two weirdos.... Yuri was your name right?" Ace grinned.
"Yu-" "THERE YOU ARE!" Grin shouted as he ran into the hall of mirrors.
"I'm not your hench women." Yuri frowned.
"You can't escape work!" Yuu shouted.
"No way! I'm outta here." Ace said before running off.
"Oi! Boy with dark blue hair! Catch him!" Yuri shouted before running after Ace.
"Huh?-" "Outta the way!" Ace shouted as he shoved Deuce.
"Unm.. Capture magic.... Uh.." Deuce muttered.
"Come on! Use a cauldron!" Yuri shouted again.
Without thinking Deuce pulled his magic pen out and flicked his wrist.
Suddenly a cauldron appeared above Ace and fell on his.
Ace grunted as he tried to get up.
"Hahahahah! Look! Ace is as flat as a pancake!" Grin laughed as he caught up with Yuri who had stopped in front of Ace.
"Geez... This hurts..." Ace grunted pain.
"Why are you's even after him?" Deuce asked.
"They charred the Queen of Hearts statue so they have to clean 100 windows." Yuri said.
"What!?" Deuces jaw dropped.
"Ugh..." "Umm... Am I interrupting something?..." A feminine voice called out from in front of them, they all looked up (except for Ace) to see Sierra who looked quite bewildered.
"Oh Sierra! What are you doing here?" Yuri asked.
"Well.. I got carried away with the scenery here and uhh... Well I got sidetracked.. I was on my way back to my dorm." Sierra said as she stared at the cauldron and Ace.
"Is he alright?..." Sierra asked as she pointed at Ace.
"Just fine!" Yuri grinned while Sierra sweat dropped.
"And who is that? He wasn't with yous this morning.." Sierra asked while pointing at Deuce.
"Oh! I'm Deuce Spade. A first year like this guy." Deuce said.
"And don't worry about Ace, he deserves this." Yuu said while Yuri and Grim nod.
"O...Kay?..." Sierra tilted her head to the side.
To be continued...
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