13. Riddle Rosehearts
When he opened his eyes, Yuu found a very different and tenebrous image of Riddle that made him flinch: the young boy was now levitating from the ground and was wearing a ragged, red and black dress similar to the Queen of Hearts', with a much darker and more sinister style. The small golden crown on his head became one made of black metallic filigrees. His arms were covered in ink as if they were wet gloves, his skin had turned white as marble and his big, gray eyes turned the same red color as his hair, from which the right eye emanated a luminous red flame and was adorned with a black net protruding from his forehead. His entire being emanated a very dark and dangerous aura.
His heart clenched in horror and held his breath. "What happened to him!?" He finally asked. "His whole appearance changed!?"
Riddle gave a wicked laugh in which his voice sounded double as if a dark echo resounded in every syllable he spoke.
"I don't need idiots who disobey me in my world!" He exclaimed angrily in that voice. "I am the absolute law of this world! I will not accept any answer other than 'Yes, lord Riddle!'. It will be off with the head of anyone who refuses to listen! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!"
As he laughed evilly, a strange figure formed behind him. It was a huge monstrosity shaped very alike to the Queen of Hearts, except that its dress was ragged and patched with poorly sewn threads over the top and it was brandishing a giant rose bush as a weapon. What caught Yuu's eye was the monster's head: a huge glass vial covered with a large golden crown and filled with ink that was oozing from a huge crack. With that, he immediately remembered the monster from the Dwarfs' Mine.
When it finished materializing, Riddle leaned forward in a position that made him look as if the monster's free arm was controlling him as a puppet.
"Ah, how could I let this happen?" Crowley lamented. "A student has gone into Overblot right in front of me!"
"What's the hell is Overblot?" Grim asked, scared. "Look at him, that guy has gone completely evil!"
"Overblot is a state magicians must avoid at all costs," Crowley explained, trying to remain calm. "Right now, he has been engulfed by so much negative energy that he has lost control over his emotions and his magic."
"I don't get it!" Grim exclaimed.
"Me neither!" Deuce exclaimed, staring at the monster behind Riddle.
"Oh, come on!" Cater exclaimed in frustration. "In a few words: he has fallen into an evil berserker mode!"
"If this continues, Riddle's life will be in danger!" Trey added.
"HIS LIFE?!" Grim exclaimed.
He was grabbed suddenly in Yuu's arms as he didn't waste any time walking over to Ace and Deuce. "Guys, look at the thing behind Riddle! That's exactly like the monster we found in the cave, do you think it would be possible to defeat it like last time?" He asked with determination.
Without saying a word, the four of them exchanged glances and nodded.
"Right now, the highest priority is the safety of the other students. I must help evacuate everyone!" Crowley insisted. "Young Rosehearts must come to his senses before his magic consumes him! For him to lose his life in a situation like this... but even worse than that would be..." He did not notice that two boys were pulling out their magical pens and a monster leaping from the arms of a third. "In any case, you gather the staff and the rest of the dorm leaders to fight this situation." He commanded Trey and Cater, not noticing that the others weren't there with them.
"TAKE THIS!!" Ace shouted.
The headmaster, Trey, and Cater reacted to the shout and observed the change in the situation with surprise.
"COME HERE, CAULDRON!!" Deuce yelled, raising his magical pen above his head to summon a huge cauldron that took Riddle by surprise.
Grim created a sea of flames around the monster's body to try to immobilize it.
"To the head, guys!" Yuu exclaimed. "It's the same weak point as before!"
"You insolents," Riddle muttered, offended. "What do you think you're doing?"
"G-, G-, G-... Guys, wait!" Cater stammered, feeling fear for them. "What are you doing?!"
"Saving his life!" Yuu replied.
"That guy will be in danger if he continues like this!" Grim added with determination.
"I don't want him to end up like this," Deuce said. "Also..."
"I still haven't heard him say 'What I did was wrong, I'm sorry!'" Ace added.
Seeing them full of confidence and courage to save Riddle, Trey stepped forward.
"Guys..." He murmured with a look full of decision and approached them. "Understood! I can replace Riddle's magic for mine for a short time! Aim to him when that happens! Headmaster, please evacuate the others."
"Wait a minute, guys!" Crowley told them sternly. "This is too dangerous!"
"The principal is right!" Cater insisted. "Trey, what are you doing? There's no way you can defeat Riddle!"
"We've dealt with this before!" Yuu answered. "We can do it again, I'm more than sure of it!"
"It's true, we've won before!" Ace blurted out. "It would be pathetic to keep losing against someone you know you can defeat!"
"That's nothing cool, yanno?" Grim insisted.
"This is the only way I can think of to bring him to his senses," Deuce replied as he grasped the wrist he held the magical pen with.
"It's true, and I still can't lose him," Trey said. "I still have so many things to tell him...!"
"We can't waste any more time! Let's combine our forces to stop Riddle!" Yuu encouraged.
Seeing that even the only magic-less boy in that place was bravely facing danger, Cater couldn't hold back a cry of frustration: "Ah, damn it! Okay, I see there's no other choice," he said while taking out his magical pen, and hurried to stand next to them.
Crowley also sighed in frustration at the stubbornness of his students. Despite his deep concern about leaving them alone in a dangerous situation, he knew they weren't going to change their minds easily. They were students of Night Raven College, after all. "Oh, good grief! I'll be back as soon as I've got the others to safety, so stay safe until then, please!"
"Count with us, headmaster! We know what we're doing," Yuu assured before he walked away.
Fed up with the conversation, Riddle came a few inches closer to them levitating in the air and the monster put out the flames hitting them with his giant rose bush, displaying great strength. "You all have the guts to fight me... It will be off with your heads!" Riddle yelled before raising an arm to cast a spell.
"Riddle's body won't hold much longer," Trey reminded them. "If we don't stop him... " He didn't have the courage to finish the sentence, but he did have the speed to point his magical pen at Riddle. "Doodle Suit!"
A white flash lit up the place and both Riddle and the monster shook their arms in frustration.
"Again...!" He growled. "You're getting in my way again, Trey!"
"Cool! Now Riddle won't be able to seal our magic with his collars," Grim pointed out.
"But the effect won't last long, we still have that problem!" Cater recalled.
"And the monster can still hit us with that giant rose bush," Yuu warned.
"Exactly," Trey stated. "Attack him while his magic is weak."
Riddle's face reddened and he screamed in fury before waving his arms to command the giant figure to attack with a heavy blow infused with fire magic.
Everyone was able to get away from it in time.
"Any ideas, prefect?" Deuce asked urgently before launching a fire attack.
"Do you remember the strategy we used with the first monster that you tried to repeat in the duel?" Yuu asked. "Let's try to do it this time again when we find the chance!"
"Right, Deuce's cauldron will hit the head in the spot!" Grim exclaimed.
"Meanwhile use water attacks to repel their fire attacks. Trey, Cater!" Yuu called them. "Do you know any kind of magic that can give good smashes?"
"Would ice magic work?" Trey asked.
"Yes, especially with the fire attacks!" Yuu answered. "Launch all the attacks you can, especially to the head, that's the weak point. We have to break the glass."
"How... do you know that?" Cater asked him.
"There's no time to explain! Watch out!" He yelled before pointing at Riddle about to strike at them.
"What are you plotting?" Riddle demanded to know. "Nothing can happen here without me knowing!"
Trey felt the strength of his Unique Magic fade away. "The effect will wear off shortly!" He warned as he launched an ice attack in the form of sharp icicles that reached the head.
Riddle flinched as if he had felt the blow.
"Cater, your Unique Magic!" Yuu reminded him. "If he tries to attack you, use it to confuse him."
"Okay!" Cater exclaimed.
"As if I'm going to fall for such a simple trick!" Riddle exclaimed. "Off With Your Head!"
He waved his arms in Cater's direction, but he acted quickly. "Split Card!"
A group of clones surrounded him and blended with each other so that the aimed clone disappeared instantly. The other Caters scattered to confuse him.
"Where are you, Cater!?" He asked furiously without realizing that the real Cater had positioned himself behind him to attack with plant magic, hitting the monster's back.
"Guys, this is the chance!" Yuu exclaimed. "Make the fire tornado. Careful, Cater. Get away from there!"
"Got it, let's go Grim!" Ace hurried. "Extra Large Tempest!"
The moment he released a strong stream of air with his magical pen, Grim combined it with a thick puff of fire to form their famous strategy.
Trey and Cater, who had made his clones disappear to maintain strength, watched the scene in amazement.
Riddle didn't expect the attack either. "What is this!?"
"It's my turn! Come here, cauldron!" Deuce invoked.
A huge cauldron fell on the monster's head. Riddle screeched in horror, but that didn't stop Deuce from throwing two more cauldrons at him.
They watched victoriously as more cracks appeared in the glass and the larger one had gotten longer, and more ink dripped from it.
"It worked!" Cater exclaimed.
"Good job, keep it going!" Trey encouraged. "Doodle Suit!"
A flash of white lit up again.
"It doesn't matter how many times you block my magic, Trey! I'm going to cut off all of your heads! Off with your head!!" Riddle yelled.
"Stop saying that before you say by mistake you want YOUR own head off!" Yuu snapped, tired of hearing him say the same thing.
He was able to run away in time before Riddle hit him twice in a row with blows filled with water magic followed by a lunge. "How dare you talk to me like that, magic-less person?! You've been also giving orders in my place. I won't forgive it!"
"Don't provoke him too much!" Grim scolded Yuu.
"Take this!" Deuce yelled before launching a plant attack at the crystal head, taking advantage of Riddle's new distraction.
Cater again used his Unique Magic to create four clones that aimed plant and fire magic. Riddle swiftly moved his arms again to attack them with more blows.
"Does this guy's magic have no limits?" Ace asked in frustration.
"Riddle, listen to us!" Yuu asked him. "You have to go back to your senses before you get worse!"
"I have a lot to tell you, Riddle!" Trey continued. "Come back to us, please!"
But he refused to listen to them. "I'm the only one who is always right!!" He yelled angrily. "If not, everything I've worked so hard for would be in vain!!"
"Riddle..." Trey muttered affectedly, not realizing that he was losing his grip on Doodle Suit.
"Trey, focus!" Cater reminded him stubbornly as he launched an ice attack. "If you let your guard down, it will be our end!"
Trey regained his composure and straightened up. "Sorry!" He exclaimed before mimicking Cater's magic.
Grim tried using something else and released from his magic pendant a large ball of darkness that reached the monster's neck.
"Look, Yuu! I casted a different kind of magic," he exclaimed excitedly.
"Good job!" His human congratulated him. "Keep it up. Just a little more!" He encouraged as he saw that the monster seemed weaker and the ink was oozing from more cracks. "Deuce, your cauldrons!"
"Right away. Come here, cauldron!"
With that loud blow, Riddle's weary expression became much more noticeable. But he didn't seem eager to give up. "No way...!" He exclaimed between gasps. "Nobody is stronger than me! I am the law. I am the absolute monarch!! I'm going to behead each and every one of you!"
He was about to hit Cater square with a triple attack, but Deuce managed to yank his arm just in time to push him out of harm's way.
"Are you okay, Diamond?" He asked him.
"Yes, thank you very much, Deucey! Split Card!"
"Hey! How about we attack it all at once to finish it off?" Grim suggested as the monster tried to randomly attack Ace and the new Cater clones.
"Right now it's very risky," Trey said. "The Doodle Suit effect is going to fade again, I would need some time to recreate it."
"Hey, that's not a bad idea!" Ace said. "The glass has less left to break!"
"It's true, it would be the last hit!" Deuce said.
Cater didn't seem so convinced. "Are you sure of this? This is not the time to take risks!"
"Cater is right!" Yuu supported him. "Let's wait for Trey to reactivate his Unique Magic to deliver the final blow. Don't forget it: watch out for his collar!"
At that very moment, Riddle felt his magic flow through his body again. His face turned red with anger for the umpteenth time. "I see you're not going to stop, Trey. Then I'll cut off your head first! Off With Your-!"
"Hey, red pipsqueak!" Ace stopped him. "I just wanted to tell you that you are the worst leader ever!"
Riddle turned dangerously toward him. "Repeat that..." He challenged him with restrained fury.
"Ace, what are you doing!?" Cater and Deuce asked at the same time.
Ace gave them a quick thumbs up to assure everything was right, looked back at Riddle, and placed his hands on his hips. "I said you are the worst leader ever! Cocky, stupid, tyrannical, childish, whiny, and loud!!!"
In addition to using his Unique Magic on him, he planned to control the monster at the same time to try to finish him off, but...
"Doodle Suit!!!"
With the new flash of white, Riddle suddenly stopped as he saw his limited strength once more. "Was I being distracted?" He asked incredulously.
"Now!" Yuu screamed.
The four young magicians and Grim joined forces in a combined attack that gave Riddle little time to react.
The strong magic reached the head and eventually the crystal shattered into several pieces, making the ink spread across the floor.
As the monster vanished, Riddle's form lost strength and negative energy started to go away from him. "I... I was wrong?" He seemed to admit to his defeat. "No. That can't be true, right? Mother..."
He began to descend to the ground and his appearance gradually returned to its original state. His red and black dress turned back to his white dorm uniform.
Yuu rushed towards him and held him below his shoulders before he fell to the ground. "Hey, can you hear me?" He asked, noticing that he kept his eyes closed and did not react. "He's unconscious!" He told the others.
He tried to bring him to a clearer area. Trey approached hurriedly to them.
"Here. Let me help you," he insisted as he carefully held Riddle's right side. Riddle's small golden crown lost its grip and fell to the ground.
Together they gently laid him down on the green grass and knelt next to him.
"Riddle, open your eyes!" Trey asked him.
Grim came running on all fours from him. "Is he going to be okay?" He asked.
Ace, Cater and Deuce also approached but kept a safe distance to give some space to Riddle. Yuu did the same by moving away a little bit.
"He has to be okay!" Trey insisted. "He's just tired."
Then Yuu started to feel slightly dizzy and everything turned dark...
As he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a completely different place: a large room that appeared to be an ostentatious house. It was lit by large windows and there was a large elegant table with many chairs. At first, he thought it was a dining room, but took a better look at two large shelves full of books and noticed that the cupboard across the room was actually full of more, so he supposed the place was a study or a library.
"Am I dreaming again?" He wondered. He checked his clothes to see if they were different, like the blue dress, but he was still wearing the school uniform.
He heard movement coming from one of the chairs and approached cautiously. "Riddle?" He asked surprised as he quickly recognized the child sitting there.
The person was undoubtedly Riddle, who despite his younger appearance, had the same big gray eyes and red hair with two strands that formed a heart. He was dressed in an elegant shirt tied with a ribbon at the neck and a pair of shorts fastened with suspenders. He seemed nervous about something and kept his gaze fixed on a plate and some silverware in front of him.
"Hello?" Yuu tried to call him, but the boy did not even seem to have noticed his presence.
He was thinking about how cute he was as a child when someone else entered the room and Riddle stopped slouching quickly. She was an elegant and well dressed woman, her hair in a bun was the same color as Riddle's and she shared similar heart-shaped locks of hair with him. Yuu deduced that she had to be his mother, and she did not seem to notice him either.
He felt a bad feeling with her and remembered that Trey told them she was very strict.
"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle." She said cheerfully before placing a simple-looking cake in front of him.
"So these are memories?" Yuu asked aloud upon realizing the situation.
His mother continued speaking."This year, your birthday cake is one without sugar and lots of lecithin and made with soy flour and walnuts."
"What?" Yuu asked without hiding his bewilderment at what he had just heard. "What kind of cake is that for a child's birthday!?"
He would understand if a person was diabetic or celiac, but it didn't seem to be Riddle's case, since Trey had said that he really liked the tarts he made.
The boy looked at his mother with a shy smile."Thank you, mama. B-but, you know, I... Even if it's just once, I'd like a tart with lots of strawberries..."
The mother reacted as if she had heard something scandalous. "Oh, how can you say that! Desserts filled with sugar like that are practically poison for the body, a single piece would exceed your daily calorie quota. Come on, today we have for dinner salted tuna with docosahexaenoic acid and icosapentaenoic acid. It's much healthier." Yuu felt his head explode processing those complicated words he had never heard before. "Ah, but the recommended calorie intake for an eight-year-old child is..." She mentally calculated the amount. "Less than 600 calories per meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams. Do you understand?"
That shocked Yuu, he understood that someone cared about their child's health, but what the mother was doing with so many meticulous details was too much. Not only did she not allow him to eat something sweet even for his birthday, but she even limited him to the simple cake she gave him herself. "Give him a break, ma'am! He's only eight years old." He snapped being aware he wasn't going to be heard.
However, he was heartbroken to see Riddle's disillusioned little face. "Yes, mother..." The kid replied softly.
Suddenly the images disappeared and Yuu saw Riddle, now in his current age and dressed in his dorm leader uniform. He was standing up a few meters away from him and his figure was colored in black and white.
"Riddle!?" Yuu exclaimed. "What's going on? Are you okay?"
But Riddle didn't seem to hear him, he was staring into infinity. "For a long time, what I wanted most was a strawberry tart. Like those that were displayed on the shop windows in the city." He said without moving his lips, so it was to be assumed that what was heard were his thoughts. "Tarts that looked like jewels."
Riddle disappeared and the previous scenario reappeared, this time little Riddle and his mother were sitting at the table with papers and an excessive amount of books piled up.
"Wait a moment!" Yuu exclaimed. "This is way too personal! It's okay for me to see this?" He asked as he looked around, waiting for someone or something to say anything.
Nothing changed. Riddle's mother closed the book she was reading and stood up. "Let's end your classical magic lessons for today," she announced. "You have until tomorrow to read 50 pages of language philosophy and review what you learned today. Now I'll give you an hour to study for your next potions lesson."
"Yes, mother," Riddle replied.
Yuu swallowed hard at the insane amount of work required of a child his age.
"Mom has to take care of something now, so I'll see you in an hour."
The black-haired boy gave her a bad look as he saw her get out. The place disappeared and he saw Riddle again.
"Every moment was always full of lessons with every possible discipline," his voice sounded again. "Study time extended until I was able to do it."
"You were living a similar situation, didn't you, Takahiro?" Yuu said to himself.
"But to me," Riddle continued, "that was 'normal'."
Yeah, if someone was used to working way too hard, it would be something simple and common for them...
The study room returned, Riddle was studying by himself there. A knock sounded on the glass of one of the windows, making him look up from his book. "Who's knocking on the window?" He asked in surprise before getting off his chair.
The knocking continued until Riddle opened the window, Yuu rushed over to look and involuntarily smiled as he recognized the two children outside, who seemed to be nine years old.
"Trey?" He asked when he saw the dark green-haired boy. He was wearing similar glasses, and his yellow eyes still showed the same gentle glow he usually had.
"Oh, he came!" Trey said enthusiastically.
The other boy, with tousled lilac hair and big, cat ears, jumped up happily. "Hey, hey! Come and play~ with~ us~!" He exclaimed in a singsong voice.
"Who are you?" Riddle asked them.
"I'm Che'nya!" The cat-boy introduced himself. "And this is Trey. Let's play together, meow."
Riddle got nervous. "Eh... I can't. I'm doing self-study right now..."
But that didn't change the other kids' minds.
"Self-study means that you decide what you want to study," Che'nya replied. "My grandpa says that playing is also a way of studying, meow."
"Can't you stop and play just for a bit?" Trey asked affectionately.
The little redhead glanced back to make sure his mother wasn't near. "...J-just for a bit," he stammered.
"What's your name?" Trey asked him as he offered a hand to help him get out through the window.
Riddle took his hand shyly. "Riddle. Riddle Rosehearts."
After watching the previous two scenes, Yuu was glad he finally saw an adorable scene. He watched Che'nya clap excitedly as Riddle put his feet on the grass outside.
"That's why you helped us before," he commented as the images disappeared. "You are also his friend."
Teen Riddle appeared again, with the difference that he was smiling. It was the first time Yuu had seen him smile.
"Playing with Trey and Che'nya was very fun. I learned many things I did not know and played games I had never seen before. They both taught me a lot. From that day on, during my self-study time, I left the house without my mother knowing."
The scenario changed to the street of a city, the three children were walking together.
"Eh!? You've never eaten a strawberry tart, Riddle?" Asked Che'nya in surprise.
Riddle shook his head.
"No. Mother says it's practically poison for the body, so I can't."
"Well, of course, it's bad if you eat too much..." Trey commented. "But you know? I live in a bakery. Let's go there to eat some," he suggested.
Riddle didn't seem too sure about it. "Eh? But..."
"Just one slice will be fine," Trey soothed him.
"I could eat a whole tart right now, meow," Che'nya said dreamily.
"They were so cute..." Yuu muttered tenderly.
With that, Riddle described what was like to eat for the first time what would become his favorite food: "A red cake on a white plate, for me it glowed more than any other gem. The first bite was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted" He laughed merrily at the thought of the memory. "I savored every slice until I was completely lost." Then he became serious again. "That day I lost track of time."
He went back to the study of Riddle's house and Yuu let out a worried gasp: Riddle's mother was looking at her son angrily and the little one kept his gaze to the ground with tear-filled eyes, as if she discovered everything.
"How could you!?" Mrs. Rosehearts asked angrily. "Not only did you skip your study time, but you also ate something with sugar?! Were those children the ones who tempted you to do it? I won't allow you to play with them anymore."
Riddle was horrified to hear that and looked at her. "I'm sorry, mother! I promise I won't do it again, forgive me!" He implored her.
"Silence!" She demanded without any intention of showing mercy. "You're the one at fault here for breaking the rules!"
Yuu's eyes widened as he recognized the same words Riddle had said at the party and at the duel.
The mother turned her back on him and walked briskly away, leaving the heartbroken Riddle alone. Even though it was only a shadow from the past, Yuu stepped out of her way to avoid being touched by her.
"Ah, I knew I shouldn't have left him time for himself," she murmured to herself. "I have to educate him and train him more to be someone perfect."
Trey had said that she was very strict, but Yuu didn't imagine that the environment Riddle had grown up in was that toxic. He was aware that parents should set rules to regulate their children's behavior, but those ways were tyrannical and controlling, without even considering how her own son must feel.
"You're just like her..." He murmured in revulsion.
But he stopped bothering to feel unnecessary hatred for that woman and focused again on Riddle, whose childlike figure became once again the current one.
"If I broke the rules, the moments I could have fun would be taken away from me," said Riddle's voice. "That's why I had to obey all of my mother's rules. In my city, mother was well known and respected, that's why she was always right." His gaze darkened. "But then, mother... why? Why do I feel this weight on my heart?" He squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and his voice cracked as he spoke. "I want to eat a lot of tarts even if it's just for my birthday. I want to play outside and make more friends. Tell me, mama: what rule should I follow to make this pain go away?"
Yuu wiped away the tears that appeared in his eyes after hearing that desperate monologue. "Riddle..." He murmured as he watched him in that state.
He still hadn't forgotten about the battle against his Overblot or the things he had done before, but all he wanted to do right at that moment was stop staring at him and doing nothing.
He approached Riddle at a slow pace. As the distance between them decreased, Riddle's black and white figure got gradually his colors back.
When he finished coloring completely, Riddle frowned at the presence of another person and gasped in surprise upon seeing Yuu.
Yuu also got startled and stopped short. "Oh, so you can see me now..." He commented puzzled.
"But how...?" The young redhead looked around as if he had just noticed the gray space. "What place is this? What are we doing here?"
Yuu shrugged and shook his head. "I'm just as confused as you are," he replied. "I don't know how I got here either, but apparently we've been here for quite a while."
As if Riddle had remembered something, he looked at his hands in alarm. "I went into Overblot, right? What happened!? Did I hurt someone?"
Yuu shook his head again. "No. Ace, the others, and I gave the best we could to save you. Then you fell unconscious and all those images of your life appeared, do you remember? I could also hear your voice all this time."
Before Riddle could say anything else, he finished approaching him and gently grasped him by the shoulders to wrap him in a warm, compassionate hug, surprising him on the spot.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked. "After everything I've done..."
The young boy only increased the grip on his embrace. "Don't think about that now. Nobody deserves to live anything you've been through... Let me at least do this for you."
With trembling arms, Riddle returned the hug self-consciously.
"It's ok, you're fine now," Yuu assured him.
After a few seconds of comfort and wordless understanding, they parted from the hug when they noticed the gray environment that surrounded them was gradually turning black.
"Riddle!!" Trey's desperate voice echoed from afar.
Riddle looked around with concern, but Yuu smiled calmly as he recognized the situation. "Looks like someone is waiting for you," he said as he held him by the hand to give him some courage. "Don't worry, I think we're going to wake up."
They both watched the darkness gently lift over them as if it were going to transport them to another place.
Neither of them realized that a feminine-shaped shadow, dressed in what seemed to be some robes, was watching them in silence until she disappeared as she blended with the darkness that enveloped her...
[Posted on 21/10/2021]
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