🦁The Rebel from the Savannah: Chapter 5
"Magical Shift Tournament? What exactly is that?" Kira asked curiously. "What, Kira-chan, you don't know Magift?" Ace asked in disbelief before he remembered a crucial detail. "Oh, right. Another world, got it."
"It's famous around the world. There's a pro league and world cup too." Deuce said. "I don't know, either!" Grim exclaimed. "What is this "Magical Shift" about?" Aria asked curiously. "Magical Shift... Magift for short, is a sport played by two teams of seven." Ace explained.
"Put simply, there's a disc that you have to throw through the other team's goal to score points. The team with the most points wins." The girls all nodded in understanding. "Oh, so it's kinda like American football mixed with Frisbee." Kira surmised.
Deuce and Ace both raised a brow in confusion at that. "American football? Frisbee? Are those sports from your home, Kira-chan?" Deuce asked. Kira nodded. "Yep. My little brother, Philip, he loves American football. He's a big fan." she replied.
"It's a rather popular sport where we come from. Although I've never heard of or played Magical Shift before, Philip would've loved to see it if he were here." She then felt her heart wince painfully, but she quickly fought back tears. At the mention of her little brother, Kira understood that she was still worlds away from him.
"Hmm. It's not something I've heard before. I'll look it up next time I'm in the library. It might even turn into a lead..." Crowley mused as he wondered about this 'American football' game. It was quite a bizarre title.
"Hmm, but it might be hard for you to take part in a game of Magift, Kira-chan." Ace said. "Why's that? I've got confidence in my physical strength!" Kira said, flexing her arm. "Magical Shift is a sport that uses magic. The disc is carried with magic, defense and offense also use magic." Deuce explained.
"How big a spectacle you can make with magic is also part of being a great player~♪." Ace added with an excited smile. Kira nodded in understanding. "Yes! That's why Night Raven College is known as a champion of Magical Shift around the world!" Crowley exclaimed, suddenly bursting with energy over the game.
"Countless alumni have gone on to be pro players! Magift isn't just an athletic sport, but one that uses magic to compete as well. Our school's Intra-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament is attended by representatives of pro leagues and those from different magical industries around the world." he continued.
"The arena will be lined with food stalls, and visitors from different countries will grace the stadium. It is a tournament that'll make your palms sweat and works the whole world into a frenzy thanks to the live broadcast TV cameras."
"Oh my...TV cameras?!" Alice asked, now feeling very grateful that she wasn't participating in the Magical Shift tournament. "Wooow~... Amazing!" Kira exclaimed excitedly. She knew that sometimes, sports tournaments like this would be broadcasted live, but not worldwide!
Meanwhile, Grim was indulging in the thought. This Magical Shift Tournament sounds very intriguing. Then, if he gets to participate in the tournament... "World wide broadcast?! So if I play in that tournament, the whole world will be paying attention to me?!" he questioned, his cobalt eyes shining with excitement.
What would it be like to even set foot into the arena with millions of people cheering him on? Grim couldn't wait to find out. "Wanna show that you have the biggest ego known to mankind?" Kira teased. Grim glared at her. "You're just jealous because you don't have any magic to play that game!" he said as he crossed his paws.
Kira glared at him murderously. "Excuse me?! I dare you to say that again, tuna breath!" she snarled, waving her fist at him. "Please, both of you, stop fighting." Aria said, getting in between them. "And Grim, don't tease her like that." Alice added.
"Certainly! Those who play in the tournament will without a doubt become popular with pro leagues and any number of sponsors." Crowley replied with a smile. "In your case, Grim, I think they'd be more surprised by seeing a monster play." Deuce said.
Grim was now pumped up in wanting to join the Magical Shift Tournament as he envisioned how famous he would be in his little fantasy world. Going into the arena, thousands of eyes watching him and being left in awe at his impressive, unique skills on the field, basking in his own glory.
Everyone would be watching him on TV, and they would all be cheering his name. "Oh, yeah~! I'll start some special training today and stand out to everyone in that stadium!" Grim exclaimed, giggling with glee as he danced around the room, stars shining in his eyes.
Kira just scoffed and rolled her eyes in disdain. "Oh, brother." she groaned. "Ah, but Grim, you can't play at all." Crowley said, rather bluntly. Grim instantaneously paused in his tracks when he heard that.
"Huh?" he asked as he stared wide-eyed at Crowley. Just like that, all his dreams of fame and glory were promptly crushed into smithereens. "Haven't I said "Inter-Dorm" several times already?" Crowley stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Your dorm doesn't meet the seven person requirement, does it? So you can't even apply."
He should've mentioned it earlier but Grim should've known beforehand. Each of the seven dorms had an abundance of students and any of them could participate in the tournament. However, for the Ramshackle Dorm, there were hardly any students at all. Just the four young girls and Grim.
"EEEEEEHHH?! No way...!!!" Grim shouted in utter dismay. "Selling drinks in the stands the day of, preparing the field for the tournament, there are many things that have to be done." Crowley said, offering Grim another job to make him feel better. More or less.
"Standing on the field as a player isn't the only role." Alice gave a shy smile as she nodded her head. "I'm sure we can handle that." she said. Unfortunately, Grim didn't share that thought.
"No way! No way!!" he whined. "I wanna hear "Kyaa~! Grim is so cool!" "Hey, did you see his super play?!" from the crowd as they all cheer for me!!" Kira shook her head at him and quietly suppressed a groan. That Grim. He can be such a child. "That's a pretty basic delusion..." Ace remarked, surprised by Grim's statement.
"Hahaha... He has quite a healthy imagination." Jazmin said with a good-natured chuckle. "Ya think?" Ace asked her. "Hmmm. Can't be helped since you don't have enough people." Deuce sadly told the cat gremlin, crushing his dreams even more.
"You might have to give up on this year, and hope that some freshmen get sorted into Ramshackle Dorm next year." At that point, Grim's ego had sputtered out into fumes and he fell face-first onto the floor. Alice picked him up from the carpet and held him for comfort, patting his head. "There, there." she said soothingly.
"I really must get back to work! Ah, busy, busy, busy." Crowley said as he picked up random pieces of documents and, as it appeared, pretended to be busy, quickly ending any and all future questions.
With no other option, the students decided to just head out the office and Grim decided to let out the final word. "You got my hopes for nothing, you jerk... Ffnaa..." he moaned. "Oh, lay off it. There was no way you were going to play anyway." Ace said, making Grim whine again in utter dismay.
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