🌹The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 14
Once the tarts were done baking, Alice took them out of the oven and gave them out to everyone so they could start placing the cream onto each one. "All that's left is to throw on the puréed chestnuts on top of the tart." Trey explained as he wielded his magic pen to create a perfect layer of cream on top of the tart.
"Finally, we're gonna be able to eat the chestnut tart! I'm getting so excited~!" Grim said exuberantly as he stood on Alice's head as she did the same. Just thinking about those delicious Mont Blanc tarts was enough to make Grim drool.
He jumped down and took the icing piping bag from the young girl's hands, trying to ice the tarts himself. "Alriiiight, let's get this done!" Ace said as he took his own icing bag and squirted the cream around the tart. "Don't lose your focus yet, just a couple more steps." Trey said reassuringly.
"You got it!" Ace replied. "Yeah!" Grim cheered. Soon, it became a small competition between Ace and Grim as they now started to spread the cream around the tart. Deuce was falling back emotion-wise as he kept mumbling to himself.
The others, aside from Alice, were wondering what he was gibbering about, but all they got out of him was something about chickens, eggs, and falsehoods. They simply had no idea what he was talking about, but that wasn't important at the moment. "Nyaha! How's that~!" Grim laughed.
"Good work. Keep going just like that." Trey encouraged. "But please take it easy. It's not a competition, you know." Alice softly said with a smile. "Heheh, it's a piece of cake if you leave it in my hands!" the blue-eyed cat monster boasted.
"And just like that, you're up on your high horse again." Ace said, jabbing a finger at the cat monster. Grim glared at him indignantly. "The eggs... won't become chicks...?" Deuce mumbled with a near vacant look on his face. The cherry red-eyed boy immediately whirled around to face him.
"And what's wrong with you, anyway, Deuce?!" he shouted with annoyance. "Acting kinda weird all of a sudden..." Kira muttered. After a while, they've managed to fill all the tarts with cream. "This is the final one. And... there!" Alice exclaimed.
"Alright, we're done!" Ace cheered. "Funyaaaa~~~~It looks so good! ♪" Grim said with a wide, hungry smile. "You guys have done great so far. For the last step, place the marron glacé on the very top of the tart." Trey said, putting down a bowl of chestnuts candied in sugary syrup.
"Okay, okay! I'll do it!!" Grim said eagerly, raising his paw in the air. With food on his brain, Grim just couldn't wait as he took one of the chestnuts in his paws, ready to complete the deliciously sweet tart. "Don't screw it up at the very end, okay?" Ace warned.
"Leave it to me! ...Hiyah!" Grim exclaimed confidently as he turned towards a few of the tarts and carefully placed the chestnuts on top of each spiraled tower of cream. His smile grew wider than before, and he did a victory flip. "I'm the greatest~♪ It's an amazing chestnut tart~!" he exclaimed happily.
Alice patted Grim's head gently as she and Trey each picked up a small mesh colander and filled them with powdered sugar. "Lastly, we dust the top with powdered sugar..." Trey said as he tapped his finger repeatedly against the colander and dashed the tarts with the sweet sugar while Alice did the same on her side.
Once the last of the tarts were sprinkled, that was it. "And there we go!" Alice cheered. "And finished~!" Ace and Grim both exclaimed in sheer joy. "Finished..." Deuce said with much less enthusiasm as the others as he half-heartedly raised a fist into the air.
Ace raised an eyebrow at the navy blue-haired boy and went over to Alice. He leaned down to her ear as he pointed towards him. "Did something happen while you were out shopping?" he whispered, taking note of Deuce's gloomy expression.
"Yeah, how come he's acting like that?" Kira asked, just as curious. Alice just shrugged as she let out an awkward laugh. "Let's just give him some time alone for now." she said. "For 16 years I believed that, and for what...?" Deuce dishearteningly asked as he slumped down on the counter.
Alice walked over to him and gently stroked his hair, softly comforting him. Deuce blushed at her gesture. Ace almost fell to the floor before he held himself up against the counter and buried his head in his arms, letting out an exhausted groan.
"I gotta say though, baking sweets takes up so much time. I'm exhausted..." the terracotta-haired boy sighed tiredly. "I respect you for this, Alice-chan." Then suddenly, the kitchen door burst wide open and a familiar orange-haired teen strolled right in.
"Good work~♪ Is the tart finished? The decorations are super cute~!" Cater chirped as he suddenly popped up out of nowhere and smiled brightly at his little juniors. Startled by his sudden appearance, Ace and Kira nearly jumped out of their skins as they collapsed onto the floor.
Cater then whipped out his diamond-patterned phone from his pocket and held it towards the tarts. "It's mega MagiCammable! Let me take a pic~!" he chirped, snapping a picture of the delicious Mont Blanc tarts.
"Oh! Alice-chan, get into the frame! I wanna take a photo of you too~♪!" Ace glared at Cater exasperatedly. "You! Why did you only come now?!" he shouted, stepping in between him and Alice, annoyed and angry that Cater would only show up when they were already done with their baking.
Oh, so now he comes to help?! Well, he can just see himself out the door! "I wanted to come see my cute little underclassmen working hard~." Cater said before he let out a laugh at the sight of their weary faces. "Ahaha, you look beat!" Kira let out a tired groan. "Ahh...! You're telling me! I'm bushed!" she moaned.
Alice glanced down at her clothes and realized how much a mess they had made, judging by their state. She had flour stuck to her apron and pants with patches of it on her elbows. Grim had accidentally spilled some of the cream, so her sleeves were also stained.
"Here, you've also got some flour on your cheek and hair, Alice." Trey said as he handed her a wet towel. "Oh, thank you, Trey-senpai." Alice said, taking the towel and wiping her face. "Make sure you soak your clothes when you get back or else the flour will discolor them." Trey added. "Alright." Alice replied as she nodded.
"As expected of you, Trey-kun. You know all the household tips~." Cater said, coming over with the phone still in his hand. "Hey, why don't we all take a picture with the tarts~? To show off the hard work our juniors made."
Trey gave off a laugh. "Come on, Cater," he said with a knowing look, "I think that's enough social media for one day." Cater gave him a grumpy pout. "Oh, fine." he sighed as he put his phone back into his pocket.
"Things you aren't used to tire you out quick. And when you're tired, the perfect remedy is something sweet." Trey said, holding a Mont Blanc tart in each hand. "Go ahead and see for yourself just how delicious Mont Blanc tastes when freshly baked."
Of course, when one is given food or any other sweet dessert, the mood can quickly shift into a pleasant one as everybody quickly jumped at the chance to eat the Mont Blanc tarts. "Yaay~!" everyone exclaimed happily as they grabbed the tarts and started eating them.
"Cater-senpai, you really did make sure to arrive right on time just to eat the tart!" Ace said, throwing a suspicious look at his flashy senior. Cater didn't seem to deny anything as he held up his broad smile proudly and waved that comment away.
"Don't worry about it! Just think of me as the taste-tester~." he said. Alice smiled as she held up her tarts. "Go ahead. Have yourselves a taste." she said as the others took a tart. Grim's mouth was practically watering as he saw how good the tarts all looked.
"Ahhhh...! It smells so deliciously sweet~! The chestnuts on top are glossy while the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat~!" Grim exclaimed as he grabbed a tart and wolfed it down without any hesitation.
Ace and the others did the same. As soon as Ace bit into his tart, his eyes widened and his taste buds were overwhelmed by how delicious it was. "Holy crap...!" he nearly shouted. "So good~!" Cater said. "This is amazing! It tastes just like a store-bought tart!" Deuce said with wide eyes.
"It's like sweet paradise in my mouth!" Kira exclaimed blissfully. "It's not overly sweet, but still tastes so rich! It's like a garden of chestnuts in my mouth, y'know~!" Grim said as he grabbed another tart and took a big bite out of it.
"Is that a compliment?" Trey asked as he raised a brow and let out a small laugh. Alice picked up a tart of her own and took a bite. Her sky-blue eyes widened a bit. "Oh, it's delicious!" she exclaimed. She had baked plenty of tarts and other treats back at home and all of them tasted great.
But...this one tasted a lot different but in a good way. It tasted even better, way better. But why and how? Alice didn't know. However, as she glanced up to see everyone's smiling faces as they ate, Alice immediately saw that that was the answer.
It was because they had made it and were now eating it together. Eating this treat together was creating a positive, lively atmosphere. She could feel it. She could feel the happiness of her friends radiating around her.
It felt absolutely wonderful. She started to smile and eat more of her tart. Then Cater turned to Trey. "Oh, yeah. Hey, Trey-kun, do the thing." he said. "The thing?" Trey asked curiously before his mustard-colored eyes widened with realization and a knowing smirk appeared on his lips. "...Aah, that."
Alice, Kira and the other boys looked over at their two seniors in confusion and wondered what exactly they were talking about. They looked at each other, then back at them, then back to each other again. "That?" Ace asked in confusion.
"Hey, guys, what are your favorite foods?" Trey suddenly asked them. "Mine's cherry pie and hamburgers." Ace said. "My number one is canned tuna. And cheese omelette, and grilled meat, and pudding...!" Grim said, listing off the many, many foods he enjoyed eating before Deuce cut him off.
"If I have to pick, omurice, I guess." Deuce said. "And mine is grilled lamb with diavlo sauce." Cater said. Kira secretly gagged at Cater's answer. Trey nodded, taking in their answers before turning to the young girls. "Ladies, what are your favorite foods?" he asked.
Alice tipped a finger against her mouth. She thought about it for a while before narrowing it down. "I like vanilla cream puffs." she replied. "Toad stew and fried rats." Kira said simply.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!! You actually eat toads in your world?!" Ace shouted in shock. "Th-That's...!" Deuce gasped as he shuddered. "Disgusting!!" Grim exclaimed, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Alice blinked in surprise before she looked at Kira with wide eyes. "Kira-chan! You don't really...!" Then Kira burst out laughing.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha! Oh, man! Your faces are priceless!" she laughed. Then she cleared the throat. "Just kidding. I like hamburger bacon croquettes." Kira said. The boys all let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, boy! You really got us there, Kira-chan!" Ace said, chuckling. "Yes, that was quite a shock we got." Deuce said, nodding in agreement.
Trey let out a small laugh and nodded. He took out his magic pen and pointed it at his schoolmates' tarts. "Alright, here we go. Doodle Suit!" he said. A burst of magic flew out from his pen's jewel and landed on their tarts.
They each gave out a small green glow before it faded away into nothingness. "Hm? What just happened?" Deuce started to ask. "Now take another bite of the Mont Blanc." Trey requested. The group, except Cater, looked at each other with confusion before taking another bite of their tarts.
As they began to chew, their eyes widened with complete surprise. "Hm? HHHMMM!!!! This is... Mont Blanc, but it tastes like cherry pie!" Ace exclaimed. "It tastes like canned tuna!" Grim shouted before he started to gobble down his Mont Blanc tart all over again. It was a wonder he hasn't choked yet.
"Oh, now it's cheese omelette! And grilled chicken... and pudding!" Alice's face glowed a bright pink and Kira's eyes widened as they savored theirs. Alice could taste the rich and sweet creamy flavor of vanilla cream on her tongue while the juicy, crispy flavor of bacon mixed with potato and cheese was all Kira could taste!
Oh, how they missed it! It was like eating a piece of sweet heaven! "Vanilla cream has never tasted so good...!" Alice sighed. "Got that right! I'm in bacon-hamburger heaven!" Kira said ecstatically.
"Isn't it fun? If you did this while having tea with some girls, they'd definitely be impressed~." Cater said, shifting his eyes towards the two girls. The others saw him give Alice a flirtatious smile. "Hey, Alice-chan~? What do you think? Did this little spell of Trey-kun make you fall for him? Hmm?" he asked playfully.
"HEY!" Ace and Deuce both shouted while Trey just stood there stunned with a slight blush on his cheeks. Kira giggled quietly at the two boys' glares towards Cater. Alice swallowed her tart before she looked at Cater in confusion.
"Hmm? What was that, Cater-senpai?" she asked. "Just ignore him, Alice-chan." Trey quickly said before Cater could say anything more, but the green-eyed teen still had the last laugh... literally. "It's amazing! Is changing the flavor of food your unique magic, Trey-senpai?" Deuce asked.
"To be more precise, it's magic that overwrites any component. So I can overwrite not just taste, but also things like color and scent." Trey explained. "It only lasts for a short time, though, so it's more akin to a quick doodle. That's why I named this magic the way I have."
"That makes sense when you put it that way." Alice mused. "With your Doodle Suit, my dream of all-you-can-eat canned tuna might not be a dream, after all!" Grim said with a wide smile as he can see his 'dream' now.
Having that all out canned tuna buffet was only a step away from reality. Grim salivated at the delicious thought. Alice giggled slightly while Kira just rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You wish, tuna breath." she muttered. Alice then grabbed a napkin and began to wipe the saliva from the cat's mouth.
"Can we take some of the tarts with us to share with our friends?" Alice asked. Trey nodded as he smiled. "Sure, you can." he said. "Thank you, Trey-senpai!" Alice said as she started to take some of the Mont Blanc tarts and put them in a paper bag.
"It's way better than the magic that mean Riddle uses!" Grim said, crossing his arms. "Grim, please! Don't be so rude!" Alice scolded, not wanting to cause a little tirade again like the one back in the cafeteria. She'll admit this much: Riddle punishing Ace was a bit...harsh, to say the least.
And despite his stature and adorable face, he clearly had a powerful authoritative presence around him, a clear sign that he wasn't one to be trifled with. However, Alice had only heard from both sides of their perspective, so there was no reason to really call him a bully just yet.
She wanted to believe that he simply just wanted to uphold the traditions of his dorm. Alice then noticed how Trey's smile suddenly fell from his face at the mention of Riddle's magic, and he slowly turned his gaze away.
"No... My magic is nothing more than child's play when compared to the Dorm Leader's. He's on a different level." he said quietly. Alice blinked. The tone in Trey's voice sounded different than how it usually was. The look in his eyes was also different.
Perhaps it was the fact that they both lead Heartslabyul, but something in the back of Alice's mind told her that there was something more going on between him and Riddle. Trey then glanced up and saw Alice's worried expression. He stood up straight and quickly gave her his friendly smile to ease his little junior.
"...Anyway! It's getting late. Let's head back for now, and we can give him the tart tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. Don't be late." he said to the others. "The Unbirthday Party... Oh, I do hope it'll be quite the spectacle!" Alice excitedly said with a small smile.
"In fact, would you ladies like to come along?" Trey asked. Alice's eyes lit up. "You mean we're invited?" she asked. "Sure!" Cater replied as he handed her an envelope, which contained a Queen of Hearts card inside.
"It'll be just like the Unbirthday Party from the Queen of Hearts' time! The legend said there was this little girl who wandered into her queendom, and the Queen invited her to join in the festivities!" Alice's eyes widened at that as she suddenly remembered her dream from the night before.
"Oh, uh... of course. We'd love to come." she said, feeling a bit unsure. Trey noticed her hesitation. "Hmm? What's the matter?" he asked, tilting his head with concern. Alice then shook her head and smiled. "Oh, nothing. It's nothing." she replied.
She let out a small gasp when Ace suddenly came over and wrapped his arms around her torso, almost slumping over her shoulders. "Alice-chan, will you let me sleep over again~? It doesn't seem like the cruel third-years are gonna let me into the dorm~!" Ace said in a near-pleading tone.
"Huh?!" Kira asked, staring at Ace in disbelief. "Oh, my~! Someone's a little prickly today~." Cater said in a playful tone, mocking a look of hurt on his face as he kept his teasing smile. Alice nodded as she smiled at the cherry red-eyed boy.
She then reached up and held his hands. "Of course, Ace-kun. We don't mind at all. You're more than welcome to spend the night at our dorm whenever you want." she said. Ace gave a soft blush before he grinned and hugged her tightly. "Yippie! You're the best, Alice-chan!" he gushed.
Seeing this, Deuce glared heatedly at the terracotta-haired boy as he stomped his way over towards them and gripped one of Ace's wrists, yanking his hands off Alice's. "Quit it, Ace. Stop begging the girls for stuff." he said in a serious tone.
Even though the talking cat gremlin was there, Deuce no longer liked the idea of Ace being alone with the four girls. "Alice-chan, you're more than welcome to say no to him right now." Grim stood up and looked just as angry, but for different reasons. "Yeah! You gotta pay to stay! Ten cans of tunas!" the cat monster declared.
"What?! Are you saying I should just sleep outside or something?" Ace exclaimed. "Grim, please, don't be so rude! Ace-kun, no friend of mine is going to sleep out in the cold. In fact, Kira-chan and I would be more than happy to share our bedroom with you this time." Alice kindly said.
Deuce gaped at her in utter shock. This time?! There was a moment where Ace wanted to sleep in the same room as her?! Alice turned towards Kira. "Isn't that right, Kira-chan?" she asked. "Ummm..." Kira wasn't entirely sure about letting a boy sleep in a girl's dorm.
To be honest, she wasn't fond of sharing their dorm with that troublemaker. They already had one troublemaker to deal with, and that was Grim. But the look on Alice's hopeful face made any words of protest die in her throat. Kira nodded. "Right. Of course. We'll gladly allow anyone to spend the night at our dorm." she said.
Ace's eyes lit up when he heard that and he smiled brightly. "For real?!" he asked eagerly. "Not happening!!!" Deuce and Grim shouted in unison. Alright, now Deuce was definitely not going to let Ace be alone with the girls.
As if reading his thoughts, Trey then stepped up. "Then how about this? Deuce can stay at your dorm to keep an eye on Ace. I'll give you permission as the vice dorm leader." he said. "Fine by me." Deuce said, agreeing immediately. "What?!" Ace shouted as he stared at Trey in disbelief.
Cater's leaf-green eyes widened at the ivy green-haired young man in disbelief. "Trey-kun, aren't you spoiling the new kids a bit much?! I'm so jelly~!" he said with a pout before he turned towards Alice.
"Hey, Alice-chan, can I go too?" Cater asked with a flirtatious grin as he walked over to the young blonde-haired girl. He coquettishly batted his lashes to emphasis his request. Alice giggled before she nodded her head. "Why, yes. I don't see why—" she started to say before her friends cut her off.
"LIKE HECK YOU CAN!!!" Ace, Deuce and Kira all shouted at the orange-haired boy as they held Alice in a protective hold. Trey stepped forth and grabbed Cater by the back of his jacket, pulling him back.
"You're a no." Trey said firmly. Cater gave a cute little pout as he looked up at Trey. "Aw! Feels bad." he said, crossing his arms. "Ladies, I'm sorry for forcing these two on you. It'll just be until tomorrow." Trey said, giving a soft smile to the two girls. Alice smiled back and shook her head.
"No need to apologize, Trey-senpai. I'm happy to have our two best friends stay with us, even if it's just for the night." she said. "We'll see you guys tomorrow." Kira said as they started to leave the kitchen, leaving their seniors to take care of the rest of the tarts for the Unbirthday Party.
"Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party... This darn collar is definitely coming off! Just you watch, Dorm Leader Riddle!" Ace proudly declared as he and the others headed out the kitchen door.
As the group left, Cater was giving Trey a playful smirk the entire time while they were packing up. Trey raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" he asked curiously. "Oh, nothing... It's just you were really quick on pulling me away earlier...and I can't help but notice that little twitch in your eye~." Cater sung, waving a finger at him.
"What twitch?" Trey asked again. "When little Miss Alice-chan offered to share her bedroom with Acey, your left eye twitched~." Cater said, his smirk widening. "Were you, by any chance, jealous? You're not falling for one of the cutest female freshmen of the school, are you~?" Trey's eyes widened in shock.
His whole face turned red, and his glasses fell to his nose. He quickly straightened himself up and looked away, trying to hide his blush. "Of course not! D-Don't be silly!" Trey huffed. However, Cater snickered as he took a picture of his friend's blushing face.
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