Prologue 20: Welcome to Twisted Wonderland!
"A part of their souls...?" Deuce asked curiously. ""Memory: A Fragment of Remembrance" is another name for it." Crowley said. "Furthermore, the most interesting part of this magic camera is that the souls of the photographer and the photographed become deeply connected and the Memory in the photo comes jumping out!"
"Huh? Souls are connected?" Jazmin asked. "Depending on how close the subject and the photographer are, the picture could move like a video, or bring to life the situation in the photo. Fascinating, right?" Crowley said, smiling.
"It truly does. I think we understand it...a little." Aria said. "Bring the photo to life? It's like a ghost photograph!" Deuce exclaimed. Crowley nodded. "Yes. Therefore it is called a "ghost camera". They say it was made before the time of videos for when people wanted to leave behind vivid memories..." he explained.
"Spade was correct; in the past, people would scream "ghost!" in surprise when the memory came jumping out. They were paralyzed with fear at the thought of having a photo taken with this camera."
"A camera for freaking people out..." Ace said, shaking his head in slight annoyance from that story. Crowley then turned towards the girls. "Ladies. Please take photos of Grim and the other students to leave behind many memories of your lives in this academy." he said.
Meanwhile, Grim was still dancing around until he heard the words 'take photos' and laughed as he jumped up and plopped himself on Aria's head. "La-la-la-la ♪. Take lots of cool photos for me~ ♪." he exclaimed cheerfully.
"Be sure to leave a Memory especially when someone who get carried away easily misbehaves." Crowley said, adding that little tidbit directly toward the small cat monster. "It's a most suitable way to report to me, right? Keep an eye on your surroundings and take memories as the prefects."
The girls all nodded. "Yes. We understand, Headmaster." Jazmin replied with a nod. "To generously give you a rare item that can be used by non-mages...Does my graciousness know no bounds?" Crowley asked with a bright smile on his face.
Kira just rolled her eyes with disdain while Alice, Aria and Jazmin all just smiled at their new principal as Alice held the camera close to her. "Thank you very much, Headmaster." she said gratefully.
"It is already late. Let's save the detailed conversation for tomorrow. Return to your dormitories, everyone." Crowley said, excusing his now six students to go back to their respective dorms. "Pardon our intrusion." Deuce said as he and the others gave Crowley one last bow before leaving his office.
A while later, the six students were walking down the empty hallway. By now, the girls thought it was finally time to explain how they ended up at Night Raven College in the first place. "So lemme get this straight," Ace said as they walked. "You guys are from another world?"
The girls all nodded. "Uh-huh. We're from a place called Osaka, Japan. It's a really big city with huge buildings and neon lights." Aria affirmed. "And there's tons of cool stuff you can do there." Kira added. Deuce placed his fingers on his chin, intrigued.
"Huh. I guess that explains why you girls don't have any magic." he muttered. "And why you don't know anything about the Great Seven and stuff like that." Ace said. "Is that also why you're staying in the Ramshackle Dorm?"
"It's only until the Headmaster finds a way to send us back to Osaka." Jazmin said. "Until then, can we try and keep this a secret between us? I feel like we'd be in a lot of trouble if more people found out about our real identities."
"Sure thing." Ace replied. "Cross my heart." Deuce added as he crossed his finger over his chest. "Thanks, guys." Kira said. Ace then let out a sigh, finally feeling able to breathe a bit easier now. After everything that had happened, the students welcomed the quiet night and could use some sleep.
Deuce took in a deep breath as he and Ace both let out an exhausted sigh. "Haaaaaah...Expulsion rescinded...I'm beat." Deuce said, stifling a yawn. "It has been quite a long day. The thought of going to sleep has never sounded so welcoming." Alice said. "Oh my, oh my..." Ace sighed.
While all the six teens were exhausted, Grim was the only one bouncing with energy and still doing his little dance. "La lala~ ♪! I start as a student of Night Raven College tomorrow! I'm gonna leave you all in the dust and take the top spot!" he sung, his cockiness showing.
Kira scoffed. "Tch! In your dreams, tuna breath." she muttered. "At least one of us is happy." Aria said with a small smile. "You talk big for someone who is only half a full student... Anyway, it's fine." Ace said, smiling as he ruffled Alice's hair.
"We're classmates tomorrow, girls, Grim." Deuce said. He paused when he felt something within him stir. He felt...happy at the thought of seeing the girls again tomorrow for class. Ace felt the same way, as he and Deuce blushed when the girls smiled kindly at them.
"We're so pleased to have met you two. I'm so excited, I can't wait to have classes with our two new friends!" Alice said as she jumped up and hugged them both. Both boys blushed with embarrassment and Ace, once again, pushed her off.
"Saying that again is really embarrassing, will you stop?" he asked, a bit bashfully. Deuce let out a soft chuckle and returned her hug. "Pff, that's true. Even if we don't want to, we're going to see each other every day. I'm even in Heartslabyul with this jerk." he said, pointing over at the terracotta-haired boy next to him.
Ace scoffed at his direction. "The thought of having to see Mr. Serious' mug everyday makes me sick. Eugh." he said. "That's my line, truant Ace." Deuce quipped back. "Whatever you say, almost-expelled-crybaby Deuce." Ace said before he turned towards the girls.
"Alright, see you tomorrow, Prefects." Ace said as he and Deuce started to leave. "Oh, wait! Just one more thing!" Aria suddenly said before she reached into her bag and held up the Ghost Camera. "Since we've become new students here, we might as well put this to use, right?" she asked.
Ace and Deuce both stared at her. "Seriously? A picture, now?" Ace asked with slight exasperation. "Oh, come on! Just one!" Aria replied. "Please~?" She then gave them her cute, puppy-eyed look. Both Ace and Deuce felt flustered by her sweet, dewy-eyed expression.
"Eh, why not?" Ace shrugged before he, Kira, Alice, Jazmin, Deuce and Grim all gathered together behind Aria, who held up the camera in front of her. "Say cheese!" she said cheerfully. "Cheese!" everyone said in unison.
Aria pressed the button, allowing the camera to flash as it took a photo before she put it down and took a look at the picture that came out from the slot. "All right, now that that's done," Ace said as he turned to walk away, "time for bed. See ya, girls!"
"Yeah, goodnight, ladies." Deuce agreed as he and Ace waved the girls goodbye and good night. "Goodnight, boys." Aria replied as she waved back. Each of the girls felt a small surge of happiness spread through their hearts.
This world may be twisted and insane with magic and unpredictable people...but something was telling them that everything was going to be okay. Everything will be just fine.
"Those two may not act like it, but they actually make a good pair. I hope they can learn to be friends one day." Alice said as they watched them leave, making sure they were safe until they rounded the corner and escaped their sight.
"Those guys might make a good combo. They're the "fight because they're so close" type." Grim said in agreement. "We better get back to the dorm! Tomorrow, we aren't the handyman! Finally... Finally! Our bright and shiny academy life at Night Raven College begins!"
"Well, then. Let's all head back and get some sleep. We need to get up early for class tomorrow." Jazmin said. And so, the five new students of Night Raven made their way back to their dorm.
Grim kept on doing his happy victory dance until they reached the outside staircase where he practically dropped to the ground, wearing himself out and falling fast asleep. Aria managed to catch him before he hit the ground and the girls all giggled to themselves as she carried him into their dorm.
When they got back, they saw that the Ramshackle ghosts have prepared a delicious dinner for them: fried omelets with potatoes and corn. And Grim, despite feeling tired from their adventure, couldn't help but salivate at the scrumptious sight. The girls and Grim than sat down and had a wonderful meal.
After dinner, the girls got themselves ready for bed. After changing into their nightclothes in their bedroom, Alice tucked their snoring cat friend into bed, his stomach full. As she sat on her bed, Alice took a glance at the window and saw the bright full moon in the sky staring right back at her.
Her smile faltered a bit when she thought about her mother, her father and her older sister back home. "I'm pretty worried about my uncle Edward, aunt Helena and Ashley." Alice said sadly. "I wish I could see them again."
Kira walked up to her and patted her shoulder as she turned her attention towards the moon. "I'm pretty worried too. About my little brother. I hope he and the others are doing okay." she said. They then heard a soft knock on their bedroom door. They turned and saw Aria and Jazmin peeking through the open door.
"We just wanted to check how you girls are doing." Aria said. "Are you all right?" Alice sadly shook her head. "I miss my sister. I miss my family." she said. Aria gently wrapped her in a hug. "I know. All of us do." she said softly.
"I wish we could let them know that we're okay. That we're not really gone, y'know. Just...not in their world." Kira said. The other girls nodded. Even though the girls were happy that they get to be students of a magic school, they were still worried about their families back home.
The girls could only imagine how much turmoil their families are going through right now, being worried about them and praying for them to come home safely. How they all wished they could contact them somehow and let them know they were all okay.
And how sorry they were for disappearing so suddenly and for any trouble they might've caused them. "How about we send them all a little prayer? That way, we could at least give them some comfort." Aria suggested.
"Of course. Sounds like a good idea." Alice said. The four girls then gathered together in a little circle, folded their hands in prayer and they softly spoke to the moonlit sky. "To our beloved families. If any of you can hear us, please hear our prayer." Alice started.
"Forgive us for suddenly disappearing out of the blue. But...all of us are okay. We're all safe and well. We're in a place that's not exactly like our own,'s not that bad." Kira was up next.
"We sincerely hope you all can forgive us for any trouble we might have caused you, and for being stupid enough to leave you without knowing." she said. "I don't know when we'll be able to come back home...but until then, please take good care of each other." Then it was Aria's turn.
"We all miss you a lot, and we love you dearly. Sorry for not saying that more often." she said. "We pray that we will return to you soon." the girls then said in unison, finishing their prayer.
After that, they took a moment of silence for their prayer to sink in, hoping that anyone... or anything could hear it and send it over to their families. When they lifted their heads, the smiles came back on their faces, and they decided to get some sleep.
They all silently bade each other good night as Aria and Jazmin went back to their respective room. As they slipped into their beds, Alice and Kira both took one final glance towards the moon. Then they fell into a deep peaceful slumber.
The Ramshackle Dorm was still and quiet. Not a sound was made, not even the ghosts that inhabited the dorm's walls were up and fooling about. All was calm when a bright light suddenly appeared in front of the dorm's doors.
The bright light then hovered above the floor, and then started to take the form of a beautiful woman. The woman had shiny golden hair and smooth fair skin. She wore a long shimmering blue gown and two gossamer wings sprouted from her back. In her hand was a long wand with a golden crystal star at the tip.
The winged woman then floated through the dorm until she reached the stairway and made her way up. She then glanced at each door until she found the ones she was looking for.
She gently pushed the door open and spotted the sleeping forms of Alice and Kira. Once she saw them, she stepped inside as silently as a mouse. She approached the girls until she was standing above them, taking in their peaceful expressions.
She smiled down at them as she took the wand in her hand and raised it over their chests. With a single wave, four bright sparks of light floated from the tip of the wand and entered into each of the girls' chests. Then, she did the same thing to the other two girls sleeping in the other room.
Satisfied that her work was done, she transformed back into a speck of light and disappeared from the room.
"Welcome to Twisted Wonderland, Crystal Heart Maidens."
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