Prologue 2: The Entrance Ceremony
Meanwhile, inside the Mirror Chamber, the entrance ceremony was taking place. The new arrivals wearing hooded ceremonial robes were divided into seven groups. The room was filled with busy chatter and excited banter from the newly enrolled first years. Six young students stood out from the rest.
"This ends all the dorm assignments for the new students, I presume?" a young wine red-haired boy with two strands of hair forming a heart on top of his head and slate gray eyes asked as he looked around the room. He then placed a hand on his hip and sternly turned towards the new students that were assigned to him.
"Listen up, new students. Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head." he said strictly. All the students flinched when they heard that. With the way he said that, he made it sound like he was serious.
They just hoped that it was just a figure of speech and that he didn't mean it in any threatening way. "...Uuugghh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over." another boy said with a lazy yawn. He was much taller than the red-haired boy with long chocolate brown hair with two braids on either side and summer green feline eyes.
A long, thin, jagged scar ran across his left eye from the brow to his cheek. His long lion-like tail swayed from side to side below him. "We're going back to the dorm. Savanaclaw, follow me." he said.
"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to its fullest." a boy with silvery blue hair and sky-blue eyes said with a not-so-genuine smile on his face. He wore a pair of silver glasses and had a beauty mark below his lip on the left side of his face.
"As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle, I will support you to the best of my ability." he said with a sly glint in his eyes. "By the way, where did the headmaster go? He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..." a tall, beautiful-looking man with lavender-highlighted champagne gold hair and amethyst eyes asked.
"Abandoning his post..." another voice said, but in a bit of a whisper. A floating blue tablet instead of a person was in place. Most students were confused as to why a tablet was being presented instead of the real person.
"Did he get a stomachache or something?" a young boy wearing a turban asked worriedly. He had short, choppy pearly gray hair, garnet red eyes and tanned skin. Before anything else could be said, the doors suddenly flew open and Headmaster Crowley suddenly barged into the room.
"Not at all!" he exclaimed, gathering everyone's attention. "Ah, he's here." the red-haired boy said. Crowley let out a sigh of disappointment as he placed his clawed hands on his hips.
"I cannot believe you all. We were missing four new students, so I went to find them." he huffed, addressing the six students. He then turned his attention towards the four girls. Crowley saw that the girls were hiding behind a black curtain and smiled kindly. "Come on now. Don't be shy." he said gently.
If there was one word the four girls could use to describe the situation they were in, it would have to be "embarrassing". All around them, they felt the stares of the young boys surrounding them in the Mirror Chamber, whispering about them.
Though they were somewhat grateful that their robes' hoods obscured their faces from everyone's sight, they didn't feel very comfortable with the stares of that many people in one room. In fact, Madison was clinging onto Anna's arm like a lifeline. Sensing her discomfort, Anna gently grasped her hand.
The four girls hesitantly walked their way into the Mirror Chamber. "You four are the only ones yet to be assigned a dormitory." Crowley said as he guided them across the room. "Dormitory?" Talia asked curiously.
"The dorm leaders here will brief you about their respective dorms once you've been selected by the Dark Mirror." Crowley replied, pointing to the large mirror in the room. "I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the Dark Mirror."
"Mghgmh!!!" the cat creature screamed in a muffled voice as he squirmed in Crowley's grip. Following Crowley's word, the four girls carefully made their way towards the large ornate mirror. Green flames flickered within the mirror and a large pale face resembling a masquerade mask floated in the middle.
As Madison cautiously walked towards the mirror, she suddenly felt a strange tingling feeling on her hand. As she looked at her right palm, she saw, to her surprise, an inscription in glittering golden letters etched on her palm.
The letters spelled out a name. "Alice Liddell?" Madison wondered. "Whose name is this?" The other girls curiously looked at the name on her palm. "How did that happen?" Jodi asked. "I don't know." Madison said. Anna gritted her teeth. Somehow, this strange tingling sensation on her right hand wouldn't go away.
"Ugh! My hand won't stop tingling for some reason." she said irately as she looked at her palm. Her eyes widened when she saw another name etched in gold letters on her palm. "Huh?! Kira Ironclaw? Who the heck is "Kira"?" she asked.
She then turned to Jodi and Talia. "You girls see that?" she asked. Talia nodded. "Yes." she said as she and Jodi also looked at their right palms. They also had mysterious names etched on them. "Mine says "Aria Oceanspray"." Jodi said. "And mine is "Jazmin Raija"." Talia added.
"Okay, what's happening here? Why are those names etched on our hands?" Anna asked. The girls all paused for a moment, pondering why those strange names would suddenly appear on their palms. Then a thought crossed Talia's mind.
"I think those probably are our new names?" Talia said. The other girls glanced at her. "Huh? What do you mean, Talia?" Jodi asked curiously. "I think now that we're in this new world, we need to call ourselves by these new names." Talia said. "Maybe that's why those names appeared on our palms."
"Why? Is there a reason?" Madison asked inquisitively. "I don't exactly know why, but I'm pretty sure that these are our aliases." Talia said. "So we should call ourselves by those names, just for the time being." Anna paused, then shrugged.
"Alright. If you say so." she said. "So, who's going to go first?" Madison asked. The other girls turned to Madison. "I think you should go first, 'Alice'." Talia said. Madison froze. "Me?!" she asked anxiously. "Is something the matter, young students?" Crowley asked, becoming concerned by their hesitation.
Jodi quickly turned to Crowley. "It's nothing! Nothing's the matter! It's okay!" she said assuredly. She then turned towards Madison. "Let's go. Let's not keep them waiting." she whispered as the girls ushered her towards the Dark Mirror.
Madison swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat before she slowly and cautiously approached the Dark Mirror. "State thy name." the face in the mirror boomed. Madison mustered her courage and took a deep breath. "A-Alice Liddell." she boldly said. In that instant, the room was filled with mutters and whispers.
"Huh? Alice? Isn't that a girl's name? How could a girl be in an all-boy's school?" one student muttered. Now Madison wished that she maybe shouldn't have revealed her name. Fortunately, the chatter was silenced by the mirror. "The shape of thy soul is..." the Dark Mirror paused as he closed his eyes in concentration.
Alice could feel her heart beating and her body pulsing. It was as if the Dark Mirror was reading her, reading her soul. After a while, the Dark Mirror looked at Alice. "...Is unknown." he said finally.
Crowley stared at the Dark Mirror in utter disbelief. "Come again?" he asked as if he didn't hear a word of what he said. "I sense not a spark of magic from this one..." the Dark Mirror said grimly. "The color, the shape, all are nothing. Therefore, this one is suited for no dormitory."
He turned towards the other girls. "The same goes for those other three." he said. A collection of astonished murmurs immediately erupted from the audience. Some of the dorm leaders eyed the girls with interest, or rather, suspicion. Even Crowley was utterly speechless by this sudden revelation.
"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic!" he exclaimed in surprise as he looked towards the girls. "In 100 years, there has not been once been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world..." Meanwhile, the cat creature squirmed in his grip.
"Mghmgh... Pah!" he exclaimed as he managed to free himself from Crowley's grip and run to the front of the Dark Mirror. "Then I'll take their place!" he announced. Crowley glared at him. "Stay right there! Raccoon!" he shouted as he ran over to grab him.
But the cat creature paid no attention to him. "Unlike those dumb humans, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead!" he declared. "If you need proof, I'll show you right now!" He then started to heave in a deep breath.
The red-haired boy immediately sensed the danger coming. "Everyone, get down!" he exclaimed. Some of the students backed away while others doveto the floor and covered their heads. "Nnnaah~!!" Grim yowled as he unleashed a large jet of blue flames from his mouth, causing everyone to run away and scream in panic.
Nearly half of the venue was on fire. What a sight it was! The students all screamed as they ran to avoid the fire. "Waaaah! Hottttttt! My butt's on fire!" the white-haired boy shrieked as he ran around the room frantically, trying to pat out the fire on his rear end.
"At this rate, the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody, catch that raccoon!" Crowley shouted. Before long, total chaos erupted in the Mirror Chamber as the students frantically tried to douse the blue flames.
"Che! What a pain." the lion man muttered as he rolled his eyes, completely unfazed by all the hullaballoo. The beautiful man turned to him. "Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack?" he asked with a small smile as he gestured to the little cat creature. The lion man raised a brow at him.
"Why me? Do it yourself." he scoffed, thinking that it's just a waste of time. "Mr. Crowley, please leave it to me." the boy with the glasses said with a pretentiously cheerful smile. "I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself."
"That's Azul for you. Always try to earn himself points." the voice in the blue tablet droned. "Ummm, hey, could someone put out my butt fire already?!" the white-haired boy shouted painfully.
"Wait, hold on, sir! I'll help you!" Jazmin cried as she quickly grabbed a pitcher of water, which happened to be conveniently nearby and began to chase after him. "Wait! Stop running, please!" The white-haired boy finally skidded to a halt, allowing Jazmin to splash the pitcher of water on his flaming butt.
He sighed in relief as the flames on his butt were finally doused. "Ahh! That feels better! Thanks a million! I was starting to feel like shawarma!" the boy said gratefully as he turned to face Jazmin. "Are you okay, sir?" she asked with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" the white-haired boy answered with a big, broad, toothy grin. "Thanks, again! Man, I wish you could come to my dorm. I'd throw you a banquet in your honor!" Jazmin chuckled, feeling a bit flattered. "Oh, no. Throwing a banquet really isn't necessary." she said. "I was just trying to..."
Then, just out of her peripheral vision, she spotted another giant blue fireball coming right towards them, causing her to shriek. "WATCH OUT!!!" she screamed as she quickly grabbed the white-haired boy and pulled him down to the marble floor.
"YIKES!!!" the boy cried as he put his hands over his head. As the four girls watched, they were all bewildered by what was happening around them. This was a school, right? If that was the case... "Then what kind of school is this?!" they all thought. "Are you all even listening?!" Crowley shouted at the students.
The lion man let out another annoyed sigh as he crossed his arms. "If it's just catching some stupid raccoon, can't you do it yourself, Teach?" he asked. "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a raccoon!" the cat creature, Grim shouted. "The Great Grim-destined to become the greatest mage ever-is me!"
"It certainly has moxie. Care to help me, Riddle?" Azul, the boy with the glasses asked the red-haired boy. The red-haired boy, Riddle, frowned. "I can't overlook those who breaks rules. Let's hurry and get it." he replied sternly. As he stood up, he unhooked a small black pen from his belt and brandished it like a wand.
Azul also stood up and unhooked his pen from his belt as they rushed over towards Grim. Meanwhile, Grim was too engrossed in conducting his fire magic to realize their presence.
"Watch this! I'm strong, y'know!" Grim boasted as he blew out another ball of blue flames. "Hyah!" Riddle exclaimed as he swung his pen at Grim. Bright red sparkles glowed around the red gem on his pen and a spark of magic flew towards him.
"Waahh?!" Grim exclaimed as the magic spark suddenly hit him in the head, stopping him from breathing out more flames. He turned and saw Riddle who was glaring at him sternly. Grim's ears folded back under his cold, strict glare.
"For you to break a rule in front of me, you are exceedingly brave." Riddle said disdainfully as he crossed his arms. Azul looked out the dark window. Within a few hours, the dawn will break. "Well then, let's capture him quickly." he said. "Especially since if we tarry too long, daybreak will soon be upon us."
Grim then quickly made a run for it, causing Riddle and Azul to start chasing after him. The four girls all stood in their spots and watched in both amazement and shock as the boys performed true genuine magic, firing off spells to either catch Grim or stop him from running. No way any of this could be real! This just can't be!
The girls were so overwhelmed by what was happening before them that they all fell to their knees. The girls turned towards the students behind them and saw that none of them were at least fazed. If none of them were daunted by this, then it's most likely they had seen stuff like this a hundred times over.
"Ow!" Alice suddenly cried out in pain as she quickly yanked her hand back from a falling fireball. "Alice-chan, are you alright?" Kira asked as she, Aria and Jazmin glanced at her worriedly. "I'm fine. Don't worry." Alice replied, cradling her hand.
All of a sudden, a shocking realization crossed their minds. Alice had felt that. She actually felt the heat of the fire on her hand. And it didn't just feel real. It was real. If Alice could feel a painful sensation like this in this world, that could mean only one thing. None of this was a dream.
They were really in a whole new world. A world where magic and creatures like Grim truly exist. Then...if this is real and all of these students possess magic...and if they are the only ones without it....then how are any of them going to get out of this place?
Jazmin was the first to regain her senses. "Hey, girls! We can't just stand around and watch!" she said firmly. "We have to do something about this!" The other girls looked at her as if she had suddenly sprouted wings on her head.
"Huh?! Seriously?! Are you crazy or what?!" Kira exclaimed. "Well, I agree with her. We've got to find a way to help those boys." Aria said. "Oh, yeah? Like what? Got any bright ideas?" Kira asked, raising an eyebrow. The girls all paused. That was a very good question. What exactly can they do without any magic?
Grim jumped at the last second, barely able to avoid the spell strike from Riddle. Azul then hoisted his pen above his head, preparing to make another strike. Grim's cobalt eyes widened, the visage of his blue flames surrounding his two pursuers made them look like terrifying demons.
Bright white sparkles glowed around the light blue gem on Azul's pen as he then brought his pen down in an arc. "Hup!" he exclaimed as he threw a spell at Grim. The magic spark flew towards Grim and it exploded near his butt, causing him to screech in pain.
"Gyaa!!" Grim exclaimed, starting to panic as he frantically patted his sore butt. Riddle looked at Azul with a raised eyebrow. "Azul, don't you think you're toying with him too much?" he asked. Azul just chuckled. "Fufu, aren't you also tormenting the monster and enjoying yourself, Riddle-san?" he replied.
Riddle just scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "I'm not like you. Stop saying such absurd things and let's go." he said as they started to resume the chase. "Awaa...!" Grim shrieked as he kept on running, Riddle and Azul following behind him.
They started firing off one spell after another, trying to catch Grim. But every time, they attempted to catch Grim, he kept zigzagging in all directions, dodging their attacks with ease. "Yo~ you guys suck! Where are you even aiming at~?" he taunted, wiggling his butt at the two and making mocking faces at them.
Riddle's frown deepened. "Ugh, this cooperation isn't going very well..." he muttered, getting annoyed by their lack of progress and the cat monster's childish insults. He then turned towards the bespectacled silver-haired boy. "Azul, you need to time your magic's attack to mine." he said.
Azul smiled. "That's quite a tricky demand. Perhaps I could ask you to match mine instead?" he asked. Grim let out a jet of flames and puffed his furry chest out proudly. "Hey, look! I can use magic way better than these guys, yanno!" he crowed.
Then, without warning, Azul and Riddle simultaneously fired their spells at the cat monster, intentionally missing him. Startled, Grim started to run. Riddle and Azul chased him until they cornered him at the big door. Grim stopped in his tracks, seeing that the only exit was blocked and that there's no other way out.
"Funya?! A dead end?!" he gasped with wide-eyed shock. Seeing that he was trapped, Azul and Riddle closed in. "Did you not even realize you were being steered this way? What a pitiful little animal." Azul said with a taunting smile.
Riddle raised his jeweled pen high in the air as he glared down at the little cat monster. "You should surrender. Otherwise..." he warned as he waved his pen, preparing to cast a spell of punishment on him. Beads of sweat dripped down Grim's furry head. But there was no way he was going to just surrender like that!
He had come too far to turn back now! He desperately wanted this! "I don't wanna! I'm gonna join this school!" he screamed. In a moment of desperate panic, Grim immediately heaved in a huge, deep breath. He was about to spew out another wave of flames at the two students.
Alice gasped when she saw what was going to happen. "Azul, step back!" Riddle said as he braced himself for Grim's flame attack. "Funya~~~~~~~!!!" Grim exclaimed just as he released a giant wave of his fiery breath.
"Watch out!" she cried as she quickly ran towards Riddle. Before the big flames could hit Riddle, Alice managed to collide into him and push him out of harm's way. Both Alice and Riddle crashed onto the floor. Alice then quickly sat up and knelt beside Riddle.
"Oh, my goodness! That was close! Are you alright, sir?! You're not hurt, are you?" she asked worriedly. Riddle just stared up at her, his slate gray eyes wide with shock. Was he imagining it, or was he really looking at a pretty girl's face? "Am I... alright?" he whispered softly. But then, his expression changed from shock to rage.
"JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SPEAKING TO?!" he yelled, making Alice flinch. "Get off of me!" Riddle then roughly pushed Alice off of him before he stood back up. He glared at Alice. "How dare you break the rules in this manner?!"
The four girls all stared at him, bewildered by his words. "Huh? What rules?" Aria asked, tilting her head. The red-haired boy's face turned bright red with rage as he turned to glare at her. "Don't toy with me!" he seethed. "It is against the rules of the Queen of Hearts to bring a cat to a ceremony!"
The girls all paused as they stared at him. "...That's kind of a weird rule." Jazmin remarked. If it was possible, the red-haired boy's face grew even redder. "What?! You....!!" he snarled before Azul spoke up.
"Come now, Riddle-san," he said calmly. "It's only their first day on campus. You can't just expect them to know the rules immediately." At that point, Riddle calmed down...quite marginally. The girls were confused. Was Azul defending them or insulting them? It was hard to tell.
Riddle just huffed. "It's bad enough that we have four new students who can't use magic at all." he said, a sneer plastered on his face. "But now, we have a fire-breathing cat running around as it wishes."
Alice then looked behind her. "Watch out!" she shrieked as a blue fireball suddenly blazed between her and Riddle. Aria and Kira quickly grabbed Azul's arm and pulled him out of harm's way just as another fireball whizzed past them. Alice ducked low and pulled at Riddle's robe, dragging him down with her.
She ignored Riddle's shouts of indignation as she held a protective arm over his shoulders, trying to shield him from Grim's flames. Meanwhile, her three friends and Azul kept a wide berth from Grim as he breathed more of his blue flames towards them.
"C'mon! Lemme join your school already!" Grim howled. Why won't they just accept him already?! He clearly has a lot of magical talent! Riddle was already starting to get annoyed. They were wasting precious time here!
He snapped his head towards Azul. "Azul, are you at all trying to capture this intruder seriously?!" he shouted irately. But Azul remained calm and composed. "It seems more to me that you have absolutely no ability to "yield to others," Riddle-san." he replied.
"Stop your muttering and let me join this school!" Grim snapped, quickly getting impatient. Azul then held his pen out while the girls ducked and covered themselves. He then suddenly fired a spark of magic at him. "Funya~~~~~~~!!!" the cat monster yelped, paws in the air, while the spark threw him off-balance.
"At any rate," Riddle stated boldly, "I'll start by sealing off its magic." Alice's head snapped upward to meet her friends' equally shocked gazes. Riddle was going to seal Grim's magic? How exactly was he going to do that? Their answer came when Riddle raised his magic pen and pointed it at Grim.
Grim stood up on his paws and was now charging towards him. "Azul, step back!" he shouted. Azul then motioned the four girls to step back. Riddle then began to start an incantation. At that moment, the four girls felt a dangerous surge of magic coming from Riddle's direction. What exactly was he going to do?
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