I Can't Forget You
Run. Run. Run. I have to run. I have to get the supplies needed, he needs me, I need him. Where the hell are those stupid special syringes?!
And I'm gonna have to measure him and apply the over all length of his arms and legs to the volume of ichor needed to be taken out, and all that seems like a hassle but I KNOW IT ISN'T.
His face went blank right after talking to me. He loves me, I know it! I'm not such a bad person! I really do regret what I did and I know it was one hell of a Delilah move... and I know no one likes being a puppet...
Astro's sitting on the lounge chair on the side of the wall in the other room. I think he's asleep, but I don't know if Twisteds actually rest.
I'm really scared. I don't want to lose him again. Sure, last time was only for a few days until my hand was bandages up, but... he didn't speak to me much after. I had to work to get his trust back. For him to pay attention to me.
Is it wrong to want to be cared about? Is it wrong to not want to be ignored? That's all that was. But now that he's like this, it's only a certain amount of time before his mind succumbs to the ichor and reviving him won't work.
I found the syringes in a drawer stuffed with old drawings. I used to sketch little pictures of me and the other mains... hanging around, having fun.
Drawing things that didn't happen to gaslight myself into thinking that whatever friendship I thought I had with them was real.
Grabbing the measuring tape and syringes, I ran over to the figure that was sitting still in the shadows. This could be really dangerous, if he's already under the Twisting effects.
Moving closer, I realize that his eyes are wide open, but luckily, no ichor tears. He's still down in there somewhere.
I quickly set to work with the measuring tape, calculating the amount of ichor needed to be extracted from his system.
I shouldn't have ever done this. Especially to the man I love. To someone who didn't deserve it.
Regret is a really large hole to fall in, and even harder to crawl out of. I don't think I'll ever be able to.
I thought that I had gotten him back when he started speaking. But I fear that may have been the last time he speaks to me, if I do this wrong.
I'm begging whatever force that controls this world will help me be precise. To get through this. I can't afford to lose him again.
Let's hope this syringe doesn't scare him too much... Astro doesn't like needles.
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