5- The Stars of The Memories That Brought Us Here
I held the syringe, my hands shaking. I'm so scared to do this wrong.
Just as I brought up the courage to use it, I heard a rumbling noise behind me. No... no, no, wait, how did someone find the old elevator?
It's impossible! They couldn't have, unless...
It's one of the mains.
The elevator slowly opened, revealing Sprout and Cosmo standing there.
"...well, that was anticlimactic." Cosmo muttered, his voice echoing throughout the lab. If I know one thing for sure, it's either he was the one who dragged Sprout down here to face his PTSD, or Sprout came down here of his own free will to make sure this place was shut down for good.
"Dandy!" The fruity toon yelled out. "Put the syringe down and get away from Astro!" Is he insane? Does he think it'll help Astro?
"You misunderstand, Sprout, I'm trying to help him." He walked closer to me, Cosmo sticking close to his side like some lost puppy begging for attention.
It fits him.
Motions behind me caught my eyes. Sprout and Cosmo glanced as well. Astro was sitting up, rubbing his head. "G..uh......" I rushed to his side. "Astro!! You're awake?!" His gaze flickered to me as he nodded, then rubbed his head some more.
He must have the biggest headache...
"Astro's... not twisted?" Sprout whispered. I scoffed. "Of course he isn't! He's strong enough to withstand ichor!" Although... he doesn't look healthy...
His moon was a bit pale, his arms were shaking with weakness, although he was about to collapse and pass out again. I held up the syringe.
"Let me see your arm, Astro." He rose his head. "D...Dandy... I-I don't...." I glanced behind me, Sprout walking forward. "Whatever you're planning, Dandy, it can't be good. Don't use that syringe."
Oh my Arthur, this guy...
With a bit too much force than I intended, I jabbed the needle into Astro's arm, feeling him flinch below me. I gave him an apologetic look. The stupid mold cluster behind me grabbed my arm with his little grubby hands.
I quickly shoved him back, successfully finishing the removal of about... 1 quart of ichor...
That's it! I simply need to remove about, maybe a little over the amount I forced him to ingest! Hahah, I'm such a genius.
I turned around to Sprout, who looked seriously pissed now. He thought I was doing this just for myself. I'll fix this up...
"You remember that day you and the other mains were trapped in the experimentation cells whilst Astro was guzzling down the last of the ichor I had in stock?"
A little gasp from Cosmo. Sprout stared at me.
"You know! That day! It was 20 gallons. I just need to get that exact amount of him and he'll be okay, okay? Just trust me for once in your little piss baby life. Not everything's about you. Now chill while I get this done."
Stab after stab into Astro's arm. He looked so sick... I'm sorry, my love... I didn't truly want for this to happen.
I just wanted... "I just wanted you to feel the same way I do..." I whispered. Sprout and Cosmo were sitting on one of the lab counters, glancing at files. They couldn't have heard, but I know Astro did. He looked up at me, a tired expression on his face.
Just like always...
"..What do you mean, Dandy...?.." He tilted his head. "I didn't like you turning against me... I thought it meant that you didn't love me... but it just meant I was in the wrong..."
He stayed silent.
"I was hurting who I meant to originally help, all because of my selfishness. And... it's okay for you to not love me anymore. You probably already made that decision... but just know that I've been working hard to fix my mistakes."
"Y-yes, Asy?"
"I forgive you, but... it'll take some time for our relationship to rebuild."
"I completely understand, I'll do my best."
"I don't think we can date again. I'm not sure yet, but... for now it's a no."
The ache in my chest from his words wouldn't be something I'd be able to ignore.
"... I understand, Astro."
He stared at me in shock before smiling.
It was my turn to tilt my head.
"...Okay, Dandy. I believe you." He smiled.
I love it when he smiled...
Cosmo was staring at the two sitting on the lounge chair. Dandy was still taking ichor out of Astro's system, but the chat that they were having was enough to keep Astro busy.
"....was what I was trying to do okay, Cosmo?" I asked. He turned to me, confused. "What was?" He must've not been paying attention.
"Trying to stop him from jabbing Astro with that needle. Was it wrong?"
He seemed to be in thought.
"Well... you were trying to do the right thing, even if you didn't understand what he was doing was already in the right, so... it was okay. You didn't try to push him so much that he had to actually harm you. So that's good." He chuckled, looking back at them.
I took Cosmo's hand into mine, feeling the warmth of his palm seep into my skin.
...it seems like everything's finally over, huh?..
I wonder if this is real.
If this is all just something to entertain the selfish things that created us.
...at least I have this moment to remember, when things turn sour.
At least I have Cosmo.
And he has me.
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