Within hours of the news of Amber's overdose, the boys sit and wait in her hospital room with Scarlett. Not only does the pressure of Josh and Alexander in the same room still linger around, but animosity surges between James and Scarlett.
Josh senses the hostility and asks Scarlett to escort him to the cafeteria.
"Hey, sis, I'm not sure where I can get a decent cup of coffee. Care to take me down to the cafeteria or somewhere?"
She slides off the bed, wrapping her arms around Josh's to put on a sweet and innocent act.
"Sure thing, bubby, we need to catch up anyways."
They scamper away, which allows Josh time to dive into the realm that is James and Scarlett. Along the way, he's about to learn that everything inside the hospital room was a poorly acted portrayal.
"How have things been and don't lie to me. Every time you lie, your cheeks glow, little lady." Josh reminds her with his arm around her shoulders.
With a heavy sigh and her eyes glued to the floor, Scarlett breaks down, feeling the wave of shame slam over her.
"It's horrible! We're separated right now, and he wants a divorce, and I don't. He's been sleeping with his assistant. She's a 25-year-old little brunette who I would like to strangle. He's been cheating for years, and I finally had enough of it. I can't help it that I work like crazy, but what does he expect? I'm a nurse and a damn good one too!" Scarlett says, still staring at the floor.
"That two-timing dog!" Josh begins insulting James before he gives Scarlett a much-needed confidence boost.
"He's an idiot sweetie, you're still hot and beautiful, and if he doesn't appreciate what you've given and helped him build here, then I say go back and dropkick that asshole."
All she can do at that moment is smile and hug Josh from the side after she wipes her eyes.
"Thank you, and it's no wonder Gweny still thinks you're a wonderful man."
"Well, you know, I don't like to brag or anything, but she's a wonderful woman. Anyway, I'll make sure to talk to James. You're a terrific woman and a loving wife and mother."
Shortly after the compliments, they arrive in the cafeteria, where they're treated to a complimentary cup of coffee. On their way back to the hospital room, they're met with Alex in the hallway. At first glance, Scarlett's heart drops out of her chest as her skin turns to a new shade of white.
"Your presence is requested inside the room." He says in a low tone keeping a blank expression on his face.
"Josh, hang back here with me, please." He states, placing his hand on Josh's chest.
Scarlett heads into the room to discover her daughter sitting up but in rough shape.
"Mom," she groans, trying to focus on Scarlett standing beside the bed.
"Yes, Amber, I'm here, baby."
James steps up, wrapping his arms around his daughter and estranged wife. He's delighted to see Amber sitting up as she begins to recover from the overdose.
A few moments later, Alex and Josh enter the room. Amber tries to focus, but she can't make out who's standing there.
"Hi little darlin', it's been a minute, hasn't it," Josh calls out, helping her recognize his presence.
"Uncle Josh?"
"Yes, my little jewel, it's me."
"Oh my gosh, Uncle Joshy! Come here!" Amber squeals reaching out for him. "Where have you been? What have you been doing? Where are my cousins and Aunt Erin?"
It's evident to Josh that the overdose has affected her memory. The mention of Erin brings a deep, prolonged exhale.
"Honey, Erin went away several years ago, remember. She's gone, but it's okay if you forgot, but I do need to talk to you. Preferably alone, and it'll stay between us, I super-duper promise." Josh tells her, trying to win her trust.
"C'mon, guys, let's give them a moment," Scarlett tells them, guiding James and Alexander out of the room.
The door closes, and shortly after, Josh goes from beloved and extended uncle to good cop fishing for information.
"Don't think about me being an agent of the law but as someone who wants to go after the people who hurt you because that's exactly what I'm going to do. Anything you can remember about the place you picked this drug up can help me out."
Amber's nervous and afraid at first.
"Am I gonna go to jail?"
"No, no, no, my dear Amber, I would not ever allow that to happen. This is just us, I promise, and I want to hurt these bastards for trying to kill you. Now it's personal for me."
It takes her a minute to recall being back in that apartment, but she gradually pieces it back together.
"It's blurry, but I remember loud music. These guys talked like really funny. Even more so than Nana. They were white guys, and I remember one of them saying we need to go; we need to get back to 'The Ville' and run the Jags." She pauses to reveal more, but she becomes frustrated with herself.
"Ugh! I know there's something I'm forgetting. It's something about driving and finding people to...Ugh!"
Josh calms her down and eases her frustration.
"You did well, sweetheart; you let me handle it from here, okay. Now lay back and relax. I'll get your mom and dad."
He heads out to the hallway, where he motions for Scarlett to head back into the room. Before James can go back inside, he's stopped when Josh takes him by the shoulder.
"I don't care about the cost or what you get, but I need fast vehicles. I was able to piece it together, and we're heading to Jacksonville. That's where they recruit drivers. She'll be fine in time but convince them to come to momma's, and we'll get them down to the safe house. They hurt our family, and now I'm going to put them six feet under myself." Josh orders with his old cold stare returning.
James nods with a livid demeanor in his stance. The only gesture he returns is a signal to acknowledge Josh's request. Alex follows them back into the room, where they sit for about an hour.
While they chit-chat, the doctor comes into the room with some startling blood test results.
"Hey Fred, what's that in your hand?" Scarlett asks, seeing her coworker.
"It's Amber's blood test results, and I must say it's a blessing to see you awake, let alone alive. You're one lucky young lady! The dose of Southern Sugar you ingested was almost twice as strong as anything posted by any other hospital that's come across this garbage. I have to turn these results into the FDA as well as the DEA."
Josh gets to his feet, extending his arm out to take hold of the folder.
"I'm the DEA agent assigned to this case, actually," Josh mentions using his other hand to flash his badge to the doctor.
"I'll need some sort of clearance, sir. I can't just hand this information over just because you flash a badge."
Josh takes out his phone, dialing his director.
"Director Foxx, sir; yeah, need you to clear something up with a doctor here with possible vital information on my case, sir," Josh says before he hands over the phone to the doctor who listens to the directions given by Director Foxx.
It takes a little time, but the doctor listens and disappears for a moment to check the computer at the nurse's station.
He returns to Josh, waiting by the edge of the door with a look of condescension on his face.
"I'll have you a copy of this information shortly." The doctor says, pausing for a second. "One thing that was weird is that there are sugar-like crystals mixed into this particular batch."
The doctor's comment catches Josh's attention, and he walks out with him to get copies of the report and try to pinpoint anywhere this drug could be manufactured.
With a copy of the reports and having the doctor explain his findings, Josh keeps a firm grip on his copies of everything.
He goes to leave, but he's not alone.
"Yo man, you are not leaving here alone. We're heading to the house, and then we're heading out in the morning after this storm passes." James demands when he takes ahold of Josh's shoulder.
"I need to get back to Gwen and the kids. I'll head back there and rest up; I can make that trip. I have once already. I'll be fine, bub, but I appreciate the concern.
James isn't one to take no for an answer.
"Then we'll be right behind you. Let us run and grab some clothes. I told Scarlett about the vacay, and whenever Amber is released, they should focus on their way down there."
They give each other a quick bro hug, but then Josh's phone goes off in his pocket. He takes the phone in his hand and sees it's Gwen calling.
"Hey babe, I'm on..." he's cut off when she screams into the phone.
"Josh, can you hear me? Hello? Baby! There's a tornado watch here, and it's getting worse. Part of my roof is gone, so don't come this way! I don't know if you can hear me but stay wherever you are."
Josh listens as things go from bad to worse when a faint whistling noise blares in his ear.
"OH MY GOD! KIDS GET DOWN AND INTO THE BATHROOM!" Gwen shrieks when the line goes dead.
James can see the look of concern and returns to get Alex.
"Dude, we gotta roll. I think something bad just happened to Gwen and the kids."
Alex gets to his feet, running out the door to catch Josh as he flies down the steps for his car.
"Josh, wait up!" Alex screams, trying to get his attention.
"I can't wait! Gwen, Aaron, Brook, and Emily are all there!"
That's when Alex's heart nearly stops with the mention of Emily. His adrenaline pumps to new heights as Alex passes James in the stairwell and nearly catches up to Josh with only a few steps left until they're out of the stairs on the ground floor.
James catches them and quickly returns them to the parking garage. From there, Josh dashes like a man on fire.
Alex ignores the fact he's traveling with nothing on him. He climbs into the sports car smacking the dash for Josh to go as both of their hearts continue to pound.
Together they head straight into one of the largest storm systems in history. The storm stretches from the edge of the Appalachian Mountains of Blacksburg, Virginia, to Minnesota's outskirts, nearly flooding the town of RiverCreek.
The refusal to recognize that the storm increases with intensity doesn't faze the duo heading for tornado torn Ohio. Even when the car nearly hydroplanes, they push through the blackness that surrounds them.
"C'mon, clear up, you son of a bitch!" Josh calls out, frustrated being hindered and forced to go slow as parts of the highway are flooded.
By the time they arrive on the outskirts of Cincinnati, the storm finally dissipates. The damage around them is heavy. Alex's in a state of shock, seeing homes and property destroyed.
"Holy mother of God, this was one thing I never missed after mom and I left Indiana all those years ago," Alex admits.
Josh remains silent as they continue to speed for Dayton dangerously. Along the way, he hands his phone to Alex.
"Select Gwen's name and put it on speaker," Josh demands, his eyes locked on the road.
At first, the phone does nothing but ring. Alex calls four more times, and on the final time, it rings, an automated message comes over the speaker.
"The number you are dialing is temporarily out of service, message 52765."
Panic sets in between both Alex and Josh. The car is topped out nearing one hundred forty miles per hour for the next five miles, where Josh nearly overheats the brakes sliding off the exit ramp.
By the time they find a passable route to the house, they're shocked to see it standing as it has partially collapsed.
"Bloody hell!" Josh says, seeing the damage from the storm. "C'mon, we gotta find the kids and Gwen!"
Alex follows Josh from the car as they dash for the house. As they climb up the side to a shattered window, Alex begins to call out to only Emily while Josh calls to find Aaron, Brooklyn, and Gwen.
"Kids, can you hear me?" He pauses to listen between each call.
"Gwen, Gwen, where are you?"
A faint voice replies that Josh can barely manage to hear.
In the distance, thunder begins to roar again.
"Hey! Alex, over here!" Josh yells, pointing to a part of the wall leaning into one of the damaged rooms. "I thought I heard a voice from here."
Alex doesn't waste time helping Josh peel back the wall enough to slide into the room.
"Alex! Gwen! Brook! Emily!" He calls out again, straining to listen for a response.
"Daddy," A weak voice calls out.
Alex charges the door with his shoulder knocking it out of the way to find Brooklyn is lying in what's left of the second-story hallway.
"Josh!" He shouts, leaning down to check on her.
Within seconds Josh brushes by Alex to check on his daughter. His heart races with clammy hands. After he feels a pulse, he lets out an extra-long sigh of relief.
"She's breathing, bub! Come on, help me get her out of here." Josh calls out through the heavy howling winds.
Together they carefully carry Brooklyn down to the car. She's stretched out where Josh checks on her one more time before he rushes back after an ear-piercing scream for help travels from the house.
"No time to doddle around; let's go!" Alex orders leading the way across the rubble.
Kicking in the doors and damaged pieces of the walls, they find Aaron and Emily together in the bathtub.
"Emily, sweetie, hang on! Daddy's here is Aaron, okay?" Josh says, checking for a pulse in his son's neck.
"He tried to go after Brook. He slipped and hit his head, daddy; is he dead?"
Josh shakes his head no, and once he realizes that his oldest son may have a concussion, he waves Alex over for help. That's when Alex gets the first glimpse of his only child and when their eyes meet, he sees that she is a near-perfect carbon copy of Caddie.
"Have we met?" Emily asks.
"No," Alex replies, diverting his attention back to Aaron.
Emily tries to pick herself up, but that's when her injury makes itself present.
"Ow!" She screams, holding her wrist.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Josh questions looking over at her.
"My wrist, it really hurts, dad. I think it's broken."
"Just be careful and follow us out, okay. I promise after we find Gweny, I'll get help here pronto." Josh says, to ease her worries.
With Aaron straddled over their shoulders, the duo drags his body to the car, where Alex checks on the twins. Josh rushes back inside to find Gwen as the structure begins to creak and groan.
Panic starts to set in more when Josh calls out to Gwen, but she never answers. He's lifting debris, but it's apparent that she's not on the second story.
He jumps down onto the ground without thinking and crashes through a window to check the first story. He listens to the weight beginning to take its toll as the buckling from the stress begins to rattle the walls.
"Gwen!" He yells, making his way from the back room off the kitchen through the rest of the ground floor.
He comes up to the final room, where the door is stuck. A couple of kicks finally breaks a piece of it for him to see into the room to find Gwen face down unconscious.
"Gwen! Gwen! Come on, wake up!" Josh screams, trying to battle through the door. "UGH," he groans, striking the heavy wooden door.
The quick strikes on the door begin to crack away from the frame, which causes the wall to buckle slightly.
"Help!" He screams, feeling helpless until assistance arrives with James carrying a sledgehammer.
"Yo dawg, back off, I got this!" James calls out with a swing of the hammer onto the brass doorknob.
The hit is enough to budge the door back enough for both men to push it open. The effects don't go unnoticed when debris from the ceiling starts to fall.
"We gotta go, bub!" Josh tells James when they pick up Gwen and carry her over to the window where Alex takes her from their grip carrying her away from the house so the other two can escape.
Just as James gets a few feet from the window, parts of the housing collapse. He stops to turn to see the room he exited is no longer there.
"Jesus Christ!" He yelps as the dust settle with the walls pushed out.
He joins Josh and Alex over at the cars, helping them check on the kids. Emily continues to clutch her wrist, whimpering now and then in pain. Gwen begins to cough and moan, coming to for only a moment.
"Easy love, the kids are okay, and you're out of the house," Josh whispers, running his hand through her hair. After the coughing subsides, she closes her eyes and begins to breathe shallowly.
"Hey, I'll go track down help!" James suggests getting into his car peeling out.
About ten minutes later, he returns with an ambulance. By the time they pull up, Aaron and Brooklyn are up stirring, trying to gather themselves.
"Is everyone okay?" The paramedic asks, dropping his bag to check on Gwen.
"I believe so. I think my son might have a concussion. My daughter just has a gash on her head, and her vision she said is fine. They're complaining of a massive headache. My daughter sitting in the car might have a broken wrist. Their mother has been unconscious pretty much since we pulled her from the house." Josh explains to give all the information he can to the first responder.
They bump Josh out of their way, so they can get in to check on the kids. They check the response with their eyes from their light and for cuts and abrasions. They put the kids into the back of the ambulance before they place Gwen on a stretcher.
"Gentlemen follow us." The paramedic tells the three of them.
Josh gets into his car alone while Alex and James get into his Mercedes. They keep a safe distance behind the ambulance when the downpour resumes.
In the Mercedes, James can sense the tension within Alex.
"What's up, my friend? Something's off. Did something happen back there?"
A deep breath from Alex is all it takes for him to open about his conscience.
"I looked into my daughter's eyes, and I couldn't find myself in them. She's the spitting image of her mother to boot. She's truly Josh's girl, and I have nothing left. She's hurt and scared, and I can't even comfort her as a father should. I'm forced to sit here and watch my former best friend in the world do it. I was such a chicken shit that I was too afraid to man up and handle the responsibilities from the decisions I made. Josh wins; he is the better man. Although I will be here to help him with this case only because I want her to grow up in a better world than the one she has right now."
"That's deep, man, that's soul-crushingly deep, but you're right, and I won't spill the secret that you all have kept. Emily's a sharp girl, and in time maybe you can be friends." James recommends tapping his fingers on the top of the steering wheel.
By the time they arrive at the nearest medical center, the storm's intensity once again captures the area under its drenching spell—thunder and lightning reign down, crashing every few seconds of each other. The winds blow fierce enough that anyone caught driving is nearly pushed off the roads. It's a night that resembles how Josh always feels inside, which is why he stands by the window in Gwen's room.
The kids rest in the adjoining room as James and Alex sit with them while the doctor examines Gwen. Alex tries not to stare at Emily, but when her attention is diverted to either her adopted brother and sister, he can't believe how she reminds him of her mother. Her laugh is nearly identical, and before long, he can't take it any longer and switches places with Josh.
"Hey man, I can sit with her for another minute. Check on the kids. I'm sure they'd like to see you."
All Josh can do is nod and walks over to visit with his children. He sees an air brace on Emily's wrist, and Aaron appears unharmed. Brooklyn has a bit of dried blood on her forehead with some stitches in her hairline.
"Well, if this isn't some sight to behold. My kids are laughing and getting along. Guess it won't be too long before all of you are all together on vacation. I have a surprise. I'm taking us all to the house down in North Carolina." Josh reveals with a smile on his face.
"Oh my God, we're finally going back down there?" Emily squeals, shielding her mouth with her hands in excitement.
"Yes, sweetie, we are, it's been too long, and we all need time together. After your mom is discharged, we're meeting up at mommas to get her and Connor. We are spending some time down there with Uncle James, Alex, and Justin too. It'll be a house load, but you know we got plenty of room."
Emily leaps over to her father, giving him the world's tightest hug possible. She's beyond excited to learn about his plans even though there is an ulterior motive for the vacation.
"Aaron, are you feeling alright?" Josh wonders, looking over at him.
"Yeah, Pop, I just uh, you know, have a headache and was wondering about my car if it's still there or not."
"Let the storm pass, and we'll check in the morning, okay. I'll take you there myself, I promise." Josh tells him with Aaron feeling grateful that his father made it in time to save him and his sisters.
The rest of the night, the trio of heroes take turns rotating between the rooms to keep an eye on everyone. Emily crashes out in the recliner while Aaron and Brooklyn rest in their hospital beds as they're being observed for head trauma. Josh tries to stay as close as possible to all of them, hoping that Gwen will wake up at any moment.
He barely finds a chance to rest that night. Something inside of him keeps gnawing at him the more he worries about how they could have been too late to save the kids and Gwen. He stands there at one point beside Gwen's bed, stroking her hair gently when she begins to stir.
"Shhh, it's okay, Gweny. You're safe and sound. The kids are safe too in the next room, so just relax, and I'll still be in here in the morning." He leans in, whispering to her, which helps her breathing to ease.
He kisses her on the cheek, then flops down in the seat beside her bed and stares at the infomercial on TV until he eventually shuts his eyes in the chair for what should be several hours. James and Alex crash in their chairs in the room with the kids in the blink of an eye.
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