Justin and Preach drive to Detroit just after sunrise. They're unaware of the anarchy that gripped ahold all of Chicago.
"Remember we're heading to the old automotive factory district." Preach reminds Justin when they signal to exit.
"I got you, bro, we're good. Hey, mind if we stop for a cup of coffee or get one through a drive-thru. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." Justin says, constantly blinking his heavy crow feet eyes.
"Yeah, sounds wonderful to me; just get us something quick, fast, and in a hurry because this is a huge payday once it's finished. I could use that kind of cash to go on a mission for the church I attend and between us..." Preaches drops his tone to a faint whisper. "Not come back to this and disappear from this life."
Justin nods his head, reaching over to pat Preach on the back.
"You seem like a good guy, Preach, so do it, bro. Make a better difference in people's lives."
After they get a cup of coffee, they arrive with Preach's instructions; they come to a stop in front of the abandoned Packard plant.
"Guess this is the place." Preach, let's out holding out a tiny air horn blowing it a couple of quick times to alert the people inside to open the door to the rhythm of God save the queen.
"Down here!" A voice cries out at the loading dock door that leads underground.
"There!" Preach points for Justin to see where the voice is calling to them.
Slowly Justin creeps down the ramp and into the lower level. The car comes to a halt in the middle of the empty delivery area.
When he shuts off the engine, the sounds of guns cocked surround them and echo throughout the old structure.
"Preach, come on out and give us the code or else we light the two of you up." An order carries from the other side of the floor.
Preach is approached by armed men and taken out of Justin's sight.
"You in the car get out as well to be searched." Justin complies with the orders and keeps his hands up to show no signs of aggression.
He's patted down, and the bug sweeper goes around the GTO.
"He's clean..."
Justin is about to get back in his car when another armed guard slams the door shut the instant he opens it.
"Look, guy, I'm just a delivery driver, nothing more. I ain't even shifted my eyes off my car, so relax." Justin dictates, reaching for the door handle again.
"I don't think so, homeboy." An African American man growls.
"Keep it up, and I will wipe the floor with you, son." Justin threatens, trying to get back into his car, where his gun is placed under the seat.
After the thug hands over his AK-47, he puts his hands up high to motion for Justin to make a move.
"Try it, please I want to fight."
Justin snickers at the invitation. He strikes with a quick strike to the ribcage, followed by a left uppercut to his chin to knock him backward while blurring his opponent's vision. To finish off the quick assault, Justin charges, landing a solid knee strike followed by a thrust to the throat.
A crowd suddenly appears around them as Justin waits for his opponent to come back at him. When he finally snacks back to his senses, he charges at Justin with full speed swinging with a roundhouse kick, only to have Justin wrap his arm around the leg connecting with an elbow strike to the knee. Justin takes him to the ground as a thunderous pop comes from the fighter's kneecap.
The cries of incredible agony carry over the roar of spectators.
"Bad call son, I told you I drive, but you wouldn't stop." Justin shrugs his shoulders, going over to get into his car but meets a second threat.
"Hey, Cuz bad move, now you deal with me. That's my partner, homie. You don't mess with mi familia without how you say, scrap with me." A large Latino man says.
Rolling his eyes, Justin welcomes the new challenger. The man comes in hard he connects with a right hook to Justin's jaw.
"That's your only free shot; now it's my turn, 'homie.'"
Justin uses his speed to quickly strike his second challenger's face before using body blows. Finally, a kick to the gut sends the helpless fighter to the ground, frantically gasping for air.
By calling anyone else out, Justin wants to make sure there are no more challengers.
"Who else, huh, who else wants a piece?"
When no one accepts, Justin swings open his door, planting himself hard into his seat.
After he slams his door shut, a new surprise arrives when the door on the opposite side of where he and Preach arrived.
The dock doors explode open as police, S.W.A.T., and FBI rush through with weapons drawn as officers launch in gas canisters.
"Metro P.D., everyone freezes now!" An officer orders sweeping the area for possible threats.
Every henchman tries to scatter to find a way out with no luck as police combined with the FBI storms from the stairwells.
Gunfire erupts, causing everyone armed to shoot in any direction as more chaos erupts. All Justin can think about is getting Preach out of the building, so they both make it to safety.
"Preach, let's go!" Justin leans out and yells to avoid the smoke filling the area around the car.
"Justin, I hate to say this. You're under arrest. I'm FBI, so please make this easy and get out with your hands up." Preach calls out, walking through the smoke with an FBI vest strapped on his chest.
Justin realizes he's on his own as he fires up his car speeding out of the building. The last thing he needs to do is blow his cover since he is unaware that he's been compromised. Preach wants to get him out of harm's way.
"Hold your fire!" Preach cries out to keep him safe.
The GTO flies up the ramp. He's greeted by officers waiting by their vehicles. There's barely enough room to squeeze past the cruisers, which ends up in a high-speed pursuit.
Several blocks into the chase, Justin's taken by surprise when an explosion barely misses his car.
"What in the world..." He lets out, trying to maintain eyes on the pothole-riddled roads after he glances into his rearview mirror as a ball of fire climbs toward the sky.
More explosions followed, rocking the streets below as car bombs slowly take out a few police cruisers. RPGs reign down from windows and rooftops, taking out more police officers.
Thinking it's over, Justin slows down but gets caught off guard when he turns the corner seeing a police barricade that prevents him from getting away on the interstate as they open fire.
"Damn it!" He groans loudly, locking up his brakes to whip his car around.
Instinct takes control as Justin drops his head after the back-glass shatters. Justin rips through the gears speeding back into the warzone, where he runs into a gang of people marching down the way.
"We got you, freedom fighter!" A young man cries out, waving Justin through.
They're ready for the police to come around the corner. Then the gunfire continues after Justin stops to turn around; he watches in horror as both sides gun the other down as the streets fill with blood.
"Oh, good lord, this is crazy. How can Josh have gone through this before?" Justin murmurs, feeling the sensation to throw up.
He can't remove his eyes from the sight of the battle in the streets. Explosions and gunfire shake the ground, but it's after the bedlam comes to an end that he regains his composure.
Justin creates a white cloud of smoke before the police approach his car again. He tries to ignore the fighting to the best of his abilities. Justin flies at high speed to avoid capture.
Swinging his car wide, Justin stops at the garage door of an abandoned gas station that's boarded up with the doors chained shut.
With his handgun, Justin pops off a couple of rounds, destroying the lock so that he can unravel the chain after he opens the door to toss the chain inside to latch it after he pulls his car into the bay area.
"This is madness!" Justin yells, observing the damage done to his car.
"Man, this thing is trashed." Justin slams his fist on the roof of the car.
The fighting continues to escalate throughout the former automotive district—the sound of gunfire and people screaming approach the garage. Justin's heart rate rises as the battle get close; for several minutes, no one shoots the building where he's hiding.
James' cell begins to vibrate; picking it up, he sees Scarlett's name on the screen.
"Hey, sweet thing..." He's cut off when he answers the phone.
"Please tell me he's alright?" She asks with a sense of urgency, heightening her voice.
"What do you mean?"
She screams into the phone.
"Detroit's under a state of emergency right now. A camera caught Justin's car rounding a corner. So please tell me that is he safe." She sniffles with fear.
James' eyes are glued to the TV while he continues to talk to Scarlett.
"I'm sure he's fine, but what happened up there?"
"All I know from what the news says is that a raid got out of control. And then the people started fighting the cops and the FBI. They said that most of the area is on fire." She explains to catch her husband on the situation.
He thinks quickly then James calls Director Foxx to try to think of something to do.
"Director, it's James Cline, the team's tech support; listen, I'm sure you're aware of what's going on in Michigan, but do you know anything on Justin?"
"No agent, I don't. All I know is that I've been told to get any agents I have out of the area. Marshal Law is about to go into effect with National Guard about to take command. Every agency is struggling to contain battles in the streets with orders to kill anyone who resists." Director Foxx describes the deadly situation.
James rubs the back of his neck, nervous.
"Well, sir, I know Justin is stuck up there for sure with still no word on Alex at all. We're worried. So please, if you hear something, call me the moment you find out."
"Will do, Mr. Cline; keep up the good work and keep me informed as well. If you speak to Josh, give him the code that things have gotten out of hand."
James hears his phone beep that the call has ended.
Time slows down as the sun makes its way to set in the sky, with the news continues to trickle in. It creates an uneasy stir all between James and Josh.
All they're forced to do is watch TV for hours and continue to try to find Alex and Justin.
On his laptop screen comes a bleak beep. James' fears become eased by the late-night hours just a bit when a GPS tracker kicks on.
"Oh, thank God Justin finally turned it on!" He hollers at the screen, dancing in his seat. "Where are you?" He questions, tapping the keys to get the location of the tracker.
"Wait, this can't be right, can it..."
James stares at the screen as the tracker begins to beep slower.
"Looks like he's stationary, but there's a lot of interference." James is baffled with his eyes glued to the screen to figure out how to find Justin.
Justin's about to unchain the doors when another explosion nearby rocks the ground under his feet.
"Screw this. I'll wait for a while longer." He declares, backing away from the door to head into the office area. Justin clears off the desk, trying the best he can to get comfortable curled up on the cool metal table for a few hours rest so he doesn't fall asleep behind the wheel.
It's an uneasy rest for Justin, but he notices lights around the building in no time soon after a helicopter hovers overhead.
Curious at what's going on, Justin finds a loose board and wiggles it away enough to see men in military uniforms march up the streets to sweep each building.
"Oh, no!" Justin gasps in a whisper as he runs back to the chain, holding it tightly. With his intense grip on the chain, the doors shake several times, banging along the windows and boards around the building.
"Clear, move out!" He hears a soldier yell.
The minutes feel like hours after he thinks they've left. Justin watches as the lights grow dimmer as the military unit travels further into the war-torn destroyed district.
Justin gives it another three and a half hours before attempting to mount an escape from the city. When he doesn't see or hear anything after a couple of hours, he gets into the GTO, placing it in neutral along with setting the e-brake before he fires it up to make a quick getaway.
The car alerts a unit left behind when they hear the classic V8.
"Steady men, we have a Boogey in the area." An Army National Guard Captain readies his men.
Justin takes in one last deep breath as he flings open the door then rushes back to his seat as the door flings open.
"Freeze, or we will use deadly force!" The Captain shouts out.
"Not tonight, fellas. I'm gone!" Justin tells himself, rushing along the streets to follow the signs to the interstate with gunfire surrounding him.
A Humvee pursues him through the city streets and opens fire with a heavy machine gun. Justin tries to swerve to avoid being killed.
He follows the signs dodging blockades in any way possible. He charges at soldiers in the middle of the street or sidewalks, eventually escaping the Humvee and makes it to the interstate using the muscle car's horsepower to back to Florida.
Justin receives a call from an unknown number. "Hello..."
"Mr. Justin Adamson, how are you, sir? How is Preach?" An odd accent carries over the phone.
"Who is this?"
"I'm the boss now answer me."
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm away from Detroit now heading back, but my car is shot all the pieces."
"What about Preach? Is he okay too?"
Justin lays out the bad news, which he hopes to help solidify his undercover position.
"I can't speak for Preach other than he tried to arrest me. He's FBI. He set up this sting that nearly got me killed."
A pause on each end of the line occurs.
"Really... Preach is FBI. Well, it looks like I'll have to have a little talk with Gregory then. Thank you for your honesty. It won't be forgotten. As for your car, it will be replaced with something better for both of you." Damien lies through his teeth to bait Justin in for the kill.
The phone clicks as Damien abruptly kills the call.
"That can't be good..." Justin states, tossing his phone down into the passenger seat as he changes his plan from driving to Florida to Georgia.
Things heat up down south when Damien gets the news about Preach.
"Get my keys and a disposable crew down here now! I fear we may have been compromised. I want Greg's, Amanda's, and Preach's heads all amounted on my wall." Damien orders his lead man.
"Done, boss, we'll be back soon with your men."
After Greg learns about what's occurred in Detroit, he knows it's going to be his life on the line after seeing Preach in an FBI vest.
Detroit is the first step with other cities throughout Michigan as war rages in the streets. The chaos spreads as more fighting erupts as dealers hold back the distribution of Southern Sugar.
Out on the street, it creates the first wave of desperate users begging to feel the effects of their favorite street drug.
People suffering withdrawals take to the streets to rush headfirst into battle. Both sides clash as more blood pours in the streets that resemble water after a rainstorm.
The National Guard soldiers watch in horror as hundreds of innocent people die needlessly. It's a sight that's captured on live video across the nation.
"War rages in the streets of Michigan similar to the events in Chicago and Baltimore. Citizens are being urged to take extra precautions in larger urban regions. From all of us here at American National News Networks and our affiliates, please be careful when out in public." The lead anchor reports into the camera.
The entire country nearly buckles out of fear. People everywhere keep their eyes glued to their TV's to watch with horror as the fights intensify.
Little do Josh and James realize that time is of the essence. While they prepare to head back to Atlanta, they're not the only ones racing to meet Greg.
"Owen, get your team back to Tampa now! We have Justin on GPS again. I need you there to find Alex as things are about to take a drastic turn, I fear."
"What? We've barely just arrived. We'll turn around once the plane refuels but consider it done, my friend. We'll be there in the blink of an eye. See you soon!" Owen replies with a heavy feeling of defeat as they load up and get escorted by the National Guard to the nearest airport.
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