Chapter 5
I wake around midday to an empty bed. I lay there for a few minutes listening. Finally, I hear voices in the kitchen. I can hear my mother's voice and the deep timber of Phelan's voice. I get up and wander down to the kitchen still bleary eyed. I am rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I look up to see both looking at me.
"Ah, the walking dead awakens." My mother teases before adding, "I made you a special breakfast, all your favourites. I will just warm it up." She walks to the microwave.
"Hey babe." Phelan says before kissing my forehead. He sits beside me taking my hand. "How are you feeling today?"
"Better. Last night helped. Thank you. And the sleep also helped." I squeeze his hand to show my gratitude. Mom places a steaming hot plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, grilled tomato and mushrooms in front of me. The aroma makes me groan and my mouth water.
"Here, you might also need this." She puts a mug of coffee in front of me with a wink before getting all misty eyed. "I can't believe my baby is graduating."
"Mom, don't start." I say with an eye roll, "you have the rest of the day to get through."
"I know, I know." She answers, fanning her eyes to stop the tears. "I'm okay, I got this." I look over to Phelan to see a goofy grin on his face, watching my mom's theatrics.
"Babe," he turns to me, "I am going to run home to get ready. I'll meet you at the gate before the ceremony."
"Okay," now I have the goofy grin, "I love you." I tilt my head up for a kiss, I am not disappointed.
"Bye, Mrs Watkins." He waves to my mom on the way out.
"Bye Phelan. See you there." My mom smiles and the turns her grin to me. "You two are adorable. I am so glad you are both going to the same college. I can worry a little less." I blush at her comments. I love that her and Phelan get on so well. Without any further conversation I dig into my graduation breakfast. As I am finishing the last mouthful mom turns to me and says, "he's a good boy." I am a bit perplexed as this came out of nowhere.
"What do you mean?" I ask, worried where this is going.
"We had a good talk this morning while you slept. He took the time to vow to me how he felt towards you was real and that he will protect you from anything that will harm you. He really cares deeply about you." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "He also filled me in about what happened last night."
"Oh." I look down. I knew she would find out about it, at least it was from us. I look at my hands under the table. The breakfast food I just ate starts swirling in my stomach.
"I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can't believe Skye. I won't go on about it, but I just want you to know I am here if you want to talk."
"Thanks mom." I stand up. "I'm going to go have a shower."
"Ok, darling." She says, watching me closely to make sure I am fine. What she sees must be okay as she disappears into the kitchen to wash the dishes.
I take the opportunity to take my time in the shower, scrubbing my skin, shaving my legs, treating my hair. As I was rinsing the treatment out of my hair my thoughts return to last night and the hurt returns. Before I know it, I am crying under the water. I feel like I am grieving all over again, but worse. My body shakes with the force of the sobs. I let it out, watching my emotions wash down the drain with the water. Once out I apply body lotion all over my skin, enjoying the smell of strawberries. I walk into my room and pull on some jeans and a top. No need to dress up if I only cover it with a graduation gown.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are, Mom." I say as I walk down the stairs. I look up to see my mom once again with tears in her eyes. "Oh, mom." I sigh before giving her an equally emotional smile. We hug fiercely when I reach her.
"I am so proud of you, Kasey." She whispers into my ear, her voice cracking slightly. "Have you got everything?" she adds as we break the hug.
"Not much I need mom, but yes." I tap my small shoulder bag that has my wallet, phone, and keys in it.
"Great. Let's hit the road then." We walk out to the car together.
It doesn't take long to reach the school. They decided to have the graduation ceremony on the school oval to make it easier for everyone. I think they did it just to be easier for themselves. I feel the butterflies take flight as we approach the gate. I have a weird mixture of nerves and excitement. In a way I can't wait until I am away from here. But a big part of me will miss it too. But these last few months have really opened my eyes to some things. I am lost in my thoughts as we make our way to the oval.
"Guess who." I hear whispered in my ear as we reach the entrance, hands over my eyes. I smile broadly knowing exactly who it is.
"Hi babe. Miss me that much?" I tease.
"Damn I can never get you." he chuckles, pulling me into his arms. I playfully poke my tongue out at him, earning a laugh from my mother.
"Okay kids, I am going to find my seat."
"Do you think dad will come?" I ask hesitantly. I don't expect it but can't help but hope.
"I don't know sweetie." She pulls me into a hug, "you know how busy he is, he may not have been able to get time off."
I nod. I know she is trying to comfort me without building up my hope. Dad hasn't really kept in touch much, but I did send him an invitation to the ceremony regardless. I don't know why I still try. You would think you would get use to the rejection and disappointment, but I don't think you ever can. I break the hug and step back.
"Okay, mom, we better get going, I am sure they want us to do something before the ceremony." I roll my eyes trying to break the awkward atmosphere, earning a smile. "See you on the flip side!"
We break from her and make our way towards where everyone is gathered. Before we get too far Phelan pulls me aside.
"Are you okay babe?" he turns me to face him, searching my face. "You never talk about him."
"Yeah," I swallow the lump in my throat. "I can't help but hope he will come, but I know it isn't likely. He hasn't answered any of my letters for years now."
"He is an idiot. He is missing out knowing the most amazing person." He pulls me into an embrace. I let myself be comforted.
"Thank you, Phelan. But I won't let him ruin this day." I smile at him widely, "This is our GRADUATION BABY!!"
"Hell yeah!" he laughs joining in my excitement.
We make our way to the seats reserved for students finding John along the way. The three of us sit together. None of us really pay attention to any of the speeches. All around us were whispers and laughs, the excitement palpable in the air. We are then called one by one up to the stage to get our diploma. Being at the end of the alphabet meant that I had to wait until right near the end to receive mine. I made my way up to the stage to receive mine, unfortunately that meant passing Rachel.
"Oh my god, quick, don't make eye contact, we will be cursed if we do. I'm too pretty to die." She stage-whisper to her two friends, who giggle in reply.
I look down, doing my best to ignore them as I pass. I walk up to the principal and receive my diploma before turning to the audience and send a smile to my mother before looking to Phelan and John. I can see that Phelan knows something isn't right. As I make my way down the stairs, I see him whispering to John. I make my way back to them and take my seat.
"Are you good?" Phelan asks. I nod and pretend to watch the final speech. "Babe, please, talk to me." he grabs my chin, turning me to face him.
"Its fine really. Just them being bitches." I say dismissively.
Phelan looks into my eyes, seeing everything I try to hide. He doesn't say anything, instead he pulls me in and kisses my forehead. He keeps his arm around me as the ceremony comes to a close. We find my mom after it finishes, taking the opportunity to introduce John to her. After a while the energised atmosphere help me forget about Rachel and her nasty comments.
"So, I assume you are attending the after party." My mom asks.
"Yeah. I was planning to. Only graduate once, and most of these people I will lose contact with. Its almost a guarantee. So, I should take this opportunity for one last 'rager'." I smile and wink at her knowing she will understand.
"Well unfortunately I have been called into work. Susan has called in sick, so you will have the house to yourself. Don't 'rage' too much, okay?"
"I promise mom."
"We will keep an eye on her Mrs Watkins." Phelan replies pointing to himself and John.
"Thanks boys," she says before pulling me into a strong hug "I'm so proud of you, my darling." She whispers in my ear.
"I love you mom." I say, feeling myself tear up.
"I love you too darling." She wipes her eyes. "I'll see you in the morning." She gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
I turn to the guys. "I'm hungry. Feels like I haven't eaten for hours." They both burst into laughter.
"Oh no, we must change that stat." Phelan jokes. "Got any requests?"
"Nah, anywhere is good." I link arms with both of them before walking to the exit.
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