{She's always been alone }
Happy reading
She is sitting in the room hoping might he would come in the room and explain himself. but he is no where do be seen. Infect she didn't even hear his voice. Here she is sitting from an hour thinking might ,he would come any time. but nothing sort of happened like that. and she is sitting here seeing her all plan going in drain. She thought ,she will come here ,and things will get better between them. But seems like ,she did mistake to come here. She's been supplied here to fulfill his desires.. and as they will be completed ,he will be same like before ..who doesn't like her and still in touch with girlfriend.. and wanna marry her despite her presence in his life. These thoughts creating havoc inside her and she is not able to understand ,what's happening with her. Suddenly her trance broke, when she heard his Voice outside. She went outside to see what happened, and found shivaay is talking with someone on the phone. and he seems worried somehow. Before she ask or move towards him to know the matter. Hearing the particular name stopped her and tears fell from her eyes. Like always she was right. He never been hers. He still in touch with ragini. and still care for her. That's mean she is the one who is coming between them. She is second woman in their lives ,not ragini. He always wanted ragini. That's why after several months of their marriage, he couldn't forget her and still talking to her on the phone. that also that time when he supposed to be with his wife but he chose his girlfriend over it and spending most of the time talking to her on the phone.
Ok fine I'm coming I'm coming. Don't do anything. Just swear on me ,you won't harm yourself. Please don't cry like that. Yh I'm coming. Yh just give me some hours. We will sort out things between us. Just relax. Be with mom. Ok. Saying this he cut the call and directly went inside the room passing by anika.
I've to go. She is getting mad. Sue is saying ,she gonna take her life, if I didn't return. So I've to leave. He murmur telling anika about it. but she is standing Withour uttering a single word. And to be fair ,he didn't care to listen her opinion and left from there grabbing his bag leaving her all alone in this cottage which is thousands of miles ways from her house. Yet again she left alone. She was right. People comes in her life to leave her. They doesn't want her in their life permanently. Just they use her and then leave, like they never existed in her life. Shivaay was her last hope. She thought might ... might he won't do it. But he proven her that, no he is same like others. There's no difference between him or any other person in her life ,who already been left from her life. People thinks she is strong, just because she shows it. But in reality seeing people taking her granted breaking her day by day. and she is not able to understand that ,does her life worth for someone or not. Tears made their way from her eyes and she stood there looking towards open exiting door for almost an hour.
In India
As he landed first thing he done to call anika. Because as he set in the plane, he remembered about her and curse himself on his stupidity to leaving her alone out there. He was so tensed after hearing ragini's suicidal attempt that ,he forgot everything around him. It's not that, he loves her or something. But he couldn't disgust that someone would lose her life because of him. She is his a good friend, and if she harmed herself then things won't go good with him. Having these thouids he calls anika again ans again but her phone is coming switch off. When she didn't pick up after so many calls he defeated and decided to check on ragini ,then he will call anika again. he exhale a long breath and left from there hurriedly towards hospital
After reaching in parking lot ,he to run into hospital where ragini is present with his mother.
Shivaay you came ,ragini cry and immediately pulled him hug weeping bitterly.
R. I thought you don't care about me ..but you did and you came back to me. I'm so happy shivaay so happy. She cry hugging him tightly shedding uncontrollable tears.
Sh. Are you fine ragini . What have you done to yourself. And what is this. He broke the hug and held her wrist where she apparently cut herself
R. When I saw my life without you. I couldn't bear it ..and decided to end my life. But destiny had another plans and I stayed alive. She sobs holding his hands in her palms
Sh. But this is insane ragini. You shouldn't had harm yourself. This is not the way to wining someone.
You didn't leave any choice for her shivaay. You decided to dump her suddenly. and left with that anika. I can't believe you can break a long relationship for one particular one ,which started before few months. His mother says shaking her head in disbelief while saying all this.
Sh. But mom she shouldn't had do all this. If she would had died then.
R. I would prefer to die instead live without you. I love you so much shivaay. Please don't leave me like that. Don't just let it go to us. I want you and I know you want me as well. Please come back to me snd marry me.
P. Don't worry ragini he will marry you. I will make sure that ,he do get with you back. Shivaya this is enough now. You can't break her heart like this. She is your girlfriend for god sake.and treating her like that is not nice at all. She deserve happiness and I guess it lay into you. So fulfil your responsibility and marry her. Stop ruining your life for that girl, whom you doesn't know properly.
Sh. Oh really do you think that it is too easy. Ha. For god sake I've married her she is my wife and ...
P. Yh wife which's been smeared on your face without your will. So be a man and choose right person. Stop ruining your life like that. I will talk to your dad about it. Just be ready. In few days I'll make you marry with ragini and everything will be sorted.
She. But mom I
R. It's ok aunty I think he doesn't want me. And if he don't then ,what's the need of me to survive ..I should take my life ,that's better for me. She move to grab a knife from the fruits basket but shivaay didn't let her and pulled her back glaring her
Sh. You won't do it. Stop this non sense ragini. He shout holding her arm tightly
R. Oh really then Leave that anika and marry me. If you care about me so much then why don't you take me in your life. Stop spoiling mine and your happiness. As we both knows, we are meant to be with each other. That anika have came between us without any reason. Till you don't accept me. We both will keep suffering. so please stop all this and let's get marry. I promise I will love you more than anything. and will keep you happy always. Please shivaay don't do this. I love you so much. I can't live without you. I just can't. Having you not with me is Like a meaningless life ..which I can't afford to have. Please shivaay please. She cry hugging him tightly making him feel helpless. One side is anika ,who is married to him and another side this girl, who is giving up her life for him. He is not able to understand what to do and how to handle this situation. But he has to do it. He knows anika !!she can handle herself ..as she is strong enough but ragini seems weak and she needs him. So without thinking anything he exhale the breath and nods
Fine I'll do it. As pinky and ragini heard they broke into smile and look at each other with victory getting their wish come into command.
On the other side
After thinking for hours she get her phone and saw his many missed calls. But she chose to ignored it and call her lawyer directly having stern face..
An. Mr sadiqui I want you to make divorce papers for me. Yes ... I want it as soon as possible. Thank you. Saying this she cut the call and started dumping her Clothes in her bag. Waiting for him to change is Just useless ..it will never happen. So better, she end this relationship here ,and just move on. Well she won't able to move on ,as she got so many betrayal in her life that now She don't have more capacity to trust on people. Now she has understood , no one will come to love her. It's she only , who will stay alone in her whole life. She won't able to get a person who will be genuine to her. So better if she accept it and let the things go specially her crave for getting someone to love. She wipe her last tear which fell from her eyes and left from there to jump back into her previous life ,where she and her work existed.
Next day in oberoi mansion
Seeing shivay back omru got shocked. They didn't expect him to be here ,when specially they thought, he would be with their bhabi. But they were all wrong and he is here standing not alone but with ragini who is leaning on his shoulder holding his arms.
What you doing here. How come you landed at home that also with her. Om says pointing at ragini who open her eyes ask scoot more closer to shivaay intertwining her had with him
R. He is here because he wanted to to be with me. Isn't baby she smiles leaning on his shoulder. But he didn't answer and lost in his own thoughts looking down.
P. Omru shivaay have decided to marry ragini as soon as possible. So be ready you gonna get ragini as your sister in law soon.
Omru. Whatttttt??? Both speak in one seen gazing at shivaay shockingly.
R. Are you mad what are you doing bhiya.and where's bhabi ??why she is not with you. She went with you right then ,why you are here all alone. Hearing them his eyes shot open and he remembers he left anika all alone in that unknown country. He was so tensed about ragini that he didn't bring anika with him and came alone leaving her there. He look here and there and baffled with his own stupidity.
So you decided to marry her. Didn't you. Hearing his father's voice he look up and found him standing on the stairs having his hands in pocket.
Dad I he whispered trying to say more but words in his mouth
You don't need to explain me. zaid lawyer already told me. He says looking at him being disappointment.
Sh. Lawyer he frowns looking at him
Sha. Yes lawyer. Anika have decided to divorce you. And I gusss it's right as well. I mean when you want ragini in your life. then why would she sacrifice her life for you. Anyways it's your life do whatever you feel like I'm no one to say anything about it. If your happiness is in ragini then be happy. Saying this he left from there leaving him baffled with the bomb which he threw at him. He is not able to understand what to do and how to disguise this news. He had thought, he will make ragini understand that ,he can't marry her ,as she will be fine. But here things have got out of control and anika is divorcing him. and on top of that his dad is disappointed as well. He have seen in his eyes how disenchantment he was with his this decision.
You really disappointed us bhiya. I never thought that you would go for garbage on the Diamond. Hearing rudra words ragini grit her teeth and felt like to bang his head for talking rubbish about him.
Om. I'd thought that you will solve things with bhabi after going from there. Infect you were happy as well. But I don't know what got into you that ,you fell in trap of this woman who is nothing but home racker.
Sh. Omru irs nothing like that I ....
Ru. Don't need to explain us anything. You done it which you wanted to do. Now he is happy with your so called girlfriend. Congratulations for your happiness. He glare him and left from there being disappointed with his such drastic step ,which will ruin his life.
Baby they will be fine don't worry. They are bit angry But soon they will be fine. She says rubbing his arm With her hand having smile. But he just shrug his shoulder removing her grip from his arm and left firm there.
On the other side
Anika enter in rajpoot mansion lost in her own thoughts ,when a servant come running towards her huffing badly.
Mam mam you came. Please let's go with me sir is not waking up.
Whatttt ???she baffled dropping her Bag and run towards her father's room.
Dad she widen her eyes when she saw her father unconscious laying straight on the bed.
Dad dad are you alright. Dad open your eyes. Dad. She pat his cheek to wake him up. But he didn't move even but and laying like that.
Dad what happened to you dad. She hold his hand and traumatised finding it so cold. And his pulse rate is slow as well. Tears started trickling her eyes not imagining herself to lose her dad. Already she lost many in her life. He is the only whom she got ,snd If something happened to him ,then surely she will die.
Mam ambulance came. Security come running Inside along with three people having a stretcher.
We have to take him hospital. As one of guy checked his hand he announced looking at anika
An. Then what you waiting for let's go. She shout making them nods instantly. They put him on stretcher and hurriedly left the house along With anika ,who is feeling so helpless and scared on the same time seeing her father condition.
In oberoi mansion
Shivaay is sitting in his room on the bed lost in his thought when khana Enters there huffing badly
Chief we have to go hospital. He says breathing heavily looking all frightened.
Sh. Hospital what happened ?? Is everything fine ???
K. Sir anika mam father has been taken in hospital. He is not fine.
Sh. Whattttt ?? He shout not able to believe on his words
K. Everyone have been left. They said to me to not tell to you. But I couldn't stop myself.
Give me car key Shivaay snatch car keys from his hand and stormed away from there fudging his hands tight feeling hell tensed thinking about anika and her father.
Precap .....shivaay confront anika for divorce
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