happy reading
Ragini you here. Shivaay says breaking the hug looking at her shockingly
R. Yes I'm here. Is there any problem. I come here everyday don't I , she smile caressing his cheek. But soon her smile faded away ,when her eyes fell on the anika ,who is standing besides shivaay looking at her.
R. Err who is she ??? Ragini says pointing at anika ,who didn't utter a single word ,and standing besides shivaay looking at her. As these words slipped from her mouth shivaay got panic, looking around and immediately closed the door before anyone notice her in his room or near him. Anika got confused with his behaviour. She is not able to understand what's happening here.
Sh. I'd told you to I'll meet you at your home ,then why did you come here rags. ?? If someone woile had seen you then.
Ra. No one seen me while coming here. I'd make sure to keep myself hide from security and camera. Moreover. Often I come here ,so what's the problem. Why you seems panic. And who is this girl. Why she is doing with you ?? She says havunb frown on her forehead looking at anika ,who now understood everything. This girl who is standing infront of her she is non other than Shivaay's girlfriend ...
Sh. Err she she .. she is my I mean..... seeing him stammering anika shakes her head and look at the ragini sternly ...
We got married today. We are husband wife. As these subtle words slipped from her mouth ,ragini widen her eyes and look at shivaay with teary eyes ,while shivaay instantly glare anika for blubbering the truth out of sudden mercilessly ...
Sh. Can't you shut up woman. I was talking na. He shout looking at her like he gonna kill her with his eyes.
An. I can see that how you were talking. She rolls her eyes and went towards the sofa not interested into their fight.
Ra. What is this shivu baby ..how can you just get marry to someone else. Didn't you think about me while doing it. She cry touching his cheeks not able to believe what's happening with her
Sh. Ragini I didn't want to do it but dad said and ...
R. Yes your dad said and you couldn't say no for it. How can you be selfish baby. Why didn't you pay attention on me and my heart. At least you could had inform me about it. I would had do something she cry not able to believe on his words.
Sh. You know and I know as well that, dad won't make me marry with you. Then how would you handle the situation, infect it would had gotten more worse. He huffs looking at her tiredly
R. But you did want to marry me right ",,that's why till now we are together. If you weren't ,then you should had told me before.
Sh. Rags I was helpless ... I couldn't say no to him. You know that dad doesn't like ,if someone says no ,and on top of that now days he is not staying fine. So I didn't want to take chance and hurt him ,that's why I got ready to marry her. He says glaring anika who is using her phone sitting in the corner.
Rag. Now what will i do shivaay. I can't live without you. Please do something. If I didn't get you, then I'll die. Please shivaay please talk to your dad "and say you are not happy with her and you wanna divorce her. As these words slipped from her mouth anika snapped her eyes and look at her shockingly.
Sh. Not now rags but soon I'm gonna do it. Even I don't wanna stay in this marriage. It will End the way it's started. He says cupping her face in his palms.
An. Are you sure mr shivaay Singh oberoi ? as per as I saw your father won't let you do it. Anika smirk leaning on the sofa resting her arms on it.
Sh. I know how to convince my dad. You wait and watch how I do it. I will divorce you and that's final. Baby ,baby listen I will make everything fine. Soon I'll fix this problem and then we will get marry. You just don't worry ha. He says caressing ragini's hair who sobs and kept her head on his chest. As she hugged him ,don't know but anika didn't like it. She felt jealous and her heart and mind felt like to pull her and throw her away for touching him. But why she is feeling like this. Shouldn't she be careless about it ,"as he's nothing but stranger to her ""whom she didn't know even. But maybe this stranger is her husband snd as she signed those piece of wedding papers. Automatically she got relation with him ,which makes their relation strong, despite not knowing each except their names.
I can't live without you Shivu baby. I can't. She sobs wrapping her arms around his waist making him reciprocate it. Anika who was sitting there she gots up passing him tight smile.
So if you are done crying for your shivu baby then I guess you should leave from here. It's already late
And I really wanna sleep. And I guess you can't sleep here isn't. Hearing her ragini glare her March towards her angrily.
You shut up bitch. I know you would be flying getting my shivu baby. Bht remember one thing'' soon I'm gonna take him back. He is mine and will be mine. Just wait and watch. Hearing her threat anika grit her teeth and held her finger making her cry in pain which she was pointing at her ...
I don't give flying fuck that whom he belongs. But don't you dare to raise your voice or finger at me. Otherwise I will break it and give into your bloody hands. Did you understand. She Threats her in her thick voice and pushed her making shivaay react, who held her on meantime checking her fingers
Have you gone crazy. What the hell are you doing. Is this the way you treat people. God you almost broke her finger. I don't understand how can be someone so arrogant and harsh. Can't you behave normally. He says checking ragini's finger who is crying out of pain
Ask your girlfriend To be in her limits. I won't care to bang her head if she will try to come near me. Did you understand. Now make her disappear asap ,I don't wanna see her after coming out from the bathroom..
She glare both of them and went in the washroom ,which she had already spotted while entering in the room.
You ok rags. I'm sorry behalf of her. She is so rude and badtmeez and bad mouth. He says Caressing her face lovingly.
Ra. Get rid of her baby as soon as possible. I don't want her to be into your life. I can't see you with her. Just do something ..she cry holding his hands.
Sh. Don't worry soon I'll sort out this issue. You don't worry. Anyways I guess you should leave before someone sees you here ha. ..
Ra. Ok baby. But please tomorrow do talk to your father. Hmm she kiss his cheek and left from there through the balcony ,which is her usual way to enter in his room
Inside the bathroom
It was long day and worst day of her life. She can't believe her life will take such drastic turn ,and she will land there ,where she didn't imagine. Her whole life jusr got ups and down ,and she doesn't know what gonna happen next. But whatever it gonna be"" she knows it will be more disaster. Whole day went her fighting in anger. Literally she behaved like animal with people in fury Having hot brain. And now when she is remembering ,,what happened today "she has realised how everything got messed ,specially her life. First her engagement broke and because of it ,she got insulted infront of everyone ,,and then suddenly her dad sent her with stranger after making her marry with him. She knows she is strong. She can handle everything. But whatever happened today ,it is messing up with her mind and heart ..and she is not able to understand what to do and how to cope up with everything. Having these running thoughts made her eyes red and soon tear roll down from her eyes while looking in the mirror. She try to control her emotions and feelings. But her eyes betray her snd they started shedding tears making her vulnerable. But still not even a single sob escaped from her mouth , and she is standing subtle letting her eyes have tears as much as it can ..
How much time you gonna take. Just come out rajpoot. I need to Freshen up as well. Hearing the bang on the door she immediately washed her face with cold water and open the door standing infront of him sternly.
Sh. What took you so long. Ha. It's been 20 minutes you were in there. He shout in his usual tone making her roll her eyes.
An. I wasn't playing touch and run game with washroom. It takes longer to Freshen up oberoi.
Sh. Yh fine. Now move I need go as well. He pushed her out and shut the door on her face before she react or say something. She groan in frustration and hit the door with her foot earning shout from shivaay from inside. She shakes her head and decided to get Something to wear ""as she can't sleep in this dress. But suddenly she realised ,she didn't have her luggage with her. Now only one option left and that's Shivaay's clothes. So without thinking anything she went towards dressing room and got into his long shirt without wasting time.
Shivaay comes out after freshening up being in pants only forgetting that, today he has Someone else as well in his room, who is sharing the bedroom. He rub his fingers in his wet hair humming song and about to move towards the dressing room ""when He widen her eyes looking at anika who appeared infront of him out of sudden. Seeing her in his white shirt he just forgot to breath. She is look god damn hot Having bare legs ,sleeves rolled up looking all irresistible and hot on the same time. On the other side anika is in same condition seeing his well built body with great muscles having fair skin and his arms ,,, god his arms are just muscly and having veins visible till his hands made her heart to race up . She try to look away ,but her eyes refused to get remove from his body and she kept looking at him without blinking her doe snapped eyes .
After staring each other for good 15 minutes both managed to tore their gaze and look here and there to find something to cover. Shivaay immediately run towards dressing room holding the his pant and got into his night suit. Anika heaves out long breath wiping the sweat and Set on the bed mentally hitting herself for being so idiot. She really didn't need to flat on him like this. She should had control her racing harmones. But how could she do it ,when he is literally Greek god in human disguise. Meanwhile shivaay who went to change his clothes. He comes out and found her sitting on the bed lost in her own thoughts. That time he noticed, she is sitting in his shirt that also his favourite one. Anger fillled in his veins and he move towards her swiftly and pulls her up making her comes out of her zone.
What the hell is this rajpoot. Why are you wearing my shirt that also my favourite. Where's your own clothes. Go and wear them. That guy whom she had find greek god before few minutes. Suddenly she started finding him devil in human. She grit her teeth and pulled her elbow back from his hold pushing him away
For your kind information oberoi I didn't bring my anything. You were in so much hurry that I forgot to bring my clothes. She Scowled looking at him being annoyed.
Sh. But that's doesn't mean you will wear my shirt. That also my favourite. Get this out. Get this out right now. I want my shirt back. Just Fuckin return me. He says grappled her shirt in his hold.
An. What you doing. Whay will I wear ,,if I don't have anything with me. She try to free herself from him but he kept his grip tighten around her.
Sh. I don't care what you wear or what not. But get out from my shirt. I won't allow you to wear it. He again clenched his fingers Around her wrist demanding his shirt back like a child.
An. I will not remove it what will you do. Hearing her he grit his teeth and harshly pulled her which resulted the shirt tore away from the sleeve and they fell on the bed together. First they got lost into each other eyes and forgot their fight but soon reality hit them and she pushed him and away standing up
Whay the hell woman you torn my shirt. He screams holding her arm.
An. What me. Noo ?? Are you mad, I didn't tear it. It's you who have done it. ". You pulled it so harshly that it got tear apart. SHe answered back pushing him away such trigger his anger more and he twist her hand back pulling her closer.
Sh. Stop pushing. First you ruined my shirt and still showing me attitude. It was my bloody favourite shirt. My brothers had gifted me. But you arrogant woman torn it. He hissed tighting his grip around her wrist.
You want this shirt back right. Fine take it. Saying this she pushed him back and grabbed the seizure from the table which was laying there casually . Before he react or do sometime she cut it off making him shock and shoved in his hands.
Here is your fuckin shirt. Now keep it or throw it in bin. I don't give fuck about it. Before he react something she fix her bra and left from there flipping her hair
Aaaaa rajpoot. He screams and run behind her ,but she already closed the door which made him more angry ,and he shout banging on the door but ,she is least bother about it and didn't open the door. He kept screaming asking her to get the door open ..but she is more stubborn than him and didn't do it till she didn't hear any sound from outside. After half an hour. As she felt there's no noises from outside she peak outside and came out with slow steps. As she came out she sighs in relief finding him sleeping on the bed which gave her relief and decided to sleep as well instead making more fuse. She about to move ,but stopped when she realised there's only one bad there and she has to share with him ,which she can't do at all. First her ego who won't let her do it ,and second he doesn't want her. So being stranger to her ,she shouldn't sleep with him ,so without thinking anything she grabbed the sofa near the window and slept there which she never ever in her dream she thought ,she would do it in her life . But anyways it's happening and she has to accept it.
In morning
Shivaay open his eyes and first thing he did to look around thinking ,she might be around but seeing room empty he sighs in relief and decided to take bath ,,before she comes and give him headache for whole day.
On the dining table famil members are enjoying the tea when two three people entered inside carrying big bags in their hands. Seeing them there all got confused and about to ask them ,why they are here when anika comes there talking on the phone
An. Yes mr sharma I'll be there in an hour. Don't worry , you just keep the things ready ... yes sure. Saying this she cut the call and come towards those three people.
You got my all luggage. She says making whole oberoi clan realised that it's her things which came ..
So she gonna stay here for whole life. Doesn't she. Pinky hissed glaring anika who didn't miss to listen to her.
Sha. Obviously she will live here. After all she is daughter in law of this house. Shakti says causally eating his breakfast.
Dad didn't you think about bhiya , before asking him to marry out of sudden to a unknown girl . Rudra says gritting his teeth in anger while throwing dagger to anika who rolls her eyes seeing their drama.
Sha. You ara not enough big to speak between elders. I've done it ,which was best for shivaay. So it will be better ,if all of you accept the reality and consider her as your family member. And today all of you behave like a good family and get into the reception preparations. Don't want any of the person talk about anything, did you understand.
Good morning guys. Shivaay comes there and directly going to sit on his chair but stopped hearing his father.
Sha. Before sitting ,go and get your wife here. She should sit with you for breakfast.
Sh. But dad.....
Sha. Shivaayyy he shows him eye which made him irk and he went to get her along with him
Sh. Come let's go he held her hand and started dragging her with him without looking at her.
I guess Shakti uncle didn't ask you to hold my hand. She smirk earning glare from him
Sh. Yh right ,as if I'm dying to hold it. All I'm doing to keep my dad happy. If I want na ,then you won't be in this house. Did you understand. He stated venomous words tightening his grip around her hand.
An. That will time tell mr oberoi. Will see where it lead us. She smirk.
Yh right he whispered and pulled the chair for her where she took place looking at everyone, who seems not happy with her presence. Pinky just huffs and left from there along with omru and other family member. Now only shivaay and shakti left behind besides her. Which she didn't mind and started eating the food despite behaving like a bichari daughter in law. Who would stop them "and will say she don't wanna spoil their mood and will go from here. They can sit and enjoy the breakfast. She filled her plate and started eating silently feeling hell angry because of not eating from last night
In evening
Whole oberoi mansion has been decorated with numerous lights and colours. Everything is shining like stars on the sky looking all beautiful and memorising. Guests have been started coming Slowly slowly. And about family then they all are busy in their work and welcoming guest unwillingly ,,just because Shakti order them. If they want then they would stop
Here everything ,and will kick that girl out of this house next second "but they can't do it and walking around having bright fake smile on their faces. .
On the other side
Shivaay is getting ready in his room but she is no where to be seen. One side he is feeling careless ,then otherside he is tensed that if she didn't come then His whole reputation will get roasted infront of people ,and everyone will make talk about it which he can't afford it at all. He had asked her to not go office. But that stubborn woman didn't listen and said ,she will be back before the function starts. But it's been 5 hours she didn't come yet ,,and on top that she is not picking up the call either. Now he don't know ,what gonna happen and how he will cope up with this situation. While thinking about it ,his attention went on his personal body guard ,who formed him that Shakti is calling him outside as guests have been arrived already.
I'm coming khana you go. He orders looking at the watch again and again feeling hell angry on anika for not turning up till now
Yes chief. Saying this he left from there
Where the hell is this rajpoot. He type her number again but as usual it's coming out of reach. He groan and left from There cursing anika in anger.
Seeing him coming alone ragini smirk and fold her arms realising anika is not here, and now she has good chance to win him and prove herself good daughter in law of this house.
Where's this girl. People have been arrived ,even media has also . But this girl is no where to be seen. Jhanvi smirk looking at pinky who is hell tensed gazing at her husband ,who seems worried as well because of that girl for not coming
I guess she understood ,we doesn't want her in our lives. That's why she chose to leave. Rudra sneer folding his arms.
I think it's good time to go to my shivaay baby. Ragini clap her hand like a happy greedy child and /about to
Head towards shivaay ,but stopped when whole place filled with darkness and one spotted light fell on some particular person making all people turn. All the men jew touches the floor, while they forgot to blink their eyes seeing hottest girl infront of them. They felt like a fairy is standing infront of them in cream shade lehnga looking all gorgeous and sexy.
Shivaay who was standing on the stairs his all anger flew away when she got caught by his eyes. A usual smirk played On his face feeling proud on himself for having such a beautiful wife. But on the same time he didn't like The way people are gawking at her specifically the men. Seeing his face ragini felt offended. How can a man just change in seconds. Till last night he was saying ,he gonna divorce her ..and now he is standing checking out her beauty. Is there something ,she doesn't know. Did she do mistake to Leave him. Did he fuck her last night. These things made her go crazy and tears started coming out from her eyes not able to understand what's happening around her.
Precap ..... ragini stick with him as mucn as she can later shivika fight bcz of ragini
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Updating it for last time if I didn't get good response even in this chapter ✨
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