{Little Reflection of her past }
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Ann anika he try to lift her up but because of bad posture ,it's getting hard for him to even straighten her up. But after almost two minutes he able to Pick her up and he immediately run towards the sofa, which was few feet away from him. He kept her on there and started patting her cheek trying to wake her up. But she is still laying with closed eyes. With the smell from her , he can predict she was drunk and not only smell ,but the bottles as well which was sitting behind him on the table telling the she drank then. . He lift her head up and Shakes her to bring her back in the senses , which actually worked and she open her eyes looking at him drowsily.
Getting sight of him she smile goofly and started caressing his face with her soft hands ...
What you doing here ??she stutter trying to sit , but again fell back making him whoop. He immediately settle on the sofa near her and take her head straight on head rest making her look straight in his eyes.
Sh. I just came to see you. I was worried for you. He says caressing her face with his fingers.
An. You liar, pants on fire. You don't care about me you .... youuu just ca43 about your girlfriend and ... yourself. You don't care if I stay alive or die... she stress her words moving her fingers poking on his face.
Sh. Shut up rajpoot Shshsh what rubbish you are talking about.
An. What kaya huva. Are you afraid , she set straight and look at him with smile lazily squinting her eyes.
Sh. Errr no it's just erm I didn't like the way you said It.
An. But you itself wish me to die. so that you could get marry to that ragini don't you. She says folding her legs hugging them.
Sh. No I never did. You are just assuming things. He stammers looking around
An. Hmm no I don't assume things. I I know that you wanna get rid of me as soon as possible. As you hated me. You think that I spoiled your life. But it's not only you. She immediately shifted her head on his thigh at him with drowsy gaze.
Sh. Who else wants it. He says raising his brows up in curiosity.
An. Err it's you and ....
Sh. And. He straighten up for desperatky knowing about , whom she is talking.
An. Errr I don't wanna tell you about it. She giggle and got up with wobbling feet.
Sh. Anika where are you going. Tell me who's it. But she didn't answer him and walking towards her room stumbling around keeping hand on her head
An. Everyone hates me. You hates , me your girlfriend hates me. Your mum hates me . And my mum she stopped thinking about her mother. As she came into her sight, tears gathered in her eyes which confused him.
Sh. Your mum ??he whispered holding her arm gently.
An. My mum... yeh she she is not nice. She ... she don't trust me. She thinks I lied to her and try to ruin her relationship with her husband. She smiles in tears moving her face near him
Sh. What what do you mean by that. Your mum , where's she. I thought she ..... but his brain horses stop ,when she stumble and about to fell down. but he held her on meantime from her waist. Anika giggle and wrap her arms around him squinting her eyes.
An. My mom she ... she is .... She try to speak but suddenly her stomach grumble making her feel uneasy. Seeing her weird expression , shivaay understood, she is urge to puke now. So without thinking anything , he carry her in his arms and took her in bathroom. Thankfully they reached in there and he helped her to Puke in toilet Bonnet.
It's ok it's ok he rubs her back while with his one hand and with another, he is holding her hair tight behind, so that she doesn't spoil them. After Almost five minutes , she stopped and fell on his chest tiredly. Which made his clothes dirty as well . Seeing it she started crying and started muttering sorries.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry to dirty to your clothes she cry touching his clothes with her hand wiping it.
Shshsh it's ok it's ok don't worry just relax. Come ... come with me. He made her stand up properly and took her under the shower. As cold water touched her she shivers and hugged him hiding her face in his crook.
An. It's cold. Sue murmur tightening her grip around him.
Sh. I'm here. It's ok he pulled her closer and kiss her head without caring, he is also getting drenched in the water as well .
You will be fine. He mumbled feeling guilty to yell at her today like that. Might because of it , she drank today and behave like that. And it's not only that. He didn't care after doing all that shit and took ragini in the party. Now he is sure , his dad will be really pissed with his this behaviour. he'll definitely gonna insult him when he will see him next.
I'm feeling suffocated she murmur breaking his thoughts.
Sh. Oh sorry. Come let's go outside. He pick her up in his arms and took her out.
Come sit here. He made her set on the chair and started drying her hair. After making sure , her hair are dried up , he starting removing her clothes sitting infront of her.
Don't do it. I can do myself. She says lazily jolting around.
Sh. Let me do it. You are not in state to do anything. Saying this he got up and got her night suit snd then change her into it. After doing it , he held her hand and took her towards the bed. He made her lie down and cover her with blanket.
Sh. Just stay here. I'm coming in bit. Ok. Saying this he went towards her cupboard to find something wearable and surprising, he got a loose track suit. Which seems like she got from boys section. He took that out and worn it in her dressing room. After two minutes he comes back and found her laying straight on the bed looking at the sealing silently. He goes towards her and get in the blanket moving closer to her. Feeling him near her. She turn her gaze and look at him blankly.
Sh. Are you alright. He says caressing her hair. But she prefer to stay silent and turn her face another side back facing him. He sighs and scoot closer to her taking her in back hug.
Sh. I'll make everything fine. I promise. He says kissing her shoulder , but she didn't answer and just smile knowing nothing gonna be fine. Everything have been ruined between them. Thinking about this sleep over took her and she slept in his arms. Shivaay sighs seeing her sleeping and kept his head on the pillow still having her near him. He nuzzle into her hair and smell her fragrance which is so delicious and refreshing. He smiles and kiss her head softly Without breaking her sleep. But one thing is knocking his head and that's her mother. Till now he was thinking , she is not alive. She is no more. But after today ,he have realised, she is alive and still exist in this world. But where is she. Why she's not with anika and her dad. These thoughts making him crazy and he is not able to understand anything. While thinking about it he closed his eyes and went in slumber pulling her more closer to him.
In morning
He got up rubbing his eyes and was hoping , she will be still sleeping besides him .. but he got confused , when he found himself alone on the mattress and she is no where do be seen.
Sh. Where she have gone. He got up from the bed and comes out to check upon her. And here you go , she is sitting on the sofa scrolling her phone.
Hey good morning., he smiles hoping she will answer him back. but she didn't and sitting there silently without looking back. He frowns and walk towards her but next second, he widen his eyes when he saw his and ragini's picture in her phone. He gulp and rub his forehead in tension not able to understand , what answer he gonna give her about this.
Sh. Errr I didn't think that all this will happen I just. He try to justify himself, but she didn't even look at him and got up going towards the kitchen. Shivaay bite his lips in nervousness and went behind her like lost puppy.
Sh. I didn't want to take her with me I promise. I just
An. Did I ask you for justification. No na , than why are you giving. I don't care if you took her or not. It's not my problem. After all soon , she is going to be your wife. So if you took her then ,it's not big deal. Moreover people should know that ,what mr oberoi is up to in future. so it's better for me. She said having stern face making him nods no.
Sh. No it's nothing like that. Let me explain. He says moving towards her
An. I don't want your explanation. I've understood , we don't have future. And soon we gonna divorce. So I guess asking about explanation to you is not worth. Hmm you can go with whomever you want. I don't give shit shout it. Saying this she about to go but he held her hand and pulled her back making her fell on the slab. She try to go , but he Block her between his arms looking Straight in her eyes.
Sh. Don't show me attitude ok. I know that you didn't like me to going with ragini. So ask me what you wanna know about it. He says In his thick voice being so near her face, that even he can feel her breath on his face.
An. And I also told you ,I don't wanna know anything. It's your life. You can do whatever you feel like. Im not one to ask for explanation.
Sh. You are. You have right to ask me. Because you are my ...... but he stopped not able to complete next word.
An. I've got it. Now leave from here. I really not in mood to have you around me. Saying this she pushed him and went out. Shivaay groan and about to follow her behind but stopped when his phone started ringing. Seeing his dad's 15th missed call he closed his eyes tight and pick up the call.
Sh. Hello dad. He spoke having fear in his voice fisting his hand tight.
Sha. Where the hell are you shivaay. Do you know how many times I've called you.
Sh. Dad actually I I
Sha. Stop stammering and get into the house in next half an hour. I want you to be infront of me with your wife. Did you understand.
Sh. Oh ok ok dad I'm coming. He immediately cut the call and rub his forehead in tension. Now what will he do. His dad is hell angry. And on top of that anika is in bad mood. Surely she won't listen to him. if he will ask her to come oberoi Mansion with him. But he has to do it. If he didn't take her in oberoi mansion then his dad will eat him row.
Sh. God why you sre so stupid shivaay. He stomp his foot on the floor and went outside hoping anika would get angry to come with him.
In anika's room she is silently taking her clothes out from the cupboard, when she felt his presence behind him
An. What do you want. Didn't you go yet. She says turning towards him holding her clothes in her hand.
Sh. We have to go oberoi mansion. Dad is calling us. He sniffles looking at her with most innocent expression like he never done anything bad.
An. Oh so now you want me to clear your mess which you created. Don't you. Sue says folding her arms infront of him.
Sh. No it's lot that. It's just
An. I can't come. I've meeting. Moreover you itself said to me to leave. So here you go I've left. Now go and ask your girlfriend to fix your problems. as she is going to be your life partner. Don't she. Saying this she try to walk by him , but he didn't let her and pulled her back holding her back.
Sh. Look we have to do it. You can't leave me when I need you. You have to do favour on me the way I done on you by marrying. Hearing him she shakes her head and remove his grip from her arm
An. You didn't take time to come on your point. Didn't you. She sneers.
Sh. It's nothing like that ok. I'm just saying it , because we both do mistakes. and being together it's our responsibility to fix our mess. So please come with me. As if I didn't take you then, I won't able to handle the situation.
An. You should had think about it , when you took your girlfriend on the party. Didn't you remember about the wrath of your dad.
Sh. Im stupid ok. I was angry on you. And in anger I couldn't think, what I'm doing. Now please don't waste your time. And come with me.
An don't you feel shame while asking for favour to a characterless like me , who sleeps around with her exes, having no dignity or anything. She smirk making him closed his eyes seeing her stubbornness. This woman and her arguments with him. All the time she wants to win in the arguments.
Sh. Don't say that. I said all that in anger. I just Couldn't think , when I saw you with him. I'd gone mad. He huffs rubbing his forehead in tension looking at her with pleading.
An. I'm not coming and that's final. I don't have time for your bullshit. Go alone mr oberoi. Saying this she didn't give Damn to his tension, and about to head towards the bathroom. when her phone started ringing. Seeing name of his dad anika look at shivaay who got tensed seeing his call. Anika heaves out breath and pick up the call
Sha. Where are you anika beta. Why you and shivaay didn't reach yet. I want you to be at home right now. Anika squeeze her eyes tightly and then open them exhaling the breath
An. We are on the way uncle. Will he reaching in half sn hour. Hearing her smile broke on Shivaay's Face and he mouthed thank you to her. But In return she glare him.
Sha. Ok I'm waiting. Saying this he cut the call.
An. Don't be so happy. Im going because of Shakti uncle. Otherwise for you, I would never do that. She warns him hitting on his chest and went inside the bathroom to freshen up.
In oberoi mansion
Seeing his family gathered in the hall lump formed in his throat and he gulp biting his lips in nervousness. Seeing his face , anika chuckle silently and walk towards family
Oh so sahabzada Sahab got the time to meet his father didn't he. He says leaning on the sofa looking at him with serious face making hard for him to look into his eyes
Sh. I'm sorry dad , I didn't mean to take ragini on the party. It's just me and anika had little fight. and in anger , I didn't think what I'm doing. He stammers having apology in his gaze making his father bob his head getting up from the sofa.
Sha. So you know that what you have done ha. I'm impressed. But that was horrible thing to do in anger shivaay. Do you know, how many calls and messages I'm getting from the morning. Numerous people are asking about your both relationship. and it's affecting business as well. Media have been spreading the news like a fire. and making unwanted talk about it. Now I'm not able to understand what do do and how to handle the situation.
Sh. Dad I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it. I just.
Sha. Your sorry won't fix the problem . You didn't do right thing shivaay. About people I can handle if. But what about your wife. How can you hurt her like that. She must have felt so dejected seeing you with another woman. This is so wrong shivaay. You didn't do right thing. I agree, you both got married in bad circumstances. and taking time to accept this relationship. But this is not acceptable shivaay. You can't treat her like that.
P. But she.... Pinky interrupted earning glare from her husband.
Sha. Don'tttt ... don't Speak between when I'm talking.
Sh. Dad forgive me. I won't repeat that mistake again like that. I promise I will handle the situation. Just tell me what I've do it. He says bending his head in shame not able to match his eyes when him
Sha. Things have gone way up to head for handling. But for calming people and media I've decided something.
Ru. What's that dad.
Shakti look at his family snd then look at shivika folding his arms behind. I've decided shivay and anika both are going Switzerland tomorrow evening. For their honeymoon .
Shvika.. whattttt they scream with one voice looking at him shockingly
Precap ..... honeymoon
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