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Standing infront of Operation theatre for hours making his condition worse. He just so want this moment to be dream. He don't want it to be In reality. They were happy so happy with each other. He thought now everything will be fine. But no ..god had another plans and before they enjoying their first child news " he has landed them in this hospital "where his wife and child is counting their breaths. He wants everything to be lie. He can't afford to lose them at all. If something happen to any of them then his life will become so miserable to lead. He is just praying from god that his wife and child should make up. Nothing should happen to them. Otherwise he won't able to survive either.
On the other side his mother is praying same. She is praying for well being of her daughter in law and grand child. She's feeling hell guilty for not able to save them. If she would had moved instant' then maybe she would had held her and saved her from felling. But nothing sort of happened like that and she landed in the hospital.she agreed she didn't push her and didn't even think about it. But still If something happen to her "then she won't able to forgive herself. And about her son " then surely he will hate her life time. and will never forgive her ever. These thoughts only made her restless and she just joined her for praying infront of them god. Suddenly all people reacted when they saw doctor came out from The ward after almost two hours.
My wife ??? Shivaay whispered looking at doctor with teary eyes. Doctor move towards him wnd kept hand on his shoulder squeezing it.
Your prayed work mr oberoi. Your wife is fine and child as well. They made it. He smiles while giving him this news. Shivaay jump happily and hugged him making him chuckle.
Thank you doctor thank you so much. He says patting his back in happiness
You welcome mr oberoi. But yes your wife needs proper bed rest. A little stress can lead a big damage. So I suggest you to take care of her properly and don't give her chance to be sad.
Don't worry doctor. I will take care of her properly. He smiles wiping his tears with his palm.
Great. He pat his shoulder and left from there following with nurses.
Shivaay his mother came infront of him having smile on her face and she try to take him in hug. But he didn't let her and move back having stern face.
Don't just don't. Saying this he stepped away bringing distance from her whicn broke her heart in many pieces. But she deserve it after all. If she won't had showed so much dislike towards anika ... then today she didn't have to face all this.
Everything will be fine mom. Just give him time. To her surprise "her younger son rudra came into defend hugging her.
Rudy she look at him with teary eyes and hugged him keeping head on his chest.
I didn't do it. I swear. I didn't push her. She sobs.
I know mom you didn't. And trust me bhabi will clear it off infront of bhai. She won't let you get his hate without any reason. She is angel of our lives. She always helps people "Despite if they hates her. Look at me. I used to hate her a lot. I thought she is not best for bhai like you. Bht still she proven it and made me like her. Now not only I like her. But I love her. I adore her. She is one of rare type of people" who do good with people ..but don't show off. So give her chance. She will set everything fine. Pinky nods her head while sobbing and hugged him wrapping her arms around his waist.
After sometime
Shivaay ... she whispered his name as his face came to his sight.
Annie he held her hand and stood up moving near her face.
You alright baby ?? You scared me so much. I thought I've lost you. Seeing tears in her husbands eyes she slowly raise her hand and wipe them with her fingers.
I'm fine shivaay. Look alive infront of you. She consoles him holding his hand in her palms.
I know you are. And I'm so happy for that. But next time don't ever leave my sight. I can't afford to lose you. He says kissing her hand many times making her chuckle in tiredness.
You are fine right?? Is there somewhere paining. He says caressing her face lovingly.
I'm fine shivaay. Just little headache. But I'll be fine. I'm so sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to. I don't know how clumsy I'd got and slipped from the stairs.
You didn't slip you have been pushed by mom. I know that. He grit his teeth feeling hell angry on his mother for pushing his wife like this.
Whatttt ??? Are you mad ?? Why would she do that. I agreed" she hates me and doesn't like me. But I really don't think so she would intend to take my life. She didn't push me shivaay. We were just having conversation. She asked me about my health. and then I started discard from the stairs. But during this I slipped. She tried to hold me. but I couldn't make it and fell Down. Despite having throbbing pain in her head and body she cleared off his doubt. As she don't want him to keep any grudges for anyone like this. That also because of her.
I I thought she did it. He whispered feeling guilty for yelling at her.
No she didn't. Trust me. She didn't. She says holding his palm while looking into his eyes.
Ohh .... Anyways don't worry we will sort this matter later. You just don't stress yourself. I want you and baby to be fine. He smiles kissing her forehead.
Baby ???? She whispered.
Sh. Yh baby we are going to be parents. We are having a child. Hearing him a smile broke on her lips and she cups her face looking at him with teary eyes.
Are you sure. It can't be I mean I know it can ,,, but still .... Shivaay chuckle seeing her reaction and kiss her forehead.
Yes we are having baby. Soon a little anika will be in our arms. He smiles.
An. How are you sure that it will be mini anika. She raise her brow having grin.
Sh. I just know that.my instincts is saying it. Anika shakes her head in disbelief and hugged him.
I'm so happy shivaay. I can't tell you how much excited I'm.
Sh. I know baby. I'm happy as well. I can't believe in few months" we will be parents. Anika chuckle and hugged him tightly.
An. I love you shivery. I love you so much
Sh. I love you more. Never ever even think to leave me. He caresses her hair and peck her head.
I won't I promise. She smiles in tears and remain in his arms for almost five minutes.
After sometimes
Shivaay made her set on the bed while fixing pillow behind her and then pulled the tray in middle of the bed.
Let me feed you. He pick up the spoon and about to feed her when his family enters there along with his mother.
Bhabi rudra goes towards her and took her in hug.
Ru. You scared us bhabi.
I'm sorry Rudy I didn't want to. I don't know how I became so clumsy and fell from there.
Move Rudy let me meet bhabi as well. Om pushes rudra little and kiss anika's forehead.
You are fine right ?? Om says holding her hand.
An. Yes I'm. You guys don't worry she smiles.
Sha. From now on you have to take care of yourself double. You know that right. No more clumsiness. Anika nods her head having light smile which soon faded when she pinky coming towards her. She comes near her and held her palm in her hand looking at her guilty.
Sorry for being so bad with you. I don't know why I behaved so childish and treated you like that. She sobs feeling miserable thinking about her behaviour towards her in past.
Don't be sorry aunty. It's not your fault. Not only for that. Infect sorry for Shivaay's rude behaviour towards you. I don't think so " he should had react like that without knowing the actual matter. I've got to know" he blamed you for my clumsiness and I'm Sorry for that.
But somewhere it's my fault as well. I pursued him to behave like that. If I would had kept good treatment with you. Then he won't had doubted at me.
No mom anika is right. I really shouldn't had behave like that. It was so Silly act. Please forgive me. Being your son I should had trust on my mother. I'm sorry. I'm So sorry. He set infront of her and take her in hug kissing her hair.
It's ok no worries. I've forgiven you. Shivaay smiles and peck her hands.
Thank you mom. Thank you so much for forgiving me . He smiles.
Ok now forget about it like it was nightmare. I just want us to move on and start preparation for new person ' who gonna arrive soon of our lives . Anika blush and kept her head on her husband's shoulder who seated besides her.
God I can't wait to hold him in my hand. Finally someone younger going to come. Rudra jump happily making everyone chuckle.
Calm down Rudy. Relax. Om stops him for jumping like this.
Yh fine. But promise me I'll be the one who will keep his name.
First of all it will be she.second thing it's promise ' you can keep the name.
Why she. It can be he as well. Anima frown hitting his chest.
It can be. You never know. But still i know that it will be girl only.
Can we stop discussing about gender right now. Let it leave on the god. He will give us which had written in our lives. Shakti says stopping their arguments about girl and boy.
Yh fine. Shivaay pout like s child making Anika chuckle seeing her husband's cuteness.
Now we have to take care of her double. Not only shivaay but whole family. Pinky suggested making anika amazed with her sudden change of behaviour. Seems like her accident brought her on the line. She smiles on her own thoughts and lean on her husband's chest who instantly took her in side hug patching a tight kiss on her hair.
After five years
Ayaan stop baby where are you running from mumma. You know na mumma can't run that much. Please stop. She is trying her best to catch her four years old son. But he is the one "who is just running with his little legs giggling acutely. . Anika huffs and set on the sofa keeping hand on her 6 months old womb.
God this boy always tired me. She exhale keeping hand on her forehead.
What happened mommy ... seems like your ladla has tired you so much. Shivaay tease her entering holding
his another son in his arms ' who is jumping happily while playing with his car.
An. Obviously he will do after all he went exact like his dad. She rolls her eyes keeping the plate aside which is full of food.
Mumma Ayaan come running towards her and set in her lap jumping.
Now you remember that you have to come to mumma ha. Ayaan giggle and bounce up and down keeping hand on her womb.
Mumma i wala be with you as well. Orhan also come out from his fathers arm and set besides his mother resting his head on her chest.
Awww baby. She caresses her children hair and peck their head lovingly.
Babies please don't put pressure on mumma. It will hurt her and your sisters. Shivaay says taking them in his arms
What's happening here. Hearing their grandma voice both squeal in happiness and run towards their Grandma " who enter along with khana who left after keeping her luggage .
Grandma. They jump in her arms and kisses her cheek showing how much they missed her in those days. Anika smiles and lean her head on her husband's chest tiredly
You alright baby. Her husbands says caressing her womb.
I'm Fine just bit tired. Ayaan made me run everywhere. He puffs.
Sh. Good atleast you done some exercise. He chuckle earning smack from his wife on his chest.
I just can't wait to these two girls come out and then I will never think about getting pregnant again. It's drain my all energy out. She pout caressing her womb.
An. Aww baby but I guess you were the one who was asking for this. Don't you.
An. Yh yh I was renting about girls everyday. Wasn't I ?? She rolls her eyes coming out of his hold.
Sh. So it's your fault na that you got two Boys. If you would fulfilled my wish that time. then I didn't have to make you pregnant again be giggle.
Yah whatever. She puffs her cheek and pushed the nugget in her mouth which she had prepared for her son Ayaan.
Anika pinky comes and kiss her head taking her in light hug.
How are you darling . You looks so pale. She express her worriness seeing her face.
I'm fine maa. Just I had ran behind Ayaan and it made me tired. Anyways you tell how was the wedding.
P. It was nice. But I missed my two grand sons. So before they do reception. I excused myself and came home back. She says kissing her grandson's head who are sitting on her thigh playing with her earnings.
You did good maa. At least now I'll be in peace. These two little kittens just made my condition worse in those days. Anika complain pointing towards her two babies with fake anger who giggle keeping their little fists on their mouth.
You don't worry now they will stay with their grandma. Isn't ayoo oru. She smiles kissing their heads.
Yes grandma. Both kids jump in her arms and hugged her tightly making their parents chuckle along with their grandmaa. Suddenly their trance broke when anika's phone started ringing.
Who's calling me. She pick her phone up from the table and find rayaansh is calling her. Seeing his name " her husband's fist tighten and he grit his teeth in anger which didn't go unnoticed by his wife.
Why he is calling you. He hissed glaring at the phone ... it's feeling like he would go in the phone and beat him up till he doesn't fell unconscious.
Come on shivaay. Keep your jealousy aside. He is married and going to be father soon . She shakes her head and pick up the phone
Yeah rayaansh. Yh ok. We will meet tomorrow and solve this matter. Ok bye. She cut the call and look at her husband" who is still in grumpy mood. She shakes her head and kept hand on his face lovingly.
An. I'm yours for god sake shivaay. after making me pregnant again that also with twins you are still feeling insecure.
Sh. I don't like this guy at all. I just hate him. Anika and pinky chuckle seeing his cute face.
Awww baby you are so cute. Sometime when you make faces like this. Then I forget for some moments that you are father of two Boys and going to be of two girls.
I'm not cute ok. I'm hot snd sexy. So stop calling me cute. And second thing I can't see any other man lay his eyes on my wife specifically this rayaansh.
Ok fine. Go itself with him for sightseeing and whatever is happening there solve with him. I'm
Not going... happy.
Sh. Very happy. He cups her face and kiss her lips without realising his mother is sitting there.
Oh god shivaay at least see your surroundings. Your mother and kids are sitting infront of you. And you are kissing your wife . Pinky fake anger covering eyes her grand children.
I'm Sorry mom. He smile suspiciously and kept head on his wife's shoulder holding her arm . Pinky shakes her head in disbelief and laugh seeing her son being childish. When anika had came into this house. She had predicted that she will be cause rift between her family. But she was totally wrong about her. She proven herself perfect wife , perfect daughter in law and mother. She can't thank enough to god for giving her such a lovely daughter in low. She smiles on her own thoughts and decided to take her grandsons inside to give little privacy to these two humans " who seems like desperate to have each other alone.
Let's go babies. She held their hands and left from there. As they went shivaay pulled anika in his lap and kiss her lips.
God girl I love you so much . He mumbles and take her lips in deep kiss making anika laugh seeing her desperate husband.....
The end
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