The trip back to Aeceria was much shorter as they made fewer stops. One moon later, a celebration recognizing Aston's victory over the Zetherian king was held, only to be immediately followed by a celebration for the Aecerian princess' birthday; a reminder that summer is coming to an end.
The celebration was exquisite, comprised of fine Aecerian delicacies. It was one of the few times the castle was open to the public, that they might all share in Aeceria's victory.
Gwyneth couldn't remember a happier time in her life. Elric's sister Noella had been asking him question after question since he'd returned. Isla was excited to share her adventures with the other maids — at least the ones that would listen.
She giggled watching Aston regale tales of their adventures to the noblemen who seemed far more interested in the food on their plate than in his stories. His gestures were exaggerated, nearly slapping the very people he was speaking to. She wasn't surprised when the noblemen picked up their plates and seated themselves somewhere else. She took this moment to sit beside Aston and talk.
"How does it feel, hero?" she asked as a maid began serving her.
"It's everything I ever dreamed of." His words were barely intelligible as he talked around the food in his mouth.
"Same here." Gwyneth nodded. "There were times I wondered if we could actually do it... If we would succeed." Her glance followed a familiar Cathruli that conspicuously ate around her vegetables. She stifled a small laugh watching the utter disgust on Cetri's face as she used two knives to fling her lettuce onto someone else's plate. Miraculously, she hadn't been caught. Yet.
"You've changed, you know?" Gwyneth added, causing the boy in question to turn to her. "You're... nicer."
"You think so?" he asked boredly. "Didn't really do anything different."
"You stopped playing practical jokes on us." She paused, recalling the time Aston intentionally spooked her horse (a little too much) and she had to resort to riding with Isla. Surprisingly, her unicorn had taken quite a liking to her. "As much," she added. "It was also you who sought an audience with my father regarding Zetheria. You didn't have to, you know. You could have left that to me."
"I had to." He doubled down. "I owe it to him... To the nameless king who didn't have to die. I'll make Zetheria a better place. For him. For them." He already planned to join the Aecerian army when the time came. His magic would be invaluable to them, after all.
Gwyneth nodded. Though he would never admit it, she knew he had changed. He was finally starting to grow up, and she was proud of him. She watched as his glance shifted from her to Isla across the table six or so seats down. She was giggling at whatever Elric had told her, and it wasn't long before a scowl spread across Aston's features. He didn't know when these feelings got there — or if they had always been there — but over time he found himself falling for the half-Fae wanting to protect her. Maybe it was because she had protected him herself back in Zetheria.
In truth, the princess had caught on pretty early. She didn't know if Aston realistically had a chance with her, as Isla never paid much attention to things like love. Perhaps it was her Fae side preventing her from— No, she was certain Isla was just as capable of falling in love as she was. Once Elric left the table, Gwyneth elbowed Aston in the side of his arm. "Now's your chance," she whispered.
"Chance for what?" Aston asked, not aware that the princess had caught onto his sappy feelings for the lilac-haired girl.
"To make your move." Gwyneth rolled her eyes in an exaggerated manner.
The new hero's cheeks flushed if only for a moment. "Who ever said I like her?" He crossed his arms pouting.
"Just go talk to her." She practically pushed him out of his seat before he gained the confidence (and swallowed his pride) to sit beside Isla where Elric once sat. Gwyneth smiled as she watched her two friends enjoy what appeared to be an amiable conversation. Aston had always half-joked about marrying Gwyneth — who knew he would develop feelings for Isla instead.
The festivities of the day continued to be enjoyed by all. Cetri even announced to Gwyneth her plans to remain in Aeceria for a while to learn more about the kingdom and share her findings with her people. She had hoped to learn from her senior's lead.
Once Gwyneth was certain she wouldn't be missed, she slipped away back to her chambers. How she had missed the soft mattress and the familiar scent of flowers and books. The next day would be her eighteenth birthday. She was promised her own celebration, separate from Aston's, but in reality, she knew it would just be a continuation.
Or it would have.
The next morning, she awoke to a newfound lightness within her. It was as if her body were weightless — a feather floating in the breeze. She looked down to where she was laying on her bed to ensure she wasn't crazy.
Beyond this new weightlessness, she felt an energy surging within her. What if — by some crazy miracle — she had magic? No, why would she have that?
Surely, it didn't hurt to try, did it?
And so, she pictured herself actually floating above her bed.
And immediately she came tumbling back down after, to her surprise, she found herself doing just that.
She sprinted to the mirror to find herself just as she was last night — in a long nightgown with her golden locks to her waist. She composed her breathing as this time she pictured a small gust of wind above her palm. Just as she pictured it, she felt an energy releasing from her biceps down to her palm and out into a puff of air.
Feeling excited and adventurous, she created a larger gust of wind — enough to cover the middle of her bed. She placed small objects — books and whatnot — above the swirling air. She watched in childish amusement as the items swirled around in the air in front of her.
"But how...?" She breathed. She shouldn't have magic; least of all wind magic.
Her fun was interrupted when her door slammed open. Nobody would dare enter without knocking unless it was an emergency.
Or Aston.
"Aston, what's wrong?!" Gwyneth quickly dropped any thoughts about her newfound magic as concern washed over her. He was grabbing onto his hair as he thrashed about seemingly in pain. She was certain he would end up pulling his own hair out if he continued this way.
"So... much... pain..." His voice was barely above a whisper. She could hear the tears in his voice.
"What happened?!" She quickly shut the door as she followed him to her couch where he was still thrashing about. She wanted to grab him to steady him but didn't know if it would only make the situation worse.
"...Woke up... this way..." He sputtered. "I don't want to die!" He shouted. "It's... it's not me! Don't hurt me!" He shouted again, only confusing her even more.
"I'm not going to hurt you! Just tell me what's wrong!" Gwyneth hesitantly reached out to him before some sort of force knocked her back.
When she was back on her feet, she didn't recognize the person in front of her. His overall features appeared similar to Aston, but his hair was entirely black and his eyes were a shade of violet.
"Ares." Gwyneth froze in horror.
Ares looked around the room in confusion before his gaze settled on the girl in front of him. "Light's inheritor," he said. His voice was deeper than Aston's and showed no sign of familiarity. That quickly changed when he smirked, leaning his head closer to her. "Aren't you pretty? This I could get behind."
Gwyneth made some undiscernible squeak as she quickly hopped backwards. "W-What are you doing here?" She demanded; her voice boomed with authority even though it shook a little. "What did you do to Aston?"
"Aston?" Ares raised an eyebrow. "You must mean my vessel. He was just a means to an end — a way for me to come back."
Gwyneth paled. How was he here? Was he not the King of Zetheria they had killed?
"There are truths of this world you wouldn't even begin to understand. I'd love to fill you in on all of them, but that would give you more reason to hate me. So, be a good little princess and stay out of my way. Aeceria has burned once before, and I'm not afraid to burn it again." Without giving her a chance to respond, he teleported away.
Gwyneth stood frozen in shock, her body temperature rapidly dropping after realization struck—
On the day that evil awakens, a human with magic to stop it will arise.
She was the prophesied hero destined to save Halcyone.
And she would have to kill Aston.
— Act I, The Prophesized Hero —
Write a story where the antagonist is mistaken to be the hero of prophecy when his friend is actually it. That was my original inspiration for the story.
I can't believe how far this story has come! There were so many times when I wanted to give up or go on an indefinite hiatus from this story, but this singular moment pushed me forward. Thank you so much to everyone who has read thus far! I promise you, the story is only just getting started and there are still unforeseen twists up ahead. :)
I'll see you again at the beginning of the next act!
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