The two had begun walking to find their companions. More than anything, Isla wished she had the restorative powers her father possessed. It frustrated her even more knowing that Fae powers were typically genetic. If she could just somehow get hers to manifest...
Isla sighed inwardly as she heard Aston grunt. His arm was slung over her shoulder, her left arm supporting him. Her free hand had grabbed onto the side of his shirt in case he lost his balance, or his leg gave way. Which once again, it had. His knee had taken a bad hit from one of the bats making walking difficult.
"We should find somewhere to rest," Isla suggested. "The others are likely looking for us as well. Since we're injured, it would be best for us to stay in one place until they can find us."
We're, she had said. She may have had a couple of scratches, but Aston knew she only said that to make him feel better.
"It's not exactly like anywhere around here is safe." Aston sighed. He narrowed his eyes as a silhouette came into view. He was about to start casting a spell when he recognized her blonde hair.
"Oh, it's you two." Gwyneth panted. Her chest labored up and down as she gasped for air. Even though it looked as if she would collapse at any moment, she appeared uninjured.
"You didn't by chance find anywhere we could take a breather, did you?" Isla asked. A small smile spread across her lips.
"Not really, no." Gwyneth shook her head. "I survived for this long by hiding between crevices and old boxes. If only we had thought to ask for potions back in Losufea."
"Yeah, well, I think we had other things on our minds," Aston mumbled.
Gwyneth let her gaze fall when she noticed something, or rather, someone, in the distance behind Aston. When her gaze lifted to get a better look, they darted off. Not thinking things through, Gwyneth ran after her. Before she knew it, she had tackled the blue-pony-tailed person to the ground. Thankfully, Aston and Isla were right behind her.
"Let me go!" They grunted. "What do you even want with me?"
"Your help." Gwyneth hesitantly got off them revealing them to be a woman with a warm bronze complexion.
Gwyneth reached her hand out towards Aston who stared at it puzzlingly before realization hit. He pulled out one of the batteries from his pocket and handed it to her. She in turn handed it to the stranger.
"I-Is this a battery?!" She staggered. "Why are you giving this to me?"
"Compensation for your help," Gwyneth answered. "My friend is hurt, and we need somewhere to rest."
Their newfound companion looked around hesitantly before motioning for them to follow. Thankfully, wherever she was leading them to wasn't far. A few buildings and turns later, they entered a building that appeared to be separate from the rest. The monochrome blue of the other buildings was still evident, but dirt smudged nearly every surface. Not to mention a few cracks and holes throughout the building.
After opening the door, the girl placed several pieces of furniture such as a wardrobe and tables in front of the entrance. She clicked a lamp in the middle of what appeared to be her living room, and the light turned on. Two couches surrounded a small oval table. A bookshelf with several books strewn across the floor stood behind one of the couches. To the right was a kitchen that appeared to not have been used in some time if the pile of dishes and cookware were any indication.
"Thank you." Gwyneth placed a hand over her heart and bowed, a gesture that seemed to confuse her host. "My name is Gwyneth, and this is Isla and Aston."
"Noa." Their host crossed her arms.
"There is a lot we'd like to ask you—"
"I'm done helping you now," she snapped. "One battery may be worth a lot, but it was already a risk bringing you into my home. It's definitely not worth any additional charity."
"Are these?" Aston threw a sack onto the table causing a small thud. Inside there must have been at least fifteen batteries.
Noa's eyes widened as her jaw dropped. Sighing, she asked, "what do you want to know?"
"Who are the people with red hair that were chasing after us? What's the best way into the palace? What do you know about the king? And any information about Zetheria in general," Gwyneth quickly listed.
"Slow down there." Noa put her hands up defensively. I can answer all your questions seeing as you brought... suitable payment. One at a time, though."
"Who are the people who were chasing us?"
"That would be the militia. The militia took over Zetheria a couple hundred years ago, at least."
"Why?" Isla asked. She had taken out the first aid and attempted to treat Aston who was shuffling about, making her job more difficult.
Noa sighed. "Let me start at the beginning. Doesn't look like you're from Zetheria. And even if you were, a lot of people have forgotten its history. Long ago, back when the founder was still among us, he gifted us boundless technology. Technology that we still use today. Everyone says that Zetheria is cursed because of this technology, but that's not true. It was a rumor that started after the founder's death as a means to keep our technology to ourselves. Zetheria has always been separate from the elements — the technology we were gifted with was just a means to help us."
"So, in other words, Zetheria isn't cursed...?" Gwyneth asked, trying to process everything Noa had told her.
"At least not in the way the others would make it out to be." Noa crossed her arms.
"How do you know this?" Aston asked, yanking his arm back from a huffing Isla. "I mean, you said everyone else forgot."
"It's just something that's always been passed down in my family." She shrugged. "Several other families have passed it down too, though most of them have been killed off by the militia."
"How did this "militia" group start— Youch!" Isla asked, wincing in pain after Aston accidentally burned her as she gripped his wrist.
Noa paused. "Some time back, our devices began to fail, as you can probably tell. A bunch of scientists were tasked with finding ways to improve and restore our dying technology, but eventually the king kind of just... forbade it. Now, technology is restricted only to royal use. Plenty of the people at the time obviously didn't like this decision, and they're the ones who formed the militia as a means to fight back against the king. What once started as an attempt to give power back to the people turned into the militia seizing power for themselves. They rule Zetheria now, along with everyone in it."
"Why doesn't the king do anything about it?" Aston asked.
"How should I know?" Noa shrugged. "He stays holed up in his palace all the time. The public hasn't seen him in at least a hundred years."
"A hundred?!" Gwyneth gasped. "How has he lived so long...?"
"All that technology he's hoarding is my guess."
Isla had nearly finished with Aston. His arm had been scratched along with his buckled knee. Not to mention all the blows his stomach took. His knee was arguably the most severe injury, yet it was his arm he would not allow her to touch. He was sure to heal any wounds he unintentionally caused her.
"What are these... scientists?" Isla asked, reflecting on the term Noa had used earlier.
"Err, people who study and invent technology." Noa scratched the back of her head awkwardly. It wasn't a question she had expected anyone to ask.
"This founder..." Gwyneth began. "Who were they? And how did they die?"
"Ballard," Noa answered. "A powerful man named Ares killed him. Supposedly, he was jealous of the Zetherians' love for Ballard."
"Is there any chance this Ares is the current king?" Isla theorized.
"It honestly wouldn't surprise me." Noa shrugged. "Anyway, I've told you all that I know. If there's anything else you want to know, help yourself to that stack over there." She motioned to the books behind them with her head.
"Thank you, Noa." Gwyneth bowed her head sincerely. "You've been a tremendous help."
"So have you." She smirked, crouching down next to the bag of batteries on the table. "With these, I can finally start repairing all that junk I found." She paused. "Mind if I ask you a question?"
"Go ahead."
"What are you doing in Zetheria? You don't look like those pitiful researchers who poke around for knowledge just to be executed."
"We're here to kill the king," Aston said confidently.
"Aston!" Isla slapped his bad knee causing him to shout in pain.
"What?! She probably doesn't care!" He pulled his leg closer to him, gently massaging his knee all while glaring daggers at Isla.
"You plan to take out the King of Zetheria, huh..." Noa scrunched her eyebrows as she cupped her chin. "I'm not against it or anything. I just don't think it's a very practical idea. But why kill him? What'd he ever do to you?"
"It's because of the prophecy." Gwyneth dusted off one of the books in the corner. Zetheria and You, Your Guide to Robotics. What a strange title. "The hero will awaken when the land is in need. Aston's, um, powers, awakened around the same exact time black clouds were spotted over Zetheria castle. It has to be connected."
"It's as good a start as any, anyway. Never trusted that guy; could be up to anything. Not to mention he's got the Fae working with him."
So that's why the two from the militia knew Aston's every move. They had likely fought their fair share of Fae.
"The Fae?" Isla squeaked. "T-They didn't mention anything about that when we were there!"
"If they're in connection with Zetheria... Did they set us up into a trap?" Aston clenched his fists.
Gwyneth slammed the book shut. "It's obvious they knew more about the situation than we did. It would explain why they were so convinced the King of Zetheria was innocent."
"So, we're up against more than just the king. Great." Aston sighed, wincing as his knee clicked out of place. "Say, you wouldn't happen to have some sort of device that heals injuries, would you?"
Hello! I'm writing this the night before leaving for vacation. By the time this goes up, I will still be on vacation! The power of drafts and backlog :) At this moment in time, the next chapter isn't written. I need to finish it tonight in order to slap it on Word to catch the grammatical errors I will inevitably make (and that Grammarly won't catch for some reason). Will I succeed in finishing it in time? Stay tuned!
What do you think of Zetheria's history?
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
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