Gwyneth awoke slightly hungry. Dinner last night had left something to be desired. Fae were vegetarian, so many meals consisted of soup with vegetable broth, casseroles, or savory cakes. To Gwyneth, it was a matter of getting used to. To Aston, his magic provided a midnight snack. It was just the two of them and the appointed "chefs" who had prepared the meal. When Gwyneth had asked, they made it clear that cooking was not their main duty but didn't care to elaborate further.
She had just finished getting dressed when there was a knock on her door. A boy not seemingly older than herself yet likely several hundred years old dressed in dark green formalwear stood in the doorway. He had the same pink hair as Camellia, so she inferred he was her brother; Avel.
"You are to observe Aston's training by order of the king." Gwyneth could have sworn Avel rolled his eyes ever so slightly. Either way, he didn't seem to be amused giving the order.
"Me? Why me?" Gwyneth blinked, taken aback. Perhaps they pitied her uselessness and found something to keep her busy.
"It was your family who sought to take as few precautions possible in his upbringing. You will correct their mistakes and ensure he stays the course," he said pointedly. Gwyneth couldn't help but shudder inside. No one had spoken to her in this manner besides her own father.
However, Gwyneth didn't waiver. "My family has placed their utmost trust in our savior. To serve him and act as a guide is considered an honor, one I am unworthy of as magicless as I am." In truth, Gwyneth didn't believe all she was saying. Rather, she would not let this Fae belittle her.
Avel's expression softened, his lips parting in a faint "o" shape at her comeback. "Earth favors you, little one. Perhaps you are not as helpless as you think."
"What?" Her facade fell as confusion painted its way onto her face.
Avel merely shook his head beckoning for her to follow.
The palace was bustling with people walking to and fro. It reminded her of her own castle, yet far less rushed than her servants had been. Many seemed to be holding books or documents, some even held containers and bottles. There must be a lot of research going on. Yet, the longevity of Fae lives made them the most knowledgeable race in Halcyone by far. Gwyneth couldn't even begin to imagine what was left to research.
Ah, the sudden increase in elemental activity. That would have them in a bustle.
Gwyneth noticed that most doors seemed to be color-coded. The royal family's bedrooms had pink doors, studies and libraries green doors, and anything akin to a training area sported blue doors. She mentally took note. Though she would never openly admit it, she did still find herself occasionally getting lost in her own castle. It was especially humiliating when the maids gave her knowing looks.
Gwyneth took a seat on the floor against the wall. The room was dome-shaped, so there weren't exactly any corners she could call home. Not really knowing what to do or what was expected of her, she observed.
The scene before her seemed to play in an infinite loop. Part of her wondered if she was stuck in a time loop. Aston would focus on casting whatever spell he had in mind, and Florian would create some sort of distraction for him, causing the spell to become interrupted. Florian's attempts became predictable, perhaps hoping Aston would catch on, yet he never did. Gwyneth found herself rolling her eyes. If she was the one with magic, she was sure she would have already passed this test. Alas, she was stuck here until Aston made some sort of progress. Part of her was beginning to miss her confinement where she was sure Fern and Cedar would have paid her a visit eventually.
At least her time here became mildly interesting when Aston set the tip of Florian's hair on fire.
Eventually, she lost her patience and stomped over to the two. "You're going to begin casting a spell and Florian's either going to shove you forward or create water splashes in the air. Just deal with it already!" She shouted. She didn't typically lash out at others, especially in such a childish manner, but Aston was always an exception. She was always so quick to acknowledge Aston's spoiled upbringing that she failed to realize her own.
"Magic is hard, okay? If you get distracted for even a split second, you have to start over!" Aston defended.
"Yet you seemed to have no problem casting a spell while being chased throughout a forest!"
"W-Well, that was different! The adrenaline kicked in! It was life or death!"
"Life or death..." Florian smirked.
Aston felt his stomach droop and Gwyneth quickly regretted her outburst. Florian began casting a spell and Aston found himself being the distracter. Alas, Florian's concentration wasn't as easily broken. He dodged Aston's fireball with ease before his eyes glowed a light brown. Vines began sprouting around the group, closing them in. Once they reached their peak height, they wove together to create a cage; a single isabell blooming where the vines connected.
To Aston and Gwyneth's horror, the vines began to move, inching closer and closer to the group before they would inevitably suffocate their prey.
"Free us." Florian crossed his arms, his expression far calmer than it should have been.
Aston quickly summoned a ball of fire and watched in horror as the vines shimmied, creating an opening for the fire to escape.
"You'll need something far more powerful than that." Florian shook his head in disappointment.
"You will get us out of here before we die, correct? "Gwyneth turned to Florian.
"I'm willing to die for my cause. If you do not make it past this trial, you will surely meet your demise during yours."
Aston was seething now, sweat pouring down his face as he focused on summoning something far stronger. He only hoped it would cast in time.
And then Florian performed a leg sweep, causing Aston to trip and fall, breaking his concentration.
"Are you serious right now?!" Aston screamed. "Let me focus or we'll all die!"
"If you can't perfect your magic then we're already dead!" The Fae shouted back. Apparently, Gwyneth wasn't the only one to lose her patience.
The vines were closing in and Gwyneth found herself hyperventilating for air. She glared at Aston who was seemingly lost in focus, then at Florian who would undoubtedly interrupt him again. I'll stop him this time, she thought. But alas, Florian's interruption was magic related this time. Water poured from above soaking all three of them. However, Aston's focus remained uninterrupted.
Vines crept closer, forcing the three close enough to touch. Aston's eyes glowed a bright red as he released his finally successful spell. A big smile made its way onto Florian's face as the vines were incinerated to the ground.
Gwyneth took a deep breath, scurrying back to her spot by the wall. If Florian decided to pull another life-threatening test, she wanted no part in it.
"I thought I told you not to use fire?" Florian tsked, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
"What else was I supposed to bloody use?!" Aston seared.
"Quite frankly, I expected you to summon a sword and hack away at the vines. Not that it would be that easy. Alternatively, you could have teleported us out. Anyway, I expect you have learned from this experience, yes?" Florian clamped Aston's shoulder. Aston began casting another fire spell, this time to burn Florian's hand, but Florian was quick to remove it. "Now, we begin again. Should your concentration waver again, I trust you know what's in store."
Gwyneth inched her way closer to the door before Florian's gaze seared straight into her soul. "Princess, I advise you remain where you are, lest you find yourself an occupant in the vines' abode again."
She quickly scooted back to where she was.
At last, Aston was finally making an improvement. It seemed Florian had found the right motivation for him. How much more would he have to improve before the king was satisfied? It had only been two days and he was already behind schedule. Gwyneth sighed; she hoped that he would learn all that he needed to in time.
I've been thinking of entering the Wattys this year but I've heard they use AI to filter entries, so now I'm not sure :/ Who knows, maybe the AI will favor me.
I can't think of any story questions this week, so I'll just ask about general predictions!
How do you read the following?:
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