The group followed the river upstream. The river that spread throughout Aeceria stemmed from a waterfall in Aboracies, the village Aston called home. Aquariots would claim Aboracies to be the most sacred place in Aeceria — if any were to visit — but the village remained one of the lesser-known villages in the kingdom.
As soon as Gwyneth stepped foot in the village, her jaw dropped as her eyes sparkled in awe. She had never left the capital before, only being able to admire the trees from her window. She had seen towns like this illustrated before in her books, but never had she imagined the energy of such a place to be this exhilarating. The capital might be big and grand, but something about this quaint village felt warm and magical. Roads were made of dirt rather than stone, and houses were scattered about with no rhyme or reason rather than in perfect lines. The ground had been worn to the point where she couldn't tell if they were on an actual road or a makeshift road from others trampling the grass. There were no stalls, but there didn't need to be. The village was small after all, housing less than a hundred people in total. There was something about how perfectly imperfect the village was that filled Gwyneth with excitement, especially since she herself was always one to stray from the rules.
She took this moment to admire the scene before her and bask in the warm summer's wind. She wanted to run into the river before them, even roll around in the grass. She had never felt so free before. This is where she belonged, in a village full of nature, not some stuffy castle. How she would have loved to study outside admiring the green and orange trees. However, her pleasure trip would have to wait. There were more important tasks at hand.
Isla, however, sensed something different. The many trees scattered throughout the village, especially on the outskirts, felt more alive than any of the trees they had passed by thus far. It was as if these trees contained energy that secretly sustained the village. The magnificent waterfall that could be seen behind the village was just as majestic as if it had a life of its own, far more powerful than that of any creature she had stumbled upon before. Perhaps it was due to the positioning of the village. They were right on the outskirts of Aeceria after all, the Forlorn Forest not so far. Or perhaps it was because she herself was Fae.
By this point, Aston had woken up, severely groggy. The lady they had rescued, who had introduced herself as Berdine, led them through the town. A few villagers cast their glances to them, mostly confused looks or beaming smiles as they waved. Many paid no notice as they continued their chores. One lady had begun planting in her flower garden.
Near the center of town was a typical dark brown tavern made of brick and stone. Come to think of it, about only half of the houses were made of stone, the others made of wood. She led them inside to a table in the back. The tavern was nearly empty with most of its patrons visiting at night. She quickly excused herself as she dashed out of the building.
"She is going to pay for our meal, right?" Aston asked, taking a seat at one of the tables, his eyes still on the lady darting out of the building. He was still tired, only recently having awoken as they reached the village.
Elric facepalmed, taking a seat across from him. Aston wasn't too happy when the boy they had met earlier also sat across from him, his eyes glaring daggers into his soul.
"I don't believe you have given your name." Gwyneth took her seat beside Aston, her gaze on the nameless curly-haired boy.
"Lucas," he answered, meeting her gaze only for a second before turning away. "Your Highness."
"Please, there is no need for formalities. It would only complicate things." While the villagers had sworn fealty to the castle and would never try anything, she wasn't so sure for those outside of the village.
"Once we eat, we're out of here, right?" Aston asked, not wanting to waste any more time. Why had they even saved that lady, to begin with? The village was more than capable, he assumed.
"There was something the villagers were supposed to tell us."
"And then we leave, right?"
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Elric had to keep himself from snapping, something that was getting increasingly difficult ever since they made the truce.
"Why aren't you? We're supposed to save the world." He exhaled, impatiently drumming his fingers on the table. He knew she should have set off on his own. He had considered abandoning them at the camp last night. He was beginning to regret the decision not to.
"And sometimes saving the world involves saving the occasional villager. Besides, this information may be vital in stopping King Vishnal."
"Or a huge waste of time." Aston leaned his elbows on the table, his hands flat as he rested his head on them.
Some time went by, and the tension was palpable. Isla was about to ask everyone what they had planned on ordering when a couple came through the door.
"Aston! Is it really you?!" A middle-aged heavy-set woman pushed through the tables to get to the boy in question before giving him a bear hug that nearly suffocated him.
"Ma, please... You're embarrassing me..." Aston tried to push her away to no avail. He wouldn't be surprised if he fainted a second time today.
"Your Highness." The man who had entered with her bowed to Gwyneth after he made his way to the table.
"You're Aston's parents. I remember you quite well." Gwyneth smiled at the middle-aged man, silently cursing herself for never getting their names.
"How very kind of you. My name is Gregory, and this is my wife, Sabina." He gestured to the lady who was still clinging onto her son for dear life. Yet, she still managed to wave, her beaming smile showing off her yellowed teeth. "I hope my son hasn't been causing you any trouble?"
"You don't even know half of it" she wanted to say, but merely shook her head in response.
"Ah, I see Aston has returned." An elderly lady grabbed everyone's attention. When had she arrived? Despite her age, she carried herself well. Her gray hair was confined to a bun that let not a single hair escape, and her posture demanded respect. Her only real flaw was the visible wrinkles on her otherwise smooth beige skin. "Lucas, I see you are here as well." Her eyes narrowed at the boy who tensed under her gaze. Berdine had returned with her and motioned for everyone to take their seat.
Once the remaining few had been seated, the elderly lady spoke. "I am Mathilda, the village elder. I must thank you for rescuing Berdine as well as keeping the bandits from reaching the village. We farm folk are not much for fighting even if we're capable should the situation arise." She paused, scanning for a reaction, mostly head nods. "There is a legend passed down in this village of a cave. It is said to protect a powerful sword capable of destroying any evil. To one who is worthy, that is."
"And who would be more worthy than the hero himself?" Isla spoke. Everyone's gaze immediately turned to her as she covered her mouth, a blush forming. She always spoke at the wrong times.
"You are correct, dear child. I'm sure Lucas can lead you straight to the sword."
"I what now?" Lucas gawked at the old lady.
"If you would like to remain in the village, that is. Of course, you're more than welcome to try your luck in the forest with whatever creature might lurk there. Perhaps a Fae will wander by and offer you shelter." She smirked, causing the boy to shrivel up in his seat.
"Don't worry about it. I don't need it." Aston crossed his arms.
"Aston!" His mother scolded him. "We raised you better than this!"
"Don't kid yourselves! You didn't raise me at all! The king and queen did!"
"Enough!" Mathilda rose from her seat. "I will not have you disrespecting those in my village. Do you think you are ready to face King Vishnal as you are now? You're not. None of you are. You haven't practiced even a lick of your magic, have you? How are you supposed to protect your friends and save the world if you don't even know how to use your gift? Then there's the matter of the princess you travel with. She carries no weapon so I can only assume she has not been trained with one. Then you have a half-Fae with her bright purple hair. Seriously, did none of you think to cover it? You're essentially begging for her to die! The knight with you may be the most well-trained out of all of you, but can you expect him to protect three others as well as himself? Almighty above, what was His Majesty thinking sending the four of you?"
Gwyneth averted her gaze, knowing the woman spoke the truth. Isla opened her mouth to defend them, but no words came out. Aston on the other hand was outraged. "If the prophecy says I'm going to win, then I'm going to win no matter what training I have or haven't had!"
She took her seat, composing herself a little more. "Then your victory will come at the expense of those around you. Does it not bother you to sacrifice the lives of hundreds if not thousands to achieve your victory?"
"If they want to die, then that's their choice."
"Foolish boy!" The elder slammed her fist on the table, all composure lost. "I pray that this is some cruel joke from the Almighty and that the real savior will show his face soon. Do not be surprised if the sword finds you unworthy."
"You wish." Aston balled his fists shut, the sting of his nails distracting him from the lady's remarks. Who did she think she was to order him around like that? No one. She knew nothing about him, and she never would. This must be some sort of test, the kind of test that old people like to give those who are younger as a means of showing off their knowledge. Or remind everyone how old they are. "I'm going to bed." He stood up, kicking the chair away with his foot.
Elric was quick to rise before Gwyneth signaled for him to remain seated. "I'll go," she mouthed, excusing herself from the table. Aston's parents had apologized repeatedly, but their apologies meant nothing. If he wanted to be forgiven (which she severely doubted that he even cared) he would have to apologize himself.
Right away she knew something was up. They hadn't been shown where they would be staying for the night, and without any money on him, he wouldn't have much luck at an inn. No, he wasn't intending on sleeping, he was intending on running. Either that or he was very stupid. She hoped it was the latter but knew he wouldn't think twice about abandoning them to fulfill the quest on his own.
So, she followed him as stealthily as she could. A skill she had perfected thanks to the many times she tried to avoid his cruel pranks. Once they were out of the village, she made her presence known.
"And where are you going, hero?"
Any thoughts on what the sword might look like?
Any good movies you've seen recently?
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