It's been almost five years since I last spoke with the Spirits. In that time, Ares has asked to marry me at least five hundred times. And that was within the first two years! I ascended to the throne rather early as the king and queen saw me fit to rule after my efforts to save Halcyone. Outside of the five of us, only my parents, Mitra, and Kai have any recollection of the world before.
I was devastated when I heard the news about Isla. As was Elric, to no surprise. I hear he spends most of his days in Losufea learning about the Fae. I'd love to see him again if he would only visit...
Cetri returned home to Cathrul where she is our equivalent of an advisor to Mitra. We still see each other several times throughout the year. I'm also pleased that Aeceria is on friendlier terms with the other races.
Speaking of Aeceria, we had to rebuild it from the ground up considering the world was recreated. Since most people have lost their memories of the old world, they're under the impression that natural disasters struck and destroyed their homes. Their memories of before also seem a little foggy and out of place, but I suppose that's what happens when your memories are replaced.
Thea had helped rebuild Aeceria and even worked with me for a while until I settled into my role as queen. Now, she's settled into a home near the end of the capital. I somehow never seem to visit when she's home...
Ares and I married two years ago. We had a year-long engagement and the biggest wedding the kingdom has ever seen! Especially considering this is a new world... Ha...
It's nice to finally relax and just be me. I had considered several times abdicating the throne, but Ares always talked me out of it. I hope this peace will continue to last. No — I know it will. This is the last cycle, after all.
I just wish the Spirits and Isla were here to see it.
Ah, but I should end things on a happier note, shouldn't I? We're expecting sometime next year. I can't wait to hear what adventures they'll go on. Perhaps they'll be the hero this time... I'd really rather not, but I'm sure they'll have friends to protect them. ...But that's their story to tell, isn't it? My story has come to an end.
The story of the prophecized hero who saved all of Halcyone.
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