" Tara we will marry , when we will grow old " said 8 years old parth
" No , you are bad . You always tease me " tara said making a pout
" Ok , i won't tease you or anything "
" And what if you found someone else for you , someone more pretty " tara said
" No , I'll marry you only , And we will have a big wedding like my father's " exclaimed parth
" Ok lets promise , that we will marry each other " parth said and brought his pinky finger
" Ok promise parth " they both giggled .
Tara pov
I am in relationship with Aarav , I mean i just like him as a person . Maybe I will fall for him as he was so sure about that . I took my phone and Aarav's message popp on my screen instantly a big smile spread on my lips
" Good morning "
" Good morning " i type
" Did you slept well ?" he asked
" Yes , I did . What about you ?" i type
" Actually nooo , I thought it was a dream and i didn't wanted to end this " i smiled cheekily after reading this . He is so cheesy but cute
" You are so cheesy "
" Is that so ? But you can't do anything , because you have to handle this cheesiness forever " he wrote and I was little uncomfortable my cheeks heated up . I guess its too early to talk about all this . I mean we came in relationship yesterday only
" I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable " he said
" No No its alright , I believe in date to marry "
" Oh that's great then " I bid adieu to him and got ready for my college , I thought to dolled myself a bit as its my first relationship and I want his eyes only on me . I wore a nice jumpsuit with a little bit of makeup .
I reached the college , I didn't saw him anywhere . I was heading towards my class then someone pulled me gently I gasped
" Aarav , you scared me " I said
" I'm sorry"
" No, its fine . I was searching for you anyways " I smiled
" Today is our first day as a couple , so a gift from my side " he handed me a beautiful watch it was in light blue color . It was perfect , I remember I saw the same watch and i wanted to buy that but then i forgot . It was different but same color
" Aarav , there was no need of this " i said
" It is you're my girlfriend " I smiled and he made me wore the watch with his own hands
" Thanks a lot , I really like the watch "
" I am glad that you liked it " He said with a smile and i started leaving then he stopped me
" Your laces are open " he pointed
" Oh , I'll tie them in the class "
" No , lemme do that " he bent down , I felt embarrassed . First time someone did this for me
" Thanks " he smiled and i couldn't resist myself so I hugged him , he hugged me back . I left for the class . He knows my choice so well , He knows what I want , what I love . And I never told him about anything . That's so strange , is he my fictional man ? I was blushing very hard .
Parth pov
" She liked the watch very much , her expressions said all " said Aarav with a smile . I knew she will like that watch . I remember when she was ogling that watch so much , she really liked that
" I mean she is your father's friend's daughter still you know so much about her " Aarav asked
" Bro I know girls better than you , and she is not difficult to understand . She is also like other girls for me " I said
" Bro she is your sister in law please mind yourself " Aarav said
" I know she is , but I don't like her Aarav . I hate her to be honest "
" Parth , I know you don't like her at all but please behave yourself in front of her . She is not bad ." said Aarav I nod my head and walked away . I saw her , she was laughing with her friends . She looked so pretty while laughing . I just made her sad , she is the saddest with me . I wish I could make her laugh like this again . What the fuck , are you thinking parth? She is your bestie's girlfriend . I shouldn't see her like this .
Tara pov
1 month passed dating Aarav , I don't know why I guess I love him . No one treated me so well like him . He puts so much efforts for my happiness
" Happiest 1 month Anniversary , buttercup " Aarav said and kissed my cheek
" Thanks and same to you Aarav " i smiled cheekily , his eyes express his love for me . I'm extra happy when he is around me
" I bought something for you " Aarav said
" Again?? There is no need of all this " I said , shhhh he put a finger on my lips . Shivers ran down in my spine
" He gifted me a pendent " It was so beautiful it has an Emarald stone , I love these type of necklaces . But how does he know about my choices . He always gift me something which I love from childhood . He is my soulmate i guess
" This is so pretty , how you always make me speechless ?" i said , he smiled and made me wear that necklace
" I love you Aarav " i finally confessed his eyes widened in surprise
" What ??? Say it again "
" I love you Aarav "
" I love you the most Tara " he took me in his arms and started twirling me around
I guess he is the best decision of my life , I never knew god has written this much good things in my destiny . I am the luckiest I guess that he is part of my life
Guys a twist is waiting for y'll
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