" See Tara we're grown up now , we are not small kids anymore . You know my classmates always tease me about you " parth said furiously
" But parth we are best friends right and these things shouldn't matter "
" It does matter , i want to make new friends and enjoy with them . Just stay away from me now " with this parth left breaking her heart .
And after few months parth started changing due to peer pressure he started drinking and smoking and he even made a girlfriend . He was no more a decent parth
" Parth i guess you're on the wrong path now i mean all these things are not good for you . Like drinking and smoking . If uncle got to know about all this you'll be in trouble "
" What's your fucking problem ? Just stay from me i said that before also ok "
Few days later ,
" By the way your father's friend's daughter is hot right "
" I haven't seen her in that way , i don't like her " i clenched my jaw
" Ohhh that's awesomeeee , so i can have her only for myself .. Most of girlfriends cheat me because of you "
" Like can you insist her for a one night stand with me " he said and i passed him death glares
" She will not agree for these , she is not that type girl " i sighed
" So she is a wife material "
Why he is so interested in her ? She is not even good she is so ugly , I mean I am lieing to myself . She is not ugly she has turned beautiful . I don't care about her
" By the way Parth tomorrow is freshers party "
" Yes I know "
" By the way can you please praise me little infront of your father's friend's daughter , Its so long to say father's friend's daughter lets call her ffd " i chuckled
" If you like her talk to her by yourself ok and her name is Tara not ffd "
I don't know why I just don't want him and tara in a relationship because he is not a right guy for her and moreover she will not agree for this relationship too . I'm still stuck on old memories with her .
At fresher's
I was least interested to be honest moreover so many girls were hitting on me , I'm least interested in relation ship also I mean who can live with a same person for their entire life its so damn boring .
I was drinking beer but then my eyes fell on Tara she looked effing gorgeous in black dress , She looked so perfect i was literally gawking her . But then that same guy approached her , Its so weird i feel something tingling sensation inside me as if something is burning inside me when i saw her with someone else .
I ignored her presence and continued flirting around with others ,
" hey can you please go slow " she moaned i nod
I was making out with someone in the library , then my eyes met with pair of dark orbs which were looking at me with disgust i guess . I don't know why I was already pissed off by her I broke my kiss and stormed towards her
" What's your problem ? Why are you here ? You want to show this to my family right so they can humiliate me right ? I yelled she looked at me furiously
" First of all I didn't came by my choice your friend Aarav wanted to talk to me in private place , And I'm least bothered by your life Parth " she said , Aarav brought her here so he can make out with her and she agreed ? This can't be true
" Hey what happened bro ? See Tara don't disturb him in his personal time he doesn't like that " , said Aarav and wrapped his arm around her waist . I'm not jealous or anything but he's not right for her . She is not a kid anymore and why should I tell her this
They both left and my blood was boiling in anger and i don't know the reason
" Hey parth can we continue this in your apartment ?" she asked
" No , I'm not in mood " i replied sternly
" By the way we can date each other . I know you like me that's why you chose me among all girls " she said seductively such a pick me i smirked
" You know I'll sleep with every girl alternatively don't worry , I did all this because you asked me all this . And I'm not made for love find someone else " i left
Aarav and tara were dancing and giggling together, I was not liking this. I mean she should know what's good and what's bad for her such a dumb girl she is.. I sighed
A girl asked me to dance with her she seemed to be hot so I agreed..
" Now partners will exchange " Exclaimed anchor
After sometime tara was my partner but before we can dance she left
" That's bad I mean you can't leave like this, this is so kiddish " I said
" It's my choice, I don't wanna dance with you "
And she left, such an egoistic girl she is
So here's the next chapter
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