Chapter 5: Simulation
I was dragged from my room even before I was fully awake. The last two weeks had been the worst I've ever head. I was strapped to a chair and this Fear Serum was injected in my neck and not only was the serum itself awful, burning through my body, making it ache, like lava in my veins. It made me itch, from in inside trying to claw its way was what it did mentally to me. It sent me into my worst nightmares. Repeating them over and over and over. It was bad enough that I had poison injected into me, or living in my night terrors, but they also also hooked me up to some medical devices and monitors. While I relived all my fears they collected the fluid I produced in my brain while I was in this hyper fear zone.
I whimpered. I hated how scared I was. I hated to show Janson how scared of the chair and him I actually was. But the whimper was involuntary. The Doctors pulled me, kicking and fighting into the room. I did manage to take out one doctor. I twisted out if his grasp, and spun around slamming my fist into his face. He dropped with a bloody nose.
But they were like ants, they just kept coming. The one doctor dropped and two more were there to take his spot. Janson sighed, folding his arms, waiting on the other side of the room. He pulled out a walkie talkie and pushed a button. The Doctors were struggling to hold me.
The door flew open and a few huge guards showed up. A huge guard grabbed me around the neck and slammed my back into the wall. The back of my head slammed into the brick wall. It was the lull in my fighting they needed, two more guards pinned me to the wall. I wasn't going to go down without a fight. It was the only thing I had left. My will.
They took my family. They took my Gladers. They took my home. They took my name. Gave me a fake one and then took that, I was just a subject to them, a test number. They were slowly stripping my dignity now. But my will to fight back? I had that at least... For now.
Lashing out with my knees and legs, snapping at anything that came close to me. The guard holding my neck tightened his grip. His eyes were hungry and greedy. It sent a wave of fresh fear through me. His hand tightened, making breathing harder, not enough to suffocate me, but enough to make me panic a little. He leaned his body into mine. Shoving his knee between my legs, now I couldn't fight back with kicks. I couldn't fight much, there was a Doctor holding each of my arms out stretched. I snarled and snapped. I felt this guys breath on my face. It was making my stomach turn, and my panic increase.
This guy, pinning me to the wall with his body...he wouldn't do anything would he? There are other people around....Doctors and...Janson! Surly Janson wouldn't let that happen...I mean he clearly has no morals and could care less about kids suffering and dying...maybe he wouldn't care. The terrified sob tried to escape my mouth.
"Ahh. There's the fear I'm looking for. And I didn't even need that serum!" He whispered in my ear.
I slammed my head into his face, making him yell in surprise. He shook his head and tightened his grip around my throat with a snarl in my face.
"Alright. Rex, that's enough. I still need her." Janson said, he sounded board.
There was sharp poke in my neck, and the fight went out of me as my limbs went limp. The Guard, Rex, smirked as my eyes rolled and I flopped forwards, into him.
My limbs wouldn't work, but my vision and hearing were just fine. I wish it would just knock me out. What Rex whispered continually in my ear made me want to throw up. Janson did nothing but fiddle with the small electronic screen. I just wanted to curl up and cry or scream and fight, but none of that was an option. Instead, my head flopped backwards as Rex hulled me over to the chair.
Very unceremoniously he dumped me into the chair and started strapping my feet and wrists. He motioned for the Doctor to come forward. With the limited vision I had, I saw a long shinny sharp tip of a needle. I wish I could close my eyes and pretend it wasn't there. Instead, I saw it move towards my neck. He jammed it in and I felt the freezing cold Fear serum entre my blood system.
The fluid made my body shiver uncontrollably. Making my arms and legs fight against the cold metal restraints. I don't know if my eyelids slid closed and it was a dream or if I just hallucinated with eyes wide open and it happened in front of me. Or maybe it was all real. It looked and felt real. I couldn't tell what was happening. But the restraints were loosening, my fighting and uncontrollable shaking loosened it.
Slowly my shivering and shaking slowed down. My muscles ached and felt heavy, I lay panting for a few moments. Slowly sitting up in the chair I looked around. Everyone had left the room. I was alone, except for the camera in the top corner, it blinked with a small red light. Reminding me of the stupid little lizard like beetle blades from the Glade. So I was being monitored. These WICKED employees who call themselves Doctors and Scientists were analyzing me. Looking around I frowned, it was eerie, being in this cold sterile room alone. I cautiously slid off the chair and stood up on shaky legs, I wasn't sure what was going on. I was never left alone like this, except when they dumped me back into my room at the end of each day.
I stood alone in the empty silent room, slowly looking around. My apprehension slowly rose. Something was going to happen, I could feel it. I knew nothing was ever quiet and peaceful long in WCKED. I jumped when the door behind me slowly was pushed open. Spinning around I came face to face with Rex. He was staring at me like I was the last meal he was ever going to have. I took a step backwards. He used his foot to close the door, never taking his eyes off me. I backed up until I hit the table. Rex slowly stalked towards me. The greed and lust in his eyes.
My heart rate had picked up, I could feel it slamming into my ribs. My palms were sweaty and my hands were shaking. He was now right in front of me. His dark eyes looking me up and down, licking his lips. He slowly un did his bullet proof vest and tossed it aside.
"It's just you and me now. Janson had an important meeting to attend to. No one to interrupt."
His voice was harsh. I felt panic and a sob trying to make its way up into my chest. I swallowed and tried my best to shove it back down. My eyes darted all over the room, trying to find a weapon. The only thing I could see was his vest on the ground, tossed aside, the chair I was strapped to and the table I had backed into.
Rex laughed, he seemed to be enjoying my panic. He took another menacing step towards me. I slid sideways along the side of the table, hoping to just put space between us. He just followed. With a desperate cry I lunged forwards, hoping to get around him and over to the door. At this point I would take Janson's company over this guard, knowing exactly what he wanted from me. At least with Janson it was just straight up torture, this guy wanted...more. He wanted to forcefully take what I had freely given to Gally. I tried. Rex was faster. He caught me by the wrist and pulled me back. I stumbled, and went crashing back into the table. He laughed the hole tome, it sounded like a bark of a dog. His eyes angry now, not just lustful.
"You don't get to leave!" He snarled.
I tried to fight back; lashing out with my arms and legs, wildly swinging my head, twisting and wiggling. Anything I could do to make it harder for him to get a better grip on me. He had one hand griping my wrist so hard I knew I would have bruise later. He slammed me back into the table, my back crashing into the table top. I cried in pain, as my spin slammed into the metal table.
For a huge muscular man he was fast and agile. He took his chance and, pushed forwards, pinning me further. His elbow on my neck, and his other hand held my one wrist still. I tried to squirm and fight. I did manage to sort of get a fist in there, but he didn't seem to notice. He just laughed, releasing the pressure on my neck, grabbed my other wrist, and pinned both of them above my head with one hand, rendering both my hands useless.
I didn't care at this point, I cried, I screamed and sobbed and I pleaded. Begging him not to, begging him to stop. He just laughed in my face, his face inches from mine. He burred his face into my neck, and smelling me in a loud obnoxious way.
"Hmmm. You smell like fear." He whispered in my ear.
I cried again. Trying desperately to wiggle free. Instead of going any where He just used the rest of his body to hold me down on the table. I was uncomfortably aware of his body on top of mine. Fear and panic were coursing through my body. It was making my stomach twist and turn, I could feel the bile rising up. I was going to throw up. Tears blurred my vision. He tried to kiss me. I jerked my head sideways. He didn't like that and slammed his free fist into my cheek.
"Lets try again." He whispered sinisterly in my ear. He grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked my head back to face him. He pressed his lips to mine and I did the only thing I was capable of doing...I bit down. Hard. Blood filled my mouth. He ripped his face away, growling and yelling. I spit the blood out as best I could, while still crying and screaming.
"You shouldn't have done that. "
He yanked me off the table, his hand still gripping my hair in his fist. He pulled me up and across the room, and threw me into the reclining chair. Slamming a fist into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. Gasping for air I tried to get up, but another fist slammed into my face. I fell back dizzy and slowly loosing consciousness. I whimpered.
I felt Rex climb on top of the chair, and on top of me. My eyes rolled into my head, taking me away from the horrible least I wont be awake for this...Gally I need you, please take me with you. I don't want to be here anymore.
I woke with a loud scream. I was covered in sweat and panting wildly. I was still in the same cold white room, in the same cold reclining chair, my wrists and ankles clamped tight in the restraints. Tears ran down my face.
I whipped my head around, the room was full of Doctors. Janson sat on the stool beside the chair. He was holding the computer screen, a look of mild interest.
"Captain Rex, did you happen to see the latest simulation on the screen?" Janson's wheezy voice asked, he finally looked up and over his shoulder to the huge guard leaning on the wall.
He nodded with an evil smirk, he had a dark glint in his already dark eyes. He was now looking at me with even more interest.
I just let the tears fall. There was nothing I could do. It was another fear to add to my fear landscape. They just kept adding up, today I added this Captain Rex to my list of things I feared. All I could think bitterly was why couldn't Gally kill me properly? Why couldn't he have hit my heart and taken me away. We could have escaped together from this awful world. We could have joined our Bean. We could have been together. Instead I was here. Being a human gunnie pig, an unwilling test subject.
Janson and the Doctors were writing notes down, one was looking at the monitor where my heart and brain waves were. Janson's communication device went off. He grabbed it off the table.
"What?" He barked, "This better be important."
"Sir. Barkley radioed in. He says they have them." A voice crackled.
"WHAT?" Janson shrieked, jumping off the stool.
"Did he actually have eyes on them?"
"Yes sir. They say they have them detained at a warehouse at the edge of the Scorch." The voice crackled on the other side.
"We're on our way."
Janson's eyes shone with a wild triumphant glee. He was looking right at me the whole time, like he wanted me to hear this conversation. But I was still reeling from the latest fear simulation, my mind couldn't keep up. I had no idea who he was talking about. The communication device turned off and Janson's smile was twisted, making me shudder.
"Looks like we found our rouge subjects. We can't have wild subjects running around the scorch. I'm afraid my dear you need to stay here. But don't worry, I'll make sure to have a live feed sent here, just for you to watch."
I blinked a few times, I couldn't follow what he was talking about. But my anxiety and panic were rising again. This couldn't be a good thing, nothing that made Janson this excited was ever a good thing.
"What?" I whispered.
"One of my men has eyes of Thomas and his group of trouble makers. The ones who left you behind." Janson answered, in a wild manic glee.
I felt my stomach drop, my heart stopped. They found Tommy...Newt, Minho, Fry...Winston. They found them? What would Janson do to them? Pure terror flooded my nervous system. I couldn't think or breath, I couldn't function. Was this another Fear Simulation? How could I tell? Everything in my life made me fear and panic. I couldn't tell reality from a simulation.
Janson just about skipped out of the room, bringing Captain Rex with him. The Doctors readjusted the monitors on me. I was given an Iv of fluid, and some other medication that made me sleep for a while. I was still strapped to the chair.
When I was woken up, there was a huge monitor screen in front of me. And a live feed of Janson on his way to Thomas. I could do nothing but watch and cry.
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