Chapter 43: Home
I felt something moving my hair off my face, I moaned. The fussing stopped.
My hearing slowly came back. Everything was muffled and fuzzy, but I heard scuffles and movement. It hurt my head. Something shuffled close by. There was a loud scraping.
Whatever I was laying on moved and shifted, it made my body throb. I must have made a noise, because I felt the moving suddenly stop.
Something warm picked up my cold hand. I didn't have the strength to do anything, my hand just stayed limp. The cotton in my ears slowly cleared. The fog in my brain slowly disappeared. I tried to open my eyes, but it was hard. I may have heard my name, but it sounded so far away. I tried moving towards the noise, towards the deep gentle voice calling my name.
"Charlie...Charlie...come on...."
I recognized that voice.
"Come on Love."
Even in my drug induced haze I paused and then frowned.
I tried opening my eyes again. They didn't seem too heavy. I slowly peeled my eyes open. I had to clamp them shut again immidiatly. It was so bright. I tried again. It took me four tries to keep my eyes open long enough to see. My vision was blurry, like seeing through water. I continued to blink a few more times. There was somethings fuzzy leaning over me. I blinked a few more times. Male ..blood hair. Smirk.
I blinked again, focusing on the face. Shifting my head I squinted against the bring sun.
"...Newt?" I rasped.
"Good morning Love."
"Newt?" I asked again, my throat was so dry it made me cough a few times which made me wince.
"That's my name. Don't wear it out."
"Am I dreaming? Is this real?" I tried again.
"Unless we're both dead, it's very much real."
I opened my mouth but I couldn't think of anything to say. I just gazed up at him. I saw the after affects of Cranking out. His hair looked uneven, but it was now cut short. He looked tired, and a bit pale, but his eyes ... His eyes were back to his warm gentle chocolate brown eyes. They filled with tears.
"I'm so sorry Charlie!" He sniffed, and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "I'm so sorry for everything I said and screamed at you!"
".. Newt..." I tried, but he shook his head.
"It wasn't bloody fair on you or Tommy. I'm sorry. I don't deserve friends like you. I was selfish and...mean. I only got through the Maze because of you two." He sniffed a few more times, trying hard to keep the tears in check. "You were right-"
"I .. usually am." My voice was so horse it hurt to talk.
He chuckled, a whisper the stray tear. "Yeah, you usually are and it's buggen' annoying!"
The side of lip rose, into a small grin.
"Everything you and Dr Hans have done for me ..I owe you my life."
With all the strength I could muster I squeezed his hand. His clamped tighter.
"You took a bullet for me because you believed in something so much. You would have died to save me, even after everything I screamed."
"You would have done the same if we were reversed." I whispered.
He hung his head and his shoulders slumped. He was quiet for a while. I closed my eyes, I was tired.
"Please, Charlie can you forgive me?"
"Already done."
I took a ragged breath, "how are you feeling?"
"You took a buggen' bullet, nearly bleed out, have been out for a bloody week and your asking me how I'm buggen' doing?" He cried.
I remained quiet. Just watching him, he sighed and ran a hand through his shirt hair.
"I'm doing better. Tired. But, no more voices, no more itchy brain, all the black veins are gone, and no more anger, I feel like me again. But now I have a third chance at life."
I gave him a sleepy smile.
"I should let you sleep, Love. You're still recovering."
He smiled gently down at me. It felt like a dream, was this real? He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
I didn't need to be told twice. My heavy eyelids slid closed.
My eyes fluttered open. This time it was darker out. I slowly looked around the room. I was laying on a small cot. I frowned. The wood walls and roof were roughly slapped together, a big wood table set up in the middle, with all kids if medical equipment and bottles. I frowned even deeper. The shuck? The MedHut? What the shuck am I doing in the Glad MedHut?! Panic rose up inside of me. My breathing came in short gasps. Tears pricked at my eyes. My throat felt tight. Why am I back in the Maze?
The door creeked open, my head wipped in that direction, my eyes wide in fear. Tears slid down my face disapering into my hair. I clamped a hand over my mouth, to stiffle the sobs and wild gasping. Footsteps came closer, my eyes clamped shut.
"Charlie? Your awake! Hey! Hey, Charlie, Sweetie, what's wrong?" His voice went from happy relief to worry in a split second.
Gally crouched down beside the bed, his hand on my head, the other gently prying my hand off my mouth.
"Hey, look at me. Open your eyes Charlie!" His voice was firm but gentle.
My tear filled eyes tried to focus on the blurry outline of him. I saw steel blue eyes focused on mine. His hand slid from the top of my head to the side of my face and with his thumb gently stroked my cheek bone.
"You're okay. You're safe. We all are." He said gently.
Between my crying I managed to get out a soft "what?"
Gally smiled, his eyes twinkling.
"First, how are you feeling?"
I closed my eyes and focused inwards. My body was tired and sore, but not like the first time I woke up.
"Okay." I whispered.
"Can you sit up? I'll help, don't strain yourself."
He slid a hand under my back and helped take the weight as I sat up. And moved to the edge of the bed. My arm was wrapped up and I had my arm in a sling, which was strapped around my body.
"Good. Here, drink some water."
He held out a glass of water. A small smile formed in my lips.
"I'm a big girl Gally, I can take care of my self."
His eyes sparkled and a smirk appeared.
"Shuck sakes woman! Let me take care of you!" He tried to sound exhaspirated, but he looked too happy.
"I hate you Gally."
He leaned forwards and kissed me gently, "I know Charlie." He whispered against my dry lips, "but I love you too much to hate you."
My dry lips cracked as I let a full smile form on my face.
"I love you Gally."
He rested his forehead on mine. He grew serious.
"You scared the shuck out of me! No more bullet wounds!"
"Agreed. I'm a little too saintly already."
He raised an eyebrow.
"'cause I'm Holly."
He snorted and then chuckled and then it turned into a full belly laugh. He sat and watched him in ammusment, sipping the water. Once I was done the glass and he had stopped laughing so hard he held out a hand for me to take. I took it and he helped me to my unsteady feet.
"So. Can I show you our new home?" He asked.
"What..? Home?" I gasped in disbelief, looking up at home with huge eyes.
He nodded. He swept an arm around, "this is the temporary Medical Room. Dr Hans had made great use out if this space with you and Newt. Come on Pipsqueak let me show you."
Gally slowly pushed the door open, and lead me out, I had to stop. I just stared, not believing my eyes.
They’d come to a place I’d been told didn’t exist anymore. Lush and green and full of vibrant life. Gally and I stood at the top of a hill above a field of tall grass and wildflowers. To my right the hill descended into a valley of towering trees that seemed to stretch for miles, ending in a wall of rocky mountains that jutted toward the cloudless sun set sky. To my left, the grassy field. But in the middle was a big beach with white sand stretching out to meet the ocean, its waves big and dark and white-tipped as they crashed onto a beach.
Paradise. They’d come to paradise.
I stood my eyes wide and mouth open.
"Welcome to Safehaven, Sweetie."
Gally gently turned me to face him, his hand cupped my cheek the other placed gently on my back, pulling caustusly closer.
"No more running, no more fearing, no more death, no more surviving. We can live and heal. We can thrive. You and me, together."
"Forever?" I whispered, looking up at him.
I saw the peace and calm in his eyes.
"Forever and always."
He leaned down as I pushed up on my toes and we met in the middle, my eyes fluttered shut and my heart skipped a beat. It was soft and gentle. A promise.
He slowly pulled away.
"Come on. The others will want to see you too, and then I can have you all to myself forever."
"Good that."
He lead me down the hill slowly, and then over the soft sand. My head on a constant swivel, trying to see everything at once. Hits were erected all over the place, but it all seemed to have a system; in long lines between the trees. A bigger cabin was under construction.
"It will be a place for the kids without...parents. It will also function as a school." Gally explained when I looked back at him for an explanation.
"Sarg, Vince, Magnus, Jasmine and Trix have kind of taken on leadership. And they kind of taken on a Glade like way of running things."
I nodded. Looking around still, trying to see everything.
"How long was I out?"
"Almost two weeks."
"Oh." I said in a small voice.
"We got to the roof of The Resistance building, Jorge was waiting. He got us to the Right Arm, Magnus and Brenda were able to do some quick field emergency work in the Berg, and we brought you and Newt to Hans immidiatly. Hans fixed you up and then sedated you. Hans kept Newt sedated for a bit, kept his strapped down- like the changing. He was awake in a few days and was like his old self. It was like a full 180! We loaded up the Berg and the huge boat they- The Right Arm- had been getting ready. And here we are. Safehaven."
"Whoa." Was all I could say.
"You could say that again. Come on, almost there." He tugged my good hand, our fingers intertwined.
Down on the beach a few fires dotted the coast line. Gally lead me towards one in particular. Before I even got to see where we were going I was attacked by something short.
I screamed, and cried and laughed. With my good arm I wrapped it around his shoulders, pulling him as close as I could. He wrapped his arms around my waist- carful of my sling and shoulder. We just clung to each other.
"Shuck I missed you!" I whispered into his curly hair.
"Me too!" He muttered his face pressed into my chest.
"Hey dude! That's my girlfriend!" Gally chuckled.
"Eh, I'm gonna steal her!" He chuckled, but pulled away.
I finally got to see him, he had slimmed down a bit, resistance living was hard on the boy. But he had grown a few inches and wasn't looking so much like the small chubby kid anymore.
"Chucky, your growing up!" He teased him, and messed up his curls.
"Hey! Cut it out!" He smacked my had away, but held onto it and pulled me. I glanced over my shoukd as Gally. He had a content grin on his face, watching me with ammusment.
Chuck pulled me towards a fire, and sitting around it was everyone else. And three new people. Everyone's head turned in my direction. I was attacked by almost everyone in giant tight hugs.
Thomas and his brotherly snug hug, Newt with his always gentle kind safe one. Minho's bestie hug- we had gone through torture together, it's going to be hard to too that, it definitely brings one together. Sophie and Brenda held me tight, in our Savage Sister trio hug. Zayn gave me a brotherly squuze and then Fry and his hugs, which just hit different. He held tight- carful if my shoulder, but he ways gave the best hugs, making me feel like everything was going to be okay.
They finally let me sit down. Gally sat down in the log beside me, his hand on my lower back. Across the fire there was a blond girl with her hair in a braid over her shoulder, with dark rich brown eyes. Beside her was a girl with long dreadlocks and beautiful dark skin. And beside her was a boy with dirty blond hair.
My eyes slid back to the blond with the braid. I frowned, my eyebrows furrowing.
"Charlie, this is Sonya. She was in Maze B." Thomas said pointing to the girl, "and That's Harriet and Aris, also group B."
"Hi." I nodded at them. "sorry, Sonya, you said..?"
The girl nodded, her eyes narrowed.
"What's the bloody matter with you then?" She asked.
"You were in a few of my memories..."
Her eyes went wide, I guess she wasn't expecting that.
"We ..we were friends ..and you were... WHOLLY SHUCK!" I yelled.
Realization finally hitting.
My eyes flicked from Sonya, to Newt and then back. The memories-the few I had, .ade sense.
"What? What do you remember?" She asked eagerly.
"You have a brother..."
Her mouth dropped even more.
"Newt you have a sister..."
"I...what?" He stammered. There eyes darted between me and them and then back to me.
"You mean-"
"That my-"
"She's my-"
I just nodded, my own eyes wide in realization.
"Bloody hell!" They both whispered.
Sonya moved first and she shot across the fire and tackled Newt off the log backwards in a giant bear hug.
We spent the evening laughing and just being teens. I noticed Sophie and Minho were awfully cozy. Brenda and Zayn hand their hands intertwined. Newt had his head on Thomas's shoulder, Thomas's arm around his back, gently rubbing it. Newt now had Sonya's hand in his. Harriet and Frypan were chatting away. Aris was quiet, but him and Chuck were laughing about something. I smiled. I was content, but wishing Fred and Jax, Ben and Alby, Clint and Jeff, and Vinny could have all been here. I knew they would always be apart of me. They would come say hi every night.
But still recovering from a bullet wound I pettered out fast, I lay my head on Gally's shoulder, he draped his arm around me and pulled me closer. Kissing the top of my head he gently and careful picked me up.
"Good night y'all. I'm putting Charlie to bed."
Everyone called it a good night with big waves and happy yawning smiles.
He carried me back up the beach, but away from the MedHut.
"Where are we going?"
He gently placed me down, in front of a wood hut. The door had a small sign hanging in it that said "home sweet home"
He pulled me close into his broad chest, his strong arms around me. Gally gently tipped my head back and kissed me; it was long and slow and sweet and perfect.
"Home Charlie.. I'm taking you home."
*Wholly shuck! It's done! I can't believe it! Sheesh! I hope you guys liked it!
*I've had a request for "Safehaven shorts- little Snippets from Safehaven life- (still a work in progress.)
**Check out my other TMR Stories**
Healer & The Broken Healer a Newt & OC Fanfic
Defender & Defier & Destroyer & Indulgence a Minho & OC Fanfic
I want to say a huge thank you to mazewriterrr for all your support and love and our constant chit chats! Love you boo!
Also shout out to Ilianka06 Themazerunnerwriterr couldn't do this without you guys! 💞
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