Chapter 39: Horrible Situations
"Crazy?" I scoffed with a huge grin, "Nah, I prefer mentally hilarious with a side of unchecked trauma."
I got to my feet, drilling wet and freezing and jumped desperately into Gally's arms. He held me tight, I felt him exhaling in relief.
"What ..Gally?" Minho stuttered, his mouth wide open and his eyes huge in disbelief.
" were dead!"
"Nah, didn't stick." He shrugged with a crooked grin
A wild siren went off, and through every speaker and moving billboard came Janson's voice or face.
"Well, they are definitely pissed!" Gally shook his head looking down at me, with an amused smile.
"Yeah. Her and Tommy. Always pissing off the wrong people!"
We all turned, Newt stood over the unmoving Guard. I shuddered and took a step backwards. His hands were covered in blood, his face was wild and twisted. His eyes were so dark I didn't see any sign of the gentle kind Newt. In his hands he held a launcher.
"You shanks need to get bloody lost."
His voice was loud and it echoed off the buildings around us. He was more terrifying then any of the WICKED guards. I had no idea what he was capable of at this point.
"Hey come on Man. Let's just talk this through." Minho said, taking a few steps towards his friend.
"Don't come any closer!" His voice was soft, but it was full of menace.
"I'm a buggen' crank. There ain't nothing you can do. The bloody Flair is eatin' my brain! I can feel it! And I'm not gonna be buggen' responsible for hurtin' you or infecting others!"
"Newt! Your not contagious anymore! Remember?"
"SHUT UP CHARLIE! SHUT UP!" He screamed, holding the launcher up at my face.
"Whoa, there Newt! Slim it nice and calm. There's no need to point a shuck Launcher at her face while we talk."
"...I took it from the guard." He glanced down at the mangled guard, "he made me...unhappy."
I was nervous, my anxiety spiking as I watched his finger hovered over the trigger of the weapon.
"I'm ... not well," Newt said. "Honestly, I appreciate you buggin' shanks tryin'. I mean it. But this is where it bloody ends. This is when you turn around and walk away. You understand me?"
"No, Newt, I don't understand," Minho said, the frustration in his voice escalating. "We risked our necks to get stuff snuggled out of WICKED, Charlie was saying there's a way to help? Not a cure, but a way to help... and you're our friend and we're taking you home. You wanna whine and cry while you go crazy, and if I gotta hold you down while we give you this vaccine that's fine. But you're gonna do it with us, not alone!"
Newt jumped forward and swung the launcher into Minho's face now.
"I'm a Crank, Minho! I am a Crank! Why can't you get that through your bloody head? If you had the Flare and knew what you were about to go through, would you want your friends to stand around and watch? Huh? Would you want that?" He was shouting by the time he finished, and was shaking more with each passing moment.
Sophie had shrunk back. Gally stood speechless. My heart was breaking more and more. We needed to get him to Hans.
Newt's glare shifted to me.
"And you, Charlie," the boy said, lowering his voice. "You've got a lot of nerve talkin' to me like this and asking me to leave with you. A lot of bloody nerve. The sight of you makes me sick."
I opened my mouth and closed it a few times. What did I do? I only ever tried to save a friend. I couldn't think of any possible explanation for the statement.
"What are you talking about?" I asked desperately.
Newt didn't respond, just kept staring at me with hardened eyes, his arms shaking, his Launcher pointed at my chest. But then Newt stilled and his face softened. He lowered the weapon and looked at the ground.
"Newt...I don't get it," I persisted quietly. "Why are you saying all this? All I've ever done was try! I can't loose you! Tommy can't either! We need you!" Tears filled my eyes and leaked over my lashes.
Newt looked up again, and there was none of the bitterness that had been there just seconds earlier. He looked broken and sad.
"I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry. But I need you to listen to me. I'm getting worse by the hour and I don't have many sane ones left. Please leave. Please...just let me go!"
When I opened my mouth to argue, Newt held up his hand.
"No! No more talking from you. Just ... please. Please leave. I'm begging you. I'm begging you to do this one thing for me. As sincerely as I've ever asked for anything in my life, I want you to do this for me-"
There was a loud crash and wild screaming behind us. We all spun around at this new threat. Through the door came a frantic Thomas. He did a double take and changed courses and came sprinting for us, waving his hands wildly and shouting something.
"Tommy! What the shuck is going on?!" I yelled running towards him, and just about tackling him in a hug.
"Thank shuck your okay!"
"Yeah, yeah, fine." He said huffing waving a hand.
"Just about died and had my brain dissected, but Ava Paige of all people stopped it-"
"What?" Minho and I both came up short.
"That blond hag?" I spat.
"Uh, yeah. Sure." He looked at me with a furrowed brow. He shook his head and his expression went back into a frantic panic, he started waving a paper in our faces.
"Slow your roll man! What?" Minho huffed.
"Minho!" Thomas cried, like he just saw him, and pulled him into a tight hug.
Minho chuckled and embraced him back.
"Took ya long enough!
"Pfft. You just have a bad habit of not being where your suppose to be apparently! Not with Magnus in the truck not on the right train car!" Thomas grinned back. Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Guys? Focus!" Sophie called.
"Right. Okay, so, Ava said that there is a whole bunch of kidnapped munnies stuck in the basement of WICKED!"
"Well that sucks! We blew the building!" I groaned.
An explosion went off inside the building at the moment making us all flinch and duck, we dove towards a half wall and crouched behind it.
"Yeah, I notice." Thomas said dryly.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Sophie asked.
"Hey! Guys? Where's Newt?" Thomas asked, looking around.
"SHUCK!" I cursed, spinning around. Newt was nowhere in sight. The launcher was gone.
"He shucken ditched when you came busting out the building!"
"What?" Thomas asked, his face went white and I saw the fear and hopelessness in his eyes.
"Tommy, he's not doing good. I need to get to Hans! And we need to find him! But these Immunes now?! Shuck! Things can't get much worse!"
There was a loud siren, and wild screaming, the sounds of gun shots and explosions came down the street.
"Way to jinx it Tiger."
I groaned. We turned to see civilians come down the street. They were fighting the WICKED army. A building exploded.
"Okay. As much as I hate seperating, we need to split up." Gally yelled over the noise.
"Agreed!" Thomas nodded.
"Gally, you got the serum out and to Brenda and Zayn?"
He nodded, I have one pouch, the rest are with Zayn, he handed over his backpack. "Good. Then I'm going there, I'll get it and...I don't know, go look for him."
"Thomas and I'll go get those immunes." Gally nodded at Thomas. He looked back at me and grabbed my hand, holding it tight.
"Leaves you and me Blondie. We gonna go look for our cranky little friend." Minho smirked at Sophie.
Gally tossed Sophie another com, who shoved it into her pocket.
"Minho." I said sharply, "She's not immune, so keep her away from cranks!"
"I'm a big girl, Char, I can look after myself."
"I know. But he's a munnie. You're not. Just be safe. I can't loose you too." I squeezed her hand.
"You know I won't let that happen, I mean we just met...but she did come help busy me out. Any friend of Tiger's is a friend of mine." Minho said, he had no humor in his voice.
I nodded. Looking at everyone here.
"We'll find and help Newt, Tommy, you guys guys get those innocent people!"
"Do we need like a team cheer?" Sophie asked, putting her hand in, waiting for the others. Without any hesitation Minho laied his hand ontop of hers. I giggled, despite the situation, and laied mine ontop of his. With a sigh of exhaspiration Gally and Thomas did too.
"Be careful-"
"Don't die."
In my best Newt impression, "Great, were all bloody inspired."
"Go team!" Sophie cheered.
I turned quickly to Gally he grabbed my face and pulled me close and kissed me desperately.
"We always seem to be saying goodbye." He laid his forehead on mine.
"No. I'll see ya later. Sophie and Brenda owe me a drink, and I want another date under the stars." I whispered back, my hands burried in his hair.
There was another loud explosion, making me flinch.
"You'll be okay?" He asked, worry crept into his blue eyes.
"It's just running the maze. I can stick with Min and Soph for a bit. Your the one going into a crumbling building."
"I'm with Thomas. What could go wrong?" He smirked.
"Everything. It's Tommy."
"Hey! That was rude!" He huffed.
Gally turned to Minho and clapped his shoulder, "thank you for taking care of her in WICKED. Take care of her one more time for me?"
"Uh, yeah...yeah sure." Minho said with a frown of confusion. "Hey, Gally?"
He raised his eyebrows, and hummed.
"Why are you helping I put a spear through your chest!"
Gally looked at him for a second, and then shrugged.
" one's perfect man."
He turned back to me, both his hands cupped my cheeks, my hands clenched his shirt tight. We pulled each other closer and kissed one last time in a desperate kiss.
Gally pulled away and got up, Thomas following, and they ran back towards the building. My stomach twisted in knots. Shaking my head to clear the anxiety away.
"Come on, we gotta go."
I unzipped the cold wet WICKED jacket and tossed it, Sophie doing the same. We both threw out long wet hair up into pony tails. I slipped the backpack of serum onto my back and pulled the straps tight.
"Ready to run?" I asked Minho, as he stood up.
"Sure Blondie can keep up?" He smirked at Sophie.
"Hahah. Try me hot stuff."
"Gross, at least Gally and I kept quiet." I muttered.
"Yeah we just had to watch you two eye shuck each other." Minho rolled his eyes.
"You should see them now." Sophie muttered to Minho.
"Let's go!" I said loudly.
We took off running towards the train tunnles. We kept our eyes open for any sign of Newt.
"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!" I cried.
I could feel the desperate hopelessness at the situation, it was like claws made of ice gripping my heart. We had to duck a few times when an explosion went off.
"We were supposed to take down WICKED. Not the whole damn city!" I whispered in disbelief.
"It's not us..well not all of us, look." Sophie pointed to a group who just threw a homemade bomb into the window of a house.
"Cranks." Minho growled.
I nodded. This just got a whole lot worse. I stood up from the flipped car, the other two behind me, we continued to run. Running and ducking, diving out of the way of exploding buildings and cars.
"Okay, trian tunnel is up here, I go this way. You guys keep looking. Just look, if you see him raidio, I'll come with the serum." I yelled over the noise. The three of us took a turn in perfect unison.
They both nodded.
"Come on hot stuff, we'll go this way." Sophie indicated with her head.
"Lead the way Blondie." Minho swept his arm for her to lead.
I snorted and shook my head. And watched them go.
"You met your match MinMin." I called.
He looked back and winked and Sophie flipped me off. I watched for another second and then turned and sprinted towards the tunnles. I didn't meet anyone else. The majority of the fighting was behind me, towards the centre of the city, around WICKED's building. Without the trains running I didn't have to wait, I sprinted as fast as my legs would work. I threw myself up the ladder, and into the Resistance building. It was awfully quiet.
"HANS?" I screamed, racing down the hall.
I sprinted up the stairs to the Med Wing.
A door swung open and a head with wild salt and pepper hair appeard.
"Ahh. Charlie my dear child. You have it then?"
"Yes!" I cried sprinting down the hall. I skidded to stop, scrambling to get the backpack off and handed it over. I bent over huffing. The bubble of anxiety was lessening. Hans had everything he needed.
Once I had my breath back, I pushed the door open and walked into the lab.
"Magnus!" I screamed. Running over I launched myself into his huge arms. "You made it!"
"If course, Squirt!" He chuckled. He had me hugged tight, lifting my feet off the floor.
He set me down. His intense eyes looked me up and down, the furrowed, the same way Gally's did.
"So this is Thomas's sister." Said a blond haired man, stepping forwards.
I turned to the new man, my fight or flight kicked in and I jumped backwards, raising my hands in fists.
"Depends on who's asking." I spat.
"Relax Squirt. This is Vince. He's the Right Hand leader."
My eyes were still narrowed, but he had gentle eyes, blond hair pulled into a small pony tail, and a scruffy beard. He grinned, "yes, I can see the resemblance."
He held out his hand, I hesitantly shook his hand.
"Nice to finally meet the girl I've heard so much about."
"I'm sure you saw me the day WICKED attacked."
He nodded sadly.
"You look healthier."
"Thank Magnus. And Minho, and the Resistance."
He nodded. Magnus folded his arms and frowned again.
"We have to wait, explain what's going on." Magnus demanded.
Jasmine and Jorge crowded around, and while Hans flew around the lab, I explained horrible situation.
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