Chapter 38: Minho?
"Shit!" Sophie screamed.
Before I could reply with a curse of my own, a thunderous boom rattled the hallway. The building shook, making me stumble into the wall. Well that explosive definitely worked! There was screaming down the hall as another explosion rocked the building. Shouts followed; then everything grew silent again. I was leaning against the wall, Sophie was picking herself up off the floor along with Newt, but he was yelling all kinds of curses he normally would have told us to stop saying.
Sophie and I glanced at each other nervously. Then I glanced at Newt. His eyes were dark and I could see his chest rising rapidly with a small growl.
"Okay, come on. Room 405..." I finally managed to get out.
I pushed off the wall, and started down the hall. We had taken a few steps when a red light started flashing and a loud alarm blared in my ears.
"Come on!" I yelled over top of the alarm.
I sprinted down the hall, trusting Sophie was behind me and that Newt had enough sense still to follow. All kinds of doctors and nurses were running out of rooms, and went yelling down the halls. The wild sirens suddenly shut off. We all skidded to a hault, the halls had gone eerily quiet all of a sudden.
"The shuck is going on?" Newt snapped, looking up and down the hall.
"Heck if I know!" I shrugged.
"Ya. You and Tommy with your brilliant plans. Just running head long into danger!"
I rounded on him, poking him in the chest, "you didn't have to come! I told you to stay with Gally! So be helpful or slim it!"
Newt ground his teeth I could see him seething, but he remained quiet.
"Come on guys! We need to find your Minho and get the hell outta here! We can argue later!" Sophie yelled.
I turned and followed her down the hall. Throwing all caution to the wind I started running and screaming.
There came the pounding of feet behind us.
"Down!" Sophie screamed.
Without hesitation I dropped to the floor. Blue electricity shot over our heads. I twisted on the ground. A group of WICKED Soilders came storming around the bend in the hall. Sophie and I raised our guns and fired. A few of them dropped in a splatter of blood. The others scrambled to a stop and backed up. In that time the three of us scrambled to our feet and took off down the hall again.
"Minho?" I screamed.
"Minho!" Newt was also screaming.
"Shit!" Sophie yelled and dove to the side, Newt tackled me and we rolled and slammed into the wall, blue electricity balls flew down the hall. I scrambled to my feet and pulled my trigger. A guard dropped with a scream. The others backed up.
"I thought the power surger thing was supposed to stop the electrical weapon" Newt yelled.
"I have no idea! Maybe these are still charged and once the charge dies then it's useless?" I yelled back as we sprinted down yet another hall.
"You three! Don't move!"
We had rounded the corner and collided with a few guards. Without thinking my fight or flight reflexes kicked in and I pounced with a loud scream. Sophie followed. The back of my gun connected with the guys face. Making him crumple. I landed ontop of him and raised my fist and slammed it down into him. I felt a crunch. With a wild scream, I slammed the back of my gun into his face again. A dog took over, I blanked. It was only when a hand hand the back of my shirt and pulling me away did I realize what I was doing.
I was covered in the guys blood. I had killed him with my bare hands. I blinked a few times. Sophie was pulling me away, she was white as a ghost, she looked at me worried.
I scrambled to my feet.
"I'm fine. I'm fine." I shook her hand off.
"You sure? Cuz you just killed a full grown guard with those tiny fists."
"Don't sound so proud." I rolled my eyes.
We dove. I took Newt with me. We landed on the ground. He shoved me off roughly.
Your shucken welcome. Just saved your life, but whatever.
"How do we get passed? We have guys on both sides?!" Sophie yelled.
I spotted something on the ground, a plan for ing in my head.
"Get ready to run to the right!" I yelled.
I dove forwards, as blue electricity shot over us. I scooped up the little black thing. Pulled the pin and chucked the grande. The hall exploded with blue electricity. Taking everything moving down with it. We huddled around the corner for a second. I peeked my head around the corner.
"GO!" I screamed. And took off.
The guards were laying spazzing and convulsing on the ground. We jumped over them and kept going.
"MINHO?!" I screamed again.
We took a corner and slammed into someone.
"-That's Minho-"
"-Who's that-"
"Holly shit!"
"Is this real?"
I threw my arms around him. Squeezing him as tight as I could.
"Yes! Yes MinMin! This is real!"
His arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. I couldn't believe I was hugging him! It was a long time without him. We had busted into WICKED and had found him.
"You four don't move!"
"Shit! We gotta go!" Sophie yelled, "Sorry to ruin this region, but we gotta go!"
"Who's that?" Minho whispered, not so quietly as he pulled away.
"Long story. But in short my best friend."
"You replaced me? I wasn't gone THAT long. Jeeze Tiger. That hurts!"
"Correction. Best GIRL friend. Better?"
"SHUT UP!" Newt yelled, anger flashing in his eyes.
"Come on! Move!" Sophie cried, running back down the hall.
We all followed her, but had to scramble to a stop, a group of Soilders were coming towards us, and behind us.
My head swivelled around. Trying to think of a plan, or how to get out of this.
My blood ran cold, and a whimper of fear escaped. Janson came around the corner. Leading a group of Soilders.
"There!" My eyes landed on a maintenance and storage door. I ran straight for it. The door thankfully was unlocked. Throwing myself inside. Everyone else followed and Sophie slammed the door closed. Newt helped lock it. And Minho threw a huge metal shelf in front of the door.
I leaned against the wall for a second and then slid down the wall, when I heard his voice again calling name in a sick sweet sing song voice. I clamped my eyes shut and I gripped my head, pressed my forehead into my knees.
"No no no no." I cried banging my forehead I to my knees.
I felt hands on my shoulders.
"Hey! Tiger! Come on! We're almost there!"
"Char! Don't give in! We're gonna get out of this! Fight it! You're gonna be okay!"
"Who're you?"
"Sophie. Her best friend. One third of the Savage Sisters. You must be the infomus Minho, I've heard everything about."
"It's probably mostly all lies that you're heard."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah...I'm way better."
It was the awful flirting that made me lift my head. I looked between Minho and Sophie, they were eyeing each other up.
"Hmmm. Well I'm still her best friend."
"No! Tiger is my best friend!"
"Doubt it."
"Try me!"
"She tells me all the spicy details of her relationship!"
"What relationship?"
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP!" Newt screamed.
Everyotlooked over to Newt. His eyes were wild and he was panting. I could see thin black veins creeping up his neck. Minho stood up and slowly approached him.
"Hey man. It's been a long time."
"Ya whatever. We need to get out of this shucken closer that Charlie so convinently got us trapped in!" He snapped, pushing past Minho to walk to the other side.
"I could have let you stay out there!" I snapped back.
He rounded on me.
"HE'S ONLY AFTER YOU AND MINHO!" he screamed. "Sophie and I aren't immune! We're gonna be cranks soon! I'm already a crank! So maybe we should just offer you back up to him and he'll leave the rest of us alone!"
"Somebody get this door open." Janson screamed.
"Yes, sir!"
I stood up abruptly. Crank or not, I was appalled at what Newt just said. My panic and fear was replaced by anger. I couldn't keep the anger contained as I stepped closer. I shoved him hard in the chest, making him crash into the shelves behind him.
"You're a real friend, aren't you! Selfish Newt, sacrifices his friend, his boyfriend's sister back to her abuser. Shuck you Newt."
I turned away with anger hurt tears. I heard the unmistakable sounds of a saw cutting the door. My terrified eyes flicked to the door. I backed up as far away from the sparking door as I could.
"Any ideas on an escape?" Sophie asked, looking around the room.
I bumped into the glass behind me. I turned my head and saw it was a window. I turned towards it, my back to the door. I stared out the window.
"Anyone? Ideas?" Minho asked, historia creeping into his voice. "Shuck!" He cursed as the sparks got bigger.
"Maybe." I said quietly.
Sophie and Minho turned towards me, and stepped up beside me, shoulder to shoulder.
"Shuck woman! What have you been doing since we busted you out?" Minho asked, looking out the window to me and back out.
Sophie snorted. "You don't want to know."
"Magnus has given me" I said with an evil grin.
"Shuck your crazy!"
"Nah. I prefer... mentally hilarious with a side of unchecked trauma."
"Ain't that the truth sister." Sophie held up and hand and I high fived her, still stairing out the window.
"Well you two ladies are bat shit crazy. But let's lest this theory out." Minho shook his head.
Together we turned and grabbed a huge metal canister and hulled it over to the window. Newt followed, an angry daze in his eyes, he was coughing wildly again.
"On three."
"One." Sophie called, "Two. Three!"
And we tossed the thing out the window. The four of us stood and watched it fly out the window and down...down..down...until it landed with a huge splash in the deep fountain below.
"'s doable." Minho shrugged.
"Hurray." Newt said sarcastically.
"Dude. You're so not helping the situation ." Minho frowned at him, "where's the helpful optimistic Newt?"
Newt gave him a wild twisted almost creepy smile. It made me shutter, it looked too much like Janson's smile; twisted and sick. There was a loud bang from behind the. We spun around to see the door almost broke open.
"We sure about this?" Sophie asked nervously.
"Uhh...Not really..." I answered honestly.
"Nice pep talk." Minho rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired."
"Well, since Tommy is otherwise occupied, I thought I'd take his place as the reckless, none planner of the group."
"Definitely living up to his standers." Newt grunted.
"We just need a running start..." I said and backed up.
The door behind me gave a loud crunch. I flinched. Sophie grabbed my hand, and squeezed it.
"CHARLIE! You can't escape me that easily!" Janson screamed through the almost busted door.
"You got this girl!" Sophie nodded, she looked me dead in the eye. "He's waiting for you!"
"Who's waiting?" Minho asked.
The door crashed.
"NOW!" I screamed.
Together we all ran forwards and pushed off the ledge. And out into the air.
With a wild scream we flew through the air and then I felt myself free falling. Arms and legs flailing, my stomach and heart flew into my throat, my hair flying everywhere, the cold air ripped at my clothes, it felt like we fell for ever, but a split second later my body hit the ice cold water.
My lungs were hit with a stab of cold. I sucked in water. It flew up my nose and into my mouth. My head went under. My boots hit the bottom of the pool. I pushed off. My lungs burning for air.
My head broke the surface. I gasped, air hitting my lungs. I coughed. Choking on the water. I propelled myself through the water trying to cough out the rediculous amount of water I swallowed and breath at the same time. I got to the edge hacking, gasping for air. The other three doing the same.
We were climbing out of the water shivering when three guards showed up pointing their guns at us.
"Shuck sakes!"
"We can't win!" Sophie muttered
Minho snorted
"Freeze!" A guard yelled.
"Already am!" My teeth were chattering so hard it actually hurt.
I tried to slowly reach down for my gun, but a guard turned his gun on me.
"Don't move!"
"Don't even think about it. Get on your knees!" A gun waved in my face.
My hands flew up, away from the gun. I saw Newt move beside me, just as the middle guard stepped back and shot the guard on the right. Newt flew at the guard in the left. The middle guard ripped his helmet off.
"Gally!" I shrieked.
"Gally?" Minho gasped in disbelief.
Gally gave him a half crooked grin. Then looked up at the broken window we jumped out of. It was on one of the top stories.
"Shuck you guys are crazy!"
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