Chapter 35: Preparation
Gall shook me awake the next morning.
"Five more minutes!" I groaned.
"Come on Pipsqueak, we already slept in." He said and rolled onto his back, a hand behind his head.
I curled up tighter, hiding my head under the covers with a small moan and whimper. Gally pulled the cover down, a frown on his sleepy face.
"What's up?"
Instead of answering I just scootched closer to him and climbed on top of him laying my head on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. I heard him humm. His free hand went to my head, and started running it through my messy morning hair.
"We're going to be okay." He said quietly.
"Really? 'Cause this plan has a lot of loop holes and a lot riding on a chick who has no issues betraying us."
"I know. But we will bust them all out, get Minho back and the serum Hans needs. We will be okay."
I picked my head up and looked at him. Even though his words were encouraging and his voice was steady, his eyes gave away how nervous her really was.
"There are a lot of things that can go wrong...this is...him...were talking about."
I couldn't even say his name. I was willingly walking back into that monster's claws. I shivered. Gally's arm tightened, his other hand wrapped around me and pulled me higher, so now my head was in the crook of his neck.
"Is there any point in asking you to stay?" He asked quietly.
"No." I snapped and sat up, glaring at him. "I may be terrified of him...but I'm not letting everyone I love walk into danger while I sit back and watch."
He reached up and tucked some hair behind my ear, with a crooked grin.
"And that's another reason I love you."
"'Cause...?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well...what's not to love? You're wild, and crazy, and you do the hard things even though you're terrified. You're a little bit sweet and a little bit savage. You're a bit broken but that's when I get to see the vulnerable side. You have a never ending love for others..."
I leaned forwards, gently kissing him, "You should keep talking, tell me some more sweet nothings." I whispered against his lips.
"'re cute and chaotic."
I hummed and leaned forwards and kissed him quick.
"You can go from sweet and innocent to a feral murderous creature.."
I kissed him again. His hand slid down my back, and stayed on my lower back, his other one buried into my hair. His intense eyes kept mine glued to his.
"You look at me like you're gonna tell me a sweet story or jump me and I'm good with either...." He growled.
The hand buried in my hair pulled me closer, his hand on my lower back slid even lower and grabbed my ass and held me against him while he kissed me like it might be our last. And it just might, we were getting ready to walk willingly into a maximum security building to bust out some highly valuable WICKED assets. I kissed him like it was our first kiss and last kiss.
We had gathered into the same room as last night. We were going over the plans again, we were getting all the details ready, making sure uniforms fit, guns were ready and all the small details. The anxiety in the room was high. This was the big day. We would either fail together or succeed. There was a lot to go over again, making sure Sarg and Laurance were also ready.
"Jorge?" Magnus's deep voice grumbled.
Brenda turned to Jorge. "Better get going, old man. Long road of you." She chuckled, but I could see her unease.
This was the man who was willing to hold a knife to my neck for her, I knew this was going to be a hard goodbye. He was going back to the Right Arm to grab a few more guys and a burg, we needed a way to transport all those kids. So he needed to leave. Magnus and Jasmine were going with him.
"You sure I can't talk you out of this? It's your last chance." Jorge asked.
His hand on her shoulder. I saw the fatherly look in his face, and I was hit by a sudden sadness. I didn't know my father, I had one memory of him- and it was him cranking out and strangling me. The other man who should have been a father figure was the monster in my nightmares. The closest thing to a father was Magnus...I looked away and blinked a few tears away. I couldn't be crying right now.
"You know, it's not like you to shy away from a fight." Brenda teased, folding her arms.
"And it's not like you to go for one!" His voice was a little sharp, I saw Brenda's demeanor shift.
"I just can't help but think if I walk out that door...I'm not going to see you again. Since when do we go sticking our necks out for strangers?" Jorge asked, lowering his voice, both his hands now on her shoulders.
She looked up at him, a determined look in her dark eyes, "I was a stranger once, too. And these guys aren't strangers. Minho isn't a stranger, neither is Thomas or Newt or Fry. Jorge, your my family, and so are these guys."
He sighed.
"Just don't us hanging." She said, her regular light teasing tone was back.
"No. Never, I'll be there. I've never let you down before, have I?"
Brenda threw her head back and laughed loudly. Jorge pulled her into a hug and then he waved goodbye and their little group left the building, they had to hurry if they were going to be back in time. Teresa was standing by the door, her arms wrapped around herself, watching the hustle and bustle of the room. Thomas and I were double checking weapons.
"Since when do you know how to check these big ass guns, Tommy?" I elbowed him with a smirk.
"I know all about them, thank you!"
"Oh yeah, I forgot, you're the big bad ass resistance member!" I teased.
He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond, when Teresa stepped up and pushed her way between us. I growled, and clamped my mouth shut.
"She's good...healthy." Teresa said.
"Why would you care? Looking for your next victim?" I snapped.
She ignored me, but I think she may have flinched. She directed her question to Thomas now.
"How've you been getting her serum?" She asked, her electric blue eyes flicking back to Thomas.
"What are you talking about?" He snapped, continuing with the guns.
"Brenda." She nodded her head.
I looked over and she was standing leaning against the wall, laughing, her hand on Zayn's arm.
"I didn't think she'd still be alive!" Teresa said, her face scrunching in confusion.
"Why? What happened?" I asked. I had just caught Gally's eye. He was on the other side of the room with Newt and Frypan and Sophie. His eyes softened when he caught mine and a crooked grin grew on his face. My mind snapped back to this morning...wonder if he's thinking the same thing.. his eyes grew slightly dark...yeah, he's definitely thinking of this morning.
"She was bitten by a past goner, after the warehouse exploded." Thomas summed up, snapping me back to the conversation beside me, I kept my eyes on Gally. It was an intense stare down, my heart fluttered when his eyes flicked down to my lips. I gently bit my lip, just to ease him some more.
"When was her last treatment?" Teresa asked.
"At the Arm. The last time we saw you." Thomas snapped.
"But that was ages ago. Thomas, that's not possible. She should have turned by now. There's no way she could still-"
"I told you yesterday, you shuck face, that we figured out that it had nothing to do with the brain." I snapped. Finally ripping my eyes away from Gally, I frowned at her, she looked quite dumbfounded.
"Janson doesn't tell you anything, does he, just makes you strap us down. Tell me Teresa, what's Minho's worst fears? You know mine pretty well." I growled, stepping closer to her.
I could feel my anger building, my hands formed fists.
"How could you guys figure out a cure when you have nothing here? WICKED has everything but we still can't find anything?"
"Because I already told you! You're all idiots! Everyone there probably has the flair and their brains aren't working!"
"Yeah? Maybe he should make you get rid of the whole team and start over. Again!" She spat.
"All right, that's enough." Thomas said loudly, trying to push between us.
"Say that again." I hissed. My blood had gone cold, and I couldn't figure out if my face was white as a ghost or red hot.
"You don't believe me? You're still going to torture, kill and abuse kids because you guys can't possibly be wrong!"
"You don't believe ME, there is no way Brenda could be fine with only once dose of serum!"
"Do you really expect me to?" I snarled, trying to push around Thomas's arm now. I didn't care what Gally said, I was going to hit her.
"You made your choice." Thomas said to Teresa and gave me a shove backwards. I stumbled back into Gally, who had come from across the room, and pulled me into his chest.
"Everything okay over here?" His voice was deep and demanding, he stared Teresa down and she flinched, stepping backwards.
"Yeah. Yeah, we're done." I spat at her.
Gally turned and pushed me towards the other side of the room. I stomped over and garbed the WICKED uniform I was supposed to wear. Newt handed me a helmet. I took it with a thin lipped smile. He smiled back, but it was interrupted with a wild round of coughing. I dropped the helmet and threw an arm over his back, rubbing it. Thomas came flying over, his face full of concern and worry. It took Newt a moment to catch his breath.
"You okay?" Thomas asked gently, his hand on Newt's arm, the other one gently cupped his cheek.
"Just hold on a little bit, and we can get you mine." I tried to encourage him.
"It's not about me." He waved a hand dismissively.
"Shuck that nonsense, Newt!" I snapped.
"No Charlie!" He suddenly yelled, making me flinch, "I'm not important! This whole stupid plan is about him, it's never about me!" He was waving his hands around, anger building in his eyes, making them darker.
"The shucken hell you talking about?" I yelled right back.
"Whoa, Newt...Things suck, yeah, but slim it. What's wrong?" Thomas asked gently.
"I'll tell ya what's bloody wrong." Newt yelled. "You go all tough-guy without a plan, leading us around like chickens lookin' for feed, leading us right back into the place you made us bust out of a year ago! And Charlie here, can't leave me alone, thinking she has this mighty cure. She's no better than WICKED and Janson!"
My blood had gone cold, my face paled and I got a stabbing pain in my chest. My mind went blank and my hand moved without me realizing.
I slapped him. I saw Newt's face in time to see his expression change, he looked stricken, almost teary.
"Shuck you Newt." I spat.
I turned on my heel.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Save it!"
"It's my fault. Everything's just tickin' me off. You guy's figure it out...I need a shucken break."
He walked to the door and out. The room was silent and tense. I couldn't be here anymore. I felt all their eyes on me. I could feel my breathing getting tighter. I had to leave. I fled the room. I saw Newt at the end of the hall sitting huddled against the wall. I turned and stormed down the hall in the opposite direction. Not really knowing where I was going, I just needed away. I couldn't believe he would say that. Newt of all people should know, should understand. He was the one who was the kind and gentle one, he was the one who kept us all glued together. I felt the angry tears building. My throat felt tight and my chest was squeezing painfully. I turned and slammed my fist into the wall. Making a whole in the drywall. I slammed my fist again this time with a wild strangled cry. I heard hurried footsteps behind me. As I threw my fist back a third time, a hand grabbed my wrist.
"Hey! Sparky! Stop!" Thomas cried, pulling me away, and into his chest.
I didn't have the energy to fight him. He pulled me into a hug. I took a shuddering breath.
"I thought the serum would work better." I said into his shoulder.
"Maybe...he's too far gone already." Thomas whispered. I heard the sorrow and pulled away to see his eyes become glassy with unshead tears.
"No! It's not that! Magnus's blood just isn't strong enough. He needs yours or mine. But we can't use it until we get that stupid Bliss!"
I was positive, I was sure. Maybe I was like WICKED, insisting on my right answer. But unlike them I wasn't torturing, poisoning, hurting or traumatizing kids.
"Then we need to go get that serum!" Thomas gave me a half-hearted smile.
"You love him, don't you." I asked, stepping backwards to look up at him.
He nodded, his eyes full of tears.
"We'll get Minho and save Newt from himself. I'm not trading one friend for the other. It's both or I've failed." I said.
I could feel the fire, the determination building inside my chest. I would fight for them, I would willingly face my worst fears for these boys.
"Just be careful." Thomas said, looking down at me. "You sort of have this problem where you can't walk away from people. Even when you should."
"Uh excuse me? So do you, Tommy Boy!" I raised an eyebrow, "You can't save everyone, Thomas."
"I can try."
"You mean we. We can try."
He smiled down at me, I could see the fire in his eyes now.
"You're with me?" I asked
"Always!" He nodded, "Together?"
"Together." I agreed.
And together we turned to storm WICKED's fortress of torment.
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