Chapter 3: Fear
There was a wild crowd of people. It was chaos. Big men in black helmets and automatic guns, many of them had big clear shields, pushing the crowds back. They were shouting and yelling. A few had dog that growled and bared their teeth, snarling. Some where behind them there was a wild screechy scream. The crowd panicked and surged forwards.
I clung to the woman who was carrying her on her hip. Her other hand was pulling a boy.
"Stephen! Stay close!" The woman cried. She had to stop and coughed, it was a hard wet cough. Something like flehm came out, and she had to bend over and spit it onto the ground.
"Mama? Are you okay?" I squeaked.
"Yes baby girl, mama is fine." She said, her voice was thin and raspy.
"Mom? Why do we have to be here? It's loud and scary!" Stephen asked, he was clinging tightly to their mother's arm.
"Because, Dear, this is where your Uncle told us to come." She sighed.
She pushed to the front of the crowd, where the men with huge shields stood. I got banged and elbowed a few times in the crowed, people kept turning to yell at them, but mother didn't care she pushed and elbowed her way to the front, her other hand clamped tight around Stephen's hand. I was placed on the ground and we were told to wait. I clung to the boys hand.
"I'm scared!" I whispered, tears in my eyes.
"Me too! But mom told me our Uncle is going to take care of us for a bit, where its safe, away from those...things."
"The things like Daddy turned into?" I squeaked, terrified.
Their dad had started to get meaner, and always angry, he would scream and throw things, saying voices were in his head, and things were crawling inside his head. Mom locked him in the basement after he had attacked me and was choking me, all because I sneezed and it was too loud. He lunged out of the chair and nocked my small three year old self off the stool and he started to choke me. Stephen had grabbed a pot and hit him in the head and mom dragged him to the basement and locked the door, crying the whole time.
The boy nodded. Their mother showed up and pulled us a little ways away. She lifted Stephen up, giving him a hug.
"I love you, Stephen! Remember I love you! Take care of your sister!"
She handed the boy over to a man in a high necked sweater. Mother then bent down and picked me up, I hugged her tight.
"Remember baby girl, I love you so much! Take care of your brother! Listen to your Uncle."
She handed me over, lifting me over the shoulders of the guards in black.
"Rachel, you made the right choice. We will save humanity, dear sister." The man with the sweater, their uncle apparently, said to their mother.
The huge guards grabbed me and my brother and carried us away from our mother, I cried and called out to her. We both did, Stephen and my both reached our hands out, calling for her to come back.
I woke with a gasp. That was a weird dream, but it felt more real, more concert; like the memories from the changing. I lay panting in the hospital bed. I remembered something! Tommy's real name was Stephen. I frowned, he didn't seem like a Stephen. He was Thomas...Tommy. Any other name seemed weird. With my mind racing I heard foot steps outside my room. It was dark out there, like it was night time and they had the lights off.
The door handle slowly twisted and it was pushed the door wide open, letting in light. The person froze when there was a shout and footsteps. I shifted my head just slightly to see what was going on. It was a different Doctor standing in the doorway.
"Doctor Ragman! Be aware, Crawford has been...taken ahold of by Thomas and his group of trouble makers-"
Just as that was said, there was a loud blaring alarm that went off, it was loud even as it drifted in from the hall. The two people outside the door raised their voices.
"They are going for the girl. A1 will know what to do, this was not the plan! That awful trouble maker will be the death of me!"
"Sir, isn't he your nephew?"
"Yes!" He snapped, "Doesn't mean anything. Him and his sister have been a thorn in my side for longer then I care to think of."
"Okay, but A1 will think of something. She's smart. She will be in contact with us. In the meantime, would like me to speed up A3's healing? I can have her ready by tomorrow afternoon."
"Yes. Thank you Ragman. Don't leave this wing until we have secured the building and contained this...problem."
I felt my panic rising. I knew all those names, Dr Crawford, Thomas...trouble makers...girl? Do they mean Teresa? Wait...if Thomas is trying to escape then he knows something. Why is Tommy here? What the hell is going on?
There was a scratchy static and a voice broke through, sounding like a walki talkie. The other man shifted, leaning towards my room, trying to hear the voice over the beeping siren.
"I want this down! Call everyone in! No one ;eaves until everyone's accounted for."
There was a bit of static, I didn't hear what was said, but it made the man angry. His voice was sharp and very angry. He yelled back into the walki talki.
"Tell me you've got eyes on them! I want guards here outside this door. NOW!"
A bit more static, and a garbled voice.
"You see them? You have eyes? Good! Where? I'm on my way." He yelled.
There was an announcement that cut through the beeping
"Converge on 3. All R-16 personnel...non-lethal only."
The man straightened up and went to turn around back to the hall, and before I could close my eyes, I made full eye contact with the man. With Director Janson... with my uncle. Reality hit me hard, like another bullet to the stomach. I was still in the clutches of W.I.C.K.E.D
His eyes glinted in the flashing red light. He smiled at me, but it was more of a sneer. I felt like ice was flooding my veins. The flashing red light and shadows it cast over his face, it made him look twisted and evil, something from nightmares. Which I don't doubt he was.
"Looks like your dear brother and friends are attempting to leaving, shame they think your dead."
He spun on his heel, "Sedate her and strap her." he barked at the Doctor. Then went down the hall screaming into the walkie talki.
The Doctor turned towards me, walking swiftly over to the counter, picking up a long needle. I tried shifting, I wasn't sure what I was going to do, it still hurt to move more then my arms a few times. I winced and gasped in pain as I tried to move. The doctor sighed like he was frustrated with this situation already.
"The more you fight, the harder this is."
"Easy for you to say, your not being drugged from some evil jacked up scientist!" I spat.
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You're the same as ever."
He had walked up to my IV and inserted the needle and I felt the drugs flow into my veins. With a whimper I felt my limbs go heavy, my eyes slid shut. Before I was taken away with the sedatives my only thought was...Thomas left me. Newt and Minho and Frypan...
They all left me here.
My eyes snapped open, sensing danger. I tried to move. My arms were strapped down. I turned my head, I was in a different room, it wasn't the hospital room. This one was bright white, everything was either a harsh white or stainless steal. It was also cold, making me shiver.
"Charlie." A voice I recognized sneered.
My breathing froze for a moment, and I slowly turned my head over to the other side. Praying I was wrong, and this was a horrible nightmare. Sitting on a stool beside the chair bed I was strapped to was Janson. I clamped my jaw shut and my hands formed fists, making my nails cut into my palms.
"How are you feeling today? We decided to speed up your recovery. The sooner your healthy, the sooner we can get moving."
I stayed quiet. I had no idea what he was talking about, moving on what? Whatever it was it didn't sounded good. I didn't remember this man, a few snippets of foggy memory, but he gave off a creepy vibe. I scrunched my face and wrinkled my nose.
He just hummed, his eyebrows arched, "Still as insolent as ever."
"Still as twitchy and sketchy as ever." I spat.
His eyes narrowed and exhaled heavily through his nose, which twitched.
"There's no beating around the bush anymore. No need to pretend. You heard what you heard last night." He said.
His voice had changed so much from the first time he came and sat by my bedside. Then he seemed to genuinely care about my well being, his voice was soft, a little thin and naisly. Now it was sharp and harsh, it still had that nasily undertone, but now he sounded dangerous.
"Maze Trials are over. We gathered a lot of interesting data from your Killzones. But not enough, unfortunately. We were going to do a second trial, the Scorch, however, your troublemaking brother and his...friends...have gone and messed it all up. We will have to improvise. Which is where you come into play my dear."
"Think I'll pass thanks." I muttered.
"Unfortunately, that is not an option. You will be a real asset, to helping us find a cure for the disease that has ravaged this world."
"Seriously? You catch the Flair, Uncle." I spat the title at him. "You threw a bunch of kids into a stone prison and-"
"I did no such thing. You, dear, chose which kids to send in."
"Oh yes, your hands are clean from all the blood you spilled. Coward."
He stood up abruptly and slapped me. My head snaped sideways and my cheek stung. But now, I knew where I could needle him. He sat down and continued as if nothing happened.
"Explain how sending kids into that hell was helping find a cure? Seems like some evil villain mad scient shit."
"You used to understand. You used to believe in the work we were doing here. We built the maze all for the purpose of monitoring the Immunes, in various stress and decision-making scenarios, most of which YOU made up, by the way." He paused, like he was waiting for me to freak out or plead saying it wasn't me or something. "Anyways, we needed the scientists and Doctors to study Immunes brain chemistry and map out a blueprint of their minds and figure out why some are immune and some are not. So we can then find a way to cure those infected."
I sat there completely confused. I understood following brain patterns for each immunes and none immunes, but I could not understand how dangerous, life threatening, constant high stress scenarios could help. I blinked a few times just trying to understand. But I couldn't, I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.
"The shuck? You are delusional, there is no way that works! Look at the DNA, and you can do that without killing an entire generation of kids!"
"This is the way forward, this is how we will come with a cure. We are close. We had some amazing maps from your time in the Glade. The boys minds went wild. Especially Subject A9. His was particularly interesting to watch."
He was watching me intently, like he was waiting for my reaction. I felt blood rush to my head, he must be talking about Gally. The knife in my heart twisted, the weight on my chest increased.
"Especially while you were carrying his child, and then the few days Thomas was there, and especially interesting the few moments before he died."
"You disgusting rat!" I hissed, trying hard to keep the tears at bay, but they slid out and down y face. I strained against the straps, wishing I could swing a fist.
"Hmmm. Even now your killzone is off the charts!" He grinned evilly at me, lifting up a small computer tablet, his eyes flickering all over it, he looked greedy.
He lowered the tablet to the table. And took a deep breath, like he was reveling in this, in my pain and heart ache. He slowly turned back towards me.
"Now, my dear-"
"Don't call me that!" I snarled.
"I can call you niece?"
"Even worse. I can not believe we share the same DNA."
"Hmm well Subject A3 it is." He shrugged like it didn't matter, he said picking at a spot on his chin.
"Well, anyways, Subject A3. Seeing as Phase two was disrupted, we are improvising. It's new, and we didn't have the right...subject to test it on. Seeing as we needed a human test subject. And you just dropped wonderfully into our laps. So you and I will be discovering this together. See we call it The Fear Landscape. It reproduces simulations. Not as productive as the real scenario, but these simulations will do in a pinch."
His smile was so twisted I almost cried. This man was twisted, delusional, and cruel. Whatever he was talking about now scared the actual klunk out of me. But I knew I couldn't show him, he would just use that. So I gulped hard and shoved it back down, I'd cry and fear later. Right now I ground my teeth and just had to make it through this meeting.
"Now, your probably wondering how these simulations work."
"No. I'm not." I snapped.
"I'm going to tell you anyways."
"Your evil villain monologuing!" I rolled my eyes.
"See this serum?" He lifted up a long needle of a dark green liquid. "I put it into the person, it will stimulate the amygdala, which is the part of the brain involved in processing negative emotions—like fear. But the exciting part is that its mixed with another serum that forces the subject into a hallucination. And will continue to hallucinate until all the fear is gone."
I stared at him in horror.
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