Chapter 26: Tattoo Parlor
It took our group a week to figure out the city. It was very different from outside the walls, but it seemed that the Flair was slowly trickling through WICKED's walls. The first few days I didn't notice it, just trying to focus on street names and the turns. It seemed to be laid out pretty straight forward, straight streets that crossed in a grid pattern. The further our group walked away from the train station the big sky scrapers spread out in the centre and right in the centre was the big fancy shiny new WICKED building.
But spread out from there were entire communities, thousands of people going about their everyday lives. But the longer I was in the city and the more I got used to the wild lights and constant noise the more I started to notice the smaller details and the more unsettled I became. Almost everyone I saw looked uneasy. They all seemed to be avoiding each other-and not just to be polite. They seemed to take obvious measures to stay clear of anyone else.
Today we were going to the last little section we hadn't explored yet. The closer we got to this section the more graffiti covered the walls, the dirtier the streets became and the builds were definitely abandoned. There were posters and signs all over the walls of the buildings, most torn or obscured with spray paint. Some warned of the Flare and spelled out precautions; others talked about the dangers of leaving the cities, or what to do if you came across an infected person. A few had terrifying pictures of Cranks way past the Gone. I spotted one poster with His picture; dark wild eyes, his thin liked smile that looked normal but behind it, I knew, I knew how twisted he really was! The poster had his fake caring smile with the slogan DIRECTOR JANSON CARES FOR YOU across the bottom.
Just seeing his face in poster form made my heart beat faster and my breathing shallow. I felt my palms become sweaty and itchy.
"Come on, let's keep going." Gally placed a hand on my back and directed me away from the poster.
I could feel the fear and I could almost feel my eyes dilating in fear. Gally slid his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around him and we slowed our pace, but kept walking.
"Breath. In and out. You're okay Charlie. I have you, breath Sweetie." He whispered into my hair. I closed my eyes letting him guide me, and took his advice.
Some type of security force patrolled the street in great numbers, all wearing red shirts and gas masks, a weapon in one hand and in the other a smaller version of the viral testing device they had seen scattered around. To get into some places you needed to take these. Telling the establishment if you were infected or not.
We all quickly crossed the street and kept walking, our heads down. And despite the sun glinting off windows high above, a darkness had settled over the place. We made it to the last section. It was definitely the dirtiest darkest section of the rest of the city.
"Well, that building, there," Zayn said pointing, "would make a good lookout. Looks abandoned and faces WICKED's building."
I looked at where he was pointing, a tall building stood in the middle of the area. Magnus headed for it. He had a big bag filled with equipment. As we headed down the one block there were a few commercial buildings lining this street.
"How are these places still in business?" I whispered.
Gally glanced at the few places and shrugged. A sketchy looking coffee shop, a hair dresser, some kind of small convenience store, tattoo shop, some kind of repair shop and a dive bar."
"They probably have a lot of good information though." Sophie pointed out, "like I'm sure they get all kinds of people in there. Especially in the tattoo place and bar."
"You're right! Look." Magnus growled quietly, and nodded his head.
A man came stumbling out of the bar. He was wearing a dishevelled suit, his tie was hanging lopsided and a few buttons undone. He stumbled towards the tattoo parlor.
"You know who that is?" I whispered.
Magnus nodded his head. "He's one of the higher ups. Wasn't around much, but he was definitely an elite."
Sophie raised her eyebrows, "oh really?"
Magnus hummed. Zayn and Gally narrowed their eyes and watched.
"We can't pass up this opportunity!" Sophie muttered, then her eyes snapped to me.
"I always wanted a tattoo." I grinned, knowing what she was getting at.
"You mean another one, you little bad ass!" Sophie elbowed me.
I took off my jacket and hoodie, Sophie doing the same, passing our stuff to the guys.
"Wait! Wait! No! Charlie! This isn't a good idea! Not even a little!" Gally protested.
"It's a great idea. He'll have information! And this is for Minho! And all the other kids they have. It's worth the risk." I countered.
"I'll go with them." Zayn volunteered, "you two are well known." He nodded at Gally and Magnus.
"Well so is Charlie!" Gally protested.
"Not anymore. She's quite different. The girls right. This is an opportunity that fell into our lap!" Zayn said.
"I still don't like it." Gally protested.
"I'll see you in a bit. Go set up the equipment. I love you babe." I kissed Gally's cheek.
"Here." Magnus handed me a card that had money pre loaded.
"We'll get some information!" I promised, and slid the card into the back pocket of my jeans.
Sophie and I quickly crossed the street. We quickly readjusted ourselves, and then pushed the door open. We stepped into the dingy little shop.
"How can we help you?" A female voice said.
A younger lady stepped up to the counter, no more than 25 years old. She was covered in tattoos, but her bright green eyes were kind. Her dark black hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head. Sophie smiled brightly at her.
"We came for tattoos, clearly."
She raised an eyebrow at Sophie. "Well, have a look around. Once you've picked I'll sit you down."
"Thank you."
We made our way slowly around the shop, looking at the different ones. The guy we saw coming in, was sitting in a chair, talking loudly and wildly about the girl he was just with.
"Dudes nasty." Sophie whispered.
"They all are." I spat bitterly.
We continued to walk around, one caught my eye. And I smiled. I loved it.
"Found mine."
"Me too. We should get matching small hearts on the inside of our middle fingers!"
"Cuz I still love you when I flip you off?" I grinned at her, raising my eyebrow.
She laughed, "exactly."
I went to find the lady. Showed her which one and she layed me down, right beside the drunk WICKED eleit. The lady got to work. The guy looked up, and his unfocused eyes latched onto me and my raised shirt.
"Why aren't you a pretty little thing!" He slurd.
My stomach twisted in disgust, and I had to quickly stuff my panic down. He was too drunk to see past my hair and makeup. And I knew I had to play the part to get information out of him.
"Aww, your just being nice." I giggled. Trying hard to keep the eye roll to myself.
"No! No, I'm serious! I don't get to see pretty girls alot!"
"Oh that's too bad. How come?" I asked, putting a pouty frown on my face.
"'Cause....I work with sick gross people!" He slurred.
"Oh! Are you a doctor? I bet you make a lot of money and that always attracks the women!" I gave him a coye smile.
"Yeah! Well...sort of! I work at WICKED! In... the big fancy shmancy building!" His words were meshing together.
"What do you do inside that place? They're so secretive!" I pouted, "come on! I bet you know all the secrets!" I batted my eyelashes, and gave him a big puppy face.
He grinned at me, his eyes sliding in and out of focus.
"I know ALL the secrets!"
"It's rude to keep a lady waiting!"
And he spilt a lot of secrets from WICKED. And all I had to do was give a few pouty looks, some big puppy dog eyes and giggles. He talked for almost an hour.
"You're a good listener....and damn you're hot! Wanna get outta here after we're done?"
The guy passed out before I answered. The guy doing his tattoo stopped and left into the back.
I rolled my eyes in disgust and made a noise in the back of my throat.
"Well that was easier then expected." Sophie chuckled, an older lady was working on Sophie, she was definitely the young woman's mother, they looked almost identical, except that she had grey streaks in her hair.
"You're very good at that." The lady doing my tattoo said, with a crooked smile.
"Well...when their that drunk. It doesn't take much."
"Do I want to know why you need secrets about WICKED?" She whispered.
"The honest truth?" Sophie asked, with a sly grin.
"Well girls like you don't come here ever, especially in this area of the city. And you only came in after him," she nodded her head at the drunk.
"Clever." I grinned.
"I didn't raise no fool." The older lady said quiet.
She shrugged, keeping her eyes down on her work.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Jasmine." She paused and looked up at me, her eyes boring into me, xraying me. Her green eyes were bright as emeralds, they looked familiar.
"You're Charlie." She whispered.
I felt a stab of panic. She smiled.
"Don't worry Dear. We hate WICKED. They...took my boy when he was six. I have worked tirelessly to try find out what happened to him, and in that I found out all about you, dear. And I'm very sorry for all the shit he put you and your brother through."
I didn't know what to say, this was an unexpected turn of events.
"You're secret is safe with me."
"I got out, many people worked hard to get me out. The Resistance got me out." I said quietly. "But now they have a friend and I'm going to take him down...that the damn thing down "
"We've heard about them, the Resistance. They do good work on the outside of the wall." Jasmine nodded.
"Hey, I have an idea. Zee is outside the door, let me go talk to him for a second." Sophie had finished and got up and went to talk to Zayn. They both came in a few minutes later. Zayn went to talk to the mother in hushed tones. Sophie came over and sat down.
"What was your brother's name?" She asked quietly.
"Shut up!" I yelp.
"What? What did I say?"
"Holly Shuck!" I whispered, "shuck shuck shuck!"
I slowly sat up, my eyes glued to Jasmine. I could see it. The same green eyes, the same black hair. My eyes filled tears.
"You knew him. Didn't you?"
My hands where clamped over my mouth I nodded wildly, clamping my eyes closed and the tears spilt down my face.
"Mom! Mom come here! Now!" Jasmine called.
The woman came tering across the shop, full of worry.
"Mom, she knew Jax." She whispered.
I blinked my tear filled eyes open.
"He...he was like a brother. We were close. We...we were runners together. We...we were partners for a year. I loved him...he was a brother!" I sobbed, I felt the sharp pain in my heart.
Jax's mom stood up and pulled me into a tight hug. Without waiting I wrapped my arms around the woman and she held me while I sobbed on her shoulder. I cried until there was nothing left. I sat up, wiping tears and black make up.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"For what dear child?"
"I tried...I tried to save him...but he saved me...and and my..." I shook my head.
She waited patiently, Jasmine was sitting in her chair frozen, eyes wide and face pale. I took a shuddering breath.
"We were chased and attacked by...a monster of WICKED's creation. He shoved me out of the way and got him."
"Well this settled it, Zayn, any issues?" Sophie asked, standing up and crossing her arms.
Zayn shook his head, "it's a good idea. That is if Trix and Jasmine are on board. We will make sure The Resistance takes care of you."
Jax's mom noded.
"Yes." She said with a face of steel and determination. She cupped my cheek and wiped some more tears, "thank you dear." She pulled my head forward and kissed my forehead.
"Girls you done here?" Zayn asked.
"Just gotta pay."
"No." Trix shook her head, "it's no good here. You told me about my son, and gave us hope, and a purpose again. We'll gather what information we can and pass it along."
"Well that was a plot twist!" Sophie grunted as we hulled the drunk WICKED worker out of the shop while Zayn finished with some details about logistics and such.
"First abandoned building." I grunted back.
I kicked a door open and we dragged him in and dumped his unconscious body down onto the ground. I stood over him for a moment, my blood boiling and my stomach twisting in disgust. I made up my mind.
"Sophie. Close the door." I demanded, still staring at him.
"Uhhh Char? I can't let you do this." Sophie whisper, her eyes wide. Realizing what I was going to do as I pulled my handgun out of the back of my jeans.
"Then don't watch!" I snapped.
She looked at the guy and then up at me, and then sighed.
"Girl, you know I can't let you do crazy shit alone. Together. Make him extra dead."
"Now we're talking."
Together we aimed and fired.
Once less WICKED creep.
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