Chapter 15: The Mission
Gally was walking down the hall to Lawrence's office. Him and Zayn had been called to some kind of meeting. He had worked his way up the ranks. At first it was just because Zayn helped him out. But he had proved himself capable as a leader.
Gally had also taken his promise to change himself seriously. Once a week he would meet in the Med Wing with one of the nurses, they were slowly working through his memories and trauma, and what he had to go through in the Glade.
The Nurse said it was going to take a while and to not see results immediately, but he did feel less tense all the time. The routine of The Resistance and the freedom he was given helped as well.
As he climbed another set of stairs he met with Zayn at the top.
"Any idea what this is about?" Gally asked.
Zayn shook his head. Gally frowned, he had only met with Laurence a few times. The guy was a little odd, but so far seemed like a good leader. He had the right goals anyways. WICKED wasn't coming up with anything new in their research.
The guys knocked on the door and stepped into the dark office. Sitting at the desk was Laurence and leaning in a chair was Sarg and one other person.
"Gentlemen. Glad you could make it. Take a seat. You'll want to hear this." Laurence said waving his arm to the extra chairs. Zayn and Gally glanced at each other, and then sat down.
"Let's get straight to it. This guy works for me, he's one of our ...sources inside WICKED." Sarg said, pointing to the man.
Gally took a closer look. He was your average looking guy. If Gally saw him on the street he wouldn't remember who he was. Plan face, nothing remarkable about him.
"He's stationed in the guard. So he sees quite a bit, and Soilders talk. So he's got us some good Intel over the last year."
Gally just nodded. Unsure where this was going, and what it had to do with him and Zayn.
"Well, he was approached some time ago, somehow someone higher up found out he was a double agent-"
"I'm not sure how either. But he's kept his word, and has said nothing." The guard said.
"Anyway, John here, was approached and asked if he could help set up...some kind of...I'm not even sure. John?" Sarg said, turning towards the guard.
He sat forwards, leaning his elbows on his knees, looking around at the guys in the office.
"I was asked, if I could help set up an exchange. He has an important..package he needs to get out of WICKED. He didn't say what is was. I have no idea. He said something about information as well. I have no idea how he's going to do this. The sensors at each door would be set off. The scanners and detectors. But he insists on it."
"Who is he?" Zayn asked, "how can we trust what he says is true and it's not just a set up to get us captured by WICKED?"
"We don't." Laurence said, his eyes watching Zayn and Gally.
"Well that's encouraging." Gally muttered.
"Indeed." Laurence said, his eyes almost sparkling in the darker office.
"I didn't get word directly from the source. He wasn't that stupid. But he must be desperate to try get his information package out if the WICKED facility."
Gally ran a hand through his hair. Still unsure how this had to do with him and Zayn.
"The other set of information I have, is that all the smaller WICKED facilities scattered around are moving over to the big new building inside the walls."
"So...that might be a good opportunity to smuggle out this information. During this transition." Zayn said slowly.
"What if..."Gally started thinking, he stood up and paced the office. "You said smaller facilities were you happen to know which location this information is coming from?"
John nodded. "I do."
"What if we set up an ambush?" Gally stopped pacing and looked at the others.
Laurence was grinning an almost evil smile. Sarg looked thoughtful and Zayn was nodded along.
"Ya, that could work. John, would you be able to get us the time and place of when and where?" Zayn asked standing up as well, and walking around the room.
John thought for a moment.
"I'm sure I could figure out something."
"Will they use burgs? Because we have no way to deal with those." Sarg asked.
"Maybe for the higher ups, or the big stuff...but mostly it'll be their armoured trucks." John said.
"Mark the car or truck or whatever they are using. And we could ambush the truck, get whatever information this source is trying to get out." Gally thought out loud.
Zayn was nodding, pacing up and down, running a hand over the dark scruff he had let grow.
"This is why we called you two." Laurence said, he gestured to the Sargent, "he speaks highly of the two of you. I'm making this your project. You report to Sarg and he'll give me the jot notes."
Gally and Zayn grinned at each other. Gally was happy to put his mind to work. The guys around the office gathered around the desk to start planning in detail. Laurence started to cough, and quite violently. He stood up abruptly.
"If you will excuse me..." He said between coughs. He left the office and didn't come back.
They had nailed down a tentivle plan. John had to get back to the facility, get the official date and time. But the rest of the plan was relatively straight forward. John shook Zayn's hand and then shook Gally's. He frowned slightly.
"Have we met before?" He asked.
"Possibly...but thank WICKED for the memory loss, all memories from 3 and a half years ago were wiped." Gally shrugged.
John shrugged. "Well, until we meet again. Stay safe. To the downfall of WICKED."
"Good that." Gally agreed.
Gally sat in the truck, anxiously waiting, when he was anxious his hand would still shake, that tremor never fully going away. He also went quite, well more quiet then he normally is.
"Hey! Dude! You listening?" Sophie smacked his arm.
"What? Oh, no I wasn't, I'm sorry. What?" Gally shook his head and looked at Sophie.
She was sitting shotgun in the truck, her feet up on the dash, eating a bag of chips. Their guns lay in the back seat, waiting for their signal.
"I asked, an important question!" She rolled her eyes.
"Which was?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Sweet snacks or salt snacks?" She asked and held up her bag of potato chips.
"Yeah, the life giving questions." Gally rolled his eyes, and went back to staring out the truck window.
"Soph...were about to take on an entire fleet of WICKED Soilders, all trained in combat. And your asking me about snacks?!"
"Yeah. My man! Your so uptight! Brotha's gotta loosen up!" She shoved his shoulder.
"Uhg, your so annoying!"
"Annoyingly awesome you mean."
"No. More like my little sister is gonna be the death of me annoying!"
"Pfft. Please. You love your little sister!"
Gally rolled his eyes again. Sophie and their relationship had evolved into a tight sibling like relationship. Actually Zayn Sophie and him had become their own family. Sophie being the youngest if the three, had two very protective older brothers. But she was just as loyal and protective. After their one and only talk about that one night they never brought it up. None of them did. It was just the unspoken agreement.
There was a crackle on their communication device that was laying on the dash.
"Gally? Sophie?"
Gally snatched the com up, "We're here."
"What happened to the code names! Come on guys!" Sophie whinned.
Gally flapped a hand at her to be quiet. The cons crackled again.
"First car is in sight. This is your cue."
They had come the night before and distorted the road, and then making it look like there was an avalanche, so it was impossible to keep going. And the tight mountain road left no room to turn around or back up if it was a line of cars.
"On it." Gally called back, tossing the communication device into Sophie's lap.
Gally started the truck and pulled up infront of the destroyed road. Their hope was to make the line of trucks stop and take out the guards. They had snipers hidden up in the Mountains and surrounding trees.
Take out the guards, keeping The Source and his information safe. The source would be marked with a white stripe on his combate helmet. And he was supposed to be in the last truck. If John got the information right. Here's hoping they could trust him. And this information was worth it.
Gally and Sophie's job was to park the truck in the road, in front of the distroyed road, pretending they had a blown tire. Gally pulled the truck into possition. They hoped out and Sophie stabbed the front tire with her knife. Spinning it in her hand and sliding it into her belt. Gally leaned in the truck a gun hiding under his shirt.
He could feel the anticipation and nerves building. Zayn and him had worked hard over the last few weeks to get this all in place. Planning everything, going over all the details and possible scenarios.
"Ready?" Sophie grinned.
"As I'll ever be!" He growled.
The first truck was seen making its way out of the mountain pass tunnel. Gally took a long deep breath and nodded at Sophie.
The WICKED truck slowly pulled up and stopped, almost exactly where they wanted them to be. The doors opened and guards came storming out.
"What's going on? You need to move immediately!" One guy yelled.
"We would love to!" Sophie cried, throwing her hands into the air, "but as you can see the road isn't usable!"
"You guys don't happen to have anything to fix a flat?" Gally asked, scratching the back of his neck, looking between the guards and the truck wheel, which was clearly deflated.
"This wasn't radioed to us!"
"Was I supposed to call WICKED to let them know roads aren't drivable?" Sophie asked, furrowing her forehead. "Did you know that?"
She turned to look at Gally, who shrugged.
"Well, last time I called about traffic control issues I was on hold for over an hour in WICKEDs traffic help line." Sophie rolled her eyes, giving the guards a cheeky smile.
The guards didn't move.
"You need to move." He repeated.
"How?" Gally asked.
The guards were slowly walking forward. Sophie glanced at him, he could see the nerves. He gave her a small nod. He threw both hands into the air. Immidiatly there were shots raining down on the guards. Gally pulled Sophie to the cover of the other side of the truck. They grabbed their stuff quickly, their guns and small packs, the communication device, and while the snipers were shooting it gave them cover to crawl over the rubble on the road to the other side.
A few of the Resistance guys were now throwing small hand made explosives at the trucks. It made Gally flinch but he had grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her. They had to make it to the other truck they had parked around the bend in the mountain road. The Resistance were keeping Soilders busy and destroying trucks. There was some medical supplies in one of the trucks, they tried to leave that one be- medical supplies were always needed.
The truck at the end of the line was still mostly covered by the tunnle. The back door flew open as a Resistance truck pulled up. Their doors flew open, a few other guys jumped out and started loading what John was passing to them. Their Source climbed cautiously out of the truck. He paused, and turned back around. Reaching inside for something. He had grabbed it, cradling whatever is was to his chest. He had just about made it to the truck when a shot dinged off the metal door and ricoshade off, slicing through his shoulder.
He grunted in pain. Stumbling to his knees. He got back up, still holding whatever it was to his chest. The Resistance guys all scrambled forwards, yelling to drop it and come. He refused. It was only a few more steps.
He got to the truck and someone tried to grab the bundle from The Source's arms, he her snarled at them holding it tighter. The guy threw his hands up and backed up.
"Just get in! We gotta go!" He yelled.
The Source climbed into the back of the truck.
"Go Zee! We got The Source and info! Go!"
Zayn slammed the excellorater down and spun the truck around, going back through the tunnel and taking a sharp right, going down a narrow steel gravel road, which used to be a maintenance road, to get to the bottom section of moutin road. They had just hit the pavement again when there was an explosion.
The Resistance had to blow some mountain, as a last resort, to get their guys out safely.
Gally and Sophie had made it back to the hidden truck without insidnet. Gally started up the truck and speed down the road. It was going to be a longer rout back. Gally tossed the communication device at Sophie.
"Call Zee."
"Egal two? Egal two? Come in! This is Egal one!"
There was silence for a minute and then it crackled.
"What Sophie?" Zayn sounded frustrated.
"We made it to the second truck. On our way back. See ya in a bit."
"Good. We're almost there. And I don't think this what we thought..."
"I'm not sure yet."
"I'm driving. See you later."
Their coms shut off. Gally frowned. All this work and planning for...not information? What was John playing at? He sped up just a little bit. It was a long two hours back to their building.
Gally pulled up and turned of the truck. They both hopped out. There was no one around in the garage, which was weird. Gally knew they had to blow the side of the mountain, but he really hoped they didn't loose anyone. Sophie and him left the garage and into the main building.
"Imma go tell Sarg we're back." Gally said, and headed to the stairs.
"I'll come, I need to see Zee."
They climbed the first flight of stairs. Gally stopped at the landing, frowning. He looked up. The next level was the Med Wing. He heard wild shouting and what sounded like things smashing. Sophie and Gally exchanged a quick look and both darted up the next set of stairs. Gally turned the corner and came to a dead hault. Standing in the middle of the hall was a huge man. He still had his WICKED uniform on, but he had the white strip of The Source on his helmet.
He was causing a huge mess, The Resistance members were doing their best to keep him back, and out of a room. Now, Gally could hear wild terrified screaming and smashing.
"WHAT THE SHUCK IS GOING ON?" Gally yelled, sprinting down the hall.
The Source spun around, his face twisted in anger and...fear. He ripped his mask and helmet off, tossing it to the side. His blond wavy hair was pulled into a bun, his scruffy beard did it's best to hide scars on his face. Now that Gally was closer, he could see tattoos covering his arms, hands and up his neck. His shoulder was covered in blood.
The guy froze, his eyes going wide in shock and horror, his mouth fell open.
"You're supposed to be dead!" He cried.
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