Chapter 11: Helicopter Trip
My face paled and I'm sure my blood pressure dropped, because I saw the white tile floor come out of nowhere and the next thing I knew someone was shaking my shoulders. My eyes fluttered open, grey blue eyes stared at me with worry.
"Gally?" I whispered confused.
He made a rumble in the back of his throat. I blinked. It wasn't Gally, it was Captain Magnus. I blinked a few more times, holding back tears. I should have known better, Gally was dead. I groaned, a hand going to my head, I smacked it hard on the tile. Great, now I have another lump and bruise to add to my face.
Captain Magnus helped me up and then pulled me to my feet. He looked me over and then nodded sharply.
"Thank you Helen for your assistance. That will be all. I'll escort her to Janson." He dismissed the nurse.
"Come on Snips, Janson is waiting." He growled.
I shivered. Wrapping my arms around my bruised torso I followed behind Captain Magnus, my head hanging. He thankfully walked at a slow pace. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he felt sorry for me, or maybe, just maybe he liked me in a younger sister kind of way. Maybe. Who knows, or maybe it was just another awful trick on WICKED's behalf.
With that happy thought I stopped trying to understand Janson and WICKED. It was impossible. My mind wandered to Thomas. He was alive. That boy did have nine lives. How many times am I going to have to mourn his shucken death? I let the side of my mouth twitch into a sort of smile. But then it slid down into a frown. Janson found them. Again.
What was he going to do now? He already blew up a building on them, what else could he do? Magnus pulled out his key card and swiped the scanner. The big metal door slid open to reveal a huge hanger. Boxes and crates stacked in the corner, helicopters and a few Bergs were lined up. It was crawling with WICKED guards all dressed in black tactical gear. My eyes went wide. I could feel my heart speed up, feeling it slamming against my ribs, my mouth went dry and it was hard to swallow, the claws in my heart started to squeeze me lungs. I couldn't breath.
"Come on. Stay close." Magnus growled. He didn't look back just trusting I was following. There was no way I was going to stay alone, not with so many WICKED guards. Out of everyone here, I trusted him the most, and even that was slim, out of necessity.
He marched with purpose through the swarm of guards. He cut a path, straight to a helicopter. The guards around him stepped out of the way, bowing their heads. He was young, but seemed to have the respect if the others. Where was he when Rex was in charge? He was very different than Rex.
I heard whispers from behind hands, I felt eyes on me and a few pointed. I kept my head down, my damp hair hanging in front of my face. Magnus stopped right in front of a few people. I lifted my head to see who.
Fear shot through me again, my hands went sweaty and my heart rate picked up again. I could feel my eyes dilating. Janson was already grinning at me. There was a middle aged woman with white blind hair, pulled into a tight bun and the back of her head. Her bright red lips looked like she just finished her vampire feeding. I shivered.
"So glad you could make it." Janson's voice was smooth like velvet. He reached out and grabbed my face.
"Like I had a choice." I whispered back, narrowing my eyes.
His eyes flashed and he squeezed my face hard, pressing on the bruise on my jaw, making me flinch.
"Careful A3." He hissed.
"What more could you possibly do to me?" I snapped back. With what strength and defiance I had I ripped my face from his grasp.
"Sir. The ground troops are ready." Magnus said.
Janson's eyes lingered on me for a second then snapped to Captain Magnus.
"Good. Split them into the helicopters and burg. Chancellor Paige, you will be more comfortable on the Berg." He swept his arm towards the Berg. "We won't bring you down until we have secured the area."
The lady with the blood red lips bowed her head. I did a double take. My mouth dropped open and my eyes went wide.
"You!" I whispered.
The lady turned her head, her cold eyes landing on me.
"You were the lady in the video. You did kild them all!" I whispered.
I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact the lady in charge, the one who apparently killed herself was standing in front of me. A wild surge of anger and strength shot through me and I dove forwards, tackling her to the ground with a wild scream.
I was pulled off immidiatly, and a fist made contact with my face. I was thrown onto the floor and a foot made contact with my stomach again. I tried to move away, and catch my breath but a foot came down on my throat, putting pressure on it. I still tried to wiggle away.
"You little-" Janson seethed, "I should kill you!" His eyes were wild.
"Do it!" I whispered.
He put more pressure in my neck, cutting off more air. My eyes widened in panic, but death would be welcome compared to this.
"Where would the fun be in that?" He whispered.
He bent down and grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled me to my feet. I bit down in my lip to keep from crying. I tasted blood. He tossed me back to the ground, and pulled out a gun.
"Maybe this will teach you."
He pulled the trigger and a ball of blue electricity hit me. My body started convulsing, white hot pain spread all over my body. Every single nerve was on fire, screaming in pain. It felt like my skin was melting off my bones. Or maybe that was me me screaming. I couldn't close my eyes, they were stuck open and I could see the blue electricity jumping and arching. Finally my pain riddled body stopped convulsing and my vision went black.
I woke with a moan. I peeled my eyes open, my eyes felt dry. I'm surprised I didn't see smoke. Every muscle hurt, every nerve felt over stimulated. My head throabed and my throat burnt. I blinked a few more times.
"Ah, our subject is finally awake." Sneered Janson.
"Too bad." I muttered.
I tried to sit up, but it was only now I realized my hands were tied. I was laying on the cold metal floor, at the feet of Janson, Captain Magnus and a bunch of other masked WICKED gaurds. I only now registered that the floor I lay on was vibrating. We were already moving.
"So, let me catch you up."
"Evil villian monalougs. Wonderful." I groaned.
Janson growled and gave me a swift kick. I groand and with difficulty I pushed myself into a sitting position.
"A2 and the other subjects managed to escape the building-"
"They have names!" I snapped, my voice horse from screaming.
Janson gave me another swift kick.
"But. With the help of A1, she was smart enough to take Barkley's communication device. And give us the coordinates of where they are hidden. And it just so happens to be The Right Arm base camp!"
I just blinked. My brain trying to play catch up. A1...she...
"Teresa?" I whispered, shocked.
Janson's smile twisted again.
"We're in our way, and should be there in less then 20 minutes."
My eyes couldn't get any bigger, they couldn't dilate any more, fear so strong hit my stomach and chest it made my stomach heave. I had nothing in my stomach so it was just biel that came up. A few of the guards shuffled backwards. My chest was heaving and I couldn't catch my breath. My eyes looked wildy around for anything to help. Captain Magnus was standing behind Janson, but he had a helmet, night vision goggles and mask on. He stood stiff. And no one else was willing to do anything. Janson stood cackling sinisterly. All I could do was hide my head in my arms as best I could and pull my knees to my chest and silently let the tears fall. Tears mixed with blood, it made a trail down my face and dripped onto my clean white shirt and pants.
The 20 minute flight was terrible. It felt like it took a lifetime but I blinked and Janson was leaning out the open door, screaming for them to open fire. Captain Magnus jumped out the door sliding down a rope. I had no idea what was happening. It was night, there were explosions and people were screaming. I was too scared to move. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to see it or hear it. I just held my head and cried, screaming and flinching with each explosion.
I felt the helicopter lower. Janson marched over towards me. I tried to scramble backwards, away from him. He grabbed my hair and pulled me towards the open door. Throwing me back to the ground he grabbed a rope and looped it around my neck a few times, making it tight. Janson grabbed a strip of cloth and tied my mouth, gagging me. He looked at one guard.
"Hold her here until I tell you otherwise." Janson snarled.
"Yes sir." Barked the guard.
Janson jumped out if the helicopter and marched towards a group of people. I couldn't really see much, the guard kept yanking me backwards, but I could hear.
"Line them up right here! On their knees!" Janson screamed
"Put some eyes up on that ridge." Captain Magnus barked. His voice was very distinctive.
"B-4." Someone else yelled.
Wait... B4? There are other immunes? Other kids ...there was more than one maze? No wonder Janson was so excited. It wasn't just Thomas he was after. But more immune kids. Teresa betrayed not only the Gladers, but all these other kids...and some army group! The betrayal hurt, I never liked her, she was mean and manipulative...but now her actions and words in The Glade made sense.
"How many did we get?" Janson asked
"All of them. Give or take." Magnus answered
"Give or take what?" Janson growled
"Well, they lost a few." Magnus growled back.
"A-4. A-6. B-3."
"Where's Thomas?" Janson snarled.
I wasn't sure if I was hoping he died in the explosions so he didn't have to be with Janson or if he lived so maybe I'd get to see him.
"Right here!" Came Thomas's yell.
No Tommy! Why? Why would you willingly give your self up? Tears leaked out of the corner of my eyes
"Freeze!" Janson yelled.
There was quiet tense moment. And then I heard Janson yell "Go!"
"Thomas." I heard Minho's voice.
Mixed emotions hit me hard. Minho was alive. His voice filled me with joy, but a knife struck me hard in the chest. Minho was in the claws of Janson.
"Get him in line." Janson barked, snapping me from my emotional turmoil. I heard some scuffling. And then it was quiet.
"Thomas, Thomas, Thomas....I have a surprise for you." He sounded very excited. My stomach twisted.
"Whatever it is I don't want it!" Thomas spat
"Oh trust me. I think you will." I could hear the grin behind his words. He was enjoying this way too much, it made my stomach twist again.
"Solider! Bring me my favorite pet." Janson barked.
The soiled jumped out of the helicopter onto the ground and pulled me with him. I could hardly stand let alone jump and walk. I hit the ground hard, and gasped through the gag when pain shot through me. The solider yanked on the rope, choking me. I tried to grab the rope around my neck, but he was pulling, I stumbled to my feet, stumbling behind. The solider handed the end of the rope to Janson.
" niece has been so helpful these last three weeks, she has provided us with amazing results in the research to find a cure."
"Your niece? Poor girl." Thomas said disgusted.
"Indeed." Janson said and yanked the rope, making me stumble forwards, and land hand on the ground at Janson's feet. More pain erupted through my body, all the bruises screamed at me. I slowly picked myself up, onto my knees. Tears running down my face. I finally looked up and met Thomas's whiskey brown eyes.
His mouth dropped, and his eyes went wide. My eyes flicked to Minho who looked dumbfounded and then to Newt who looked just as shocked, colour draining from his face, then to Frypan who had his eyebrows knit together in confusion and then to Chuck. My little buddy, he had tears running down his chubby little face but his eyes were wide open, along with his mouth.
"Charlie?" Thomas whispered.
My eyes flicked back to Thomas, his face went from shock to confused to anger.
"How...what...? We watched you die!"
"What happened?"
"Ahh, you boys left her, mostly dead. I found her and took her back. She has been...aiding me in WICKED's research. She has been most helpful." Janson smiled, as he tugged on the rope around my neck.
"What did you do to her?" Snarled Minho, fighting the guard who held him.
"She is very...disobedient." Janson said softly.
He tried to pet my head, but I flinched, and he backhanded me, making me fall back to the ground.
"NO! CHARLIE!" Thomas screamed, trying to fight the guard holding him.
I couldn't talk, I couldn't say anything with the gag, but my tear stained bruised face looked back to Thomas. Despritly trying to tell him to stop fighting, it only makes it worse, and how much I loved him. I'm sure I wouldn't see him much longer. His brown eyes stayed locked with mine.
"Ahh yes, my niece here likes to test my patience and anger to its limits." Janson laughed, but there was no humour in it.
"Wait. Charlie is your niece? Then that means..." Newt trailed off, his big brown eyes, wide in realisation as they flicked from me to Janson behind me to Thomas.
I managed to sit back up again, and gave a small nod, another tear slid down my face.
"Oh shucken hell no!" Thomas yelled.
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