First Meeting
I never thought I was causing to much attention until I heard a thud. I looked around to see Lightning Prince standing next to me.
"Stop what you are doing," He shouted.
"Mind you business, Lightning," I demanded. He shot lightning at me and it hit my arm.
"Ouch," I hissed. I threw a ball of fear at him and disappeared. I looked down at my wounded arm, "It could be worse," I sighed, leaning against a building. I heard a thud. I looked around to see Lightning Prince.
"Not so fast, Villain," he said harshly. I rolled my eyes at Lightning Prince threw another lightning attack. I dodge it quickly.
"Seriously you need to work on your aim, " I taunt the hero.
"Shut up," He said angrily. I chuckled, dodging another attack.
"So, what made you so upset that you have to pick on me," I asked teasingly.
"No your business," He growled.
"Oh come now, Lightning Prince. You must have a good reason," I said sarcastically.
"How do you know my name?" He asked, taking a step back from me.
"TV, idiot," I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead.
"Right. Now tell me your name," Lightning Prince demanded.
"Why should I?" I asked, turning away from him.
"So, I know who I'm dealing with," Lightning Prince growled.
"Fine, whatever. It's not going to help you," I said, less pleased then before, "My name is Dark Shadow and I'll take my leave," I said, disappearing once again. I changed back into my civilians. I looked around to see if that Lightning Prince followed me but lady luck was on my side so far.
I started to walk home with rain starting to fall. I looked up and hated how nothing goes right for me. I made it home with the sound of my parents yelling about something.
"Better just camp outside tonight," I mumbled, walking towards the park. I looked around seeing no one was here besides him, "What are you doing here?" I asked the boy.
"Star gazing. You?" The boy asked.
"I... um... Don't really want to talk about it," I stumbled on my words. I looked at the warm brown hair boy.
"Jayden," The boy introduced himself.
"Carter," I said.
"So, Carter. Do you live around here?" Jayden asked, locking his hazel gaze on to my ice blue.
"Um... yeah," I whispered, looking away from him.
"Really that cool," he said excitedly.
"Not really," I muttered, messing with my sleeves of my hoodie.
"Why not?" Jayden asked softly.
"Well... to many people for my liking," I said, taking a risky glance towards him.
"Anti- social or social anxiety?" He asked, leaning back on the table.
"Both," I whispered, taking a seat next to him.
"So, what school do you go to?" Jayden asked.
"Malcom," I answered.
"What? Really? No way? I go to that school," he exclaim, grabbing both of my shoulders. I wince at sudden contact and because of my injury, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just hurt my shoulder that's all and yes, really I do got to Malcom," I said. Jayden let go of my shoulders. I started to rub the injured one.
"What grade are you in?" Jayden asked, carefully looking at my shoulder.
"Twelfth grade," I said, looking up at him. Jayden eyes widen.
"I'm in that class. Why haven't I notice you before?" He asked himself.
"I don't know, man. I like to stay out of other people lives and they stay out of mine, hopefully," I said, whispering the last word.
"Yeah but everyone like to be in other people business," Jayden sighed, looking up at the sky.
"Yep and that is the reason why I'm an outcast at the school," I said, looking at the sky.
"I probably should go before my parents get worried," he said, looking at, "You should to," Jayden suggested.
"My parents don't care. They don't care about me anyways. If I live or die," I laughed sadly at those words.
"Really?" Jayden asked.
"Yeah but you should get going," I said, "I'll be fine," I said waving him off. He nodded and walked away. I sighed again, wondering what would happen next.
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