The View
The gold sunshine swept over the west horizon like a watchful eye, bathing the town in a yellow light.
Mabel sang to herself as she flitted around the cave, her pink and purple wings tipped with black fluttered, propelling the pre-teen from one bit of the cave to the next while she explored.
Dipper on the other hand was beneath his patched-up duvet, sound asleep, the journal resting on his side.
Mabel flew down next to Dipper, whispering and giggling to the other fairies, before poking Dipper to wake him up.
"Hmm?" Dipper hummed, his eyes fluttering open.
"Boop!" Mabel poked him again.
" Agh! Oh, hey" he said. Dipper sat up with a yawn, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Hey, Dipdop! still tired, bro?" she asked, taking his hand, rubbing her thumb on the back of Dipper's cold hand.
Dipper nodded. "Being nocturnal pun intended" he said with a wry smirk, Mabel sniggered.
"Can I come in?" Mabel asked, holding her stuffed animal close to her chest, her wings shaking.
Dipper nodded, moving over.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she squealed, going under the duvet beside her brother, not minding how cold his body felt.
"I wonder how long our parents knew about it and why they never told us both till now? What was going on with that?" Mabel asked.
"No-one knows" Dipper replied, laying back and looking up at the bats.
"Oh God! You don't think we're changelings or something, do you?!" Mabel asked dramatically.
"No! Course we're not!" Dipper laughed.
He reached for the journal to try and find any information on vampires and fairies; try as he might, there was no information, not even any invisible ink.
Dipper Pines placed the journal back on the ground and sighed in frustration, laying back against the stone floor of the cave.
Mabel looked a little confused at this, not knowing Dipper to give up so easily.
Dipper stared up at the bats aimlessly, watching as they flitted around in the deep cavernous cave, shown only by limited light.
His twin moved beneath the cover, her wings folding against her back, as she curled up closer to Dipper.
The vampire glanced at her before looking back up at the creatures above them, letting his red eyes close again.
Once night came, Dipper was already awake.
Mabel shot up and looked around.
"Dipper?" she called out.
No answer.
"Dipper?!" she said again.
Still no answer.
Mabel stood up and flew to the mouth of the cave, looking around, seeing Dipper on his way back with a package and two bottles in his arms.
"Sorry, Mabel. You were sleeping so deeply and I didn't want to wake you" he said apologetically.
"I hope you're hungry; had to go back to the shack to get some food" he explained as he sat down across from Mabel and gave her the clear plastic bottle which had something fizzy and gold inside, while his own had a red substance in it.
Mabel sipped hers; finding it was lemonade. Dipper undid the package which had food inside for both of them, both of them dug into it.
"I have something to show you" Dipper said, sipping his blood.
Mabel's ears perked up and she looked at her brother curiously, her neon green eyes glowing in fascination.
"Follow me" Dipper told her, walking out of the cave and leaving the bottle of blood by his 'bed', his sister following close like a scared puppy.
Both Mabel and Dipper Pines climbed up to the grassy top of the cave and stood side by side, seeing a clear view of the night sky as well as the forest and the stream flowing through the woods, grassy banks on either side as night animals began to emerge from their hiding places.
The silver moon shone down onto the forest floor and the streak, making the water shimmer as if it was not water at all but jewels in the ditch.
Mabel gasped and hugged Dipper tightly.
"It's so beautiful! thank you! thank you!" she squealed, making Dipper chuckle once more, wrapping an arm around her and bringing her close to him, both siblings admiring the beautiful rare sight; one they would cherish forever.
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