A call home
Ford waited as the never-ending dial tone sounded from the device.
"I'm scared, Dipper" Mabel whispered, her brother giving her hand a squeeze in return.
"Me too, sis, me too" he reassured her, his eyes fixed on Ford in fear.
"Please don't be calling the FBI! Please don't be calling some lab to experiment on us" Dipper pleaded in his head.
"Ah, yes! hello Jane! it's Stanford! Um, we have my brother and your son and daughter here and they sort of.....need an explanation." He told the person at the other end.
The twins breathed a sigh of relief, Stan smiled.
"He's calling Mommy and Daddy" Mabel whispered, Dipper nodded.
Ford turned around and put the mobile on speaker, handing it to the twins.
"Hello? hello? Mabel? Dipper?" the woman asked, the device making her voice a little crackled.
"Mom?" Dipper echoed back.
"Dipper! thank goodness! is your sister there as well?" Jane pondered.
"Yup! I'm here, Mommy!"
"What happened to us, Mom? why aren't we human?" Dipper stared at the phone as if their mother was about to crawl out of the glass screen any second.
"I guess you deserve to know the truth now, since you two are old enough. Well, there was a time I used to live in Gravity Falls with our family before we moved to California. I was only a snippet of a girl then-" she said with a chuckle "-anyways, when I was eight, I found a colony of fae folk and I played with them almost every day. Then one day I consumed some food from the fairy world and became part of the world." she finished, Mabel looked shocked and amazed at the same time.
"But what about dad? how am I a vampire?" Dipper pressed on, still in the dark.
"Well when your dad and I were seeing each other in college, he was on his way back home from work and he got attacked by a gang. Turned out they were vampires and they had bitten him, turning him into one of their kind. We revealed our secrets to each other when we were dating, got married and had you both. We were so proud when you two were born, proud to find out that our legacy would carry on. Remember, Stan and Ford can help you through this now you both know about each other, and I love you very, very much. Your dad and I miss you, and we can't wait for you both to come home" Jane said. The twins both shared identical looks of happiness, both saying "Goodbye" in unison before their mother hung up.
Mabel fluttered her wings absent-mindedly, Dipper stared up at Ford and Stan.
"Do you guys want to stay here for the time being or back at the shack?" Stan asked.
"Maybe we could stay here! it'll be like a camp out!" Mabel replied excitedly.
"I think it'd be best, I don't know if we'll be discovered by tourists or captured by anyone else, and I think if we were out here, we'd blend in a little easier. It was bad enough this morning when our selves were almost revealed to some of the customers" Dipper said, looking a little worried.
"So that's why you ran off" Stan breathed. He put a hand on his chin, furrowing his eyebrows as he thought.
"We could get your things for you and bring them here if you like?" he offered.
"That'd be great. Thanks!" the younger twins said in unison.
"No problem, kids!"
With that, Stan and Ford went back to the shack, coming back with the twins' things; clothes, bedding, food, stationary, toothbrushes and the like.
Within minutes the twins worked together (while being watched by the fairies and the bats around them) and they had made the dark cave seem almost homely to them.
Mabel laid back under her quilt, playing with her sock puppets of her and Dipper, while Dipper read the journal silently.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...
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