21: Circinus
Brick sprinted ferociously onto the stage, letting out a yowl- but he was happy. "Hello, cats! I'm Brick!" He shouted, eyes bright with amusement. "Without further a do, let's meet tonight's speaker!"
A spotlight shone brightly on a ginger tabby, and his amber eyes had to squint to adjust to the bright beam of light streaming right on him. The cat was Alderpaw, and he looked anything but happy to be here.
Brick padded briskly over to the apprentice, flicking his tail over the young tom's shoulder. "If you don't know, this is Alderpaw!"
"We know!" A hostile tom growled from the crowd, fur puffing. "Get on with it!"
Alderpaw's eyes widened at the tom's harsh comment, but Brick just professionally chuckled it off. "So, Alderpaw, tell us about today's constellation, Circinus."
Alderpaw nodded grimly to Brick, and looked down at his small paws. "Um... Circinus is a constellation. A constellation is apparently something in the sky. A star alignment." He meowed, repeating the information that Brick told him earlier, before his performance.
The same tom just had to comment. "For StarClan's sake!" He hissed. "We know what a constellation is!"
Alderpaw flicked his ears in the direction of the tom's voice, but didn't reply. "Okay. So, er-" he paused, muttering the other things he was told under his breathe. "This constellation was created by a Twoleg named Nicolas Louis de Lacaile, which in my opinion, is a very weird, long name." He commented, no emotion in his monotone voice. "The constellation was created many moons ago, in the 18th century."
Alderpaw's pelt bristled as he felt all the cats' eyes gazing up at him. He looked out into the crowd, seeing a mixture of blues, greens, yellows and ambers, all fixed upon him. He continued, "the Twoleg named it after a drafting tool, used for drawing circles."
"The constellation means 'the Compass.' I don't know what a compass is, but I heard it was a Twoleg tool to find a certain direction. Pretty mouse-brained if you ask me." He retorted, tail lashing.
"Want to see what it looks like?!" He called, and all the cats replied with happy meows of response. The apprentice nodded, and he pressed a button with his paw. He gazed up at it, eyes glistening.
"That little thing is the constellation. Talk about small! It's about the size of a newborn shrew!" He mocked, laughing. "Look at it! It's so stupid, and puny! And-"
Brick ran onto the stage, staring intensely at him. "What exactly are you doing?!" He admonished, narrowing his eyes.
Alderpaw puffed out his chest, looking up at him. "I want to take on the role of a grumpy medicine cat!" He answered proudly, mouth gaped open.
Brick sighed. "I'm going to talk to you backstage..." Then he raised his voice to the crowd. "Heh. Sorry, cats! That's all for tonight!"
Boos could be heard in the crowd, and you could see tails lashing and fur fluffing out in anger. "Good job, Alderpaw." He muttered sarcastically. "Way to ruin my good mood..."
And with that, Brick went on with a long lecture about stage formalities, proper ettiequte, and grumpy medicine cats.
This was done by Animal, again! XD
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