03: Apus
Brick pads once more onto the stage, smiling enthusiastically and tossing random medallions and other items in the crowd.
"Hello again, crowd!" mewed the handsome ginger tabby, tossing a ClawSharpener™ to the gray tom from earlier. "Today, we are proud to present ANOTHER fabulous constellation! Presented by my MARVELLOUS brother Birch!"
A light brown tom bounds onto the stage, his smile even brighter than his brother's.
"Hi, cats! I'm here to talk to you about the next constellation, Apus! Now, I know that some of the previous demonstrators were slightly...unenthusiastic, so I'm here to put some PIZZAZ and EXCITEMENT in this!"
The crowd applauds wildly as the screen descends behind Birch. An image appears on the screen.
"Boring, huh?" mewed Birch. He suddenly began speaking in a more mysterious tone. "Apus, as you probably don't know, is the 'Bird of Paradise' constellation." He smiled broadly and continued. "Doesn't look like any kind of a bird, though, does it? Well, hold on to your tails, cats! What about now?"
Another image flashes on the screen, this time slightly more vibrant.
Oooing and ahhing noises quickly arose from the crowd. One cat leaps up and leaps at the screen, attempting to eat it. He is escorted off the stage swiftly.
Birch purred at the audience's reaction. "Cool, isn't it? Fun fact! The word Apus is Greek for 'no feet', as it was once believed that Birds of Paradise have no feet. Of course, that's not true! We all know that all birds have feet..."
There is a sudden squawk as a bird with no feet suddenly dives at Birch. He runs offstage, where there are mews of pain.
"That must hurt," one audience member commented to another in sympathy. There were murmurs of agreement, and many winced as loud pecks are heard.
Birch runs onstage again, still chased by the bird, and an audience member leaps up and eats it.
Birch limped back to his place, glancing around apprehensively, and locked eyes with the audience member. "Um , thanks." He looked around again. "So...um, that's all..."
A sudden mob of harmless birds-- sparrows, doves, and thrushes-- dive at Birch, who runs off yowling in terror. A few audience members laugh.
Brick padded onto the stage and smiled weakly, glancing nervously at his brother in the distance. "So, um, hope you enjoyed, crowd! Until next time!"
Written by Ember :)
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