Chapter 4 - Blonde Bombshell
Jenna collapsed onto my bed, clutching a white plastic pharmacy bag. She still wouldn't tell me what she bought and made me wait in the car while she shopped. I had no clue what she was going to make me dress up as for the Halloween party and I was freaking out. The way Jenna's eyes lit up when Mike was talking about how much Vic loves Nirvana made me nervous, what did she have in —
"Ohhhhh no. No no no. Don't even think about it Jenna, there is no way I'm —"
"Dying your hair blonde?" Jenna interrupted as she whipped out a box of blonde hair dye. "Oh yes you are! You heard Mike, Vic is OBSESSED with Nirvana and Kurt Cobain. If we turn you into Kurt, Vic is going to lose his shit. He won't be able to take his eyes off you. He'll HAVE to notice you!"
I groaned, "Even if that does work, which it totally won't because Vic is straight, I can't pull off being a blonde."
"Hey you don't know that until you try! Hang onto your hat because I'm going to turn you into a blonde bombshell." Jenna said as she started ripping open the hair dye box and mixing the color in a bowl.
——————2 hours later ——————
I stood in front of my mirror wearing my favorite oversized and faded blue flannel over a black band T-shirt with ripped up blue skinny jeans. Jenna was standing in front of me with both of her hands over my eyes, blocking my view.
"Oh my god Kellin, you look so hot! You're an even hotter Kurt. Vic is literally going to pass out." Jenna squealed. "Ready for the big reveal?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." I spoke nervously. There was no way I'd ever hold a torch to Kurt Cobain and I'd probably end up looking like a washed up Kurt Cobain stalker.
"1... 2..... 3!" Jenna squeaked and pulled her hands off my eyes.
I blinked a few times and looked back at my reflection in the mirror. I actually looked..... decent. I turned a little in the mirror checking myself out and I hated to admit that Jenna was right, I looked pretty good as Kurt. I ran my fingers through my newly bleach blonde hair and turned to Jenna. Just then the door burst open and Jack tumbled in wearing white skinny jeans, angel wings and a little halo atop his messy mop of brown and blonde hair. A hyper Alex followed wearing the same outfit as Jack but instead of white jeans his were red and instead of angel wings he had devil horns on his head and a red tail.
Jack spoke, "Whoa hey Kellin! You make a really hot Kurt Cobain. You know whose going to be all over you? V-"
"And what might you be Jack?" I quickly interrupted before Jack could finish saying Vic's name. Alex was friends with Vic and they were both on the soccer team. I'd be mortified if Alex found out about my crush on Vic.
"I'm an angel and Alex is a devil. Which is even more funny because we both know I'm more of the devilish one." Jack grinned and put his arm around Alex who was all smiles.
"I really like your costume Kellin, the blonde hair looks great on you." Alex chimed in.
"Thanks Alex, Jenna was the mastermind behind the whole look." I replied.
Jenna beamed, "Aww shucks Kellin, I'm flattered. Now, I'm going to go in the bathroom and get on my cat costume so we can get to this PARTY!"
After Jenna got decked out in her cat costume we walked arm in arm to one of the Senior Dorms with a giggly Alex and Jack trailing behind. I brush a chunk of my newly blonde hair out of my eye as we walked into the dorm. There were students everywhere dancing, drinking and hanging out in all of the hallways. We walked into the elevator that took us up to the large top floor common area where the majority of the party was taking place. It was dark and there were colorful strobe lights dancing all along the walls, tables of alcohol lined the left wall while music blared. There was even a fog machine casting a spooky darkness along the floor while people grinded up against one another.
"Let's go get a drink! I see Oli and Gabe over there too!" Jenna pulled me in the direction of our friends and handed me a cup filled with some sort of mixed drink that was red and tasted way too sweet. I leaned against the wall and sipped my drink slowly while watching Jenna dancing with some guy dressed as a vampire. Suddenly Jack and Alex shimmied their way next to Jenna and started having a dance battle with her and her vampire dude. I chuckled to myself as I watched the scene unfold. I wished I could be as carefree about my sexuality as Jack was. He didn't care what anyone thought about him, he was his complete, authentic self and it was beautiful. I wish that one day I'll be able to completely love myself like that. I was so entranced in my thoughts that I didn't even notice someone was now leaning against the wall next to me.
"Hey Kurt!" a mystery voice called out.
I turned my head and my eyes were met with none other than Vic's.
"Oh, no, my name is Kellin." I responded with a quizzical look.
Vic chuckled as he looked back at me with the warmest brown eyes I've ever looked at in my entire life. "No your costume. You're dressed up as Kurt Cobain." He replied.
I blushed and looked down at my feet. God Kellin how could you be so stupid? You're wearing a costume for God's sake.
"Wow duh, uh, I totally knew that. Right. I'm Kurt. And you are...?" I took the opportunity to look at Vic's costume and basically had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Vic was just wearing tight black Calvin Klein boxers, holding a soccer ball under his arm and had fake temporary chest and arm tattoos. Vic had toned abs and muscular arms which had me practically drooling at how perfect he was. Get it together Kellin.
"You're a.... stripper?" I asked and I thought I caught Vic bite his lip and blush but the pink across his cheeks disappears as quickly as it came. He laughed a little and glanced at the floor before looking back up at me with the cutest crooked grin.
"I'm actually David Beckham when he did those Calvin Klein underwear ads." Vic answered.
I nodded, "Right, well uh, you uh, you look good?" It came out as a question even though I didn't mean it too. God Kellin why're you so awkward?
"Yeah well I came with a friend and she wanted to be Posh Spice so.. hence the David Beckham look and I already owned the underwear so it worked out." Vic said quickly as he rolled his eyes.
I nodded and took a sip of my drink.
"So tell me Kurt, will you sing for me sometime? You ARE the lead singer of my favorite band after all." Vic said.
"Oh no, I can't sing. I have a terrible voice." I answered. Vic looked at me with a smile on his face.
"You know, you're really bad at the whole, costume, pretending to be someone else, alter-ego, Halloween thing." Vic laughed gently.
"Oh right, right." I shook my head and smiled back at Vic, feeling a little light headed from my new empty cup of alcohol. "Maybe one day I'll give you a private concert. Nirvana. Unplugged." I answered with an edge of flirtation in my voice. What has gotten into me?
I felt Vic move closer to me and before I knew what was happening, his hand brushed against my cheek as his finger ran through a piece of my blonde hair. I turned to look up at him as his chocolate brown eyes bore into mine, he cocked his head to the side as he studied my expression. It was like he was looking directly into my soul and I instantly felt warm and full of butterflies.
"I must admit, you uh, you look great as a blonde but I think you're even more beautiful with your natural brunette hair." Vic said the last part quicker and quieter, almost a whisper. He let his hand drop from my hair, never taking his eyes off mine. I bit my lip and opened my mouth to answer but was interrupted by a guy calling Vic's name.
"Dude, Vic! You and me. Beer pong. Now! Also Amanda keeps bugging me asking where you are!" A guy with spikey brown hair yelled out.
Vic quickly glanced over his shoulder and sighed. "I'll be there in a sec!" His eyes returned to mine and they looked different now, almost sad and lifeless.
"I have to go. I'm going to hold you to that private concert Kurt, I mean, Kellin." Vic playfully tugged on the hem of my oversized blue flannel pulling me a little closer to him before he turned on his heels and went towards his friends.
I watched him go, breathless, before turning back and leaning my head against the wall. What. Just. Happened?
I apologize that Chapter 4 took so long but I hope it was worth it. Yay for blonde Kellin! Please comment and vote and I hope you're enjoying this story so far!
Eeeeeep blonde Kellin was a MOMENT and I loved every second of it.
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