Chapter 3 - All In The Approach
The leaves were starting to change quickly in Michigan as the cool and cozy feelings of fall started to roll in. It was the day after the Homecoming Game and myself, Jack, Jenna, and our two other friends Oli and Rian were spread out on a blanket in the quad. A bunch of small groups of students were scattered throughout the grassy lawn, some were playing frisbee, others were studying, and some were chattering among themselves, excited for the weekend to begin. I took a sip of my latté nearly burning my tongue on the hot, vanilla liquid and exhaled deeply, looking up at the blanket of yellow, red, and orange leaves. I had been trapped in my thoughts all last night and this morning, no doubt overthinking about Vic and why he looked at me last night at the game. Me. Out of a sea of people. Me? I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard Oli call my name.
"Earth to Kellin! I asked how you think you did on Urie's Music Theory Exam?" Oli said.
"Oh, um, sorry. I didn't hear you. Uh, good. Great I mean, his class is so easy." I replied. I enjoyed Urie's class, it was the only one that I didn't doze off in.
"Yeah it is, I just suck at the technical side of music. I'm not sure I did the best but probably not too bad." Oli stated. I nodded in his direction when my eyes locked on a familiar mop of long brown hair. Vic. His friends were kicking a soccer ball around a little ways away from us, across the quad.
"Kellin has a crUSHHHH." Jenna sung.
I playfully gave her a shove and replied, "I do not!" Cursing myself for my naturally blushable face.
"Dude, you totally do and it's valid! Vic is a hottie. Not as hot as Alex but who could ever be as hot as Alex?" Jack joked. That was thing with Jack that I envied, he was so completely comfortable with who he was. I wish I could catch on that quickly.
"Well if you're so into Alex, then why haven't YOU made a move yet?" I countered and smiled. Jack simply shrugged and sucked down his iced coffee, nearly bouncing up into the air as he stood up.
"Watch and learn, Kellin, watch and learn." He replied. But before Jack could even turn around, a soccer ball whizzed past his leg and smacked Jenna in the hip, knocking her coffee all over our blanket.
"Ow! Jesus!" She exclaimed and started to pat dry the spilt coffee. I reached over to help her when a shadow fell over our blanket. I looked up to see none other then, Alex.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry everyone!" Alex said. He bent down and started wiping nog away the coffee with some napkins he had brought. I looked up at Jack to see him dumbfounded as a look of nerves quickly crossed over his face. I chuckled to myself and turned to Alex.
"Not a problem at all. Thanks for the napkins." I discreetly kicked Jack in the foot and he turned to Alex, before shooting me a glare. Alex offered a smile and stood up, finding himself face to face with Jack. Alex was the first to speak.
"This is actually wonderful timing. Unfortunate circumstances. But wonderful timing. You're Jack Barakat, right?" Alex said to Jack.
"That would be me! And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Jack responded. I rolled my eyes and made a gagging motion to Jenna who silently laughed.
"I'm Alex. It's really great to meet you!" Alex stuck out his hand and shook Jack's before continuing. "So, there's going to be an early Halloween/first big party of the year-costume party tonight in the main Senior dorms. Everyone's going to be there. I wanted to know if you'd like to come. With me? As my date?" Alex asked.
Jack looked like a completely love sick puppy as he quickly hid his goofy grin and nodded. "Uh yeah, sure. I'd love to. I mean, yes that would be really fun." He replied.
Alex smiled and tore a piece of paper from a small notebook he had pulled out of his back pocket. He scribbled something down and handed it to Jack. "Awesome! Here's my number. Text me sometime before the party so we can plan our costume." Alex said and turned to myself and group of friends.
"Also, you're all invited as well and I hope to see you there!" Alex turned to me, "It was nice meeting you?"
"Kellin." I replied.
"Kellin? Why does that sound familiar?" Alex looked puzzled before shaking his head and smiling again.
"Yo Alex! We have practice in 5!" a voice called out. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw a really muscular guy with brown hair waving at Alex.
"Anyways, I gotta go! But I can't wait for tonight, Jack. It was nice meeting all of you!" Alex said before running off to join his friends and teammates.
"Hey Jack! That was smooth. Real. Smooth." Oli laughed and nudged Jack.
Jack simply shrugged and replied, "It's all in the approach my friends. All in the approach."
"But he approached YOU!" Oli said.
"Oh but that is what you think." Jack countered.
I turned to Jenna as the boys continued their friendly argument. Jenna looked at me with the biggest smile on her face. "We're so going to that party! And you're so going to melt Vic's little heart." She said.
"Ugh Jenna, I'm totally not college party material. Plus, I don't even have a costume." I replied.
"Who cares? I'm sure we can come up with something before tonight. Let's head back to you and Jack's room and start brainstorming ideas!" She said. We said goodbye to Rian and Megan, making plans to meet up with them for dinner and headed back towards our dorm with Jack and Oli.
I was sprawled out on my bed while Jack and Oli were playing videos games. Jenna was situated in our big bean bag chair, a notebook in one hand, a pen in the other, scribbling furiously.
"Okay, we need to think sexy. Sexy yet innocent." Jenna looked up at me.
"How can one be both sexy AND innocent?" I laughed.
"Honey, YOU are both sexy and innocent looking every dang day of your life." She replied. I looked at her with a puzzled expression as she laughed. "Don't worry Kellin, I'm totally playing for the other team, you know that. But I can admit when someone is a total and complete dreamboat and you, are one."
"Yeah yeah okay so, your plan is to what? Dress me up as some sexy yet innocent... vampire? Werewolf?" I said.
Jenna looked at me deadpan and burst out laughing. "Oh my god Kellin, the whole Twilight ship has sailed. Like, 8 years ago now. I know you're from a small town but damn." she answered.
"No, what we are going to do is figure out what Vic might be into and have you dress up as that." Jenna said.
"Oh yeah, that's easy. Dress me up as a cheerleader because he's into his blonde girlfriend. He's definitely straight and I need to get over this crush because it's a waste of time." I answered.
"1. We don't know if that was his girlfriend at the game and 2. We don't know if he's straight. He could be bi, or pan, or maybe gay and he's not out of the closet yet." Jenna said.
I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow at her playfully. There was no way Vic was anything but straight. He was too perfect. He was too perfectly jock-y to be straight. And even if for some miracle, he wasn't straight, there were a million other guys out there that were more attractive, more outgoing, or more funny than I was. I was pulled from my thoughts when we both heard a knock on the door. I turned down Lithium by Nirvana that was playing loudly from our record player and opened the door.
I was met with an overly excited Mike. "Hey guys! And Jenna!" He exclaimed and waved.
I stepped aside, inviting him in. "Sorry Mike, was the music too loud?" I answered.
"What? Oh. No. Of course not. I should've came here to thank you actually. That song rocks! And I've been stuck in the common room mediating a conversation amongst two freshman girls who are fighting over a hair dryer. So it was great to be able to zone out to some Nirvana." Mike replied.
"A hair dryer?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, you know the many glamorous perks of being an RA! Anyways, I came here to ask if I could borrow your copy of Nirvana's album MTV Unplugged." Mike responded.
I nodded and bent down to pull the vinyl from my shelf before handing it over to Mike. "No problem man." I said.
"Awesome! You're the best! My older brother Vic absolutely loves this album but I've been having trouble tracking down a copy for him. He's going to freak when he gets back from practice. He's crazy obsessed with Nirvana. They're probably his favorite band of all time, mine included. Growing up, he'd have posters of Kurt Cobain all over his walls. I used to make fun of him for it but I get it, the dude was a legend." Mike rambled as I smiled and nodded along to his story.
"I better get going, gotta drop this record off at Vic's and check back in on the freshman girls. I hope they didn't strangle each other with the hair dryer cord." Mike laughed and headed for the door. "Hey, I hope to see you all at the Halloween party tonight. It's going to be insane!"
Mike left our room and shut the door behind him. I turned around to see an extremely excited looking Jenna. She bounced over to me, grabbed my shoulders and shook me as she squealed.
"Okay what is up with you?" I said.
"I know EXACTLY what to dress you up as for this party tonight. Vic won't be able to resist you." She squeaked and rubbed her hands together like an evil villain coming up with a master plan.
I looked at her warily and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Jenna..... what are you thinking?" I answered.
She grinned and grabbed my arm. "What time does the pharmacy close?"
What does Jenna have up her sleeves? The next chapter is going to be NUTS and I absolutely cannot wait to share it with you all! 🎃 I hope you enjoyed chapter 3!
I am loving Jack in this fic! Question, what is your favorite All Time Low song? Mine is probably coffee shop soundtrack or jasey Rae!
Remember to vote friends!! Thank you!
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