Chapter 22 - Come Home With Me
a/n: this gif kills me, it's too precious. okay anyways don't mind me, carry on
It was the day after my embarrassing attempt at being cute for Vic and two days after the meeting with the Dean. Vic hadn't brought up anything to do with his past and I didn't ask. I know he's struggling so much more than he's letting show.
I also knew that he still was processing the possibility of telling another person. He was used to keeping it suppressed all these years. I didn't want to push Vic into opening up again or telling the authorities what happened, but I knew that the magnitude of what happened to him was too big to keep inside forever.
I knew there was a very strong chance that Coach Briggs was still hurting people.
Vic deserved to get justice for what happened to him. Just because I didn't, it didn't mean that Vic wouldn't. Not trying to downgrade what happened to me but...what happened to Vic was a crime on a whole different magnitude.
I was pulled from my thoughts as Jack's voice filled my ears, feeling him nudge my foot.
"Earth to Kellin!"
I was currently laying on the warm sun soaked grass, my head nestled in Vic's lap as he played with my hair. Even though it was towards the end of November, the sun had been strong the last couple of days, causing some of the snow to melt, leaving little patches of warm grass exposed.
Myself, Vic, Jack, Alex, Jaime, Tony, Oli, and Josh were sitting and hanging out before we had to part ways to get ready for tonight's game.
"Yes Jack?" I answered, lifting my head a bit to meet his eyes.
"I said are you ready for tonight's cheer off?"
Tonight was a pretty big game for our university. We were in the semi-finals; how we did it with Vic missing three games was beyond me. But we were playing Ohio State, our biggest rivals.
Camille made us learn this brand new routine that was extremely intricate. She stressed the importance that we have better cheers than Ohio's cheerleaders. Apparently the cheerleaders were also rivals.
"I mean we're freshman and were put in the back, I don't think anyone will really be paying attention to us." I answered.
Jack's face fell and he rolled his eyes.
"Umm...Kellin? That is NOT the attitude we should be having. We should be wanting to draw attention to ourselves. WE are the stars."
"I'll be paying attention." Vic shrugged, leaning down to kiss my forehead.
"CUTE. Alex? Will you be paying attention to me?" Jack crawled over to Alex and sat in his lap.
Alex laughed and fell backwards a bit from Jack's weight.
"You know I only have eyes for you." Alex cooed.
"Ugh you four are way too adorable for me. I'm going to get another Monster." Jaime teased and walked towards the vending machine on the side of the Arts building.
I tilted my head back and opened my eyes, lifting my arm to shield them from the sun. Vic and suddenly looked down and his eyes met mine.
"What about you? Are you ready for the game tonight? I mean, you guys are the ones actually doing all the hard work." I asked Vic.
It was becoming even more clear just how much of an armor Vic had developed around himself. Not only his heart, but his consciousness after what happened. He clearly had a very strong blockage in his mind to protect himself from the memories.
You would think that even the mention of soccer would cause him to break down, but this wasn't even close to the reality. Vic seemed completely unfazed that he had a soccer game today. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for Vic to have to have such a traumatizing memory attached to something that he used to love so much.
I'm sure his consistent enthusiasm about playing soccer had a lot to do with his dedication to himself and Justin. Vic had promised himself that he would go to the University of Michigan after finding out that Justin hadn't gotten in and disappeared.
Vic wanted to hold onto his friends' memory and the feeling of innocence and he felt when he played soccer. Vic wanted so badly to hold on to that little kid who simply wanted to just play the game.
"Hmm I don't know about that. I for one could never get on the top of a pyramid like you, Kells. Or do a cartwheel like you, Jack." Vic answered, nodding towards the two of us.
"THANK you Vic! See, Vic gets it." Jack exclaimed, moving his hands around to emphasize his point.
"Wait, you can't do a cartwheel?" I smiled, sitting up in Vic's lap.
"Shhh we don't have to get into that." Vic blushed slightly and put one of his fingers gently against my lips.
"No....nope. I'm going to teach you how to do a cartwheel one of these days." I mumbled against Vic's finger.
He gave me his signature huge goofy grin and I couldn't help but feel my heart break for him. I had developed such strong feelings for Vic over the last few months and all I wanted to do was re-pay him for all of his care and support that he gave me.
Vic was sunshine. It was as simple as that. He was simply the light in my life. For so long in our relationship, I felt like the cloud hovering above use. I couldn't get past my trauma and I didn't want to get past my trauma.
But Vic always knew what to do or say to lighten my cloud. To turn it from dark black to light grey, to almost white. I wasn't completely better. I knew that would take time. But Vic helped me get through every single day. Without him, I'd be lost.
So now, to see that sunshine disappear from Vic's eyes broke my heart. To know that he was dealing with one of the absolute worst things that could ever happen to a person, and yet he still made it his priority to try and comfort me, destroyed me.
"Fuentes, Preciado, Perry, Franceschi! Get your asses over here! You were supposed to be in the locker room 10 minutes ago!"
We all whipped their heads around to find a glaring Coach McKinnon standing with his arms crossed.
"Vic! You're never late for practice." I turned to him, swatting him arm playfully.
Vic leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. He carefully shifted me off his lap and set me down in the grass gently.
"I guess I have something more important in my life now." He shrugged, smiling huge before kissing me again and jogging off with his friends.
I watched him in awe until he rounded the corner out of sight. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to have someone like Vic want to be with me. He deserves the world and I can only hope that I can give it to him one day.
"Earth to lover boy! Now we're going to be late!" Jack kept poking me, pulling me from my daydream.
I threw one of my pom poms at him, "Oh shut up, let me be in love!"
The second those words came out, I clamped my hand over my mouth and stared at Jack with wide eyes.
"KELLIN'S IN LOVE! KELLIN'S IN LOVE!" He sprung to his feet and ran over to me, wrapping me up in a huge hug.
"JACK! Shush! I...I haven't told Vic. I haven't even said it out loud until right now. You have to promise not to say anything." I rambled off nervously. I can't believe I said that.
"Why haven't you told Vic yet? He's obviously going to say it back. But I promise I won't say anything. You're my best bud, I got your back."
"I...I don't know why I haven't. I've just... never actually loved someone before and I want to make sure I tell him at the right time." I replied.
Jack nodded and linked arms with me as we started walking to the soccer field.
"I feel you, I do. Alex makes me feel the same way. And usually, I jump from guy to guy...literally. I'm not used to feeling this strongly about someone, but Alex is... special..." Jack rambled off, blushing for the first time in front of me.
I couldn't help but smile.
"Look at us. We have come a long way, haven't we?" I asked.
"That we have Kellin, that we have."
The clock was ticking down as we were nearing the end of the game. The score was extremely close. Every time we would score a goal, the other team would score one too. We were currently tied at 3-3.
Vic had the ball and was dribbling it down the field. He was racing towards the opponents net. No matter how many players tried to steal the ball, nobody could catch him. Vic was on fire tonight. And I couldn't have been more proud of him.
He reached the net, effortlessly dodging a player and kicking the ball toward the goal. The entire crowd went silent as the ball soared through the air. It flew past the goalie and hit the back of the net as the clock ticked down to zero.
I couldn't help myself but run towards Vic as soon as the buzzer went off.
He must've had the same thing on his mind because our eyes instantly locked as he started running towards me.
We met in the center of the soccer field, Vic instantly scooped me up by my waist just like that iconic move in Dirty Dancing.
"That was amazing! You're incredible!" I shouted over the cheering fans. Draping my arms around his neck, pom poms still in hand.
"Oh please, I saw your front handspring during halftime. You're the incredible one."
Vic was smiling so wide. That was my favorite of his smiles. I could melt away right there.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He kept his hands securely on my waist, twirling us around as we kissed. He set me down gently but kept his arms wrapped loosely around me.
"Come home with me for Thanksgiving." Vic said breathlessly, the cold making his cheeks all pink.
"What?" I asked, my heart fluttering in my chest.
"I want you to come home with me for Thanksgiving break. I want you to meet my parents."
"There's nothing I would love more, Vic. Absolutely, yes!" I smiled, leaning in to kiss Vic again.
"I hate to break up the love fest but you have visitors, Fuentes." Coach McKinnon said, pushing through the crowd of students.
"Visitors?" Vic asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah it was my mistake. I completely forgot to mention it at our practices this week. Your old alma mater's eighth grade soccer team reached out to us, asking if it was okay to meet you after tonight's game. You're a living legend over there apparently."
All of the color instantly drained from Vic's face. I felt his grip around my waist tighten as he pulled me against him. His knees started to shake and I instantly grabbed his hand.
"V-Vic? What is it?" I whispered in his ear.
Coach McKinnon stepped to the side, allowing fifteen 14 year old boys to come into view. We watched as they filed in one by one. They all were wearing the same outfit, yellow shorts and jersey with black details.
Except for the last boy. He had the same yellow shorts as the rest of the team, except his jersey was all black with gold details.
I felt Vic tense.
"What is it?" I whispered to Vic again, looking up at him.
His face was hardened. There was no life behind his eyes. I could tell he was clenching his jaw.
"Captain. H-he's the team captain." Vic spoke, barely audible.
My eyes shot towards the boy. He had the exact same hardened look on his face that Vic had right now.
"I had the same jersey."
I squeezed Vic's hand as we continued to watch the scene in front of us. Behind the last boy was Coach Briggs. He stepped into view and I almost threw up. He was smiling. And his gaze zeroed in on Vic.
"Kells, I won't let him touch you." Vic whispered just as the Coach and the last boy approached us.
I instinctively stood closer to Vic, if that was even possible. He was quick to take a small step in front of me, keeping me slightly angled away from Coach Briggs.
"Vic! It's so great to see you!" Coach Briggs spoke, thrusting his hand out for Vic to shake.
"Hi." Vic answered, keeping his hand in mine and his other hand secured on my waist.
I watched Coach Briggs face contort into a frown for a moment before snapping back into a smile. His eyes flicked down, staring at our hands before moving his gaze to mine. A sinister smile appeared on his lips and I felt his eyes boring into mine.
The way he was looking at Vic made me sick. I wanted to fucking kill him right there. He was staring at Vic like he was his property. Like he owned him.
"Who might this be?" He asked Vic, cocking his head towards me.
I felt Vic wrap his arm further around my waist, keeping me close to him.
"This is Kellin. My boyfriend." Vic answered.
Coach Briggs paused an uncomfortably long pause before responding, "How adorable. It's nice to meet you Kellin."
He reached out his hand towards me this time and Vic immediately interrupted.
"What's your name?" Vic asked the boy standing in front of us.
He looked up at Vic with wide eyes. He looked at him like he was a mythical creature. It was only until Vic spoke to the boy directly, did his otherwise emotionless face break into a smile of pure joy.
"I'm Connor. I'm a huge fan. I'm probably your biggest fan. It's an honor meeting you Vic Fuentes." The boy answered, turning slightly red in Vic's presence.
Vic laughed softly, breaking out of his stoic gaze to speak with the young boy.
"Please, call me Vic. And the honor is all mine. It's nice to meet you Connor." Vic reached out and gave Conner a fist bump. I couldn't help but smile as Conner grinned at the spot where Vic's fist hit his.
"You're the first and ONLY Captain of Clairemont High to lead our team to a State Championship title. You're a legend!" Conner rambled off excitedly.
"Mhm yes, Vic was the best our school ever had. However, Conner here might give you a run for your money. He's my star player." Coach Briggs interrupted, walking up behind Conner and placing both his hands on Conner's shoulders.
The color from Conner's face drained instantly, just like Vic's had. He visibly tensed up at the presence of Coach Briggs. I felt an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Vic was quick to step in.
"Well if that's so, he'll need to learn how to do a bicycle kick. Want me to show you how Conner?" Vic asked, motioning for Conner to follow him.
Conner's eyes lit up and he was quick to follow Vic and I towards the soccer goal. Vic demonstrated how to do the intricate kick and then let Conner try.
I grabbed Vic's arm as he ran back towards me, passing the ball to Conner.
I pulled Vic towards me and kissed him gently on the lips, "I'm here for you, Vic. Okay? We'll get through this together."
Vic kissed me back and nodded. His eyes found something behind me and I turned around to follow his gaze.
Coach Briggs was staring at us both with the most hateful look in his eyes. He was no longer smiling. He was frowning and shaking his head, before turning his attention back to a conversation with Coach McKinnon.
Vic's POV
I was the last one in the locker room and was staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I shouldn't have been surprised. I should've seen this coming. I was naive for thinking he would leave me alone forever. I couldn't escape him. I couldn't escape what happened to me.
I was terrified. I was utterly terrified to be anywhere near him. But the second I saw Conner, I wasn't scared anymore. No, I was angry. I was fucking angry. I couldn't let him get away with hurting Conner. I couldn't let him get away with hurting anyone else ever again.
There were so many emotions running through my body. I didn't know what this meant. I didn't know what was going to happen next. All I did know was that I had Kellin. And he was all I needed. I knew I would be okay.
Kellin. Everything will be okay once I see Kellin.
I stuffed my dirty clothes in my gym bag and headed out into the freezing November air. I started heading towards our dorm building where I know Kellin was waiting for me. He said he would let me pick the movie and I was excited to finally show him Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
I rounded the corner and was immediately pulled back out of the lamppost lined walkway with strong force.
"What the fuck!" I screamed out, ready to swing at whoever was coming at me.
My back collided with the brick wall hard, my head flinging back as a hand clamped over my neck. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I felt a cold, sharp object being pressed against my throat.
"Aw fancy meeting you here, Vic."
Coach Briggs.
He had a huge knife pressed against my throat, his other hand cutting off the airways to my lungs.
"I can honestly say I never thought, out of all those boys from your year, that you would be one that I would have a problem with. You were always my favorite. Always so complacent." Coach Briggs growled.
"I was complacent because I was a fucking child. You're a sick, SICK man and you're going to pay for what you've done. I will fucking take you out myself!" I spat in his face.
He was quick to press the knife harder against my throat, causing me to tense up.
He started laughing, "Oh Vic, young and innocent little Vic. You won't kill me."
"I won't stop until you're dead." I growled softly, my voice hoarse from the indentation of the knife.
"No you won't. Because if you say anything to anyone, or try to harm me in anyway...then I'll fucking kill your little whore twink, Kellin." Coach Briggs grinned.
Kellin. I would never live with myself if anything happened to Kellin. My sweet, beautiful, special Kellin. I felt tears prick my eyes, but was quick to narrow them, glaring at him. I wouldn't let him see me cry. Not anymore. I felt myself retreat back into myself. I didn't care about my life. But Kellin? I won't do anything to jeopardize his safety. I will do anything I have to do to keep him safe.
"You w-won't put your fucking hands on him. YOU WON'T GO ANYWHERE NEAR HIM!" I screamed.
Coach Briggs tightened his grip around my throat, staring at me with that same look on his face that he had every time he would hurt me. It was at this moment that all of my confidence was out the window. I was immediately transported back to that day 10 years ago when I was just a scared, little kid.
"Mhm. I won't. As long as you don't tell anyone about what happened between us. If you keep your mouth shut, nothing will happen to him. But if you do, I will find you. I will always find you. And I will always find him. I will take you both and I will tie you up, and I will make you watch while I fucking slit his throat."
Coach Briggs leaned close to me and I shrank into myself. He brought his head close to mine and whispered in my ear.
"I have to say Vic, I'm shocked you landed yourself a piece of ass as nice as his. God, what I would've given to have him back in the day."
I turned my head and spit directly in his face, "Don't fucking talk about him like that!"
Coach Briggs' eyes turned dark as he pulled back and slapped me across my face. He took his knife and pulled it lightly across my throat, leaving behind a small cut.
"Fuck!" I cried out, my hand immediately going to my neck.
The sound of footsteps coming towards us caused Coach Briggs to retreat behind the building, heading towards the parking lot.
"Vic?! Dude! What happened?!" Jaime ran towards me, a look of concern on his face.
"C-Can you just help me get to my dorm? I need to get to Kellin. Please. I need to see Kellin." I stammered out.
"Yeah of course man, but holy shit Vic your neck is bleeding!" Jaime threw my arm around his neck so I could lean my weight against his.
"I....I'll explain when we get there okay?"
Jaime helped me walk to my dorm, stumbling through my door to see a concerned looking Kellin, Alex, Mike, Tony, and Jack staring back at me.
"Vic! Oh my god!" Kellin ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me.
I held him close to me with one arm, the other staying pressed against my neck.
"I'm going to go get a first aid kit!" Jaime announced to the room.
"W-was it?" Kellin asked, tears already in his eyes.
"Y-yes. He didn't....he didn' know...but yeah...I'm just so glad you're safe." I choked out.
"W-who are you two talking about?" Mike spoke up, staring at me with tears in his eyes.
The silence in the room was deafening. Staring back at my little brother, I had never felt more afraid in my entire life. I held onto Kellin with everything I had left in me, not prepared for the conversation that was ahead, but knowing it was time.
I looked into Kellin's diamond blue eyes and knew that whatever came at us from here on out, that he would be by my side for the rest of my life.
Author's Note (please vote!)
Hi everyone! I hope y'all had a good start to the week. I just wanted to thank you all again for reading my stuff. Coming back to this app and diving back into my love for writing has tremendously helped my mental health and given me a creative sense of purpose. It has given me this little community and so much support.
I have never stuck with writing until now so I just want to thank everyone who has commented, read, and voted for my stories. Reading everyone else's fics has also given me a way to escape any anxieties I might be going through for a little while.
I hope y'all enjoyed this one. It's only going to get more intense from here. But I promise I will still sneak some cute Kellic moments in there.
Thanks again, and please stay safe everyone! I hope everyone is doing okay.
-Cassidy :)
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