Chapter 16 - Making Art
I was laying on my bed with my feet pressed up against the wall. I was on my back, my head dangling off the edge of the mattress, causing my view to be upside down. I blinked a few times, focusing on the ground where a huge pile of every piece of clothing I owned was sprawled out.
After the game, Jack and I walked back to our room where he immediately requested that I dump all my clothes onto the floor. Jack was determined to find something for me to wear on my date with Vic tonight. He told me he was going to create a few choices for me to model. I groaned at that part.
"Hey, I don't even know where we are going tonight. What if I should dress fancy?" I asked. I started feeling dizzy from being upside down so I rolled over onto my stomach. Jack sitting in the middle of my clothes pile with a sock on his head came into view.
"Why don't you just text Vic then and ask?" Jack suggested. He continued to rummage through the various pieces of fabric, inspecting each meticulously before either tossing it back into the pile, or laying it out on his bed.
He seemed to be tossing much more back in then taking out. My fashion sense can't be that out of touch. Who was I kidding? I didn't know the first thing when it came to looking hot. Well according to Jack, looking hot was a mindset and that the clothes were merely an accessory to everyone's "inner hotness."
I sat up on my elbows and reached across my bed to retrieve my phone. I took Jack's advice, typing out a quick text to Vic asking what kind of clothing I should wear tonight. Just as I put my phone back down, I felt Jack's hand on my arm, pulling me over to his bed.
"Outfit number one is complete!" He exclaimed proudly, running his hand over the clothes he had laid out on his comforter. Jack quickly scooped them up and shoved them into my hands before turning his back to me.
"Okay go change! I can't wait to see!"
I eyed the outfit suspiciously, one of these items I didn't recognize at all. I pulled on the shirt first which was a simple black and white flannel. Everything seemed good for now. Next was one of the fanciest things I owned. It was a fitted dark burgundy blazer with gold threading. I found it in a vintage store back home and wore it to my graduation. Not bad Jack, not a bad choice. As I started shoving my legs into the pants, something didn't feel right. I shimmied them up my thighs and started to fiddle with the zipper when I realized what I was wearing.
"Oh no! No way Jack! There's no way I'm wearing leather pants. Also, these aren't even mine!"
Jack was quick to spin around, looking at me with wide eyes and a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Hear me out, hear me out! I could never pull them off, seriously. I'm too goofy to look hot in them. But you, you've got this mysterious vibe going on yet you're innocent. So innocent that the sheer idea of you wearing leather pants could never be taken as a joke, it could only be taken as an iconic fashion statement!"
I shot Jack a glare as I turned around to inspect myself in the mirror. I hated admitting it but they didn't look awful, a little ridiculous, but not awful. There was no way I could wear this on a first real date with Vic though, I wasn't confident enough for that. No matter how confident Jack thought I was.
I spun back around, "Wait. Why do you even own these in the first place?"
"I dressed up as Sandy from Grease one year at Halloween."
A thought crossed my mind and I looked at Jack with big eyes, "Jack? Did you ever wash these?"
Jack furrowed his eyebrows as he rubbed his chin, clearly thinking about his answer, "Do you want the real answer or the fake one?"
"Nope. They've never been washed."
"Ew! Oh my god, oh my god Jack! You don't ever wear underwear!" I screamed, not caring how girlish my voice sounded as I ripped the skin-tight pants off my legs. I flung them at Jack's head who dodged them, falling back onto his bed cracking up. He was obviously finding humor in my disgust.
"I can't believe you let me put on leather pants that your bare ass and dick have touched. And you wore them on Halloween? I see what you do on Halloween." I groaned.
"I guess my mind glossed over that little detail. I was too excited to see you rocking that look! Sue me for trying to bring out your inner diva."
I didn't have time to answer because my phone dinged. I walked over and grabbed it from my bed, seeing that Vic had responded.
Vic: "Thank you for reminding me! Wear a bathing suit and a shirt that you don't mind getting dirty. :)"
"Uh Vic just said that I need to wear something that I don't mind getting dirty."
"What?! Let me see that text!" Jack sprung off his bed, lunging forward to grab my phone as he dove on my bed.
Why would I need to wear a bathing suit and something I don't mind getting dirty? What did Vic have planned for us on this date? I was suddenly feeling really nervous. I'm not good with surprises.
"Hmmm interesting. Very very interesting." Jack tapped his chin.
"What do you think we're doing?" I collapsed onto my clothes pile, running my hand over my face.
" time a guy told me to do something similar and we ended up going to a gay bar and I wrestled him in a mud pit."
"What?!" I exclaimed, shooting up from the floor as I started pacing back and forth nervously. There was no way I was going into a mud pit. I've never even seen a mud pit before.
"Don't worry! Vic is a classy guy and this is your first date. I tended to go out with non classy guys during my youth days. That is, until I met Alex." Jack trailed off, his eyes sparkling at the mention of Alex.
"Trust me, whatever Vic is planning is going to be romantic as fuck. He's definitely the romantic type."
I sighed, knowing that Jack was right. Vic cared about me, he made that very clear over the course of us knowing one another. He wouldn't take me somewhere that would make me uncomfortable.
I dropped back to the floor, sifting through the clothes on my hands and knees. I fished out some yellow bathing suit bottoms and threw on a plain black shirt. I grabbed my favorite pair of grey sweatpants and pulled them on. They were extra big and I loved how cozy I felt in them. I threw on my jean jacket, buttoning it all the way up. It was November after all. Just as I was finished fixing my hair in the mirror there was a knock on the door.
"Tell me everything!" Jack grinned, holding up his thumbs encouragingly.
"If there is a mud pit, I'm going to kill you!" I teased, before turning my attention to the door.
When I opened it, Vic was standing there holding a huge bouquet of hydrangeas. They were a mixture of cream and baby pink flowers. They were beautiful. I reached forward to grab them when a sudden jolt of tightness found its way to my chest. Time stopped. There was something about this moment that reminded me of...
No. I wouldn't let that ruin this moment for Vic and I. I was okay. There was nothing similar about the two instances. I noticed that my lips were pressed together hard, I immediately let out a breath collecting myself.
"Kells? Is everything alright?" Vic looked at me with worry. The same look he gave me every time I had a flashback or a panic attack.
"Yes! Of course. Everything is wonderful. These flowers...they're gorgeous." I responded, smiling as I reached forward to take them from his hands.
"I'm glad you like them. I can't believe in the hundreds of hours of texting I never asked you what your favorite flower was. But, my dad would always get hydrangeas for my mom and she loved them so I thought they were a good pick." Vic beamed.
I put the petals up to my nose and inhaled their sweet, powdery scent. Walking back into my room quickly to place them on my bedside table. When I walked back over to Vic I glanced at his outfit for the first time. He too was wearing sweatpants, probably as a way to stay warm until we got to our destination, wherever that was. His hair was perfect like usual, cascading just over his shoulders in chocolate brown waves. He had a black beanie shoved down over his ears. I didn't even notice that he no longer was using crutches.
"Vic! I didn't even realize you aren't using crutches anymore! Oh my god! When did this happen?" I exclaimed.
"Oh! After the game Coach McKinnon had me meet with the physical therapist again, he said my leg healed great. He said it wasn't 100% better, but that it would be good for me to start putting pressure on it, to loosen it up. So I don't have to use the crutches anymore but I have to be careful and not overdo it." He explained.
"Aw I'm going to miss taking care of you. But I'm glad you aren't in pain anymore."
"Yeah I'm honestly going to miss all your texts about keeping my leg elevated." Vic nudged my playfully.
"Anyways, you look great by the way." Vic spoke again, taking my hand in his as we started walking down the hallway.
"Thanks. I wasn't really sure what to wear over my bathing suit."
Vic chuckled, "Yeah, sorry about the ambiguity. I wanted to keep it a surprise. I hope it didn't sound weird when I said to wear a bathing suit."
"A little. I mean, Jack said when a guy told him to wear a bathing suit on a date, they went and wrestled in a mud pit." I looked at him shyly, my cheeks heating up a bit at the thought of doing that with Vic.
"Oh my god what?! I don't even want to know what other types of dates Jack has been on. No, I'd never take you to do that. Unless, you'd want to?" Vic teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
"No way! Plus, that sounds like a terrible idea for someone as clumsy as you." I shoved Vic gently with my other hand, keeping the one in his hand clasped tightly.
"When are the tripping jokes going to be over? I'm just a simple man who was entranced by the beauty that is Kellin Quinn."
"True. My beauty is just too powerful."
"Finally! He gets it!" Vic gushed as he held the door open for me, the freezing evening air hit me in the face like bricks.
"Oh my god it's like the arctic out here!" Vic shivered as he pulled his hood over his head.
I was used to the cold being from Michigan myself, but I knew Vic was from California so he definitely wasn't used to this. I giggled as I watched him shiver before pulling him against me, wrapping my arm around him.
"Come here polar bear." I whispered, holding him close to me as we walked through campus.
Vic glanced at me, peeking out from the side of his hood. Even though it was dark out, I could still see his eyes sparkling under the navy blue sky.
"T-thank you. You'd think by going to school in this state for the past two years, I'd be used to the climate by now." Vic smiled, his teeth chattering a bit.
"I've never been out of Michigan. I've never even been to the beach." I admitted.
"What?! Kells, are you serious? Next time we have a school break, you're coming back to San Diego with me and I am personally taking you to the beach." Vic exclaimed, jumping up and down like an excited puppy.
My heart leapt in my chest at Vic's proposal of taking me with him when he goes home to California. I still couldn't believe someone like him wanted to be around me.
I laughed, "You'll have to teach me how to swim first."
Vic's eyes widened, "You don't know how to swim either?"
I shook my head.
"Geez. I can't believe it. You're in luck then because I am an excellent teacher." Vic beamed, puffing out his chest a bit which only caused me to giggle again.
"Then it's a deal."
Vic grinned at me, wrapping his arm around me this time as we approached the Art building.
"What're we doing at the art building?" I asked, following Vic inside.
The instant warmth from the heaters surrounded me immediately. Mine and Vic's frostbitten cheeks were red from the sudden change in temperature. Our feet clacked against the shiny marble floor as the door swung shut behind us, pulling out the icy wind.
"This is where we're having our date, silly." Vic pulled me down through the corridor. Colors of every shade whizzed by my eyes as we passed the numerous paintings and sculptures that lined the hallway. We went up the elevator to the top floor of the building and entered the first door on the left.
Vic pulled me into the room, his face was exuding so much joy as he flicked the lights on. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. All of the easels and chairs had been pushed out of the way. In the center was a giant blow up slip-and-slide that stretched almost the entire length of the room.
"I'm confused." I smiled at Vic who was quick to take my hand and bring me over to the center of the room.
"I know it looks weird but, my art professor had us do this really cool assignment on motion. I asked her if I could use the equipment before she packed it up." Vic chuckled at my confused face as he continued to explain what was going on.
"Okay so see the slip-and-slide, right? We're going to roll this white saran wrap type of parchment out onto the slide. Then, we're going to pick out paint colors and paint them all over our bodies. THEN, we're going to run and slide down the slip-and-slide, creating art with our bodies motions." Vic exclaimed, looking at me with big excited eyes.
I returned the smile as my eyes gazed across the paint cans, every color and shade you could think of was splayed out on the professor's desk. I couldn't believe that Vic took all this time to create this date for me.
"Now I understand the whole bathing suit thing. Vic, this is incredible." I beamed at him as he started slipping off his sweatshirt and sweatpants.
"I'm happy that you like it. I was a little nervous that it would be too weird." Vic stripped down to his red bathing suit shorts that hit at his thighs. I blushed at how attractive he was, his legs were so toned and muscular. I was going to look like a pigeon in comparison.
"Absolutely not. It's perfect. I've never done anything like this in my life." I copied his actions, taking off my jacket and sweatpants too, leaving me in my yellow bathing suit.
Vic's eyes flicked down and up quickly, "I like your suit. Yellow is cute on you."
"It's a happy color. I-I like yours too." I blushed as Vic stripped his shirt off before pulling on a white t-shirt. He pulled a matching shirt from a bag on the floor and handed it to me.
"Here, put this on. I thought it would be fun for us to wear white shirts so we could get them all painty and colorful too." Vic said before turning his back to me so I could get changed.
I put the white shirt on and tapped him on the shoulder, signaling that he could turn around again. When he did, he caught my hand in his and walked us over to the table with all the paint on it.
"One final touch." Vic reached over to a pair of wireless speakers, clicking them on and letting angsty Knuckle Puck fill the room.
My eyes wandered across all the different paint colors before settling on a warm peach color. I grabbed a paintbrush and swirled it around the thick paint. I watched Vic who dipped his paintbrush in an electric green shade. I waited for him to make the first move, our eyes locked with one another's. Vic pulled his brush from the paint, moving it up and down his arm in wide strokes.
I giggled and pulled my brush from the peach paint, swiping it down my thigh as I shuddered from its cold temperature. I dipped a second in a bucket of sky blue paint, spreading it all over my arms as I watched Vic cover his legs in hot pink.
I had an idea so I grabbed a smaller paintbrush and dipped it into a can of yellow paint. I reached forward and swiped it across Vic's cheek who stayed completely still, letting me paint on him.
I smiled, moving the paintbrush up his nose before switching to a brush covered in red paint. I put my other hand on the side of his head, steadying him as I painted a heart on his other cheek.
Vic stayed still but I saw his hand moving out of the corner of my eye. I felt coldness on my cheek as Vic started swirling lavender paint on my skin.
"What're you painting on me?" I giggled, glancing up at Vic whose eyes looked incredibly focused.
"A flower. But nothing could ever come close to your beauty."
"Oh that was cheesy as hell." I laughed, swiping some dark green paint on my other leg.
"Yeah? You like that?" Vic smiled, pulling back to admire his artwork.
"I'm a sucker for it." I shrugged, keeping my eyes on his when an idea flashed through my head. I lifted my arm up and dunked my entire hand into the fuchsia paint bucket. Vic's eyes widened as he watched me pull my hand from the paint, completely covered up to my wrist in pink.
I reached forward slowly and pressed my hand against Vic's chest, right where his heart was. I heard Vic intake a breath as I pushed with a little more pressure. I could feel his heart beating rapidly as I kept my hand against his pectoral. After a few moments I pulled back, leaving my handprint on Vic's white t-shirt.
Vic looked down, pulling his shirt outwards a bit so he could get a better look at it.
"Well now you need one too." Vic grinned as he dunked his hand into the canary yellow paint, pressing his palm against my heart.
"And I think your shirt could use a little orange." I grabbed a brush and flicked my wrist, causing the paint to splatter across Vic's torso.
He looked at me with a devilish smirk before grabbing a brush dipped in red and flicked it at me. Some of the paint accidentally went across my face, leaving little flecks across my lips and nose. I looked at Vic with wide eyes before we both bursted out in laughter. We continued splattering each other with different hues until our entire bodies were covered in a rainbow painted mess.
One final touch, I thought to myself before dunking my hands back in the pink paint. I spun around, hands held up to show Vic what was about to happen. He just giggled at me and stood still, letting me press my hands delicately on his skin. One near his collarbone and the other on the side of his neck. He watched me with mesmerized eyes, I didn't notice he had dipped his hands in the green paint until it was too late. Vic swiftly scooped me up and flung me over his shoulder carefully. His hands making their way up my legs as he positioned me, no doubt leaving green handprints all on my skin.
"Vic what're you doing?!" I giggled, squirming around on his shoulder.
"Making art." Vic said nonchalantly as he carried me over to the end of the slip-n-slide. He placed me down gently.
"Would you like to go first?" He asked, gesturing towards the slide. I looked at it in fear. I was a little scared. I hadn't used one of these since I was a little kid.
"Mmmm how about you go first and show me how it's done? Then you can catch me on the way down."
"Deal." Vic stepped back and took a small running start, but because of his leg it was more of a stumble. Vic threw himself onto the blow up slide, twisting and turning with ease as his body slid down the white canvas. As he went, the paint colors from his skin transferred onto the paper, creating pretty swirls, thick skid-like shapes, and one big blob of rainbow where his belly flopped onto the slide.
Vic came to a stop at the end of the slide where he bounced safely off the high rubber edges. He positioned himself in the middle, thrusting his arms out wide and smiling at me.
"Vic that was sick! Look at all the shapes your body made!" I beamed, still entranced by how beautiful the canvas was already looking.
"Yeah now get your butt down here and join me! I got you." Vic grinned, keeping his arms out.
I sighed to myself and took a few steps back, copying Vic's movements as I ran forward and leaped onto the slide. I couldn't stop laughing the entire ride down. I rolled all over the place, before crashing into Vic who steadied himself and caught me. I was out of breath from the adrenaline rush as I looked back at the canvas I had just slid down. Vic and mine's motions blended together in a way I couldn't describe. It was enchanting.
"You looked very graceful coming down that slide." Vic grinned, looking at me. I realized that he was still holding on to me. His arm was hooked around my back and I was practically in his lap.
"I probably looked like a flailing chicken or something." I blushed.
"The cutest flailing chicken." Vic moved some of my hair out of my eyes, his thumb stained with paint no doubt leaving a yellow streak across my cheek.
I could've sworn Vic was going to kiss me but he didn't. Because the moment after he brushed the hair from my face, he set me on the slide gently.
"Want to go again?" He asked, holding his hand out for me. I snapped out of my daze, nodding my head as I crawled over to the edge. I grabbed on Vic's strong hand as he pulled me up over the side of the slide.
We went down the slip-and-slide a couple more times, trying to outperform the other with how cool our sliding moves were. I was nervous about Vic's leg and didn't want him to overdo it so I let him win a couple times. I don't think he noticed.
Once our canvas was completely filled up with color, and the paint on our bodies was all dry, Vic led me to back out into the hallway. We walked hand in hand until he came to a stop in front of a huge bay window. There was a window seat underneath it covered in pillows, and a spread of different desserts in the middle.
"Vic! You did all of this?" My eyes scanned over the display of cupcakes, mini cheesecakes, brownies, until falling on cannoli's, my new favorite.
"Yeah and everything is vegan too! I remembered you telling me you wanted to try being vegan, so I found this completely vegan bakery the next town over." Vic spoke softly, walking me over to the window seat.
I took my place across from him, looking up at him in awe.
"I can't believe you went to all the trouble for me." I reached forward, picking up the delicate pastry before biting into its crunchy and buttery shell. Oh my god it was incredible.
"You deserve it. Always." Vic picked up a small plate holding a piece of cake.
"Plus, the bakery even had vegan tres leches. It's what my dad always makes for Mike and I on our birthdays."
"I've never tried it."
Vic scooped some onto a spoon and held it out for me. I leaned forward, putting my mouth on the spoon and eating the cake. It was delicious. It was light and airy, spongey, and very sweet.
"Wow. I can't believe I've never tried it before. That was amazing, I could eat the whole thing." I giggled.
"Well when you come visit me in San Diego, I'll teach you how to make it." Vic smiled at me.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw something white flicker past the window. Snow. It was snowing. Hard. Fluffy snowflakes were cascading across the glass, swirling down and down until it touched the ground.
"Vic! It's the first snowfall of the season! It's good luck!" I screamed in delight, reaching forward to pull the window up letting the cold air creep in.
"Kells what're you doing?! It's freezing out!" Vic laughed at my excitement, leaning back to look at me.
I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him over the set-up of desserts until he was pressed up against me on my side of the bench. I pulled him down next to me where I already had my head stuck out the window.
"Vic you have to smell the snow! It smells like Christmas. It's so fresh and beautiful and crisp. Smell the snow!"
Vic chuckled, "Okay okay I'll smell the damn snow."
Vic stuck his head out of the window next to mine. He was so close to me, I could smell his shampoo. We both breathed in and out in sync, smelling the cold snowy air. It was quiet for a few moments.
When we both finally pulled back, I looked at Vic with the biggest smile on my face, "Wasn't that breathtaking? God, I love the snow so much. Everything becomes still when it snows. Everything becomes peaceful. The world sparkles in pure white and silver. Anything seems possible when it snows. Even magic!"
Vic was staring at me with this look on his face. I couldn't place it. But before I started rambling again about how much I loved snow, Vic cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.
His lips moved against mine slowly but passionately. He held me close to him and kissed me as the wintery air danced around us, only causing us to pull each other closer.
__Author's Note (please vote if you're enjoying!)__
WOW this chapter was the longest I've ever written I think! Phew. I don't know what happened, but I just had so much I wanted to write when it came to their first date. I hope you enjoyed it!
What was your favorite part?
The next chapter is going to include SLEDDING :)))))
Hope everyone is hanging in there.
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