Chapter 15 - Top of the Pyramid
It was Friday afternoon, the day of the big game and the day of Vic and mine's date. When I woke up this morning I had a bunch of texts from Vic. He apologized for being so distant yesterday but kept the discussion of his solitude short. He sent me a couple of photos of him documenting his morning.
One of his "Nurse Kellin Regime" as he called it. The photo showed his bedside table with all of the things I bought him: heating pad, ice pack, and a spare pillow. Another photo depicted him giving me a thumbs up in Mike's bathroom, getting ready to take a shower. The third photo showed him dressed for the day, backpack slung over his shoulder as he shot the camera a huge smile.
I giggled at them all, saving them to my phone so I could look at them again whenever I was having a bad day. I returned the gesture and sent Vic my own photos, sharing my day.
A photo of me pouting in class as I pretended to look bored; a photo of me and Jack who scooted into the frame at the last second in the dining hall, and lastly a photo of me shirtless about to shower for the game tonight. Two could play at the cheeky game.
I had both hands pressed against the cold tiles as I let the water run down my body. My mind wandered to yesterday and how strange Vic had acted. You wouldn't know it though by the way he was acting today. Maybe I was overreacting about all of this. Even Alex didn't make a big deal about it and he had been Vic's roommate for the last three years.
I rinsed the shampoo from my hair and turned off the shower. I shook my head back and forth, letting the water droplets drip onto the ground. I rubbed my fluffy yellow towel into my hair first, moving it down my body before wrapping it around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and back to my dorm, hearing loud music pounding from inside. When I got inside I found Jack already dressed in his cheerleading skirt, dancing around on his bed playing air guitar. We caught each other's eyes and I just gave him a nod, chuckling to myself. Jack always blasts his "hype up music" as he calls it, to get himself ready for a game.
I pulled my cheerleading uniform out of my dresser, slipping the tight tank top over my head. I shimmied into the shorts and buttoned them in the front.
"Oh by the way, Ashley dropped off these new sneakers for all of us. We raised a lot of money at the last bake sale apparently." Jack yelled at me over the music, motioning towards a white shoebox on my bed.
I lifted the lid of the shoebox and looked down at the sneakers inside. Oh boy. They were white with a green stripe down the sides, and had huge green and white pom poms stuck on the toes. I grimaced at the sight of them but reluctantly pulled them onto my feet. Hey, I was already wearing these ridiculously tiny shorts, I might as well go along with the whole getup.
I grabbed my phone and checked the time, we had about twenty minutes until we had to be at the soccer field. I grinned when I saw Vic's name flash across my screen. I realized that I sent him that shirtless photo before I went into the shower and hadn't said anything else.
Vic: "You're going to make me drop these coffees with how stunning you look."
Coffees? I thought to myself. My question was answered when I heard a knock at the door. Opening it I was met with Vic who was holding two large iced coffees.
"Three sugars and a splash of almond milk, right? I hope it's right." He smiled as he handed me one.
I nodded and took a sip of the refreshing liquid, feeling a rush of caffeine jolt through my body. I bit down on the straw as I tried to hide the huge smile that was forming on my face. I turned my attention to Vic who was looking drool worthy as usual in his soccer uniform. He shifted his weight a little as he put his right hand back onto the crutch handle.
"It's perfect. How did you know my order?" I looked down at the cup and noticed it said "Kellin" with a small heart next to it in Vic's sloppy handwriting.
"Oh! I saw Jack on campus and asked him. And yeah, then I wrote your name on it so I wouldn't get it confused with mine." He gestured towards my name on the cup when he saw me looking at it.
I glanced behind my shoulder at Jack who was wrapped up in his air guitar playing. I stepped out into the hallway a bit, shutting the door behind me.
"A-are you okay?" I whispered.
Something dashed across Vic's eyes so quickly but a look of confusion replaced it. He took a sip of his coffee before responding. I watched him as he clutched the cup, making a small crunch sound.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"I know it's hard to talk about...feelings and stuff...but I just want you to know that you can always come to me." I offered.
Vic gave me a small smile, "Thank you Kells, really. I'm fine though, I just had one of those days you know? School can be overwhelming and I was looking forward to playing in this big game tonight."
I looked down at my feet and took another sip on my coffee, feeling suddenly guilty for Vic's leg being hurt.
"But honestly? Seeing you in that uniform for the first time was worth every single missed game and injured body part." Vic's voice pulled me from my thoughts.
When I looked back up at him he was grinning, his eyes were warm and glowing with happiness.
I giggled, "Well now you get the first ever glimpse at these new shoes Ashley is making us all wear." I thrust my foot up at him, wiggling it around to show off the ridiculous pom poms.
"Oh my god why're you so fucking adorable?" Vic breathed deeply, chuckling.
"Whoa! Language!" I put my heart to my chest in a dramatic fashion.
Vic steadied himself on one of his crutches as he snaked his free arm around my waist, inching me closer to him. His second crutch crashed to the ground but he didn't seem to care.
His eyes darted across mine, "God these crutches are really impeding my ability to hold you properly."
I looked back up at him, our chests so close to one another's I was sure he could feel my heart pounding. An idea popped in my head as I slipped out of his grasp to grab the crutch from the ground. I handed it back to him as he looked at me confused. I wrapped my own arms around Vic's waist, stepping towards him to close the gap between us. I squeezed his hips, letting my hands roam underneath his loose soccer jersey. I rubbed my thumbs along his skin, feeling the curve of his torso. Vic bit his lip and kept his eyes on mine.
"Now who said I couldn't hold you." I whispered.
Vic moved his head so our foreheads were touching. He looked at me with curiosity and amazement as he smiled, leaning forward as our lips inched closer together.
Suddenly the door flung open and I stumbled backwards. But Vic was quick to grab my waist and pull my back up before I brought us both crashing to the ground. I spun around and glared at a very energetic looking Jack.
"Ooops did I just interrupt something?" Jack giggled.
"Yes!" Vic and I both grumbled at the same time.
"I hate to be that guy but we have like, four minutes to get over to the soccer field or else Ashley is going to make us run laps after the game. And your boy is not about physical activity unless it involves a cute skirt." Jack brushed past us before tossing me my set of glittery pom poms.
Vic glared at Jack and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him getting so bent out of shape about our kiss being interrupted.
"Don't worry, I'll give you a raincheck for that kiss."
"Will you now?"
I nodded, "If you're good."
A warm darkness flashed across Vic's eyes as he smiled, motioning towards the hallway, "Well...after you."
"Oh so you can check out my ass?" I nudged him playfully as I strutted past him.
"You know me too well, Quinn."
Vic and I fell into step next to each other, catching up to Jack who was sitting on the front steps of the dorm building. The three of us walked to the soccer field as the sun was starting to set behind the trees. Since it was November, it became dark very quickly, casting a twinkling glow of violet and navy blue across campus.
The fluorescent stadium lights came into view, giving off an eerie feeling. I breathed in and out, watching my breath swirl around like smoke against the chilled air. I always got extremely nervous before cheerleading. This was only our second game and last time Vic sprained his ankle. Even though my chest was tight with nerves, I knew that once I took the field and started the combinations, I would feel a lot better.
Jack was right, I hated admitting it but he was. Yes the outfits were a little much, but the team was really supportive. During those few hours I lost myself in the routines; it was so therapeutic to move my body and be a part of something. I forgot about all the anxieties, stress, and fear I felt during a normal day and just let myself go.
We walked through the players' entrance, stopping in the doorway as Jack skipped ahead of us. Vic turned to face me and took both of my hands in his.
"You're going to be incredible. I know how hard you've been practicing and I can't wait to see you on top of that pyramid." Vic grinned.
"Yeah, I'm still shocked they chose me to be on top over Jack. What if I fall?"
"You won't. They chose you because you have better balance and composure. Plus, don't tell Alex, but you're way prettier." Vic winked.
I laughed softly and looked back at Vic. He leaned forward and lightly placed a kiss on my nose. I could smell the combination of his cologne and shampoo, a woody and sweet mix of sandalwood and grapefruit.
The sound of rowdy guys erupted around us. The team tumbled out from the locker rooms that were next to the entrance we were standing in. Panic suddenly rose up and infiltrated my body. I stared at the sea of bodies rushing by, my eyes darting across the crowd as I looked for that...disgusting head of hair. I didn't see him at all during the first game, but I was so nervous about my first cheerleading performance that I didn't notice.
After what happened last weekend, I was on a higher alert. At that moment I didn't think I could go through with it. My head swirled and felt a million times heavier. My knees wobbled and my legs felt like jelly. I had to get out of there.
Vic followed my gaze and must've picked up who I was looking for because I suddenly felt his hands on my shoulders.
"Hey, hey Kells. Look at me." Vic's voice snapped me from my thoughts as my eyes locked with his.
I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't find the words. Instead, I sucked in a deep breath too fast and started wheezing in panic.
"Okay Kells, look at me. I'm going to start breathing and I want you to try your best to follow along. Alright?" Vic started breathing in and out deeply, keeping his eyes on mine.
I bit down on my lip so hard, no doubt drawing blood as I licked away the metallic substance. I concentrated hard on Vic's mouth, watching him take deep breaths in, holding it for a few seconds, before letting it out. I nodded and started copying his breathing, focusing on Vic's eyes the entire time.
After a few minutes I felt my breathing steadying out again. I took one last deep breath before stopping, wiping the few tears that escaped my eyes. I was about to speak when Jaime popped out of the locker room.
"Oh hey guys. Kellin, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to let you know that, you know who, won't be at the game tonight." Jaime spoke.
"What do you mean?" Vic asked when a few seconds went by and he realized that I wasn't going to answer.
"Let's just say... that I had a little chat with him and told him not to show up."
"And he listened?" Vic's voice got deeper with anger the more he was talked about.
"He had a front row seat to the gun show. And no one can say no to these babies." Jaime flexed his arm muscles and grinned proudly.
"Thank you, Jaime. Seriously." I finally spoke up.
"Yeah, thanks bro. I owe you one." Vic gave Jaime a fist bump.
"Don't worry about it. That third string, fucking scumbag twerp deserves everything coming to him." Jaime seethed.
I couldn't help but let a smile form on my lips at the sight of Vic and Jaime getting so worked up. Vic has protected me since day one and no one in my entire life has ever cared that much. Even Jaime, someone I barely know is going out of his way to make me feel safe. Is this what it's like to have true friends? Something I never knew back home.
"Do you feel okay to perform?" Vic asked quietly,
"Y-yeah I feel better now. Thank you. Especially for helping me get down from that panic know." I trailed off, rubbing the back of my neck.
Vic simply nodded and interlaced his fingers with mine. We walked hand in hand through the entrance of the stadium until Vic and I had to go our separate ways. The team sat directly in the center of the home team sidelines, whereas the cheerleaders performed slightly to the left. There were a bunch of benches and coaches that separated us. I could still see Vic from where I was but he was too far away to talk to. The bleachers on both sides of the field were completely packed with students as cheers erupted in the stadium.
I joined my place next to Jack who tossed a sweater at my face.
"What's this?" I yelled over the noise.
"New sweaters from the bake sale money. It's freezing out here!" Jack answered.
I quickly pulled the chunky cable knit sweater over my head, shoving my arms through. I sighed from the instant warmth it gave and looked down, inspecting it. The entire sweater was cream, but about three inches around the wrists and neckline, were our schools' deep green color. "Michigan University" was embroidered huge across the chest in green with black outlines.
I tilted my head back and noticed that on the back, embroidered in cursive, was my last name. Quinn. I smiled, wrapping my arms around my body and giving myself a small squeeze. I didn't think that a school sweater like this would cause me to be so emotional, but it did. I was a part of this team. I was a part of this university. I mattered. And I wasn't going to let anyone take that away from me.
As the game went on, we went through our routine of cheers and dance moves. I was doing a pretty good job and received a bunch of thumbs up from the captains. Whenever I would look over in Vic's direction he was always looking at me. I don't think he switched to watching the game at all. Not even once.
We were currently winning and the crowd was going wild. Because of this, Ashley instructed that we perform our big new move, the pyramid. Since we were nearing halftime, it was the perfect opportunity to keep the crowd engaged and hyped. I looked over at Vic, nerves shaking throughout my body. But Vic just smiled at me, his eyes shining as he nodded encouragingly. I watched him mouth "you can do it" before Ashley was pulling me away, forcing me to take my eyes off Vic.
We started the cheer which consisted of Jack, Austin, and a few of the older cheerleaders performing a bunch of front handsprings and backflips. This was to distract the crowd while the rest of us started building the base of the pyramid. Once the base was finished, the cheerleaders started climbing on top of each other. There were a lot of people on the squad so the pyramid was pretty high.
I stood behind everyone starting up at the growing pyramid. I gulped and looked back at Austin and Jack nervously. They were the ones who helped lift me up so I could climb to the very top. They both shot me encouraging looks and locked their hands together for me to step on. I pulled myself onto the backs of two cheerleaders, my knees wobbling. I took a deep breath and sat up on my knees, my arms and pom poms thrusting outwards as I smiled.
The crowd and team erupted in applause, making me realize that I had my eyes closed the whole time. I shot them open and looked out at the bleachers just in time for us to complete our cheer. The announcer called for halftime, causing many of the students to trickle down the steps to the concession stand. This allowed us to break down our pyramid without ruining "the illusion" as Ashley called it.
I plopped down on the bench in exhaustion, grabbing my water bottle. I tilted my head back and swallowed the cold liquid, wiping the sweat from my forward with the back of my hand. How I could be sweating in 40 weather was beyond me.
I looked longingly at Vic, wishing I could go talk to him. I knew that Coach McKinnon was very strict with his players and didn't want them talking to students during a game. Plus, the team was getting up to file back into the locker rooms to strategize for the second half of the game anyways.
I watched Vic stand up on his crutches as he walked forward, starting to fall into step with the team when a man approached him. The man was older, really tall and was wearing a baseball hat. Vic's face fell and he turned pale. I watched him as he looked down at the ground. Even from this distance I could tell that he was clenching his jaw.
Suddenly Mike brushed past me on the other side of the fence and I grabbed his arm, pulling him back.
"Mike? Who's that talking to Vic?" I asked.
Mike followed my gaze and I watched his face light up.
"Oh that's Coach Briggs! He was Vic's soccer coach all through middle school and then again during varsity in high school. He was basically his mentor."
"Why is he here then?"
"I don't know. He probably didn't know Vic was injured and wanted to come watch him play. I'm going to say hi." Mike shrugged and headed off towards them.
I watched as Mike approached Vic and this coach person. Mike gave the man a high five and they both started chatting away like old friends. Vic's facial expression didn't change the entire time. He was expressionless.
After a few minutes Vic grabbed Mike's arm and started pulling him away. Vic said something to the man as they brushed past him. Mike waved back at him as they turned, leaving the man staring in their direction before walking the other way. Vic dropped Mike off at the concession stand as he slipped into the locker room.
The entire exchange was awkward from start to finish. Vic looked...indifferent when talking to his old coach, but Mike made it seem like he was great.
The crowd started cheering again as I turned my attention towards the locker rooms. The team was filtering back out onto the field now to start the second half of the game. Vic walked right over to me on his crutches, his face held no sign of distress whatsoever. He was smiling ear to ear.
"Kells! You killed it on that pyramid! You are the star of the entire squad!" Vic beamed.
"Oh my god, my legs were trembling the entire time! I thought I was going to puke."
"But you didn't! I knew you could do it."
I shook my head a little, "You have more faith in me than myself."
Vic furrowed his eyebrows, "You can do absolutely anything, Kells. You shine out there. You just shine everyday. You could be sitting on the toilet and you'd shine."
I burst out in a giggle, "You really have such a way with words, Fuentes."
"So um, how was it seeing your old coach again?" I asked, Vic's eyes held confusion.
"Mike told me." I added.
"Ah. It was fine. It was a waste of his time since I can't play." Vic shrugged, his eyes looking over my shoulder.
"Vic! Get over here! The game's about to start!" Coach McKinnon boomed from the sidelines.
"I better go. I'll pick you up at your room at 7:30? That'll give us both some time to shower and get changed after the game." Vic smiled and started hobbling back towards his teammates.
"7:30 sounds wonderful." I called out to him.
I spun around, facing the field as Jack and Austin sprinted over to me.
"Dude, the crowd loved you up on that pyramid!" Jack high fived me.
"Yeah! They went absolutely wild!" Austin chimed in, patting me on the back.
I glanced over at Vic who was smiling right at me like everything was normal. One look at his adorable face made me melt, forgetting every concern I previously had. Butterflies filled my stomach as I suddenly realized the one thing I had overlooked about this date.
"Jack! I have no idea what to wear tonight on my date with Vic!" I exclaimed.
Jack turned to me and grinned, rubbing his hands together. "FASHION SHOW AFTER THE GAME!"
__Author's Note_
Please vote!!
What was your favorite part of this chapter?
What do you think of Vic's old coach?
Are you excited about Kellin and Vic's date?
Also, I re-listened to Sleeping With Sirens cover of F**K You for the first time in forever and omg it's so good
-Cassidy :)
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