Chapter 13 - Green Juice
I laid vertically on top of the soccer bleachers, my face buried in my sweatshirt that I had propped up under my head.
"Coffee delivery!" Jack chirped from above me.
I audibly groaned, lifting my arm up as I started swatting around at him.
"Come on Kellin, drink it. It'll make you feel better." Jack urged again.
I gave in and turned my face to the side, my head still resting on the bleachers as I looked up at a smiling Jack. He was holding an extra large iced coffee cup and wearing our cheerleading uniform. Except he somehow must've gotten one of the girls to swap bottoms with him because he was now wearing a skirt.
Jack thrusted the coffee towards me and I couldn't help but to admit how good it looked. It was the perfect ratio of iced coffee to almond milk, a deliciously refreshing deep caramel color with just the right amount of ice. Light ice.
I stayed laying down as I brought the cup towards me, biting down and bending the straw towards me as I took a long sip.
I was insanely hungover and exhausted. After Vic left this morning, I skipped all my classes to try and get some sleep. It didn't work. I cried the entire day.
I was emotionally and physically drained. My eyes had long dried up, and were now all bloodshot, splotchy, and glazed over. My lips were cracked and torn, I probably should be drinking water instead of coffee.
My mind had become clearer. I calmed down from being intoxicated as the events of the party swirling back into crisp view. I stayed in my bed all day going over each and every detail. I couldn't believe how drunk I let myself get.
I was honestly terrified to go out onto the campus. He could be anywhere at any time. Any turn I take, or building I enter, or bathroom I go into, he could be there. Waiting for me. Waiting to look at me. Waiting to talk to me. Waiting to touch me. And this fear is what kept me up all day, fading in and out of sobbing to staring blankly at my ceiling.
Whenever my brain, or Jack, or even Vic, would tell me that I would be okay, I wanted so badly to believe it. Part of me did believe it. Especially when it was coming from Vic. But then, some other minuscule memory from that night would find its way into my consciousness and all the progress would be gone.
Speaking of Vic, he texted me a couple of times during the day to make sure I was alright. I told him that I needed to stay in bed and rest from everything that happened the night before, and he understood. He sent Mike to mine and Jack's room around lunch time to drop off some food for me.
Jack would come check on me in between classes, which prompted him to end up dragging me to practice. He said that fresh air and social interaction would be a good distraction to take my mind off of yesterday. He said that normalcy might help bring back a sense of routine and comfort. He wasn't entirely wrong. The brisk autumn air did feel good against my cheeks and this iced coffee was for sure cheering me up.
I pulled myself up from my lying position, sitting on the bleacher instead. I lifted the hood on Vic's tie dye hoodie as I put on my head, tightening the strings to cocoon my face in the soft fabric.
I refused to take it off the entire day. It still smells just like Vic; sandalwood and chocolate. It was a security blanket, I knew that, but that still didn't stop me from keeping it with me wherever I went.
Jack had to practically pry it off my body when he dragged me to the showers, forcing me to clean myself. Apparently I smelled like "booze, barf, and tears," according to him.
That didn't stop me from immediately putting the hoodie back on after the shower. I knew I probably should wash it soon, I wonder if Vic would wash it for me using his detergent. Is that weird? Oh well if it is.
I continued sipping on the iced coffee as my friends came into view. Oli and Jenna shuffled up the bleachers before taking their spots beside Jack and I. Jenna tackled me in a hug, nearly knocking me over.
"Kellin! My god you look awful." Jenna exclaimed jokingly.
Jack shot me a sympathetic look, he knew that I hadn't told either Oli or Jenna about what happened to me. We talked about it after Vic left this morning and I explained that I wanted to wait to tell them. Telling just Jack was already exhausting enough, and I wanted to keep it between us. He agreed instantly.
"Great observational skills, I'm hungover." I rolled my eyes, forcing a grin. I wasn't going to hold Jenna's words against her, she didn't know the full story.
"Ooop I didn't know Sassy Kellin was going to be making an appearance." She replied, leaning back on her elbows.
"You should've told me you were hungover, you know I have an herbal remedy for that." Oli chimed in.
"Oli, no one wants your nasty green juice." Jack nudged him, laughing.
"Yeah, well you're going to wish you had some of my "nasty green juice" when you realize all that coffee is going to do is make you crash." Oli said with snark, nodding at the half empty cup in my hand.
"You're all talking way too loud." I snapped, rubbing my temples.
"Oli's just really passionate about green juice." Jenna chimed in, picking her nails and not making eye contact.
"Make jokes now." Oli responded, his eyes suddenly shifting at something behind Jack.
I followed his gaze across the bleachers to a guy sitting at the very top, smoking a cigarette. The guy had short, light brown hair that was tousled all which way. As if he could tell we were staring, the guy looked right at Oli. I could now tell that his eyes were set farther apart than most, giving him a really innocent look.
"Whose that?" I turned, asking Oli.
" one." Oli replied quickly, putting his head down.
"It doesn't seem like no one. He's staring right at you." I continued.
Jack whipped his head around to look at the mystery guy, then back at Oli, a huge grin breaking out across his face.
"Is that Josh?!" Jack exclaimed, shooting up in his seat bouncing around like a little puppy.
"Whose Josh?" I said, extremely confused.
"Just a mate in my Intro to Biology class..." Oli muttered.
"Okay but why does he look like an upperclassman?" I asked.
"It's because he is, he's on the Lacrosse team. He failed Bio last year but he needs to pass in order to play, hence why he's in my class." Oli answered, practically in a mumble.
"You seem to know an awful lot about someone who's 'just a mate in your Bio class'." I smiled, nudging Oli again until he looked up at us.
"That's because Josh is Oli's boyfriend." Jenna piped up.
My eyes widened as I slapped his arm, "Oli! What! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"There's nothing to tell. He's not my boyfriend, I've only ever spoken three words to him." Oli looked down at his lap.
"Well, that's a start. What did you say to him?" I asked curiously.
"Here's your pen." Oli whispered.
"Huh?" I asked, not hearing him.
"Here's your bloody pen! That's all I said to him. I'm a moron." Oli humphed in frustration as he pulled his legs up to his knees.
"Well there's your chance, he's sitting right there all alone. Go talk to him." Jack encouraged.
"What's the point in that? He won't be into me." Oli scoffed.
I stood up abruptly and faced Oli, putting both of my hands on his shoulders as I looked right at him.
"Oli, listen to me. You always encouraged me whenever I had doubts about Vic liking me. And look what happened? Vic does like me. So now I'm going to do the same for you. You're a great guy and this Josh person would be nuts if he didn't like you too. So go over there and introduce yourself!" I exclaimed.
"Wait Vic likes you?!" Jenna asked, popping her head up to smile at me.
"What? Oh yeah, he does. He told me yesterday." I said, shaking Jenna off with a wave of my hand. This wasn't my time to gush over Vic, we could do that later. This was Oli's moment to go and talk to Josh.
I turned back to Oli, "What do you say?"
"Fine. I'll do it. On one condition." Oli answered, reaching into his backpack.
I crossed my arms and pushed my hair out of my eyes, "And what's that?"
Oli fished around in his bag before pulling out a small glass mason jar filled with green liquid. He thrusted it out towards me, popping the cap off.
"You have to drink this green juice! Trust me, you'll feel so much better. I knew I always kept a bottle or two on me, just in case." Oli smiled, sticking his tongue out at Jack.
I took the glass in my hand and sniffed it suspiciously. It smelled like literal grass.
"Uh...what exactly is it?" I asked, continuing to inspect the green liquid.
"Oh stop being so dramatic. It's just wheatgrass, kale, pineapple, and lemon. It's better if you just drink it in one go, eh?" Oli rolled his eyes.
I tossed back the green liquid and pursed my lips at how bitter it tasted.
"How do you even make this on campus?" I asked, smacking my lips together.
Oli shrugged, "I buy the ingredients at the store and one of the cooks at the dining hall let's me use her juicer. Now are we going to continue talking about my attempt at being healthy, or are we going to watch me go ask Josh out on a date?"
We all shooed Oli away, pushing him towards the steps. I watched him as he walked down the side of the field, making his way to the end of the bleachers where Josh sat. I held my breath as Oli climbed up the stairs, all the way to the very top, before stopping directly in front of Josh.
We were too far away to make out any of the words they were saying, but I noticed Josh smile, standing up immediately when Oli started talking to him. I watched Josh take out his phone and hand it to Oli, who started typing away on it.
After a few minutes Oli turned around and started walking back towards us. He looked over his shoulder at Josh before facing us again, holding two thumbs up against his chest. I had never seen Oli look so happy.
"So? How did it go?" Jack asked, already jumping up and down.
"I asked him on a date and he said yes." Oli mumbled, hiding a smile.
"Ahhhh Oli! What did I tell ya! That's so exciting!" I grinned, giving him a high five.
"Yeah yeah yeah, you were right Kellin, thanks." Oli nodded, returning the high five.
Suddenly Camille's voice filled the entire field as she called out to the team, informing us that practice was starting. I took Vic's hoodie off reluctantly, as I had my cheerleading uniform on underneath, and knew Camille would be pissed if I didn't wear it.
I folded it neatly and handed it to Oli. I bent down so we were at eye level.
"Guard this with your life, ok?" I asked, shooting him a serious look.
Oli answered with a salute as Jack dragged me onto the field. I kept my eyes open for Vic, scanning across the field where the soccer team was also practicing. I finally saw Vic as he shuffled slowly towards the bench on his crutches.
Even though he was injured he was the team captain, and was still expected to attend practice. This was great for me because the cheerleading squad practiced at the same time as the soccer team, which meant I could still see him.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I quickly turned around so Camille wouldn't see me. I clicked my phone on, seeing that Vic had texted me.
Vic: "You look so cute with those pom poms."
I blushed and rolled my eyes, glancing down at the huge fluffy and glitter pom poms in my hand. I looked across the field and saw Vic smiling at me before he gave me a little wave. I started typing out a text and hit send, watching his reaction.
Me: "You better watch your eyes over there, I wouldn't want you to break your other leg"
I watched Vic look down as he laughed to himself, firing back his response.
Vic: "No promises. I'll probably break all my bones by the end of this practice if you keep looking downright adorable over there."
Me: "It's a good thing you have me then, I am an expert nurse."
"Kellin! Put that phone away!" Camille shouted at me, pulling me from my screen.
I looked over at Vic who was just beaming at me with that signature Vic smile, shaking his head slightly. I shoved my phone into my pocket as I smiled back at him, sighing as I turned my attention from Vic, to Camille.
Practice went by unbearably slow. Jack was chosen to be a flyer which meant we had to help lift him up so he could do tricks in the air. It was kind of scary at first but once we practiced it a couple times, the team was doing pretty well. Jack was having the time of his life.
I trudged over to Oli and Jenna, retrieving Vic's hoodie as I chugged some water. Jack and I said our goodbyes, before making lunch plans with them tomorrow, so we could all hear about Oli's date. The field was a ghost town as the sun began to set. The soccer team finished before we did so I wasn't able to say bye to Vic.
We both headed back to our dorm and I used the walk to check my phone. I had two text's from Vic which he sent during the practice.
Vic: "I don't know what I'd do without you and your healthcare skills :)"
Vic: "Also, how're you feeling today?"
A tiny smile formed on my lips but was quickly replaced by a thin line. How was I feeling? Okay I'd say. Better than I did earlier. I didn't think about those things when I was with my friends or during practice. Granted, I was distracted so maybe it was just a fluke. I had a feeling that once I got into bed and didn't have anything to hold my attention, I'd spiral again.
I felt sick, a lump in the pit of my stomach as I thought ahead to that feeling. I didn't want to feel that way. Maybe Jack would stay up with me and watch movies all night. Yeah, that would help.
I bit my lip as I typed back a response to Vic.
Me: "I'm feeling a little better. Getting out to practice, seeing my friends, and you, definitely helped distract me."
I answered honestly.
Jack and I made it back just as it turned dark outside. Jack took no time in stripping out of his cheerleading uniform, replacing it with a bright pink bathrobe. That's what I loved about Jack, he did the smallest things that always brought a smile or laugh to my face. I knew he wasn't even trying to brighten anyone's day, that was just Jack.
"You know you look fabulous in that robe." I complimented him.
Jack turned towards me, pretending to fan himself dramatically, "Why thank you Kellin! I FEEL fabulous in it. Do you want to know my plan?"
"What's your plan?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
"Well, since you asked, I'm going to time it perfectly to when I know Alex will be walking past the first floor bathrooms. You see, he always visits the vending machine's for a pre-homework snack around this time. I'm going to walk by casually and his jaw will drop at the sight of me, all showered, and fabulous." Jack rattled off.
"Aren't you and Alex basically boyfriends though?" I laughed.
"Not technically. He hasn't popped the question yet. But you know he won't be able to resist once he sees me in this robe." Jack grinned.
"You know, YOU could ask him to be your boyfriend." I replied.
"Kellin! You should know better than to suggest that. You know that I am not a forward boy." Jack answered with a pretend shock in his voice.
"You're right! Shame on me!" I continued laughing as I shoved Jack out into the hallway.
Just as I opened the door, two guys rolled past me fighting. They were arguing over what I think was a video game. Both guys went into the room next to ours and continued yelling at each other.
I rolled my eyes, "Are they serious right now?"
"You better go tell Mike. He'll tell them to shut the hell up." Jack answered, waving at me as he headed towards the bathrooms.
I sighed as I started walking down the hallway to Mike's room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. Suddenly, the door swung open and my jaw hit the floor.
It wasn't Mike standing in front of me.
It was Vic.
Wearing nothing but a dark blue towel slung loosely, very loosely, that I could see the indents of his waist.
Little water droplets fell from his dampened brown locks, cascading down his extremely toned chest and abs.
"You know, it's rude to stare." Vic smirked, breaking the silence.
"V-Vic! Hi, what're you doing here?" I stammered, my cheeks turning a bright shade of red as I tore my eyes from Vic's body.
"Since Mike is a Resident Advisor, he has his own bathroom. I've been showering in here since I broke my leg. The shower is bigger so I have a lot more room to get my crutches in than one of the stalls." Vic answered, smiling as he clearly was enjoying my embarrassment.
"Oh r-right. Well uh.. You where's Mike? The guys in the room next to mine are fighting and they're being really loud." I stuttered, biting my lip and fidgeting in place.
Vic giggled and shouted for Mike over his shoulder who quickly appeared in the doorway.
"Kellin says there's two boys fighting in the room next to his." Vic explained.
"Ah! Duty calls!" Mike said, looking from me to Vic then back to me, grinning as he took off down the hall.
"Anyways, I better get going." I said quickly, turning to leave and try to recover from my awkwardness.
"Wait, Kells." Vic said, reaching out to grab my hand.
I turned back to face him and couldn't hide my blushing cheeks any longer. Vic was just too damn hot.
He leaned in towards me and spoke, his voice a little huskier than before, "I'm really glad you're doing a little better today."
"Me too...seeing you always makes me feel better." I whispered.
I'm going to see if Jack can stay up with me tonight and watch movies until I fall asleep. To distract me." I added.
Vic nodded and smiled, "I wish I could stay up with you but I have a big test tomorrow at 7 AM. I'll text you until I fall asleep though?"
"Texting you is my second favorite part of any day." I answered.
"Oh yeah? What's the first?" Vic questioned.
"Seeing you." I nodded nonchalantly, even though my stomach had butterflies erupting in it.
A spark danced across Vic's eyes as he slowly brought his hand up to my cheek, tracing down the side of my face.
"I see you're still wearing my sweatshirt. Have I told you how adorable it is?" Vic whispered.
I stayed silent, just enjoying being in Vic's presence.
"I really don't want to go but I'm starting to get really cold in just this towel." Vic whispered, sighing in the process.
"Oh! Right right, duh. Of course. I should probably make sure Mike didn't get thrown into that fight too. I'll talk to you later?" I said, backing away a bit.
"Wouldn't miss it. Oh and we're still on for our date right? It's Wednesday now, so I was thinking we could go on Friday after the game. I'm still getting things prepared." Vic nodded.
"Getting things prepared? I feel so special. But yeah, that sounds perfect." I replied.
Vic smiled in response, and just as I was almost at the end of the hallway, I spun around and called out to him, "Oh also! You have a really cute butt!"
"Hey! I knew you were checking me out!" Vic yelled out in response.
I locked eyes with him as I winked, not caring how much of a tomato my face probably looked like right now. Vic playfully stuck his tongue out at me before I turned the corner and headed back to my dorm.
I collapsed on my bed, running my thumb across the bracelet Vic made for me.
I'd be alright.
___A/N: PLS vote!___
A super cute wholesome chapter after the emotional last few
What was your favorite part?
Also has anyone else ever listened to nothing,nowhere? They deserve so much more recognition. I recommend starting with their "one take" playlist on their youtube channel.
-Cassidy :)
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