Chapter 2
Friendship is a strange thing.
The cat whom you share it with seems obliged to be nice to you. However, most times Honeykit still can't believe it when Cloudykit even talks to her.
Sometimes, Honeykit wonders if friendship stems from love.
Something which Honeykit craved oh, so greatly.
Now, splayed comfortably beside her crouching sister and a yawning Dapplekit, they watched Fogkit fawn adoringly over Stonekit.
"Ugh." Cloudykit narrows her eyes, "I can't believe I used to be like that. Was I like that?"
Honeykit was quick to defend her sister, "Nah, Clo, you were never like that!"
Her sister had never been that quick to stand up for her, but that didn't matter.
Beside them, the younger calico blinked uncertainly, "There's nothing wrong with liking Stonekit."
Her counterparts exchanged a glance before choosing to continue with their washing.
It was a peaceful day, and Honeykit was beginning to realise how much of a good life she had. A few days ago, Beestripe had brought back a sparrow to teach the kits how to pluck all the arrows off. A delicate process that was immediately rewarded with the warm, fresh meat beneath. Not many warrior in the clan bothered to catch anything but birds. Everything else was too much of an effort to Skyclan cats.
The best hunter, Lilypad, could easily bring home anything.
It felt weird for Honeykit to refer to Skyclan as that. It had never really felt like home until Clo became her friend. Maybe this feeling of home also stemmed from love. Skyclan had never really given her any love.
It had just been the place she was born in, and most likely would serve the rest of her life in. Before, she couldn't wait to get out. Honeykit believed heavily that there were better cats in the world who could love her like no other could.
Love was so important in life, yet so hard to find.
But, now that she knew she had a sister who cared, her strength had resolved. Soon, she would make sure that Stonekit loved her too.
Everyone will love me.
In the afternoon, Skyclan was aroused by an unexpected visitor. This visitor was brought in as no more than a prisoner. Her fur shone and bounced whenever she moved, though her figure itself was horribly thin.
Everything about this cat was found strange to the clan. But what really made everyone gasp was the collar that was tightened around her neck.
Hawkstar wasted no time, "Why would you bring a Kittypet here?"
The unfortunate victim of his fury was Fallenleaf, who had brought in the strange she-cat.
"I told you not to," hissed Lilypad, who was embarrassed that she had also been on his patrol, "now look what you've done."
Mistysky, Fallenleaf's mate and Lilypad's best friend, watched warily from afar, seeming to decide mentally not to interfere. Many warriors had other ideas. Lavenderheart wrapped her tail around her expanding stomach as her mate, Harewhisker, stood up menacingly.
Raintrickle drawed, "Fallenleaf should be punished for making SUCH a foolish decision."
Leafhover purred in agreement, her eyes sparkling at this new-found drama.
Hawkstar raised a paw, "Silence! Let this new cat explain herself."
As the newcomer stepped forward, Honeykit expected her to stink of the Twolegs that sometimes caused trouble. However, there was barely any scent left on her, as if it had all been washed off.
The well-groomed she-cat spoke, "I am Cream, a rogue. I've heard of you clans a lot!"
Lilypad narrowed her eyes, "Why have you come? No. Why are you intruding?"
Cream blinked patiently as she explained, "I found a kit. Poor little kitty was about to die when I found him. Now that he's a little bit stronger, I decided I couldn't take care of him myself. You see, I had no milk!"
Beestripe was suddenly beside Honeykit, who nearly fell over, "A kit? Well why didn't you say so?"
Leafhover glared daggers at her daughter, "It doesn't make any difference."
Honeykit squinted at the newcomer and was surprised at the sack of bones and fur that hid behind her legs. That was a kit? She wetted her paw and drew it over her face, feeling immensely sorry for the tiny kit.
Hawkstar shook his head, "I can't say no to a kit in need. Warrior Code."
Raintrickle screwed up her nose, "Doesn't mean we can't say no to a rogue! She's not even his mother!"
Cream's entire posture sagged, seeming utterly and completely defeated. All the gloss of her fur was gone, all the self-righteous talk was replaced with a sad, murmuring mutter that droned, "Oh, alright. The kit just grew on me, that's all."
This change in the atmosphere unsettled each and every cat around her, managing to give them all immediately different perspectives all over again. Honeykit noticed that even Cloudykit emanated an immediate feeling of pity and guilt. Such few words had such a plentiful effect.
Leafhover put a paw to her heart, crooning, "Aw, that kit is your's by right."
Raintrickle seemed to forget what he had just claimed, "Yes, your's by right."
Beestripe purred, "You can stay if you want. It'll be for the kit's good!"
Honeykit gaped. How had this 'Cream' cat come to make every single cat in the clan love her? Witchcraft. And, honestly?
She admired it.
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