4th year: Cassia Potter
Hey guys, it's Cassia again! Twin sister of Harry Potter, also known as one of the Children Who Lived. My full name is Cassia Helena Potter, but everyone just calls me either Cassia, Cassi, or Cass. Harry does call me "baby sis", and sometimes "little sis", even though he's only 15 seconds older than me. Other times, it's just "sis".
I am currently 14. Mine and Harry's birthday is July 31st, and on the zodiac calendar, that makes us each a leo. It also means that our birthstone is a ruby. Kind of apropos, because we are proud members of Gryffindor House, and Gryffindor colors are red and gold. That and their symbol is the lion.
As far as personality goes, I'm usually a sweet person. Okay, more like a sweet & spicy person, since I can be very feisty and sassy at times, and I have a sarcastic streak. Not to brag, but I also have a pretty good sense of humor. Maybe not as good as the Weasley Twins, but I'm up there. I'm a Gryffindor, through and through- courageous, never afraid of a challenge, willing to fight for what I believe is right, and undyingly loyal. I would take a Killing Curse for my loved ones, and that includes my amazing twin brother, Harry, whom I'm proud to call my "better half" even though he says I'm the better half.
Our parents are -- unfortunately -- deceased. They were killed by Voldemort not too long after Harry and I were born. And it's all that filthy rat Peter Pettigrew's fault! If he hadn't handed us over to Voldemort, our parents would be alive! The closest thing Harry and I have to an actual family (besides each other) is our godfather, Sirius Black. Everyone thinks he's the reason our parents are dead because he allegedly revealed our location to Voldemort, but it was actually his friend Peter Pettigrew, who is a rat Animagus and had been posing as Percy Weasley's pet rat, Scabbers, who was then passed down to Ron. Harry lives with our rotten Muggle relatives, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, and they absolutely despise him. I, on the other hand, live with Ted and Andromeda Tonks, and their daughter/my adoptive sister Nymphadora. She hates her full name, so I just call her "Dora".
Blood Status:
Because my mother was Muggle-born and my father was a Pureblood, that makes Harry and I Half-bloods. Although, to be honest, I could care less about blood status. That's not important to me, or to Harry.
I am in Gryffindor House!
Last year, I started to fall in love with one of my close friends, Cedric Diggory. And little did I know that he was feeling the same way. Not too long after school let out for the summer, Cedric took me out to this breakfast place not too far from my house, and then he asked me out.
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are my BFFs. And so is Harry. Sounds kind of weird, but Harry and I have been through thick and thin these past few years and we'll always have each other's backs.
I get along really well with my Quidditch teammates, and most of my house. My only enemies at school, I would say, are the Slytherins. Especially -- ugh! -- Malfoy! Since day 1 of our first year at Hogwarts, he has gone out of his way to make mine and Harry's lives miserable. But I usually give him a taste of his own medicine.
My wand is 11 inches long and carved out of cedar wood, with a hybrid core of phoenix tears and phoenix feathers. Ollivander had told me that my wand's hybrid core is very rare, but powerful nonetheless.
Special Powers/Abilities:
My former DADA professor, Remus Lupin, taught Harry and I how to perform the Patronus Charm last year so we could better defend ourselves against Dementors. Harry's Patronus is a stag, and mine is a doe.
In second year, during the whole Chamber of Secrets fiasco, I discovered that I have elemental magic- I have the ability to manipulate fire. And in addition to that, I am capable of Legilimency to a slight degree, in that I can sense Harry's pain or if he is in trouble, and I can also sense when enemies are nearby.
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