Fairy Tail
Here we are!" Natsu said as he stood in front of a large pagoda like building.
After running away before the army showed up and getting Lucy's stuff, they have arrived at their destination the next day.
Magnolia and the Fairy Tail guild hall.
Right now they were all in front of the entrance with Lucy staring in wonder and Roxas just simple curiosity.
They had also changed clothing with Lucy wearing her usual outfit and Roxas ditching the Organization coat, wearing nothing but a simple black shirt, pants, and shoes underneath.
Now that he has officially left the Organization, he no longer needed that coat unless he needed it with anything dealing with darkness, or the weather.
He hoped to maybe to get some new clothes after finding out how much a munny was worth in jewels.
Still that could wait till after he met with Xion.
He tried to pry Natsu for information about her, but didn't get much.
Five days ago she crashed straight through the guild hall and landed face first into the floor, spranging her left hand. According to Natsu it should of healed up by now, so Roxas wasn't too worried about it. After that and Xion impressing him with something that he said was better to see for himself, he challenged Xion to a fight.
Roxas then slammed Oblivion over his head for suggesting such a thing at her condition at the time and after everything that happened to her before hand.
Evidently Xion had done the same thing, only with her Kingdom Key.
Xion did agree to fight, but after he got back.
Natsu then demanded Roxas to fight him after Xion.
Seeing that he needed to work on his skills with his new earth magic, he accepted his offer much to Natsu's delight.
He then tried to ask Happy to describe in detail why he was terrified of Xion. The cat tried to, but it was incomprehensible to tell what he was saying. Literally as the words seemed to distort when he tried to speak. About halfway through he gave up and said that her presence just terrified her.
Maybe the trip affected her presence so much that it scared animals on instinct. Xion would not like that at all.
Still he couldn't believe it, after traversing through space and Hargeon he will finally be with Xion once again.
Natsu was about to kick the door when a Corridor of Darkness opened up in front of it and something tackled the pinkete out of the way.
"Roxas!" The blur cried out as it tackled into Roxas and sent him to the ground, shocking Lucy and terrifying Happy. "I'm so glade that your alright." The blur said as it squeezed him hard enough to break his ribs.
Roxas got a good look at who tackled him and he could only smile despite the pain.
"I'm alright Xion, but can please let me go. You are crushing my ribs." Roxas groaned out.
"Sorry Roxas, I'm still getting used to my new strength" Xion apologized as she separated herself from him. Roxas took a second to compose himself as he suddenly felt better and looked to see that there was a green glow coming from Xion's hand.
"Thanks Xion." Roxas said before looking her over. "I take it that you were affected by the void as well?"
"Yes, but these changes where brought on by whatever you did to save me. Still what do you think Roxas?" Xion asked a little shyly.
She was wearing a gray sleeveless zip-up shirt with chords similar to the Organization coat and a hood, a white skirt, black shorts, black knee height heeled boots, and a necklace with a blue seashell attached by a chord. It was a look that he honestly said that suited Xion. But what truly caught his attention was how Xion had changed. She was slightly taller now, her hair was tipped white, her fingers ended with small claws, and if what he saw in her smile was of any indication her canines were now small fangs.
It seemed that whatever he to save Xion not only brought her back, but had altered her physically a little bit.
But he didn't care about that at all.
She was still his best friend no matter what.
"I think you look fantastic just the way you are Xion." Roxas said, causing her to smile.
"Thank you Roxas, I was worried how you'd react." Xion sighed out, her claws retracting into her fingers.
"Xion I'd be worried if you were either crystallized or a giant suit of armor again." Roxas said, getting her to nod.
"Good point, still it is good to see you again Roxas." Xion said with a smile before hugging him.
"You as well." Roxas mirroring her actions, surprising a wince. Whatever happened to her increased her strength to such a point that the pain was almost as bad as Aqua's death grip hug. Hopefully she can get it under control or she might try to accidentally kill him once again.
"So this was the friend that you where looking for Roxas?" Lucy asked, causing them to separate from their hug. Xion looked between the two before glaring at Lucy, or more specifically her chest.
"She is." Roxas said, before seeing and Xion was doing and was instantly confused. "Xion what are you doing?"
"Nothing that you would understand." Xion sighed out a little crestfallenly before facing him. "Do you mind introducing me to her."
"Certainly, Xion this is Lucy. I met her in Hargeon and helped her out a bit. She came with me because she wishes to join Fairy Tail." Roxas said getting her to nod.
"Then it is nice to meet you Lucy." Xion said with a smile.
"Same here Xion." Lucy said.
"Hey Xion, I brought you back Roxas like you asked." Natsu said, getting her to smile.
"I had hoped that you would, so thank you Natsu." Xion said before facing Happy. "Hey-"
"Stay away from me scary lady!" He screamed out before hiding behind Natsu's legs, shaking like a leaf.
"He really is scared of you." Roxas said, getting Xion to sigh.
"I know, I still can't figure out why he is scared of me." Xion said. "Hopefully he will get over it soon."
"Happy knock it off." Natsu said before facing Xion. "Anyway now that I've brought Roxas back and your hand looks healed up now, can we please fight now."
"Alright, but in a little bit. We have to introduce Roxas and Lucy to the guild first." She said, getting Natsu to nod.
"I can deal with that." Natsu said excitedly before facing the two in question. "Are you guys ready?"
"Yes!" Lucy said excitedly while Roxas just nodded, curious about the people who looked after Xion these past few days.
"Well then." Natsu said before facing the front door and kicked it open. "Welcome To Fairy Tail!"
(Fairy Tail guildhall)
"We're back!" Natsu and Happy chorused together as they entered into the guild, the latter of whom sprouted his wing and flew as far away from Xion as he could.
"Welcome back!"
"What's up!"
Lucy and Roxas could only stare in awe at this place. For Lucy, she was finally in the place of her dreams. For Roxas it was he had never seen so many people together at all, Bora's party non withstanding. He could sense each and every one of their hearts, about a hundred in total and over a third of them stronger then most people he ever met. Some of them even outclassed Sora in strength if he had to reach a comparison.
He was broken from his thoughts when Xion grabbed his wrist.
"Xion what are you doing?" He asked.
"There are some people that I would like to introduce to you Roxas. Although some of them are away on missions now, I'd still like for you to meet the ones who are here. But we have to hurry." Xion said.
"Why?" Roxas asked, curious about who these people were. Xion must've gotten along with them quite well if she was willing to introduce him to them. Though he was curious about why she was rushing it though.
"If what I heard and seen is true then I better show you to them before Natsu starts something and things get crazy." She said, pulling Roxas. Before he could ask, he saw Natsu kicked a buck toothed Fairy Tail member out of his seat and into a table, destroying it. "Never mind."
"Why?!" Lucy cried out in shock.
"That info about the Salamander was a lie, wasn't it?" Natsu demanded.
"How was I supposed to know! It was just a rumor that have been going around for a while." The member snapped back at him.
"What did you say!" Natsu snapped back.
"Do you want to go!" The member said, aiming a fist at Natsu's face.
He never stood a chance as the man was sent flying into several more tables by Natsu. The pinkette rushed after him, sending furniture and guild members flying in his wake. Then the entire guild seemed to erupt in a massive brawl.
"Is this common here?" Roxas asked Xion, causing her to sigh.
"It is, there is a least one per day. But something like this usually only occurs when Natsu is here according to Markarov." Xion sighed out.
"Markarov?" Roxas questioned as the two ducked an incoming chair.
"He is the guild master of Fairy Tail. He should be down sooner or later to stop this brawl. Anyway there some people that I would like you to meet. Hopefully they aren't in this brawl already." Xion said with a deadpan as they saw Happy got thrown into by somebody.
"Do you mind if I come along?" Lucy questioned as she was looking in awe at the brawl going on around her.
"I don't see any reason not too." Xion said as she dragged Roxas along as he just continued to study the place around him.
"So Natsu's back then." A muscular young man with spiky black hair and dark blue eyes said. He was wearing nothing much in the way of clothes except foe a pair of black boxers with a silver line on the side, bandages covering his lower torso and upper legs, and a sword shaped necklace with a stone set in the middle. He had the Fairy Tail emblem on his right pectoral muscle and it was dark blue. "We're going to finish what we started, Natsu!"
"Gray." Xion said, causing him to shudder as he turned to face with a look of pure horror on his face, much to Roxas's and Lucy's surprise. "You are missing your clothes again. Do you want a repeat of last time." She threatened while summoning her Kingdom Key and lighting the tip a flame.
"Of course not! I'll go look for them now!" A panicking Gray said as he bolted away from them, causing Xion to dispel her Keyblade.
"Good." Was all she said.
"Wasn't that a bit much Xion?" Roxas questioned.
"Not really, from what I can gather Gray has always had a habit of unknowingly stripping his clothes." Xion said.
"Wait Gray, as in Gray Fullbuster?" Lucy asked, getting Xion to nod. "Now I know why he seemed familiar."
"You know about him Lucy?" Roxas asked.
"Not much, but he is a mage from Fairy Tail about as famous as Natsu." Lucy said before facing Xion. "Why does he seem to be afraid of you."
"It was because of an incident when I first entered Fairy Tail." Xion said before explaining what happened.
Five days ago, Fairy Tail was still very much like it was now. In the middle of a massive guild wide brawl.
Which promptly came to an end when someone came crashing threw the roof, screaming all the way down before embedding themselves into the floor.
All activity stopped as they surrounded the prone form of Xion who could only groan as she clutched her left hand in pain.
"Great I must've sprained it upon landing." Xion groaned out as she looked around with her vision was kind of hazy due to the landing.
"Are you alright?" Someone questioned.
It took a minute for Xion's vision to clear and once it did, she wished that she hadn't.
In front of her was Gray looking down at her concernedly, only that he was completely naked.
So Xion acted as one normally does in this kind of situation.
"Pervert!" She screamed out as she summoned her Keyblade and sent a massive fireball at Gray's crotch.
Gray's screams echoed throughout Magnolia that day along with Natsu's laughter.
(Flashback end)
"After that he managed to put the fire out, but he now has to wear bandages for a few weeks while the burns heal. Thankfully I'm told that they won't scar, but I threaten to do it to him again whenever he strips around me. Other then that we get along pretty well." Xion explained, shocking Lucy and getting Roxas to nod.
"He kind of deserved it." The Nobody said simply.
"Wait, you fell from the sky!" Lucy said shocked. "How did you end up there!?"
"It's quite the interesting story." Someone said from not that far from them.
All three of them turned to see a voluptuous woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a blue bikini top, metal bands on her arms and biceps, capari pants, and a pair of high heeled sandals. She had the Fairy Tail emblem on the left side of her stomach and it was black.
"I know it is Cana, but you know I was going to tell everyone once I found Roxas and here he is." Xion said while gesturing to him.
"I see." Cana said looking Roxas up with your smirk. "He certainly matches up with what you said. Hopefully he has class unlike every other man here." She said before drinking alcohol from a large barrel, shocking Lucy.
Roxas blinked once he realized something.
"You told them our past?" Roxas whispered to Xion.
"Not voluntary, Cana invited me for a drink at the bar the night I arrived. One sip and I spilled everything." Xion said, looking embarrassed.
"Then who else knows?" Roxas questioned.
"Besides Cana, Mira and Markarov overheard us. So no one else as far as I know." She said, getting Roxas to nod. "But we need to tell those that we are close to the truth."
"Why, I thought that we weren't supposed to reveal to people about anything dealing with other worlds." Roxas said.
"I know, but we have to Roxas. We literally can't leave this world." Xion said, shocking him. "I've tried to do so with the Corridor of Darkness, but I've hit a barrier of some kind. I can still use it to teleport within the world, but nowhere else. So we are stuck on this world with no where else to go. I already promised Markarov that I would come clean whenever someone would have brought you here Roxas. I've already made some friends here and I would hate to have to lie to them. The same issue nearly tore out friendship apart almost as much as Xemnas's manipulations. So I do not want to repeat the same actions all over again." Xion said somberly.
Roxas was in shock.
They were trapped on this world with no known way of getting out. Honestly it didn't sound so bad as long as he was with Xion here. He just wished that could have left to tell Lea about this world and go and help Terra, Aqua, and Ven. Maybe there was a way to communicate with them, but for now he could only hope that they were all right.
Hopefully the Organization wouldn't be able to enter this world with whatever was keeping them out, otherwise they will would be trapped here.
Not unless they had Fairy Tail to help them out.
Thinking it over the guild seemed an amazing place and these people were strong and kind if what he sensed and Xion was saying was of indication.
Besides Xion had made some friends here and he didn't want a repeat of what happened to him, Xion, and Lea to happen again. So he would go along with what Xion was planning, but there were a few things that he would have to talk about with her about what he experienced without anyone else around.
"Alright I'll be there when you wish to tell what happened, but there is a few things I would like to talk with you alone." Roxas said with a smile, getting her to nod and smile in turn.
Xion would have said something, but Roxas saw someone flying toward Lucy and pushed her down just before someone crashed into were she was standing.
"Thanks Roxas." Lucy said.
"No problem." The Nobody replied as the two got up.
"Are you alright Wan?" Xion asked as she helped the man up, getting a nod in return. He nodded in return. "Good. Roxas meet Wan Chanzi, one of the friends I've made these past few day."
"Nice to meet you." Roxas said, while extending a hand with Wan doing so in return. "He seems like the silent type."
"He is, according to the rest of his team he only talks about an hour per year." Xion said, shocking both Roxas and Lucy.
"Really!" She exclaimed.
"Really, although I can't really vouch for him on that. Most of his team is out on a mission in Magnolia. Yet Mickey is here isn't she?" Xion asked Wan, getting him to nod and point right beside them.
"I'm right here!" Somebody said for the crowd as two member go flying into the air.
The speaker soon revealed herself to be a young woman with brown eyes and long brown hair. She was wearing a striped dress, long striped gloves with another smaller, lighter colo pair over them, and what appeared to be horns adorning her hair.
"Now Who was talking about me!" The woman asked before setting her eyes on Xion and Roxas. "Oh it was Xion, I take it that this is Roxas."
"That's right. Anyway Mickey where is Pii-Chan?" Xion questioned.
"He flew up to the rafters once you showed up." The now named Mickey said while jabbing her thumb upwards, pointing at a small blue bird with a top hat shaking like a leaf at the sight of Xion.
"Of course he is." Xion sighed out.
"Wait a minute. A woman with horns and blue bird, you must be the 'Demon Princess' Mickey Chickentiger, leader of Team Young Mega-Death." Lucy said excitedly.
"That would be me!" Mickey said pridefully.
"I take it that she famous similar to Natsu and Gray?" Roxas asked.
"She is but on a lesser scale. Mickey is nickednamed the Demon Princess for her ferocity in battle and for leading the team that causes the least amount of trouble in Fairy Tail. Though I have to ask, why did you pick the name for your team?" Lucy asked.
"I was a kid when I picked it, but it just stuck with us overtime so we kept it." Mickey said with a shrug. "So I take it that you wish to join Fairy Tail?"
"Yes." Lucy said nervously.
"Well I'm sure that you'll do fine, just if you have any hopes of normalcy in this guil give them up now while you're a head." She said, shocking Lucy. "As for Roxas, I'll save Xion the hassle the trouble of introducing the others and gather them for you alright?"
"Sounds far." Roxas said with a nod.
"Okay then, but first Wan cover me. I'm going back in!" Mickey said with a bloodthirsty grin as she lept back into the fray, with Wan following behind his leader shortly afterwards.
"There isn't a single normal guild member here, is there?" Lucy questioned Xion.
"I'm afraid so, but that what makes this place so interesting." Xion said with a smile, causing Lucy to sigh.
"I can see your point." Lucy sighed out.
"Xion is right, it wouldn't be manly for anyone to sit around and do nothing." Someone said behind them.
Turning around Roxas saw a man possible taller than Lexeaus with slightly tanned skin, white hair, blue eyes, and a scar running down his face from the corner of his right eye. He was wearing a black jacket with white kanji on the back, black pants, and wooden sandals.
"I'm surprised that you haven't joined in yet Elfman." Xion said, getting Elfman to nod.
"I heard that Roxas had arrived and I wanted to see if he was as manly as you described." Elfman said while looking the blonde haired Nobody over. "Frankly I've yet to see if he lives up to it."
"Don't worry he'll be fighting Natsu after I do later today, he can proof his worth as a man there." Xion said.
"Very well then, I'll will trust your word then Xion. Until then I will finish this brawl like a real man!" Elfman exclaimed, before being sent flying from both Natsu and Gray.
"Honestly I should have expected that." Lucy said in a dead pan.
Roxas could only nod at that, before blinking once he sensed something wrong with Elfman's heart.
While it felt stronger then most here, part of it felt in what he could only describe as locked. In fact there was another with the same kind of heart, much stronger then anyone else's here except for Natsu's and who he had to guess to be Markarov's.
"You sensed it too?" Xion questioned him.
"I do, do you know why part of their is locked?" Roxas questioned.
"It is not my place to tell, just let Elfman and Mira tell you when your ready." Xion explained.
"My, how noisy it is." A man with spiky orange hair and hazel eyes said. He was wearing a green coat with white fur along the hood, black pants, an orange shirt, brown shoes, two studs and an earring on his left ear, and azure lensed sunglasses. He had a woman snuggling into him on each arm. But the most unusual thing about him was his heart.
It felt like Aquarius's heart only stronger. This man wasn't human.
The man in question was hit in the face by a mug and soon separated himself from the women.
"I'm going to mix it up, just for you all." He said to the women before joining the fray.
"Good luck!" They exclaimed lovestruck.
"Okay He is off my list." Lucy said, crossing of the man's picture in a magazine with a marker, causing Roxas to blink once again.
"Where did you get those and who is that guy?" The Nobody asked.
"From my suitcase." Lucy said as she put them away. "As for him, that was Loke. He is considered the best mage you want to have as your boyfriend by magazines everywhere." She finished with a huff.
"It is true he tried to flirt with me once, but once I showed him my Keyblade he ran off in a panic faster then anyone else I've seen." Xion said.
"I see that we have some newcomers here." Someone from behind Lucy. Turning to see the source, Roxas was sure that if he had a heart that it would have been beating uncontrollably by now.
In front of him stood stood a beautiful woman with long white hair with a small ponytail above her forehead and blue eyes carrying a try full of drinks in one hand. She was wearing a maroon dress with a large pink ribbon on her chest and a pleated skirt. She was what most would consider beautiful and the source of the second locked heart.
"I can't believe it, your Mirajane Strauss! I can't believe I'm meeting you in the flesh!" Lucy said excitedly, causing her to smile.
"It's nice to meet you too and please just call me Mira." Mira said with a smile.
Lucy would have asked her a bit more, but Elfman came flying at Mira. He would have taken her out if Roxas didn't erect a light barrier between them. Elfman crashed into the barrier and gently slid off of it.
"You alright Mira?" Roxas asked as he dropped the barrier.
"I'm fine." Mira said as she gave Roxas a look over. "You must be Roxas then, I hope that you and Xion will one day be able to get your hearts." She said, confusing both Roxas and Lucy until the Nobody remembered that Xion said she accidentally told her the truth.
"Hopefully we will and your concern is appreciated." Roxas said with a smile.
"It's no problem, I just wish for the best for you two." Mira said with a smile of her own.
"Roxas, what did she mean by a heart of your own?" Lucy said, still confused.
The Nobody was about to answer when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He saw that it belonged to Elfman.
"I just wanted to say that it was manly for you to defend my sister like that." He said with pride in his voice.
"Thanks." Roxas said before blinking. "Wait Mira is your sister?"
"My older sister, now if you excuse me I need to teach some people how it isn't manly to send someone flying into their sister!" Elfman bellowed as he ran back into the brawl.
"Now that I think about it I can see a resemblance." Roxas stated before Gray slammed into him.
"Roxas!" Lucy cried out. She and Xion heard snickering and turned to see a smirking Natsu twirling Gray's boxers around his finger.
"My underwear!" Gray screamed out as he only had the bandages covering his crotch.
"Gray, I warned you." Xion said while summoning her Keyblade, the tip aflame. Gray ran away, causing Natsu to laugh. "Natsu if you don't give Gray his underwear back I will light his bandages on fire and force feed them down your throat."
A promptly disgusted Natsu went to do such a thing...after finding the nearest trash can to puke his breakfast out.
"That did the trick." Roxas groaned out as he stood up.
"You alright Roxas?" Lucy asked.
"I'm fine." He said upon noticing most of the guild was beginning to activate their magic. Sighing, he called down pillars of light, flattening everyone that was fighting.
"Well that was quite the light show." Mickey commented as Wan nodded.
"Finally." Cana sighed as she went back to emptying out her barrel.
"It wasn't manly to end the brawl like that Roxas!" Elfman called out.
"Sorry, but I didn't want the guild to be destroyed." The Nobody said as Lucy looked at with awe and Xion with surprise. His power over light had increased exponentially after all.
"Why did you all stop!" Natsu called out with his fists aflame, only for a giant foot to step on him.
"Stay down Natsu!" A shadowy giant bellowed. If it's heart was anything to go by, then this must've been Markarov.
"A giant!" Lucy screamed out frightenly.
"Aye!" Happy said.
"You are all lucky the boy stopped you brats from wrecking the guild hall even more!" Markarov bellowed.
"So you finally came out Master." Mira said, shocking Lucy.
"Indeed, I couldn't leave until I finished that accursed paperwork." Markarov grumbled out before looking downwards. "So I take it that you are Roxas then, and that you have also brought a new recruit with us."
"Indeed I have." Roxas said. "And I must thank you for looking after Xion."
"It was no problem. Considering what you two have been through it was the least that I could do." Markarov said before facing Lucy. "As for you my dear." He said before he shrank before their very eyes into a short old man with hair and a mustache whitened from age and black eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with the Fairy Tail emblem in the center, an orange hoody and shorts, brown pointed shoes, and an orange and blue jester hat. "Glad to have you on board." He said, shocking Lucy by his sudden change in size.
"You're tiny!" Lucy exclaimed before composing herself. "Wait if Mira called you Master, then you must be the third Guild Master of Fairy Tail, Markarov."
The man just nodded at that and turned his back to them. He jumped up and tried to flip up to the second floor. He would have missed and hit his head on the railing if Xion didn't stick her hand out and levitate him onto it.
"Thank you my dear." He said gratefully, it wouldn't be healthy to get a concussion at his age after all.
"It was no problem Markarov." Xion said with a smile.
"Did you gain telekinesis from the void?" Roxas questioned, getting her to nod.
"Indeed I did and a lot of other magic, you as well?" Xion said.
"Not really. I gained earth magic, but I've lost every other kind as well except for my light." Roxas sighed out, getting her to nod.
"Now listen here you've gone and done it again you rascals! Look at all the paperwork the Council sent me!" Markarov said as he displayed all the paper in his left hand. "This is all complaints they sent me! All you fools do is just make the council angry at me!" He shouted, causing most of the guild to look down to the ground in shame.
"However." Markarov continued as he lit the paperwork on fire. "Fuck the Council!" He then threw the papers away, which Natsu jumped up and happily devoured them.
"Listen up. Magic is an unreasonable power, but it is born from reason! It is not some miraculous ability. It is the combination of the spirit that flows within us mixed with the spirit that flows through nature itself, incarnated into physical form! It takes a strong mind and focus! In fact, magic is pouring out of ones soul! One cannot progress in the ways of magic by being mindful of the watchful eye from above! Be afraid not of those fools on the Council and follow the path you believe in! That is what it means to be a Fairy Tail mage!" Markarov exclaimed with his right hand raised and his pointer finger and thumb pointing upwards towards the heavens.
A gesture that was repeated by the cheering guild members.
Roxas was just smiling at all of this. This guild was the complete opposite of the Organization and their leader too. Markarov actually cared about his guild like a family unlike Xemnas who seemed only to be after his own gain.
That one speech had solidified his decision.
He would join Fairy Tail.
"Now then with the matters of the Council out of the way. I have some good news for you all." Markarov said, getting various whispers from the guild. "The good news is that we have a new recruit Lucy and Natsu has found Xion's friend Roxas. I hope that you all give them a proper Fairy Tail welcome!"
Cheers erupted as various guild members went to great them.
"But before that, there is one thing I have to ask." Markarov said, getting more whispers as he faced Xion. "Xion, now that you have reunited with Roxas I have one thing to ask. Do you still wish to join Fairy Tail and does Roxas feel the same way?"
The eyes on the entire guild where now focus on the two of them. They already knew their answer.
"We would like to join Fairy Tail!" Roxas and Xion chorused together, causing the guild to burst into cheers. They had nowhere else to go and Fairy Tail was probably the best place for a new start they could ever find among the worlds. So they chose to join without any hesitation.
"Three new members in one day, this calls for a celebration! Let us give Lucy, Xion, and Roxas a proper Fairy Tail welcome!" Markarov shouted.
"Wait!" Xion shouted, getting everyone's attention. "Before we celebrate there is something that we need to do. Me and Roxas promised Natsu that we would fight him." She said, getting multiple people to groan.
"I see, then how about we have these matches as an opener for their welcoming party." He said and any complaints died down at that. "So grab your things and let everyone head out!"
"Finally!" Natsu shouted with excitement.
Roxas could only smile at the guild's enthusiasm when he noticed Xion was walking away.
"Where are you going Xion?" He asked.
"I'm getting something I that one of my friends lent me the other day. It should be in the infirmary." She said, getting him to nod.
"Alright just don't take too long, because I believe that Natsu wished to fight you first." Roxas said, getting her to nod.
"Okay." Xion said before disappearing back into the back of the guild.
Roxas could only sigh once he saw the crowd of guild members gathering their things and heading out. He had Xion back, a new home, new friends, a place where he didn't have to worry about the Organization pursuing him for now.
A welcome change from the predicament he faced yesterday, or was it five gays ago?
Either way, this was something that he wanted and he will make damned not to lose it all or Xion ever again.
Xion quickly found what she was looking for, a simple history book of Fiore that Levy lent her in order to get a better grasp the surrounding area. While she did come to get that book, there was another reason that she was here.
Making sure that no one else was around, Xion waved her hand and the air in front of her distorted and formed a mirror. One with a fully white haired reflection of herself stood.
"So Roxas finally arrived then, though it took him awhile longer then what I thought." Ultimecia said as she stretched her wings out from behind her back.
"Indeed, though I sense that he hasn't been showing any signs of what I asked for." Xion said, getting the sorceress to nod.
"He just arrived, give him a few days and it will manifest. I made sure that it would or otherwise our deal would have been voided and the both of us erased." She explained, getting Xion to nod. "Still there is one thing I do worry about and that is that Roxas has inadvertently siphoned more of my power then I first thought."
"Is their anything with it that could endanger him?" Xion asked concernedly. She just Roxas back and she was hoping that she wouldn't have to worry about losing him ever again.
"Kalm down Xion, Roxas for the most part shall be alright. The details are hazy, but he has inadvertently taken several of my spells and thankfully one of them wasn't time kompression. But he did also steal something much worse then any spell." Ultimecia explained, getting Xion to gulp.
"And that is?" The Replica said with dread.
"A fragment of my own heart. The very same one that is hidden inside of you." Ultimecia said while sighing out, shocking Xion.
This was possibly very bad. If it stayed inside of him, it would cause nothing but trouble.
"Is there anyway to remove it." Xion asked.
"No there isn't a way to do so now without potentially killing him as it is tied to his very being. The only way for now is to seal it away inside of him for right now, but with my kurrent power it will take sometime to do so." She explained, causing Xion to breath a sigh of relief. "Do not get too komfortable, the seal is only temporary. The only way to remove the seal is for me to get enough of my power returned to me."
"I'll start soon then, I just wish to stay with Roxas a little longer before we begin." Xion said, getting the sorceress to nod.
"Very well, but you had better start soon. The sooner you start the better. You wouldn't want to have me living inside of you for the rest of eternity after all." Ultimecia said before the mirror dissipated into atoms.
Xion could only sigh at that.
She should have never made that deal with Ultimecia. Sure she got to keep her existence, but the sorceress has shown that if she wished then her conscious would have been reduced to the level of a Dusk and Ultimecia would be the one in full control of her body.
However she was content with to go along with Xion's deal and given the Replica her heart to make her a more stable anchor to keep the sorceress from fading away with the added bonus of keeping it from being detected by anyone else.
Of course with the promise of taking over her body if she tampered with it.
It was a bad decision and she knew it, but it was to protect Roxas. So she wouldn't care about the consequences and only focus on protecting him.
She had nearly wiped herself out from existence just to protect him and she will do so again.
"Xion are you still in here?" Roxas questioned through the infirmary door.
"I'll be out in a minute." She called back.
"Alright." He said.
Grabbing Levy's book, Xion left the infirmary.
She didn't want to keep Roxas waiting for much longer after all.
That, and she wanted to kick Natsu's ass as well.
(Chapter 5 end)
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