Episode 12: Turnabout Daring Part 6
Last time on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney
After the trial was put on hiatus Twilight thought of a new plan but all went wrong as Featherweight was sent to the witness stand but due to sudden twists and turns the trial has been extended and so Twilight and Pinkie sought off to find new clues for the next trial, will they find them or not find out now on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney
October 18, 4:15 PM
Everfree Forest
Replica Temple
(The duo then went to the replica temple where they were met with Ahuizotl)
"Hey Twily... It's mr. Ahuizotl!" Pinkie called out before running to her "Hello!" Pinkie greeted
"..." Ahuizotl thought
"H-E-L-L-O!" Pinkie called out
"..." Ahuizotl thought
"H! E! L! L! O!" Pinkie called out again
"P-Pinkie! You should at least try to be polite..." Twilight suggested
"...I'm watching the clouds..." Ahuizotl explained
That's all she had to say apparently...
"Um excuse me? Mr. Martingale came here on the day of the murder and..." Pinkie started
"Shh" Ahuizotl ordered
"?" Pinkie gasped in shock, confusion and disbelief
"Perhaps you didn't hear me, I'm watching the clouds, I'm not interested in talking to you" Ahuizotl reminded
"Do something Twily! She's really ticking me off!" Pinkie said in worry
Oh dear...
"Umm... Ms. Yearling wasn't the killer! You don't have to cancel the Daring Do show" Twilight suggested
"I think I'm tired of Daring Do" Ahuizotl said
"You... You did it Twily! She did it! She's the killer! My Pinkie Sense is tingling! I know it! I know it!" Pinkie called out
Sweet Celestia!
"Um, I was wondering if you could tell me about mr. Breeze?" Twilight asked
"...If you must talk about that pony... Perhaps you could talk about it near Zecora's hut by yourselves" Ahuizotl suggested
"Alright but before we do we'll go check out the Castle of Friendship again" Twilight said
October 18, 4:37 PM
Everfree Forest
The Castle of the Two Sisters
(The duo then returned back to the castle of the two sisters where they checked around only for Pinkie to get sad)
"I guess they're not filming today either" Pinkie said sadly before she noticed Twilight glaring which made her nervous "I mean I did want to see them filming for just one time... But now's not the time right?" Pinkie asked
"Yeah, this trial will be over and done by tomorrow so you can come see them film later" Twilight suggested
"I guess... This is where you found that bottle of sleeping pills, right?" Pinkie asked
"Uh huh" Twilight answered while nodding
"I wonder if there are any other clues lying around" Pinkie thought
Pinkie then went to approach the cupcake wrapper until a familiar voice called out
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarh!" Stygian called out rushing in "No no no! No touchin'!" Stygian ordered
"Eeek!" Pinkie called out
The two then turned around in shock from Stygian's sudden appearance
"Oh sorry girls, didn't mean to frighten you" Stygian apologized
"D-Didn't mean...? You stole my signature talent!" Pinkie reminded angrily
"Heh heh, I guess I can get a little dramatique at times... I suppose it's the actor in me..." Stygian said embarrassingly
'Dramatique' Indeed
"Ahem anyways I'm here to examine the plate on that table" Stygian explained
"Wait, are you looking for sleeping pills?" Twilight asked
"Yeah miss, traces thereof" Stygian answered
"So you're looking for traces of the sleeping pills... How?" Pinkie asked
"For a thorough examination I gotta take the plate back to the precinct but I have the capabilities to make a cursory examination right here! Our science pony gave me some testing solution" Stygian explained before pulling out a hoofprint duster of some kind "This reacts to sleeping pills, see? If there are traces it'll change color" Stygian answered
"Wow! Neat! Well Detective Stygian? What are you waiting for?" Pinkie asked
"Now, now, everything in due time" Stygian said before us used his magic to spread the dust everywhere on the plate before waiting "......" Stygian thought before the dust changed to a green color "Well the testing solution on the plate changed color alright" Stygian said in shock and disbelief
"So there were sleeping pills on the plate!" Twilight gasped in shock
"Looks like it" Stygian said
(Twilight then began writing down the clue on the letter with all the clues of the case)
"So how's your investigation going?" Twilight asked
"To tell the truth, it's a real mess, some ponies think we should pursue the case we already have against powers... And some ponies think we should switch suspects!" Stygian explained
"What do you think detective Stygian?" Pinkie asked
"Well mis, I hate to admit it... But I'm not sure I buy the case against ms. Yearling anymore but I feel kind of bad for ms. Dash though" Stygian explained
"So how is Rainbow doing?" Twilight asked
"Rainbow is out of control! She was in the waiting room and she crushed this paper cup with hot, hot coffee in it" Stygian explained worriedly
"Whoa..." Twilight gasped in awe and disbelief
I have absolutely no idea if he likes the case against Daring Do now, I mean she's her favorite star
"Still, talk about the burns!" Stygian said in worry
"Wow! The first competition Rainbow fails!" Pinkie said in awe, shock and disbelief
"Yeah, even with crushing paper cups" Twilight agreed
Cups... Bottles...?
"Say, whatever happened with that empty bottle?" Twilight asked
"Oh, the bottle of sleeping pills? Well, I got some good news for you about that, they found the victim Groom Q. Q. Martingale's prints on the bottle" Stygian answered
"So that means..." Pinkie asked while in thought
"Yep, it sounds like the one who put Yearling to sleep was none other than... The victim!" Stygian announced
So I was right!
(Twilight then began writing that clue down on her letter)
"It looks like A.K. Yearling was drugged... I'm going to go back to the precinct to do some more detailed tests" Stygian said
"You're being very... Free with your information today detective!" Pinkie said
"Well... Don't go telling anyone this but I was kind of impressed at today's trial too" Stygian said
...!" Pinkie gasped in shock and worry
"Most lawyers would've given up after that director's testimony, I think if it'd been anypony but you up there Yearling would've been done for by now" Stygian reminded
October 18, 5:09 PM
Detention Center
Visitor's Room
(Afterwards Twilight and Pinkie returned back to the visitor's room to ask A.K. Yearling some questions)
"Is it alright if we ask some questions?" Twilight asked
"Of course, go ahead" A.K. Yearling answered
"Could you tell me more about mr. Ahuizotl?" Twilight asked
"Oh... The producer? He's well respected in the production, they say she's a genius" A.K. Yearling answered
"A genius...?" Pinkie asked
"He's been in the production for five years now, Right or wrong, well, nopony dares tell him different these days" A.K. Yearling explained
"Why is that?" Twilight asked
"Ever since he came on board we've had nothing but hits, the Everfree Forest was on it's knees but she picked it up and made it shine, oh and..." A.K. Yearling started
"And... What?" Pinkie asked
"N-Nothing, forget it, I... I've only heard rumors anyhow" A.K. Yearling answered
"Can you tell me anything about mr. Breeze?" Twilight asked
"Oh, he used to be aminor straight to video director but something in his work caught Ahuizotl's eye and when he did he brought the Daring Do series idea to him and now everybody knows the name Zephyr Breeze, I hear he's pretty much at her beck and call though, whenever he says 'Fly!' he asks 'how high?' and all that" A.K. Yearling explained
I can imagine him being at Ahuizotl's beck and call... Though I can't imagine him doing something this stupid
"I was wondering about mr. Martingale... He was a big star back in the day right? But then he just dropped off the face of the earth" Pinkie explained
"Oh... Yes you're right, in fact he was my role model when I started in this book to tv show series but he just stopped taking on big roles, that's when he began appearing in little productions at the Everfree..." A.K. Yearling started
"How could he do that?! I was really looking forward to a sequel of 'My Little Fillies'" Pinkie explained
"He just gave up being a star five years ago but actually now that I think about it... That was right when Mr. Ahuizotl came to the Everfree Forest" A.K. Yearling explained
Five years ago...?
"Thank you for the answers, we'll be investigating again" Twilight thaned
"No worries, I wish you luck" A.K. Yearling said
October 18, 5:14 PM
Everfree Forest
A.K. Yearling's dressing room
(The duo then went back to the dressing room where they saw Sassy Saddles cleaning until she turned around making her stop)
"Oh! Hello!" A.K. Yearling waved
"What are you doing here?" Pinkie asked
"Oh... I was just cleaning up the dressing room, I guess A.K. won't be using it anymore so..." Sassy Saddles started
"Wha?! What?! Why?! But A.K.'s innocent!" Pinkie reminded
"Yes and I'm really grateful for all you've done but... This week is the last episode of the Daring Do series..." Sassy Saddles apologized
"What?!" Pinkie gasped in shock before falling to her rearlegs and shouting "Nooooooooooooooooo!" Pinkie called out
"I was wondering if I could ask you about mr. Martingale..." Twilight asked
"Yes?" Sassy Saddles asked
"On the day of the murder, he went to Studio Two, correct?" Twilight asked
"Huh? I thought he went to Studio One?" Sassy Saddles asked in confusion
"He stole the Daring Do costume too!" Pinkie reminded
"What?! Why would mr. Martingale do something like that?" Sassy Saddles asked making Twilight shrug in confusion "... Oh... I guess the rumor must be true then" Sassy Saddles said in defeat
"The rumor?" Pinkie asked in confusion
"Yeah, mr. Ahuizotl that producer had some kind of hold on Martingale, she had some dirt on him... He'd do anything Ahuizotl said apparently" Sassy Saddles explained
"Some 'dirt'? What dirt?!" Pinkie asked seriously
"...Dirt, you know, bad stuff" Sassy Saddles reminded
"...Um, I know what dirt means..." Pinkie reminded
"About five years ago they were filming a movie starring mr. Martingale, they were using the new studio... Studio Two but some sort of accident happened during filming and after that they never used Studio Two again, they left the film set the way it was too" Sassy Saddles explained
The film set...? Was that trailer part of the film set then?
"Sorry about this but what did you mean with 'the last Daring Do episode'?!" Pinkie asked
"I know it's a shock but nothing can be done to save it, whoever really did kill mr. Martingale also signed Daring Do's death warrant" Sassy Saddles answered
"No... No!" Pinkie answered in worry and sadness
"Also, I hear that the Everfree Forest is going to change it's programming, they're not going to make filly and colt TV shows anymore" Sassy Saddles explained sadly
"W-What?! Why?!" Pinkie asked angrily
"I don't know, it's sad but that's what the producers have decided" Sassy Saddles explained sadly
"Why aren't they going to make kids' tv shows anymore?" Twilight asked
"The studio bigwigs don't want Daring Do anymore, they want to forget all this ever happened, they want it quiet, you understand?" Sassy Saddles asked
"H-How can they just do that! What about all the fillies and colts who love Daring Do?!" Pinkie asked angrily
"It's okay, I'm sure the kids will be fine, they'll find a new hero to follow" Sassy Saddles reminded
"No, that can't be true! If the program just ends they'll be heartbroken for sure! T-Twily! Say Something!" Pinkie ordered
"Umm... Yeah" Twilight answered
I think evidence rather than words is called for here
"Here, take a look at this" Twilight said before pulling up the Daring Do album book Featherweight had
"And this is...?" Sassy Saddles asked
"A fan collected all of these photographs, the kids love Daring Do! The show shouldn't be cancelled just so some mare or stallion can save the face! I would think you would understand that better than anypony" Twilight reminded
"...... You're right... Okay! But what can I do?" Sassy Saddles asked
"Well, for starters... You can tell me something, tell me what it is that the company is so intent on hiding? Tell me avout this accident five years ago" Twilight suggested
"...Okay!" Sassy Saddles said worriedly
"So, there was an accident five years ago?" Twilight asked
"Yes, it is near Zecora's hut, that house was part of the film set" Sassy Saddles explained
"Could you tell us what happened?" Twilight asked
"...S-Sorry, I don't think I can, they really don't want us to talk about it" Sassy Saddles explained worriedly
"Could you please still try and tell us what happened five years ago?" Twilight asked
"Well, I can tell you what I've heard, apparently five years ago somepony died... And it was Martingale's fault" Sassy Saddles explained
"S-Somepony died?!" Pinkie asked
"It was an accident of course! Anyways... The producer mr. Ahuizotl managed to hush it up" Sassy Saddles explained
"And that's the 'dirt' she had on mr. Martingale" Twilight realized
"And that's why mr. Martingale would do anything mr. Ahuizotl asked him to do!... But it was an accident right? Why didn't they just make it public?" Pinkie asked
"Well, you know, mr. Martingale was a big star back then, they were afraid about what would happen to his career if word got out" Sassy Saddles explained
"I see" Pinkie realized
"You know who knows more about this? Mr. Neighsay, he was here at the studios back then you know" Sassy Saddles explained
"Thanks, we'll try asking him" Twilight thanked
If he'll talk...
October 18, 5:29 PM
Everfree Forest Entrance
(The duo then went back to the most likely place where mr. Neighsay was, the Everfree Forest entrance, and sure enough he was there only to look a bit irritated)
"What, you're still slinking around? If you like the place so much why don't you take over for me" Chancellor Neighsay suggested in an irritated tone
"The old neighsayer doesn't look so good..." Pinkie whispered in a bit of a more louder tone
"E-Everypony's doing their darnedest to forget Martingale, who do they think made the Everfree Forest what it is today? Martingale! It's all due to Martingale!" Chancellor Neighsay reminded angrily
"He's starting to froth at the mouth Twily... Maybe we should keep a safe distance?" Pinkie suggested
(Twilight then rolled her eyes before turning back to Chancellor Neighsay)
"Umm... I wanted to ask you about five years ago..." Twilight explained
"! Who told?! Who did you hear that from?!" Chancellor Neighsay asked angrily
"I, uh... Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion
"Sassy!" Chancellor Neighsay realized angrily
"S-Sassy?" Twilight asked in confusion
"Saddles, Twilight, Sassy Saddles, that assistant we talked to" Pinkie reminded
"O-Oh right" Twilight realized before turning back to Chancellor Neighsay "Anyway, we heard about the incident, it was during filming with Groom Q. Q. Martingale... He killed a pony didn't he?" Twilight asked
"T-Those stupid ponies! Dredging up dirt on somepony's past like that... And the recently departed no less! I suppose you think this is fun?!" Chancellor Neighsay asked
"N-No, I'm just doing my job to protect ms. Yearling..." Twilight explained
"And you claim that Martingale stole Yearling's costume! You expect me to believe that rubbish?! Or do you have some kind of proof?" Chancellor Neighsay asked
Proof that Martingale stole Yearling's costume? Hmm...
(Twilight then checked the evidence list again before grinning back at Chancellor Neighsay)
"I'm sorry mr. Neighsay but I do have proof, I can proof that mr. Martingale stole ms. Yearling's costume" Twilight explained before turning to Chancellor Neighsay in confusion "Ms. Yearling ate a t-bone steak for lunch correct?" Twilight asked
"W-Well... Yes, so?" Chancellor Neighsay asked
(Twilight then showed a picture Pinkie made of the steak plate)
"This is the plate that he used to eat that steak, there are traces of sleeping pill powder on that plate!" Twilight explained
"Mmmph? Hah! I-I bet Yearling put it in there herself! Even a lightweight like her must have trouble sleeping sometimes" Chancellor Neighsay reminded
"Except I have proof that mr. Martingale put the pills in" Twilight explained before pulling up the bottle "This bottle contained sleeping pill, mr. Martingale's hoofprints were found on the bottle" Twilight explained
"...! ...... I see, poor, poor Martingale, you did wrong, Martingale, rest your soul" Chancellor Neighsay explained sadly
"Mr. Neighsay...?" Pinkie asked worriedly
"Okay, you win, I'll talk, I'm tired see... Tired of holding it all in" Mr. Neighsay explained sadly
"Mr. Neighsay..." Twilight said worriedly
"You're right, five years ago there was an accident... A fatal accident, what's worse, a paparazzi took a photo of it, that photo, well, it caused quite a stir and guess who made it all better? Ahuizotl! He had ties to the most dangerous animals on Euestria... He silenced that paparazzi, that was the beginning, after that he became a force to be reckoned with here at the Everfree Forest" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"I see..." Pinkie said worriedly
"But you have to understand... Poor old Martingale never meant any harm to anypony!" Chancellor Neighsay reminded sadly
"Mr. Neighsay..." Pinkie said worriedly
(The duo then began leaving until Chancellor Neighsay called out to them)
"Hold on a minute" Chancellor Neighsay suggested
(The duo then turned around in worry and confusion)
"What is it mr. Neighsay...?" Pinkie asked
(Chancellor Neighsay then levitated a photograph onto Twilight's hoof making her and Pinkie confused)
"Here, take this" Chancellor Neighsay suggested
"...? A photograph? W-Wait a second!" Twilight started
"This is the picture" Chancellor Neighsay butted in
(The duo then began checking out the photo)
"Is... This the Castle of Friendship's cliffside?" Twilight asked
"Yeah, mr. Martingale was supposed to fight with a bad guy near Zecora's hut but it got worse as they began fighting towards the cliffside there and he accidentally pushed the other actor who got too cocky and the pony he pushed fell a few feet or so to the stoney ground below" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"B-But how did you get this?" Twilight asked
"It... Was a long time ago, I don't feel much like talking about it" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"I understand..." Twilight said
(Twilight then wrote the evidence on the letter and teleported the photograph away before the duo began running)
October 18, 5:44 PM
Everfree Forest
Replica Temple
(The duo soon arrived back at the replica temple where they saw Ahuizotl still looking at the clouds as they ran in front of her face and showed the photo to Ahuizotl who looked away)
"..." Ahuizotl thought
She's not even looking
(Ahuizotl then looked at the photo and the duo before gasping silently)
"Where?" Ahuizotl asked
"Wh-What?" Twilight asked
"Where did you get that?" Ahuizotl asked
"I, well..." Twilight started
"Neighsay" Ahuizotl realized angrily
"N-Neigh...?" Twilight asked in worry and confusion
"She means the security lady, mr. Neighsay, Twily" Pinkie reminded
"Right..." Twilight realized before shaking that thought off "Anyways..." Twilight started before turning back to Ahuizotl "Mr. Ahuizotl, you hid this incident from the press didn't you? And you used it to control mr. Martingale?!" Twilight asked angrily
"...The wind" Ahuizotl said
"The... Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion and anger
"It's gotten stronger don't you think? The wind..." Ahuizotl realized before she had an idea "Your conversation interests me, let's talk about it more near Zecora's hut" Ahuizotl suggested
(Ahuizotl then walked off to Zecora's hut)
"Twily, he went to Zecora's hut" Pinkie said
"And we're gonna corner him!" Twilight said
October 18, 5:48 PM
Everfree Forest
Near Zecora's Hut
(The duo then went near Zecora's hut where Ahuizotl was waiting and when they got in they saw Ahuizotl grinning at them deviously)
"Hmph, you came, well then, what was that you were talking about?" Ahuizotl asked
...! Why is she so eager to talk all of a sudden?
"Mr. Ahuizotl, you were using that accident! You were blackmailing mr. Martingale so you could control him weren't you? That's why he was doing kids' shows for a petty charge?!" Twilight asked angrily
"Hmph... So I'm a blackmailer now?" Ahuizotl asked
"Well, that's what it was, wasn't it?! I mean, sure, it was an accident... But you used it to drag mr. Martingale down from his rightful place as a star!" Pinkie reminded
"Oh...? I haven't pulled anyone down from anywhere, mr. Martingale's carreer went sour of it's own accord" Ahuizotl reminded
"B-But! You were the cause! You pressured him... And to think it was just an accident...!" Pinkie reminded angrily
"Excuse me! What is this all about? You keep saying 'accident', 'accident'... How are you so sure?" Ahuizotl asked
"What do you mean?" Twilight asked
"Must I spell everything out for you? Think: what would it be if it wasn't an accident?" Ahuizotl asked
"...! No... No way! You mean mr. Martingale did it... On purpose?" Twilight asked
"That is what I mean" Ahuizotl answered
"W-Where's your proof! Can you proof it?!" Twilight asked
"Hmph! Just think! Would he have let me run his life for five years... Over a mere accident? And I ran him hard, don't you believe me?" Ahuizotl asked
"B-But the security stallion said it was an accident!" Pinkie reminded
"Oh well, he was a big fan of Martingale's you see, he jumped on the reporter who brought that photo into the studio, he wrenched it out of his hands he did, gave hmm a few bruises too" Ahuizotl explained
...So that's why she had the photo...
"She's an old fool, of course all the reporter would need is the negatives, he could have made a copy but he didn't, the only copy of that photo is the one you hold so give it to me now" Ahuizotl ordered angrily
"W-What? This is valuable evidence!" Pinkie reminded angrily
"Then I'll do this the hard way" Ahuizotl said
Ahuizotl pulled out a whistle and blew on it and after a few moments a few animals came out of the bushes surrounding the three along with one mini cat who gave an angry hiss
"...U-Umm... How did you get that...?" Twilight asked nervously
"Thievery, I'm good at bringing these cats and they can erase... Various things, what do you think...? Would you like to be erased?" Ahuizotl asked
"Wh-What?!" Twilight asked in shock, worry and confusion
"The trial ends tomorrow? How unfortunate, it's a shame you'll have to miss it!" Ahuizotl said in fake sadness
"...Tell me why,, why do you want this photograph so badly? This is mr. Martingale's 'dirt'... No? Why should Ahuizotl care about it at all?" Twilight asked
"...I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to think about that while you're about to die, so long friends" Ahuizotl said before pointing to his animal friends "Friends, erase away" Ahuizotl ordered
(The animals then began to slowly approach them as Pinkie and Twilight surrounded them with Twilight lightening her horn and Pinkie screaming in fright
"Nooooooooooooo!" Pinkie called out
(But when all hope was lost Stygian teleported near the group)
"Hold it right there! I heard everything! Ahuizotl! You're coming down to the precinct with me, now! And I'm gonna bring these guys to where they belong!" Stygian said angrily
"... Hmph, not bad... Very well, it appears this contest will be decided tomorrow then, in court, I'll be looking forward to it" Ahuizotl said
(Afterwards some police ponies approached her and teleported her away alongside the animals while Stygian turned to Twilight and Pinkie who were still frightened)
"H-Hey, you okay pal? Sorry, I was a little late with my entrance, I don't get many chances to practice that sorta thing" Stygian apologized
"Detective Stygian..." Pinkie started before she suddenly approached Stygian and hugged him tightly "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was really scared..." Pinkie thanked
"Huh? Don't mention it miss, just doing my job" Stygian said before getting teary eyed "......" Stygian thought in awe
"Detective Stygian?" Pinkie asked in confusion
"Sorry, it's just... I've wanted to say that line again ever since I was sent away by the Pillars of Equestria..." Stygian explained before shaking the thought off "Okay, I've got one more job to do today, I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon!" Stygian waved
(Stygian then walked off while Pinkie turned to Twilight)
"Well Twily, it looks like we're getting close to the bottom of this" Pinkie said
And who's at the bottom...? Ahuizotl!
October 19, 10:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 4
(The next day everypony found themselves back in the trial room where the trial was supposed to take place as they all began chattering before Princess Celestia slammed her gavel)
"Court is now in session for the trial of ms. A.K. Yearling" Princess Celestia announced
"The prosecution is ready your honor" Rainbow announced
"The defense is ready your honor" Twilight announced
"Today will be the final day of this trial, I hope both the prosecution and the defense will be able to present decisive evidence" Princess Celestia said making Twilight and Rainbow nod as Princess Celestia knew what that meant "Very well, ms. Dash, your opening statement" Princess Celestia suggested
"In yesterday's session the defense presented us with a new theory for this case, he claims that the scene of the crime was in fact the replica temple, today I will call on people present near Zecora's hut that day, from their testimonies the truth will become clear" Rainbow explained
"Hmm... Very well!" Princess Celestia thought out loud
Rainbow seems a bit on edge today...
"You may call your first witness ms. Dash" Princess Celestia suggested
"The prosecution calls mr. Ahuizotl to the stand, mr. Ahuizotl is a producer who was present near Zecora's hut that day" Rainbow announced
(Afterwards Ahuizotl walked into the room and approached the witness stand where he sat on a chair while some ponies could only look in nervousness, fright and worry)
"Will the witness state their name and occupation?" Rainbow asked
"...Ahuizotl, I am a producer for a company of mine" Ahuizotl answered
"On the day of the murder you were near the cart..." Rainbow reminded
"As everyone here knows, yes" Ahuizotl answered
"...?" Rainbow asked
"I dislike needless panter, if you must pontificate do it when I'm not here" Ahuizotl suggested
"Mrrph!" Rainbow muttered angrilly
"V-Very well, mr. Ahuizotl, please give the court your testimony concerning the day of murder" Princess Celestia suggested
(Pinkie tuen turned to Twilight angrily)
"Twily! I know he did it! Make him pay!" Pinkie suggested
"R-Right!" Twilight said
If he's guilty, I'll catch him with his jewels off... So to speak
Witness Testimony
--The Day of the Murder--
"I went to Zecora's hut a little before noon"
"The meeting began at 12:00 sharp and it ended at 4:00"
"There was to be a rehearsal afterwards so we went to Daring Do's replica home..."
"I was fatiqued so I had Zephyr take me"
"At 2:30 we took a 15-minute break in the meeting"
"Zephyr and I ate t-bone steaks on the table in front of the replica temple"
"And we found Hammer's body later when we all went to Daring Do's replica home"
"That's all"
"Hmm... I have one question about one part of your testimony, you said you were fatiqued so you had Zephyr take you by...?" Princess Celestia asked
"The cart" Ahuizotl answered
"Hmm?" Princess Celestia asked in confusion
"There's a van at the replica temple so I had him take me in that and I thought it might be risky to walk what with that tree stump toppling over" Ahuizot explained
(Twilight then quickly began writing it down on her letter)
"I... I see!" Princess Celestia said before turning to Twilight "Ms. Sparkle, your cross-examination" Princess Celestia suggested
"This is the final battle Twily! Let's do it!" Pinkie suggested
(Twilight then nodded before turning to Ahuizotl)
"So did you get near Zecora's hut all by yourself?" Twilight asked
"Yes" Ahuizotl answered
"And you didn't stop in at the Castle of Friendship?" Twilight asked
"No" Ahuizotl answered
"...Are you always this... Tense?" Twilight asked
"Yes" Ahuizotl answered
Oh dear...
"Did nopony leave during the meeting?" Twilight asked
"No one..." Ahuizotl answered
"...C-Come on... Let's talk a bit more than that" Twilight suggested
"Objection!" Rainbow called out before turning to Twilight angrily "The witness did not come here to engage in idle conversation! Stop interrupting the testimony" Rainbow ordered
"The same could be said to you ms. Dash and please stop banging on your little desk, it hurts my ears" Ahuizotl ordered
"Mmph!" Rainbow grumbled in disbelief
(Twilight, ignoring the embarrasing moment then turned to Ahuizotl)
"And when exactly did you leave?" Twilight asked
"I've forgotten" Ahuizotl answered
"..." Twilight thought
"..." Ahuizotl thought
"Maybe you could try remembering?" Twilight asked
"No" Ahuizotl answered
"The meeting ended at 4:00 and the rehearsal was scheduled for 5:00... I would think it was between those times" Rainbow explained
You 'would think'?! C'mon, all you did was state the obvious Rainbow!
"Let me try and remember! You had Zephyr 'take' you? What does that mean?!" Twilight asked
"It means what I said a few minutes ago, I had Zephyr take me in the repllica temple van" Ahuizotl reminded
Oh... Oh right
"And what were you doing during that time...?" Twilight asked while hitting her desk
"Don't hit your desk, it irritates me" Ahuizotl reminded
(Rainbow then turned to Twilight and hits her desk too)
"Yeah! Ms. Sparkle...!" Rainbow reminded before she realized what she did "Oops" Rainbow realized
"...It was a 15-minute break..." Ahuizotl reminded
"Do you have somepony who can verify this?" Twilight asked
"Zephyr" Ahuizotl answered
"N-No... I mean somepony else" Twilight corrected
"One person is enough" Ahuizotl reminded
If she committed murder during that break... She wouldn't have had time to eat a cupcake! If I had some evidence that proved she didn't eat that steak...
(Twilight then checked her evidence again before giving a happy grin)
"Hah! As I thought!" Twilight realized
"..." Ahuizotl thought
"You claim you ate a cupcake but I say you did not!" Twilight corrected with a grin
"W-What's this now ms. Sparkle?" Princess Celestia asked
"Look at this" Twilight suggested while levitating the cupcake wrapper
"It's... A wrapper?" Princess Celestia said in confusion
"This wrapper was on the floor in the Castle of the Two Sisters and as you can see a wrapper has been left behind" Twilight explaned
"Ms. Sparkle, do I need to remind you that it was a CUPCAKE?!" Rainbow asked in anger and disbelief
"Exactly my point! Remember if you will... Mr. Ahuizotl and Mr. Breeze ate at a table near the replica temple, yet there were no bones left on the wrappers! The wrappers were bare!" Twilight reminded
"!" Ahuizotl gasped in shock
"Mr. Ahuizotl? Tell me, how can a pony eat a cupcake... And not put the wrapper in the trash? I think I know how! You didn't eat any steak during that break! You took your steak and threw it somewhere... Like that incinerator!" Twilight reminded
"!..." Ahuizotl gasped in shock and disbelief
"I... I see! Then what was mr. Ahuizotl doing during her break?" Princess Celestia asked
"Isn't it obvious your honor? She was meeting with Daring Do!" Twilight explained
(After saying that other ponies began muttering sounds of shock and disbelief while Princess Celestia began slamming her gavel on it's podium three times calming everypony down)
"Order!" Princess Celestia called out before turning to Twilight "A-Are you saying...?!" Princess Celestia asked
"Yes your honor! As mr. Ahuizotl left the grounds near Zecora's hut to eat her cupcake... She ran into Daring Do! And then you did it, you killed him with your own hands!" Twilight reminded
"!!!" Ahuizotl thought in disbelief
"M-Ms. Sparkle! I-Isn't that a little presumptuous?!" Princess Celestia asked
"Objection!" Rainbow called out before turning to Twilight angrily "What kind of stunt are you trying to pull Twilight?!" Rainbow asked angrily
"Let her claim what she wants..." Ahuizotl suggested before turning to Twilight "You say I did it, right?" Ahuizotl asked
"Yes" Twilight answered
"Facinating! And here I was worrying that today would be as boring as all the rest... Very well, let us have a battle of wits you and I" Ahuizotl suggested
Any day Ahuizotl
"Good luck Twily!" Pinkie wished
"Let's see... What was that murder weapon again? Oh yes, the 'vine Daring Do uses'" Ahuizotl said
"Yes...?" Twilight asked
"I am as you can see a stallion of strong stature, how could I possibly use that vine as a weapon without breaking it?" Ahuizotl asked
"I think you would have a great deal of difficulty using that as a weapon, pretty much any pony strong would" Twilight explained
"Hah, you see?" Ahuizotl asked
"Yes... However that has no bearing on this case!" Twilight reminded
"...Meaning?" Ahuizotl asked
"The vine was not the murder weapon!" Twilight explained
"What?!" Ahuizotl asked in shock and disbelief
"What is the meaning of this?! The vine was found lying next to the victim's body!" Princess Celestia reminded
"I have proof your honor, I can prove that the vine was not used as the murder weapon!" Twilight explained before pulling up the picture of the vine "I present my proof: the so called 'murder weapon'!" Twilight announced
"B-But, that IS the murder weapon!" Rainbow reminded
"Not so fast, remember that this vine broke during the morning action scene run-through? But somepony fixed the vine, the security stallion! She fixed it with glue! Now tell me, how is it possible... For somepony to strangle a pony who is wearing a thick costume with this?! Around the neck!" Twilight reminded
(Ponies then began muttering sounds of shock and disbelief again making Princess Celestia slam her gavel once more)
"O-Order! Order!" Princess Celestia called out
"Ms. Sparkle! What are you getting at?! Think about what you're---" Rainbow started
(Ahuizotl then slapped his tail finger three times)
"Silence! I'm the one testifying here and I will be heard!" Ahuizotl reminded angrily
"Mmmph...!" Rainbow called out in disbelief
"Are you quite sane? Are you even aware of what you're saying? If the vine was not the murder weapon then pray tell what was?! How was Martingale killed?" Ahuizotl asked angrily
"Well ms. Sparkle? Can you tell us what weapon was used to kill mr. Martingale?" Princess Celestia asked
"Would I make a claim like that if I couldn't tell you what the weapon was?" Twilight asked
"I'm afraid your confidence can sometimes be unfounded ms. Sparkle... Very well, let's see this murder weapon then" Princess Celestia suggested
(Twilight then pulled out the five year old photo)
"Look at this photo" Twilight suggested
W-What is this?" Princess Celestia asked as Twilight levitated the photo over to Princess Celestia making her gasp in shock "Why, that's Groom Q. Q. Maringale on the ground sleeping with blood coming out in the back!" Princess Celestia called out in shock causing everypony to gasp in shock and disbelief before she slammed her gavel three times again "O-Order! Order! If I cannot have order this trial will be suspended!" Princess Celestia called out before turning to Twilight in confusion "Ms. Sparkle! What is this all about?!" Twilight asked
"This photograph is from five years ago, there was an unfortunate accident at the Everfree Forest, this is a photo of that very accident, not a word of this was leaked to the outside, it was a close-kept secret at the Everfree Forest" Twilight explained
"What does this have to do with the current case?!" Rainbow asked
"Ms. Dash... You still can't see it? See the fallen man in this photo?" Twilight asked levitating the photo to her "See how the blood is flowing from the backside of his head?" Twilight asked
"Wh... What?! Are you saying...?!" Rainbow started
"Yes, what happened five years ago... Has happened again!" Twilight explained
"!!!" Ahuizotl gasped in shock and disbelief
"Ms. Sparkle! Continue!" Princess Celestia ordered
"It's 2:30 PM on the day of the murder! mr. Ahuizotl meets Groom Q. Q. Martingale at the replica temple! Then she did it! She fought him so hard that Groom Q. Q. Martingale didn't notice he was at the edge of the cliff and fell face back on the ground! Just like Groom Q. Q. Martingale had himself do five years ago! Though whether she did it on purpose or by accident I cannot say" Twilight explained
"...!" Ahuizotl thought in disbelief and worry
"I-In other words... Th-The victim, Groom Q. Q. Martingale... He died in the same way that he caused another pony to die... Five years ago!" Rainbow said in shock and disbelief
"Precisely, ironic isn't it?" Twilight asked
"...Hoh hoh, very creative ms. Sparkle, I could use a pony like you on my script writing staff" Ahuizotl applauded
"You deny that what I say is true? Twilight asked
"...Ms. Sparkle, let's say for the sake of argument that Martingale died outside the Castle of the Two Sisters as you say, yet the body was found at Daring Do's replica home wasn't it? And in the Dr. Caballeron costume no less, are you then claiming that I carried the body to Daring Do's replica home... And returned to the replica temple all in the space of a 15 minute break? How could I have disposed of the body?!" Ahuizotl asked
"..." Twilight thought in confusion and worry
"The break in the meeting near Zecora's hut lasted 15 minutes from 2:30 to 2:45, could Groom Q. Q. Martingale have been fought off the cliff to his death... Then carried to Daring Do's replica home and placed inside his costume? There wasn't enoug time!" Rainbow explained
"Hmm... Indeed, well ms. Sparkle? How could she have dealt with the body?" Princess Celestia asked
"What if she had another way to carry the body other than with her own hands?" Twilight asked
"For instance?" Ahuizotl asked
"Actually, for that matter there was no need for her to do the deed in 15 minutes! And there was a way for you to carry that body" Twilight explained
"!!! I-Interesting! Let's hear it then" Ahuizotl suggested
"Ms. Sparkle? Please show us how she carried the body" Princess Celestia ordered
"Mr. Ahuizotl, you carried the body to the replica temple with some trees and your tail hand and then you used the studio cart to bring it to Daring Do's replica home!" Twilight explained
"!!!" Ahuizotl gasped in shock and disbelief
"Recall your testimony..." Twilight suggested
[Flashback Start]
"There was to be a rehearsal afterwards so we went to Daring Do's replica home, I was fatiqued so I had Zephyr take me" Ahuizotl explained
[Flashback End]
"You used the cart to carry the body to Daring Do's replica home! Then before everypony else got there you put the body into the Dr. Caballeron costume!" Twilight reminded
"...!" Ahuizotl thought in worry
"Objection!" Rainbow called out "Hold on Twilight! Don't forget it was Zephyr that drove the van! Are you suggesting that mr. Breeze was a conspirator?" Rainbow asked
"Of course, Zephyr Breeze has to have been a conspirator! The body had to be placed in the van and put into the costume, there's no way mr. Ahuizotl could have done that alone! Also don't forget that they had to dispose of the Daring Do costume, they had to... Because it was covered in in mr. Martingale's blood! They probably burned it in that small incinerator, well mr. Ahuizotl! Shall I continue?" Twilight asked
"...No need, you're smarter than you look ms. Sparkle, hmph, I lose, you win, it... Was fun" Ahuizotl said in disbelief
I... Win?!
"..." Twilight thought
"..." Rainbow thought
"..." Princess Celestia thought
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