The Cullens- Family (h)
You remember the night it happened vividly, even though you wished you could forget it.
You could no longer sleep so they weren't nightmares – you were unable to pass it off as a nightmare, something that never happened and just a figment of your imagination.
The night you were turned was excruciating.
You can remember your own screams, the pain you felt when the venom coursed through your veins, and the slow relief when your body began to shut down.
When you woke up, you weren't on the street corner any more, you were in what seemed to be a study but a man in a doctor's coat was stood next to you.
Later on, you were told that a guy called Emmett had seen you passed out but recognised the bite on your arm so took you to Carlisle.
You were thankful to the Cullens, they took you in at only sixteen but you were forever to be sixteen years old.
Jasper and Alice had been there for you ever since it happened, the others were too of course but Jasper was always there if you needed him.
It had been a year since that day, and yet you were still reminded of the night it happened.
Whilst the rest of your adopted siblings opted to stay away from the humans at school, you didn't.
You had met a boy, a human boy at that, who you honestly had feelings for but you were doubtful about actually going forward with him considering you'd always look as if you were sixteen.
Despite the Cullens having become your family, you were terrified of what they would say if you ever told them about the boy you had fallen for.
So, you opted for probably not the smartest solution, but it was the one that you liked the most at the time.
You ran for it.
However, it was only a matter of hours until Jasper found you and dragged you back home.
"Why the hell did you run?" Emmett questioned you, once you were sat in the living room with your family around you – bar Carlisle and Esme as they were on holiday.
You shrugged, not wanting to talk.
"Come on Y/N. Don't shut us out now," Alice sat down next to you as she spoke.
Edward crouched down in front of you "You are family little one, don't hate us."
"I don't hate you guys," your voice was no more than a whisper "But I don't want you lot to hate me."
Before you could do anything about it, Jasper had picked you up and you were sat on his lap as he hugged you.
"You have to tell us Y/N/N," he said as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"I...uh...I met someone," you finally admitted.
Rosalie and Alice gasped, whilst your brothers looked stern, "Who is he?" Rosalie asked, showing excitement for once.
"This guy from school."
"A human?" Emmett quizzed you, crossing his arms.
You nodded in confirmation.
"I'm still not understanding why you ran Sweetheart," Alice told you.
You shrugged "I didn't know how to tell you guys," you confessed "You stay away from the humans as it is, and even then, he couldn't be in a relationship with me because he'll age and I won't – I'm screwed unless I meet some other vampire but I really fell hard for the human."
Jasper hugged you tighter "If you've fallen for him, then there isn't much we can do."
"Little one, we'll help you okay?" Edward spoke up, still being crouched in front of you.
Rosalie placed her hand on your knee, sitting on the other side of you, "That's what families do okay?"
Written by Hannah.
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