Sam Uley- Problems (h)
Let's be honest, you and Sam were having problems. The whole pack knew, but all of them were too afraid of Sam to ever bring it up.
With Sam being the Alpha, the two of you had to act like your relationship was all sunshine and rainbows, but it was far from that.
You were the only other female shifter, alongside Leah and with Leah and Sam's history, let's just say that the two of you didn't get along all that well. You didn't exactly like to be inside all day, you hated being treated like a housewife and if you were to be with the Alpha, you were expected to cook for the whole of the pack and clean like 5 times a day.
Jacob had asked if you wanted to go cliff diving with him, Paul, Embry, Quill and Seth, but Seth wouldn't be diving because he wasn't allowed – he had phased and everything but his Mum didn't want him diving all the time.
You were sat at the top of the cliff, with Seth and you cheered as Paul dived "GO LAHOTE" you yelled and Jacob laughed, sitting next to you on the grass.
"Sam knows you're up here right?" he asked and you leant back on your hands, before nodding in response to his question "I don't believe you" Jacob sounded suspicious as he spoke.
"I told him I was coming up here to watch y'all dive, so he knows who I am with but he doesn't know that I went diving" you admitted and Jacob sighed "Oh come on Jake, you know he wouldn't have let me come if I told him I was going to dive" you tried to defend yourself.
Jacob shook his head and stood up "Well let me tell you this much, I see your imprint down there on the beach right about now" Jacob said, pointing to the beach so you frantically stood up.
You grabbed your jacket and hugged Jacob "I can't dive down there, I am going to leg it home" you told him and he nodded as he hugged you back.
The others smiled at you, before you took off running. You weren't going to phase, you liked your clothes and didn't exactly want them shredded to pieces.
You reached the house that you and Sam shared, you opened the front door as it was always left unlocked, and just walked in.
Sam was sat on the couch, in a pair of shorts "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked and you silently cursed yourself, he must have phased to get home before you.
"Tell you what Sam?" you responded to his question with one of your own. He sent a cold glare your way, as you sat down on the couch opposite him.
"You know full well Y/N" he answers sternly making you cross your arms.
"Look Sam, neither of us are perfect and I know I have made mistakes" you slowly started to talk "But was it so wrong that I wanted to dive? You're so damn protective, I am not going to hurt myself and even if something did happen, the pack was there" you explained and Sam's fists clenched at the possibility of you getting hurt, "They were hardly going to let me stay hurt" you stated.
Sam shook his head "You're my imprint Y/N, I am going to be protective – I won't lose you, I can't lose you" he admits weakly, "If you got hurt, the pack would be devastated and I would never forgive myself because you're mine and I let something happen" he sighed once he finished talking.
"Then don't point fingers at all of us" a voice said from the doorway, you turned around to see the pack standing there and it was Paul that spoke.
Sam stood up, and you followed suit "Look, Sam, you can be a hard ass at times" Jacob spoke up, Jacob in theory can speak to Sam like that and to be fair, he was the only one with balls to.
"You've got to let Y/N get out more, sure, you don't want her getting hurt and we all get that" Jacob spoke again, gesturing to the rest of the boys "She's your imprint Man, we haven't forgotten that" Jacob smiled a little at you as he talked.
"You two are the worst people to be stuck in an argument, because neither of you will give in" Embry gave you his input.
Sam sighed and pulled you into him from behind, "I guess the both of us need to stop, and appreciate what we have" Sam spoke in a soft tone for once, a tone that rarely left his mouth.
"Because we have one amazing pack" you finished for him, knowing what he wanted to say.
Written by Hannah.
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