Sam Uley- Food (h)
Sam had just told you that he was going to pick up the pack from the reservation, apart from Jacob as he had his bike. A few of them would probably end up sitting in the trunk part of the truck, but Sam owned a pick up so it would be fine.
You had agreed to stay home for a bit, just to get some food together so that the pack would actually have enough to eat otherwise they would be asking you to make more for them – Sam would yell at them afterwards, but you would still make it.
You glanced over at the sofa, and saw Sam's phone on the arm of the sofa. You quickly ran to grab it, and then disappeared from the house to see Sam already in the truck.
You tried to get him to notice you, by waving your arms around but that didn't work as he seemed to be looking around for something.
Just as you reached the door of the cab, on Sam's side, he swung it open which hit you immediately and knocked you out.
You felt yourself being lifted up, your brain presumed it was Sam.
You tried to open your eyes, but the pounding in your head and the aching of your body made you stop.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, you were lying on the same sofa that Sam's phone previously sat on. And Sam was now looking like a kicked puppy, sat opposite you on the other sofa.
"Fuck...I feel like I got hit by a car" you said, trying to sit up but then wincing as the aching came back "Wait I did? And it was your car?" you asked yourself, concluding what happened.
Sam got up frantically, and kneeled in front of you "Oh god, Baby I am so so sorry – I can't believe I did that, I didn't even look, I should've looked ... you're my imprint, how could I ever hurt you? I am such a bad fiancée, how can I say that I hurt my futu-" Sam rambled an apology but you quickly cut him off.
"Sam, I am completely fine – sure, a little achy, but nothing I can't handle" you told him and he sighed, taking your hand in his.
"Why did you come out to me anyway?" he asked, as he helped you to sit up.
Sam sat beside you and you grabbed his phone out of your pocked "You left this on the sofa" you handed him the phone as you spoke.
"I hit you with my freaking car door, because you came to give me my phone?" he asked in disbelief and you laughed.
"Next time, look out the window before opening your door" you joked and he pulled you into a kiss.
You stood up and put on Sam's jacket, "Come on, let's go pick the pack up – you would've been way too early for them before" you said.
Sam smiled and stood up "Okay Mrs Alpha" he said with a jokey tone.
The two of you climbed into his truck, and you intertwined your fingers with Sam's "How are you feeling?" Sam asked as he drove.
"The aching has gone away, but I still have a bit of a headache" you explained and Sam let go of your hand, before reaching into the centre console.
He passed you a pack of paracetamol and a bottle of water "Why do you have water in there?" you asked, as you took the things from him.
"Because when we go out on runs, at least one of the lads will want a drink" he explained so you nodded before taking the paracetamol.
Sam pulled into the reservation car park, and you saw Quil, Embry and Seth stood with Jacob and then Paul was also there.
You got out of the car, Jacob saw you and ran over to hug you but Sam quickly stood in front of you "She's hurt, I don't advise hugging the hell out of her" he told Jacob and Jacob looked at Sam in surprise.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Paul demanded, once the three of you reached where Jacob's bike was.
"He accidentally hit me with the door of his truck" you explained sheepishly, leaning into Sam once he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
Quil, Embry and Seth started laughing whilst Paul and Jacob glared at Sam "She said it was an accident" Sam defended, but Paul and Jacob did not break their glares.
"Do you lot want a lift back to ours or not?" you asked in despair "We have food, and if you don't get your arses in that truck" you told them as you pointed towards your vehicle "I will never bake for any of you again" you threatened.
Paul ran to get in the back of the truck, which left Embry, Quil and Seth to sit in the very back whilst Jacob got on his bike "See you soon Y/N" he told you, kissing your cheek before driving off.
"Come on, we have children to attend to" Sam joked, making you roll your eyes.
Written by Hannah.
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